Wicket NumberTextField in Kotlin throws ClassCastException when submitted - wicket

I'm having some issues with a Wicket (8.0.0-M4) NumberTextField in Kotlin (1.1.0).
My stripped-down form looks like this:
class Test : AbstractWebPage() {
val housenumberModel: Model<Int> = Model<Int>()
val housenumber = NumberTextField<Int>("housenumberModel", housenumberModel)
val form: Form<Unit> = object : Form<Unit>("adressForm") {}
override fun onInitialize() {
form.add(object : SubmitLink("submit") {
override fun onSubmit() {
println(housenumberModel.`object`) // this is line 28
After submitting the form I get the following stacktrace:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to
at com.mycompany.test.pages.Test$onInitialize$1.onSubmit(Test.kt:28)
at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.delegateSubmit(Form.java:1312)
at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.process(Form.java:979)
at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.onFormSubmitted(Form.java:802)
at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form.onRequest(Form.java:715)
at org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.ListenerRequestHandler.internalInvoke(ListenerRequestHandler.java:301)
at org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.ListenerRequestHandler.invoke(ListenerRequestHandler.java:250)
at org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.ListenerRequestHandler.invokeListener(ListenerRequestHandler.java:210)
at org.apache.wicket.core.request.handler.ListenerRequestHandler.respond(ListenerRequestHandler.java:203)
at org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle$HandlerExecutor.respond(RequestCycle.java:912)
at org.apache.wicket.request.RequestHandlerExecutor.execute(RequestHandlerExecutor.java:65)
at org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle.execute(RequestCycle.java:283)
at org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle.processRequest(RequestCycle.java:253)
at org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle.processRequestAndDetach(RequestCycle.java:221)
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter.processRequestCycle(WicketFilter.java:262)
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter.processRequest(WicketFilter.java:204)
at org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WicketFilter.doFilter(WicketFilter.java:286)
If I use
val housenumberModel: Model<Int> = Model.of(0)
instead of
val housenumberModel: Model<Int> = Model<Int>()
everything works fine. But since my NumberTextField is optional I don't want to have it pre-initialized with 0.
Me and my colleagues were trying to change the type signature of the Model in every way we could imagine but came to no solution. A co-worker suggested to write a custom Wicket converter since Kotlins Int is represendeted as a primitive type (From the docs: "On the JVM, non-nullable values of this type are represented as values of the primitive type int.") Even though I don't know yet if this would work it seems like an overkill for me.
Another hack I could think of: writing some JavaScript to delete the zero from the input field. Also not really something I would want to do.
Question: Is there a simple solution to my problem?
(And as a bonus-question: has already anyone written a larger Wicket application in Kotlin and could tell me if this combination is ready for prime time to develop a critical project with this stack or is my problem just the tip of the iceberg?)
Solution as pointed out by svenmeier:
val housenumber = NumberTextField<Int>("housenumberModel", housenumberModel, Int::class.java)
Or as an alternative:
val housenumbervalue: Int? = null
val housenumberModel: IModel<Int> = PropertyModel<Int>(this, "housenumbervalue")
val housenumber = NumberTextField<Int>("housenumberModel", housenumberModel)

Because of type erasure your NumberTextField cannot detect the generic type parameter of your model. Since your model object is null, it cannot be used to derive the type either.
In this case Wicket assumes a String model object type :/.
Either provide the type to the NumberTextField explicitly, or use a model that keeps its generic information, e.g. a PropertyModel.

