sso session invalidation when using keycloak - keycloak

I am using mod_auth_openidc in front of keycloak and it works great.
There is one scenario where I am not sure what is the best way to handle.
1, user logs in to the application ( has a token ) via mod_auth_openidc
applications use the locale stored in the access token to display language dependent content
2, user goes to keycloak account page and changes it's locale
inside keycloak the new locale is stored
3, user returns to the any of the applications
sine mod_auth_openidc cached the access tokens they still contain the stale user attributes
is there a way to force mod_auth_openidc to invalidate the all access tokens and get the a new one from keycloak ?
I tried
and I did receive the new access token which is great. The new access token contains the right locale and user attributes.
Although the headers still contain stale data.
is this the right behaviour or is it a big in mod_open_id
anybody had any experience with this ?
ps: Also I am unable to logout now from this session
Thanks for any advise.


Vaadin 23 Stateless Authentication add custom attributes to JWT

Based on the following example, I'm trying to implement hybrid-stateless application.
Based on the information inside of the JWT token, I'm be able to fetch the required data from DB and cache it in HTTP Session after the application redeploy. I'm almost done with this, but I have one issue. My application uses Keycloak as SSO. In order to proper implement logout functionality, I have to kill Keycloak session as well. I know how to get all user sessions on all devices and kill them all… but I'd like to kill the only Keycloak session - specific to the current user browser. I know how to get Keycloak user session ID from OAuth2AuthenticationToken in my KeycloakVaadinAuthenticationSuccessHandler. But I aso need to persist it's value in JWT token in order to be able to fetch it after the application restart.
Is it possible to add a custom attribute to JWT token generated by the setStatelessAuthentication functionality? If so - please show how

How do I use Discord OAuth2 for user management and authentication in my application?

I'm building an application where I want to be able to create and authenticate users using Discord and OAuth2. The reasons are:
The application can be considered a "companion" app to a Discord community I am running, and
I don't want the users or myself to have to deal with usernames and passwords
The application consists of a client desktop application and backend services. I have a fairly basic understanding on how I authorize the user with Discord:
Client application goes to backend endpoint /oauth/login and the user is redirected to the Discord app approval page
The user confirms and is redirected to the backend callback /oauth/callback with a code that can be used to fetch a pair of access and refresh tokens.
Frankly, from this point I am kind of stumped on how the rest of the authentication should work. I assume at least the following:
I need to create a user entry in my database with at least an UID (for simplicity the same as the one for the user in Discord), the access and refresh token pair. If user is already created, update the database with the new tokens.
Whenever the application needs user information from Discord it should use the access token. If it has expired, exchange the refresh token with Discord to get a new token pair.
But now what? This only authenticates the user against Discord. I want to leverage the fact that the user is authenticated with Discord to be authenticated to my application. Here are some general questions I have:
Do I make a new token for the user to use for subsequent requests to my backend endpoints? Or do I return the Discord access token to the desktop client?
What do I do when the token expires? Do I also need a "exchange" endpoint for the desktop client to refresh the token (possibly that just forwards to Discord to get a new token, depending on the answer to my previous question).
This all feels like it should be very basic, but I am out of my comfort zone here and need some help to be unblocked.
Thanks for reading!
Your own application should effectively have its own session system.
The easiest is likely to just use HttpOnly cookie-based sessions, which something like a Redis store (or Memory store if this is a toy project).
The session data on the server should contain information on which user is currently logged in. You should probably store the discord access and refresh token in a database.
The simplest way to deal with refreshing, is to simply call their refresh token endpoint as soon as you get a 401 response. If discord provides information on how long access tokens are valid, you could also preemptively refresh instead of only doing this when you get the 401. Your server does the refreshing, you don't need an endpoint for this.
Generally I can recommend that your server handles all interactions with the discord API, and never your client. (aside from the initial authorization step).

JWT default GET action limitation?

I've successfully used cookies before and I'd like to begin using JWT. My biggest question is how to pass your token to a website during the initial GET operation, for example when a user types your domain into their address bar or clicks on a link from some other website like google.
When using cookies for example, if you type into your web browser, the persistent cookie is sent to the website which seamlessly allows your own stackoverflow session to be automatically authorized.
I am aware that I can programatically pass my JWT token via a javascript GET through the HTTP headers but how do you pass the token when a visitor types in your URL into their web browser?
Possible solution #1
My thoughts have been to have javascript code check if 'authorized'. If not, check for a JWT token in local storage. If found, redirect to the same address. The problem of course would be that there is no way to pass the token during a redirect.
Possible solution #2
Similar to above but not issuing a redirect, I would update the current page to reflect the 'authorized' state.
Possible solution #3
Use a permanent cookie containing the JWT token. I am thinking that this 3rd option would be the best. If I did this, there would be no need to pass the JWT via an HTTP header.
I've thought about this for a few days, read up on JWT and here are my conclusions for avoiding JWT in my particular case:
No easy way to authorize a user who opens their browser and types in your website. With cookies, your server immediately knows how to respond to this headerless GET request.
No way to easily change the JWT token signature. All users are immediately affected by such a change, essentially forcing everyone to authenticate again.
No way to easily invalidate a specific JWT token. The best you can do is to maintain and check a banned signature list on the server. This of course would require a centralized or distributed server method almost identical to a cookie session management system. This would force a coupling between the token and the server, no longer stateless as intended by JWT.
Cookie management requires more server infrastructure but you have much greater session control. State is seamless (in the case of #1 above). You can instantly invalidate state. For example, the user can log out (deleting the session at the server level) or the session can be instantly banned by an administrator by simply deleting the session.
I also see the benefits to JWS:
no need to hit the db or cache system when authorizing.
simple authorization between multiple servers having the secret key.
simple authorization, no session management programming and no db session state storage required.
...but the drawbacks stated previously are too great for my particular needs.

