To represent the two 2-D matrices in a single bar graph plot - matlab

I do have generated two 2-D dimensional matrices from my core process. Now, I want to represent them via the bar graphs.
I could manage to get the 3d bar graph for independant matrix as shown in figures attached.
My data matrices are
"xData" - size is : (52 x 46 )
"yData" - size is : (52 x 46)
They'll always have the same size.
Now, I want to represent them together in 'Grouped Style' As show in here. I got the 3D dimensional matrix by combining them (xData and yData) together i.e. generated 52 x 46 x 2 matrix and then tried to plot with bar3 command; but, I got an error and couldn't plot.
Do you guys have any idea on how to do it ?

I manage to do that using a loop and this SO answer:
% generate random data
sz = [5 4];
xData = rand(sz);
yData = rand(sz);
% plot zeros in the same size to prepare plot
Z = zeros(sz);
h0 = bar3(Z);
axis tight
% plot each data column in a loop
hold on
for kk = 1:size(xData,2)
h1 = bar3([xData(:,kk),yData(:,kk)],'grouped');
% move current bars to their x position
cellfun(#(x) set(h1,'XData', x + (kk - 1)), get(h1,'XData'));


Matlab- Given matrix X with xi samples, y binary column vector, and a vector w plot all these into 3d graph

I have started to learn Machine Learning, and programming in matlab.
I want to plot a matrix sized m*d where d=3 and m are the number of points.
with y binary vector I'd like to color each point with blue/red.
and plot a plane which is described with the vertical vector to it w.
The problem I trying to solve is to give some kind of visual representation of the data and the linear predictor.
All I know is how to single points with plot3, but no any number of points.
Plot the points using scatter3()
hold on;
or using plot3()
plot(X(y,1),X(y,2),X(y,3),' o','MarkerEdgeColor','red','MarkerFaceColor','red');
hold on;
plot(X(~y,1),X(~y,2),X(~y,3),' o','MarkerEdgeColor','blue','MarkerFaceColor','blue');
There are a few ways to plot a plane. As long as w(3) isn't very close to 0 then the following will work okay. I'm assuming your plane is defined by x'*w+b=0 where b is a scalar and w and x are column vectors.
x1min = min(X(:,1)); x2min = min(X(:,2));
x1max = max(X(:,1)); x2max = max(X(:,2));
[x1,x2] = meshgrid(linspace(x1min,x1max,20), linspace(x2min, x2max, 20));
x3 = -(w(1)*x1 + w(2)*x2 + b)/w(3);
xlabel('x_1'); ylabel('x_2'); zlabel('x_3'); axis('vis3d');
Resulting plot

matlab scatter plot using colorbar for 2 vectors

I have a two columns of data. X = Model values of NOx concentrations and Y = Observations of NOx concentrations. Now, I want to scatter plot X, Y (markers varying with colors) as well as the colourbar which would show me the counts (i.e. number of data points in that range). X and Y are daily data for a year, i.e. 365 rows.
Please help me. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have attached a sample image.
If I understand you correctly, the real problem is creating the color information, which is, creating a bivariate histogram. Luckily, MATLAB has a function, hist3, for that in the Statistics & Machine Learning Toolbox. The syntax is
[N,C] = hist3(X,nbins)
where X is a m-by-2 matrix containing the data, and nbins is a 1-by-2 vector containing the number of bins in each dimension. The return value N is a matrix of size nbins(1)-by-nbins(2), and contains the histogram data. C is a 1-by-2 cell array, containing the bin centers in both dimensions.
% Generate sample data
X = randn(10000, 1);
Y = X + rand(10000, 1);
% Generate histogram
[N,C] = hist3([X,Y], [100,100]);
% Plot