There is a way to tell wicket about the type you want, it is by adding the type in the constructor. More here.
In Java it looks like this:
new NumberTextField<Integer>("housenumberModel", housenumberModel, Integer.class);


Kotlin creating a Word class for an 8-bit emulator

I'm looking for help with a resurrection of a 6502 emulator I wrote in Java many moons ago and now converting to Kotlin. Yes, there's lot out there, but this is my implementation so I could learn how to create emulators and now, how to use Kotlin.
I require a Word class for addresses, i.e.:
class Word(initValue: Int = 0x0000) {
var value = initValue
get() = field
set(newValue) {
field = newValue and 0xFFFF
I can't extend Int, thus I assume I have an internal copy inside my class (if there's a better way, I'd love to hear it).
Using this:
val address = Word()
Is trivial and I can use it with lots of address.value += 123 to move to another location. Further to this, I can add functions to perform Add, Inc, Dec etc.
However, is there a way I can modify the class so I can:
address += 123
I'm not sure how or what the approach is for this? I'd prefer NOT to have a lot of:
address.add(123) or address.value += 123
in my emulator.
Any advice would be really appreciated.
Unlike Java, Kotlin allows for operator overloading.
Find the documentation here
From the documentation you can use operator keyword to create overloaded function
data class Counter(val dayIndex: Int) {
operator fun plus(increment: Int): Counter {
return Counter(dayIndex + increment)

Javafx's #FXML fields not being populated in certain cases

I have been experiencing a very strange phenomenon when using JavaFX with Scala (I'm not using ScalaFX at the moment). It seems that my Controller can correctly wire a tableView object:
class MainController extends Initializable {
#FXML private var tableView: TableView[Trade] = null
I then have the following initialization code:
override def initialize(location: URL, resources: ResourceBundle): Unit = {
which correctly prints
TableView[id=tableView, styleClass=table-view]
but now if I add the following code:
override def initialize(location: URL, resources: ResourceBundle): Unit = {
val refresher = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(5), new EventHandler[ActionEvent]() {
override def handle(event: ActionEvent) {
then the original println() will print null instead. "abc" will never be printed.
This seems like black magic. I've been able to consistently observe this behavior.
Any clues why is this happening? It seems to somehow be related with closures, or even Scala. I have yet to try a similar example in Java, but this seems really, really odd.
After a lot of digging and running a decompiler I could figure out what the issue was.
The issue is probably only going to happen in Scala.
There's an easy fix for this: always declare your #FXML fields as public and no problem will occur.
The problem arises when the field is private and a closure needs to access this private field. Because for the general case the closure can't access the field as it is private, the compiler will on your behalf create an object at the class level and will put your field inside it. But that enclosing object will have a strange name and as such Javafx's framework will not be able to correctly populate this field for you!

scala reassignment to val in Option Class

My code looks like:
case class SRecord(trialId: String, private var _max:Int) {
def max=_max
def max_=(value:Int):Unit=_max=value
Then later on I apply a function onto it:
def groupSummaryRecords(it:Iterator[Option[SRecord]], optionSummary:Option[SRecord]):Option[SRecord] = {
var max=0;
var sRecord1 : Option[SRecord] = None
var i=0
while(it.hasNext) {
var sRecord:Option[SRecord] = it.next();
if(i==0) {
sRecord1 = sRecord;
sRecord1.max=max; // getting 'reassignment to val' compilation error
Why am i getting this compilation error, and how to fix it ?
If I instead change sRecord and sRecord1 instances to be of type SRecord instead of Option[SRecord] as well as the method signature, it all works fine however.
But in some cases I may have a null SRecord hence the use of None/Some. I am new to Scala, using Option/Some all over feels like a real pain if you ask me, i am just thinking of removing all this Option nonsense and testing for 'null' in good ol' Java, at least my code would work ??!
With the line sRecord1.max=max you are trying to call the max method on an Option[SRecord], not an SRecord. You want to access the contained SRecord (if any) and call the method on that, which can be done using foreach:
which is desugared to:
sRecord1.foreach( srec => srec.max=max )
(the actual name "srec" is made up, the compiler will assign some internal name, but you get the idea). If sRecord1 is None, this won't do anything, but if it is Some(srec), the method execution will be passed in to operate on the contained instance.