Restrict front client connexion with groups / roles in a realm

I'm looking for a way to restrict user access to specific clients in a realm.
I know I can do it with client where Authorization is enabled (fine-grained authorization support) but it doesn't work when trying to connect from front (client need to be public and not confidential).
I'm using a javascript application to login from front-end.
Is there a way to enable Authorization for public client or a work around ?
I'm not sure if this will totally answer your question because it's still not specific enougth but it may give you some further help.
In case you're new to the topic, please see difference between public and confidential clients here.
The current best practice for public clients like HTML/Javascipt applications is to use OpenId Connect with the Authorization Code Flow + PKCE. HTTPS is of course a must have. I recommend you use a javascript openid connect adapter for this like the following for example:
Basically your authentication / authorization flow is shown here:
When the user wants to login from your frontend client application first a unique verifier is generated which is only available to the exact user / browser session. This value get's hashed as a code challege. Then the user gets redirected to the login page of your authorization server (Keycloak for example) passing some parameters like a redirect uri and the challenge.
With successful login the user get's a session at the keycloak server which also stores the hashed challenge. Then the user gets redirected to given redirect uri (a path in your application) together with a code to obtain an access token. Back in your application you application uses the original value together with the code to get the actual token. The authorization server ckecks the value against the stored challenge and geturns the access token if it matches. You see the extra verifier is to prevent that anybody compromises your code fragment to obtain a token on your behalf.
Now you have an encoded access token in your browser app. Note the token itself is normally only encoded not encrypted but it can be signed. Those signatures can later be used from your backend to ckeck the token integrity but we will come to that soon. Roles, claimes, scopes and so on included in your access token tell you the privileges of the user/identity. You can of course use them to enable/disable functions in your app, block routes etc. but in the end client protection is never really effective so your real authorization ande resource protection happens at your resource server which is your backend (node, .net core, java etc.) maybe a restful Web Api. You pass your access token as a part of the http request header with every request to the backend. Now your backend checks the token integrity (optional) expiration time etc. analyzes scopes, claimes and roles to restrict the resource access.
For example a simple GET myapi/car/{1} may only need a token or can even be annonymous while a POST myapi/cars or PUT myapi/car/{1} may need a special role or higher privileges.
Does that help you out?

Cookie based SSO

How can I implement a cookie based single sign on without a sso server?
I would to share the user logged in across multiple applications using
only a cookie on the browser.
In my mind it's working like this:
user logs in an application
the application verifies the credentials and then it setting up a cookie on
the browser storing the username (that could be coded with a private key)
if the user opens another application, it searches the cookie and reads
the username on the value (using the key for decode the string)
In this solution a user may see the browser cookie (of a another user)
and take the string codified of the username. Then he could adding it on
an own cookie (no good!).
There's some secure way to do this? With a timestamp based control or
something like this?
Thanks in advance.
I know that my english isn't very well.. sorry for this!
This is impossible. Cookies are unique to each domain, and one domain cannot read another domain's cookies.
I think the answer comes a little late, but maybe I can help someone.
You can have a cookie / localStorage in an intermediate domain connected to the home page using an iframe
1) Login
The login form in any of your domains deposits the identification token in a cookie on by an event (postMessage)
2) Verification
domain1 and domain2 include a iframe pointing to, which reads the token and notifies the home page
To simplify development, we have released recently a cross domain SSO with JWT at
There is a simple solution without using an sso server, but not with 1 common cookie, as we know that cookie's are not shared between domains.
When the user authenticates on, you set a cookie on domain. Then on, you link a dynamic javascript from, generated by server side script (php, etc) who has access to the created cookie, and then copy the same cookie on on the client-side using js. Now both sites have the same cookie, without the need of asking the user to re-login.
You may encrypt/encode the cookie value using a method that both site-a and site-b knows how to decode, so that site-b will be able to validate his cookie copy. Use a common shared secret that without it will be impossible to encode or decode.
You see that on the 1st page load of, the cookie is not present, therefore if you see necessary, you may want to do a page reload after setting the cookie.
I have done something similar. There is a PHP application where the user logs in, the system contact a web service and then the service checks the user's credentials on the Active Directory. When the user is authenticated, his PHP session is stored in the DB. Another web application can read the PHP session from the cookies and uery a web service in the PHP applicaiton, the PHP application check the session in the database and return the user id. In this way I have a SSO using SOA.
Do not rely on the user id stored in the browser, is a security error, at least encrypt the id.
The best solution would be to put the login form and session storage in the same application, then this application can provide services to other applications.
And use HTTPS for the kind of infomation exchange.
The cookies can be read only if the belongs to the same domain, for instance:
You can access cookies across subdomains, but I do not think using browser cookies is a great solution. You really don't need a "SSO server" to implement a single sign-on. It is fairly easy to come up with a payload that both applications recognize. I have seen custom SSO solutions that transmit the payload using XML over HTTPS.
Here is a solution (which will hopefully get heavily scrutinized by security gurus on here):
Have each domain store user data in a similar cookie, and when a user want to jump from one domain to another without authenticating themselves on the new domain, provide a "jumplink" with an encrypted token in the query string. The new domain would decrypt the cookie, and figure out who the user is, then issue them a new cookie for that domain. You would want the "jumplink" to have a very short expiration date, so I would not generate them right into the page, but generate links to a "jumplink" generator and re-director.
This might not be necessary, but the receiving page for the "jumplink" could make a web service call back to the originating domain, to verify the authenticity of the encrypted token and the whether it's expired.
I think this solution would be susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks (not sure if it would be more so than other auth mechanisms which are currently popular), but you could incorporate a client MAC address and IP address into the encrypted token for extra security.