Guice module integration issue with REST - rest

Guice module integration issue with REST
I have define one AOP guice based module, but when I tried to integrate with REST code, methodInvocation.proceed retun null.
What might be best way to solve this issue.
Define AOP Guice based module as below
#interface NotOnWeekends {}
public class WeekendBlocker implements MethodInterceptor {
public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {
Calendar today = new GregorianCalendar();
if (today.getDisplayName(DAY_OF_WEEK, LONG, ENGLISH).startsWith("S")) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
invocation.getMethod().getName() + " not allowed on weekends!");
return invocation.proceed();
public class NotOnWeekendsModule extends AbstractModule {
protected void configure() {
bindInterceptor(Matchers.any(), Matchers.annotatedWith(NotOnWeekends.class),
new WeekendBlocker());
But I tried to Integrate this with my REST API
public class WorkerBean implements Worker {
private WorkerRepository workerRepository;
public Collection<Worker> findAll() {
Collection<Worker> workers = workerRepository.findAll();
return workers;
public class WorkerController {
value = "/api/workers",
method = RequestMethod.GET,
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Collection<Worker>> getWorkers() {
Worker worker = Guice.createInjector(new NotOnWeekendsModule()).getInstance(Worker.class);
Collection<Worker> worker = worker.findAll(); // return null


#Inject constructor with parameters

I saw a method of using #inject annotation with parameter constructor. I found no use in #module in all parts of the project. I don't understand how this code injects or provides parameters in the constructor.
Can you help me analyze it?
Where is the datamanager provided?
In the whole project, #module + #provide is not used to provide datamanager. I only know that #inject can only annotate the parameterless constructor. I don't know where to instantiate the parameterless datamanager object. Thank you for your help
public class Scallop extends Application {
private ApplicationComponent applicationComponent;
public void onCreate() {
applicationComponent = DaggerApplicationComponent.builder()
.applicationModule(new ApplicationModule(this))
public ApplicationComponent getApplicationComponent() {
return applicationComponent;
application module:
public class ApplicationModule {
private Scallop application;
public ApplicationModule(Scallop application) { // 提供类的构造器,传入Applicaton
this.application = application;
Application provideApplication() {
return application;
Context provideContext() {
return application;
Retrofit provideRetrofit() {
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
return retrofit;
GankIOService provideGankIOService(Retrofit retrofit) {
return retrofit.create(GankIOService.class);
#Component(modules = ApplicationModule.class)
public interface ApplicationComponent {
Application getApplication();
DataManager getDataManager();
one class:
public class DataManager {
private GankIOService gankIOService;
private PreferencesHelper preferencesHelper;
public DataManager(GankIOService gankIOService, PreferencesHelper preferencesHelper) {
this.gankIOService = gankIOService;
this.preferencesHelper = preferencesHelper;
fragment module:
#Component(modules = FragmentModule.class, dependencies = ApplicationComponent.class)
public interface FragmentComponent {
void inject(HomeFragment homeFragment);
void inject(GanHuoPageFragment pageFragment);
void inject(XianDuFragment xianDuFragment);
void inject(XianDuPageFragment xianDuPageFragment);
void inject(PicturesFragment picturesFragment);
void inject(MoreFragment moreFragment);
#Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public #interface FragmentScope {
here Can't understand constructor with parameter is #inject
public class GanHuoPagePresenter extends BasePresenter<GanHuoPageContract.View>
implements GanHuoPageContract.Presenter {
private DataManager dataManager;
private Disposable disposable;
public GanHuoPagePresenter(DataManager dataManager) { // here here
this.dataManager = dataManager;
public void detachView() {
if (disposable != null) {
public void getGanHuo(String category, final int page) {
final List<GanHuo> ganHuoList = new ArrayList<>();
Observable<BaseResponse<GanHuo>> observable = dataManager.getGanHuo(category, page);
disposable = observable.subscribeOn(
.concatMap(new Function<BaseResponse<GanHuo>, ObservableSource<GanHuo>>() {
public ObservableSource<GanHuo> apply(#NonNull BaseResponse<GanHuo> ganHuoBaseResponse)
throws Exception {
return Observable.fromIterable(ganHuoBaseResponse.getResults());
}).filter(new Predicate<GanHuo>() {
public boolean test(#NonNull GanHuo ganHuo) throws Exception {
return !ganHuo.getType().equals("福利");
}).subscribe(new Consumer<GanHuo>() {
public void accept(GanHuo ganHuo) throws Exception {
}, new Consumer<Throwable>() {
public void accept(Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
}, new Action() {
#Override`enter code here`
public void run() throws Exception {
getView().showList(ganHuoList, page);
This is how it is used in V in MVP mode:
#Inject GanHuoPagePresenter presenter
That's constructor injection. By marking a constructor with #Inject Dagger knows about the object and can create it when needed. There's no need for modules, e.g. the following is a valid Dagger setup to create some Foo.
public class Foo {
public Foo() {}
interface MyComponent {
Foo getFoo();
That's not true that #Inject can only annotate the parameterless constructor. From documentation
Injectable constructors are annotated with #Inject and accept zero or more dependencies as arguments.
I found "your" project on Github so let's see where dependencies for GanHuoPagePresenter come from.
public GanHuoPagePresenter(DataManager dataManager) {
this.dataManager = dataManager;
public DataManager(GankIOService gankIOService,PreferencesHelper preferencesHelper){
// gankIOService is provided by ApplicationModule and preferencesHelper uses constructor injection
this.gankIOService = gankIOService;
this.preferencesHelper = preferencesHelper;
public PreferencesHelper(#ApplicationContext Context context){
// context is provided again by ApplicationModule
sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);