Cannot access the parameter of a Menu.param from a Lift Snippet

I'm trying to extract the parameter from a Lift Menu.param within a snippet so that I can use it to create a named Comet. However, I get a NullPointerException when I try to pass the parameter to the snippet using SnippetDisptach in my Boot.scala, as suggested here:
I've created the Menu item as follows:
object AnItemPage {
// create a parameterized page
def menu = Menu.param[Item]("Item", "Item",
s => fetchItem(s), item => item._id.toString) / "item"
private def fetchItem(s:String) : Box[Item] = synchronized {
I've added the menu to SiteMap. I've also created a Snippet which I would like to pick up the Item parameter. (I'm using fmpwizard's InsertNamedComet library here):
class AddCometItemPage(boxedItem: Box[Item]) extends InsertNamedComet with DispatchSnippet{
val item : Item = boxedItem.openOr(null)
override lazy val name= "comet_item_" + item._id.toString
override lazy val cometClass= "UserItemCometActor"
def dispatch = null
My next step is to crate an instance of this class as demonstrated by David Pollak here:
This is what I have added to my Boot.scala:
LiftRules.snippetDispatch.append {
case "item_page" => new AddCometItemPage(AnItemPage.menu.currentValue)
My item.html references this snippet:
<div class="lift:item_page">
I get the following null pointer exception when I compile and run this:
Exception occurred while processing /item/5114eb4044ae953cf863b786
Message: java.lang.NullPointerException
Has anybody any idea where I'm going wrong? I've not been able to find a lot of information on Menu.param.
Thank you very much for your help.
I have never tried what you are doing, so I am not sure the best way to accomplish it. The way you are using the Loc Param, you are extracting a variable from a URL pattern. In your case, http://server/item/ITEMID where ITEMID is the string representation of an Item, and which is the value that gets passed to the fetchItem function. The function call will not have a value if you just arbitrarily call it, and from what I can see you are requesting a value that is not initialized.
I would think there are two possible solutions. The first would be to use S.location instead of AnItemPage.menu.currentValue. It will return a Box[Loc[Any]] representing the Loc that is currently being accessed (with the parameters set). You can use that Loc to retrive currentValue and set your parameter.
The other option would be to instantiate the actor in your snippet. Something like this:
<div data-lift="AnItemPage">
<div id="mycomet"></div>
And then in your AnItemPage snippet, something like this:
class AnItemPage(item: Item) {
def render = "#mycomet" #> new AddCometItemPage(item).render
I haven't tested either of those, so they'll probably need some tweaking. Hopefully it will give you a general idea.

Scala problem with jMock expectations and returning a value from mock

Solved. IntelliJ didn't highlight the fact that my imports were incomplete.
I have a simple Scala program that I'm trying to develop using jMock. Setting basic expectations works nicely but for some reason Scala does not understand my attempt to return a value from a mock object. My maven build spews out the following error
TestLocalCollector.scala:45: error: not found: value returnValue
one (nodeCtx).getParameter("FilenameRegex"); will( returnValue(regex))
And the respective code snippets are
#Before def setUp() : Unit = { nodeCtx = context.mock(classOf[NodeContext]) }
// the value to be returned
val regex = ".*\\.data"
// setting the expectations
one (nodeCtx).getParameter("FilenameRegex"); will( returnValue(regex))
To me it sounds that Scala is expecting that the static jMock method returnValue would be a val? What am I missing here?
Are you sure about the ';'?
one (nodeCtx).getParameter("FilenameRegex") will( returnValue(regex))
might work better.
In this example you see a line like:
expect {
one(blogger).todayPosts will returnValue(List(Post("...")))
with the following comment:
Specify what the return value should be in the same expression by defining "will" as Scala infix operator.
In the Java equivalent we would have to make a separate method call (which our favorite IDE may insist on putting on the next line!)
one(blogger).todayPosts; will(returnValue(List(Post("..."))))
-- semicolon only in the *Java* version
The OP explains it himself:
the returnValue static method was not visible, thus the errors.
And the will method just records an action on the latest mock operation, that's why it can be on the next line or after the semicolon :)
import org.jmock.Expectations
import org.jmock.Expectations._
new Expectations {
{ oneOf (nodeCtx).getParameter("FilenameRegex") will( returnValue(".*\\.data") ) }