Collection find method doesn't work on Angular 2 recursive function - mongodb

I'm developing Angular2 with Meteor.
When I make a little component with a recursive function, it has some weird error.
Here is my part of codes.
Not recursive - return a result
ngOnInit() {
//this.current_canvas return the right results
this.current_canvas = this.get_canvase(1);
get_canvase(which_canvas): Canvas[] {
if (!isNaN(which_canvas)) {
this.current_canvas_id = which_canvas;
return CanvasContents.find().map((messages: Canvas[]) => { return messages; })[0].content;
return '';
} else if(which_canvas == 'most-recent') {
Recursive - Don't return a result
ngOnInit() {
//this.current_canvas Goes to NUll
this.current_canvas = this.get_canvase('most-recent');
get_canvase(which_canvas): Canvas[] {
if (!isNaN(which_canvas)) {
this.current_canvas_id = which_canvas;
console.log('this.current_canvas_id : ' + this.current_canvas_id);
return CanvasContents.find().map((messages: Canvas[]) => { return messages; })[0].content;
return '';
} else if(which_canvas == 'most-recent') {
Have I used a wrong syntax? or is it on wrong Angular2 state to get right result?


Cesium too much recursion error on using CallbackProperty to fetch entity description

The entities are updated multiple times in a second. I want to fetch description details at each position and using callback property. The same code is working if I return time or any constant value but gives too much recursion error when I return the description of the entity.
viewer.selectedEntityChanged.addEventListener(function(selectedEntity) {
if (Cesium.defined(selectedEntity)) {
if (Cesium.defined(selectedEntity.description)) {
console.log('Selected ' +;
selectedEntity.description = new Cesium.CallbackProperty(function(time) {
var currentDescription = selectedEntity.description.getValue(time);
return currentDescription;
// return time;
}, false);
} else {
console.log('Unknown entity selected.');
} else {

How to search for 2 different parameters in dart list?

How to search for 2 different parameters in a dart list?
Is there a simple method?
Can I solve the problem using contains?
void _runFilter(String searchKeyword) {
List<Product> results = [];
if (searchKeyword.isEmpty) {
results = allProducts;
} else {
results = allProducts.where(
(element) => || element.image.toLowerCase().contains(searchKeyword.toLowerCase()),
results = results +
(element) => element.image.toLowerCase().contains(
// refresh the UI
setState(() {
filteredProducts = results;
You can write all sorts of if-else-combinations in a closure. If you use the {} notation instead of => it will become clearer. Something like this will accomplish what you are looking for:
results = allProducts.where( (element) {
if ( {
return true;
} else if ( element.image.toLowerCase().contains(searchKeyword.toLowerCase()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
If this step is clear, you can then try to combine individual statements into a boolean combination via || or && if this looks more convenient in your code.

How to pass a test if expect fails

I have this code
it('This should pass anyway', function (done) {
this.testIt = function (regStr) {
selector.count().then(function (orgCount) {
for (var curr = 0; curr < count; curr++) {
checkField(curr, regStr);
function checkField(curr, regStr) {
selector.get(curr).all(by.tagName('li')).get(0).getInnerHtml().then(function (text) {
expect(text).to.match(regStr, curr + '#ERR');
If one of these expects get a failure, test fails. How can i handle this? I mean - can i somehow count passed and failed expect()ations and return it? or, at least, dont let test break on first error.
I've tried try-catch, but nothing good happened.
it('This should pass anyway', function (done) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('#err' + e);
And then i wanted to use done(), but havent found any examples to do the similar. Can u please help me?
Sry for my english
You can return either null or a string from checkField(), join them up, and expect the array to be empty:
this.testIt = function (regStr) {
selector.count().then(function (orgCount) {
var errors = [];
for (var curr = 0; curr < orgCount; curr++) {
var e = checkField(curr, regStr);
if (e) { errors.push(e); }
assert.equal(0, errors.length, errors);
A cleaner approach would be to use map() to collect the data into an array:
var data = (elm) {
return elm.element(by.tagName('li')).getText();
expect(data).toEqual(["test1", "test2", "test3"]);

How to check if text is found in column in Protractor

I'm trying to assert that a name is displayed in a column of a table. I've written an inResults function that will iterate through a column's text to see if a name exists. Here's what I'm trying:
Page object:
this.names = element.all(by.repeater('row in rows').column('{{row}}'));
this.inResults = function(nameString) {
var foundit = '';
this.names.each(function(name) {
name.getText().then(function(it) {
console.log(it); // each name IS printed...
if(it == nameString) {
console.log('it\'s TRUE!!!!'); // this gets printed...
foundit = true;
return foundit; // returns '' but should be true?
Spec expect:
Both console statements print as expected... but my expect fails as foundit's value is still ''. I've tried this a number of ways and none are working. What am I missing?
I've devised what I think is a better/cleaner way to solve this. It's less complex and doesn't require locator/css code in the method.
// locator
this.friendName = function(text) { return element.all(by.cssContainingText('', text)) };
// method
this.inResults = function(name) {
return this.friendName(name).then(function(found) {
return found.length > 0;
I've added this to my protractor_example project on GitHub...
I would recommend you to use filter:
this.inResults = function(nameString) {
return this.names.filter(function(name) {
return name.getText().then(function(text) {
return text === nameString;
}).then(function(filteredElements) {
// Only the elements that passed the filter will be here. This is an array.
return filteredElements.length > 0;
// This will be a promise that resolves to a boolean.
Use map to do this.This will return a deferred that will resolve with the values in an array, so if you have this:
this.mappedVals =element.all(by.repeater('row in rows').column('{{row}}')).map(function (elm) {
return elm.getText();
It will resolve like this:
this.inResults = function(nameString) {
var foundit = '';
mappedVals.then(function (textArr) {
// textArr will be an actual JS array of the text from each node in your repeater
for(var i=0; i<textArr.length; i++){
if(it == textArr[i]) {
console.log('it\'s TRUE!!!!'); // this gets printed...
foundit = true;
return foundit;
And Use that in Spec file like,

Silverstripe 3.1.x getting values from Parent

I would like to get a generic function working for getting Data in Template of a Page and if the property is not set, getting it from the Parent or Parents Parent and so on. With generic I mean independent of Relations like db, HasOne, HasMany, ManyMany. Let's say I have this for ManyMany but would like to detect if it's a Object, HasManyList or ManyManyList or a value. Is anything like this built in or how would you go about?
function ManyManyUpUntilHit($ComponentName){
$Component = $this->getManyManyComponents($ComponentName);
if($Component && $Component->exists())
return $Component;
$Parent = $this->Parent();
if(is_object($Parent) && $Parent->ID != 0){
return $Parent->ManyManyUpUntilHit($ComponentName);
} else {
return null;
in template:
There is no in built method to do this in Silverstripe. You will need to write your own function to do this.
Here is an example to get a page's has_one, has_many or many_many resource by parameter, or go up the site tree until a resource is found, or we hit a root page:
function getComponentRecursive($componentName) {
// has_one
if ($this->has_one($componentName)) {
$component = $this->getComponent($componentName);
if (isset($component) && $component->ID)
return $component;
// has_many
if ($this->has_many($componentName)) {
$components = $this->getComponents($componentName);
if (isset($components) && $components->count())
return $components;
// many_many
if ($this->many_many($componentName)) {
$components = $this->getManyManyComponents($componentName);
if (isset($components) && $components->count())
return $components;
if ($this->ParentID != 0)
return $this->Parent()->getComponentRecursive($componentName);
return false;