drawing 3d contour plot from 3d vector

I want to draw a contour plot for 3D data.
I have a force in x,y,z directions I want to plot the contour3 for that
the dimensions of the Fx = 21x21X21 same for Fy and Fz
I am finding force = f*vector(x,y,z)
Fx(x,y,z) = force(1)
Fy(x,y,z) = force(2)
Fz(x,y,z) = force(3)
I did the following but it is not working with me ?? why and how can I plot that
FS = sqrt(Fx.^2 + Fy.^2 + Fz.^2);
x = -10:1:10;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x);
for i=1:length(FS)
for j = 1:length(FS)
for k=1:length(FS)
hold on
This is the error I am getting
Error using contour3 (line 129)
When Z is a vector, X and Y must also be vectors.
Your problem is that FS is not the same shape as X and Y.
Lets illustrate with a simple example:
X=[1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3];
Y=[1 2 3
1 2 3
1 2 3];
Z=[ 2 4 5 1 2 5 5 1 2];
Your data is probably something like this. How does Matlab knows which Z entry corresponds to which X,Y position? He doesnt, and thats why he tells you When Z is a vector, X and Y must also be vectors.
You could solve this by doing reshape(FS,size(X,1),size(X,2)) and will probably work in your case, but you need to be careful. In your example, X and Y don't seem programatically related to FS in any way. To have a meaningful contour plot, you need to make sure that FS(ii,jj,k)[ 1 ] corresponds to X(ii,jj), else your contour plot would not make sense.
Generally you'd want to plot the result of FS against the variables your are using to compute it, such as ii, jj or k, however, I dont know how these look like so I will stop my explanation here.
I'm not sure if this solution is what you want.
Your problem is that contour and contour3 are plots to represent scalar field in 2D objects. Note that ball is 2D object - every single point is defined by angles theta and phi - even it is an object in "space" not in "plane".
For representation of vector fields there is quiver, quiver3, streamslice and streamline functions.
If you want to use contour plot, you have to transform your data from vector field to scalar field. So your data in form F = f(x,y,z) must be transformed to form of H = f(x,y). In that case H is MxN matrix, x and y are Mx1 and Nx1 vectors, respectively. Then contour3(x,y,H) will work resulting in so-called 3D graph.
If you rely on vector field You have to specify 6 vectors/matrices of the same size of corresponding x, y, z coordinates and Fx, Fy, Fz vector values.
In that case quiver3(x,y,z,Fx,Fy,Fz) will work resulting in 6D graph. Use it wisely!
As I comment the Ander's answer, you can use colourspace to get more dimensions, so You can create 5D or, theoretically, 6D, because you have x, y, z coordinates for position and R, G, B coordinates for the values. I'd recommend using static (x,y,R,G,B) for 5D graph and animated (x,y,t,R,G,B) for 6D. Use it wisely!
In the example I show all approaches mentioned above. i chose gravity field and calculate the plane 0.25 units below the centre of gravity.
Assume a force field defined in polar coordinates as F=-r/r^3; F=1/r^2.
Here both x and yare in range of -1;1 and same size N.
F is the MxMx3 matrix where F(ii,jj) is force vector corresponding to x(ii) and y(jj).
Matrix H(ii,jj) is the norm of F(ii,jj) and X, Y and Z are matrices of coordinates.
Last command ensures that F values are in (-1;1) range. The F./2+0.5 moves values of F so they fit into RGB range. The colour meaning will be:
black for (-1,-1,-1),
red for (1,-1,-1),
grey for (0,0,0)
Un-comment the type of plot You want to see. For quiver use resolution of 0.1, for other cases use 0.01.
clear all,close all
% Definition of coordinates
%definition of matrices
F=zeros([max(size(x))*[1 1],3]); % matrix of the force
X=zeros(max(size(x))*[1 1]); % X coordinates for quiver3
Y=X; % Y coordinates for quiver3
Z=X+z; % Z coordinates for quiver3
% Force F in polar coordinates
% F=-1/r^2
% spherical -> cartesian transformation
for ii=1:max(size(x))
for jj=1:max(size(y))
% temporary variables for transformations
xy= sqrt(x(ii)^2+y(jj)^2);
%filling the quiver3 matrices
if xy~=0 % 0/0 error for x=y=0
% quiver3(X,Y,Z,F(:,:,1),F(:,:,2),F(:,:,3));
% image(x,y,F./2+0.5),set(gca,'ydir','normal');
% surf(x,y,Z,F./2+.5,'linestyle','none')
% surf(x,y,H,'linestyle','none')
% contour3(x,y,H,15)

Plot vectors with labels in matlab

I have a Nx62 matrix with N 62-D vectors and a NX1 vector with the labels for the vectors. I am trying to plot these vectors with their labels because I want to see the behavior of these classes when plotted in a 62-dimensional space. The vectors belong to three classes according to the labels of a NX1 vector cited before.
How to to that in matlab? when i do plot(vector,classes) the result is very weird to analyse, how to put labels in the graph?
The code i am using to get the labels, vectors and plotting is the following:
%labels is a vector with labels, vectors is a matrix where each line is a vector
when I plot a three dimensional vector is simple
and then I get the result
but now i have a set of vectors and a set of labels, and i want to see the distribution of them, i want to plot each of these labels but also want to identify their classes. How to do that in matlab?
EDIT: This code is almost working. The problem is the fact that for each vector and class the plot will assign a color. I just want three colors and three labels, one per class.
%the plot doesn't allow negative and 0 values in the label
labels = {'class -1','class 0','class 1'};
h = plot(vector);
If I understand correctly, this does what you want:
N = 5;
classes = [1 2 3 1 2]; % class of each vector. Size N x 1
colors = {'r', 'g', 'b'}; % you can also define them numerically
matrix = rand(N,62); % example data. Size N x 62
labels = {'class 1','class 2','class 3'}; % class names. Size max(classes) x 1
h = plot(matrix.');
h_first = NaN(1,3); % initialization
for k = 1:max(classes)
ind = find(classes==k);
set(h(ind), 'color', colors{k}) % setting color to all plots of a given class
h_first(k) = h(ind(1)); % remember a handle of each color (for legend)

MATLAB - Pixelize a plot and make it into a heatmap

I have a matrix with x and y coordinates as well as the temperature values for each of my data points. When I plot this in a scatter plot, some of the data points will obscure others and therefore, the plot will not give a true representation of how the temperature varies in my data set.
To fix this, I would like to decrease the resolution of my graph and create pixels which represent the average temperature for all data points within the area of the pixel. Another way to think about the problem that I need to put a grid over the current plot and average the values within each segment of the grid.
I have found this thread - Generate a heatmap in MatPlotLib using a scatter data set - which shows how to use python to achieve the end result that I want. However, my current code is in MATLAB and even though I have tried different suggestions such as heatmap, contourf and imagesc, I can't get the result I want.
You can "reduce the resolution" of your data using accumarray, where you specify which output "bin" each point should go in and specify that you wish to take a mean over all points in that bin.
Some example data:
% make points that overlap a lot
n = 10000
% NOTE: your points do not need to be sorted.
% I only sorted so we can visually see if the code worked,
% see the below plot
Xs = sort(rand(n, 1));
Ys = rand(n, 1);
temps = sort(rand(n, 1));
% plot
scatter(Xs, Ys, 8, temps)
(I only sorted by Xs and temps in order to get the stripy pattern above so that we can visually verify if the "reduced resolution" worked)
Now, suppose I want to decrease the resolution of my data by getting just one point per 0.05 units in the X and Y direction, being the average of all points in that square (so since my X and Y go from 0 to 1, I'll get 20*20 points total).
% group into bins of 0.05
binsize = 0.05;
% create the bins
xbins = 0:binsize:1;
ybins = 0:binsize:1;
I use histc to work out which bin each X and Y is in (note - in this case since the bins are regular I could also do idxx = floor((Xs - xbins(1))/binsize) + 1)
% work out which bin each X and Y is in (idxx, idxy)
[nx, idxx] = histc(Xs, xbins);
[ny, idxy] = histc(Ys, ybins);
Then I use accumarray to do a mean of temps within each bin:
% calculate mean in each direction
out = accumarray([idxy idxx], temps', [], #mean);
(Note - this means that the point in temps(i) belongs to the "pixel" (of our output matrix) at row idxy(1) column idxx(1). I did [idxy idxx] as opposed to [idxx idxy] so that the resulting matrix has Y == rows and X == columns))
You can plot like this:
imagesc(xbins, ybins, out)
set(gca, 'YDir', 'normal') % flip Y axis back to normal
Or as a scatter plot like this (I plot each point in the midpoint of the 'pixel', and drew the original data points on too for comparison):
xx = xbins(1:(end - 1)) + binsize/2;
yy = ybins(1:(end - 1)) + binsize/2;
[xx, yy] = meshgrid(xx, yy);
scatter(Xs, Ys, 2, temps);
hold on;
scatter(xx(:), yy(:), 20, out(:));