Integration Tests for RESTEasy Endpoint

I want to perform integration tests on my REST endpoint but am running into issues.
Below is my endpoint. NOTE: I cannot change this part of the code.
public class PersonResource {
private final PersonService personService;
public PersonResource(final PersonService personService) {
this.personService = personService;
public List<Person> getPersonList() {
return personService.getPersonList();
From what I've been able to find online, I have the following basic structure for my test.
public class PersonResourceTest {
private Dispatcher dispatcher;
private POJOResourceFactory factory;
public void setup() {
dispatcher = MockDispatcherFactory.createDispatcher();
factory = new POJOResourceFactory(PersonResource.class);
public void testEndpoint() throws URISyntaxException {
MockHttpRequest request = MockHttpRequest.get("people");
MockHttpResponse response = new MockHttpResponse();
dispatcher.invoke(request, response);
System.out.print("\n\n\n\n\n" + response.getStatus() + "\n\n\n\n\n");
System.out.print("\n\n\n\n\n" + response.getContentAsString() + "\n\n\n\n\n");
However, this results in the following error on the last line of the setup method.
java.lang.RuntimeException: RESTEASY003190: Could not find constructor for class: my.path.PersonResource
I explored the Registry API and thought maybe I should have been using addSingletonResource instead, so I changed the last line of setup to dispatcher.getRegistry().addSingletonResource(personResource); and added the following.
private PersonResource personResource;
But that results in a NullPointerException on the last line of setup.
The sparse documentation on the mocking isn't very helpful. Can anyone point out where I'm going wrong? Thanks.
You need to do two things
Add a no arguments constructor to your source class:
public PersonResource() {
In the test class, initialize the PersonResource class with an instance of PersonService class:
dispatcher.getRegistry().addSingletonResource(new PersonResource(new PersonService()));
If needed, the PersonService class can be mocked:
private Dispatcher dispatcher;
private PersonService service;
public void setup() {
dispatcher = MockDispatcherFactory.createDispatcher();
PersonResource resource= new PersonResource(service);
Hope it helps!

Spring 4, Mockito 2, Junit 4 in Eclipse Oxygen - DAO not mocked

I have an annotated Junit 4 test using JDK 1.8 running in Eclipse. I'm using Mockito to mock the DAO in the service class under test. The runner in the abstract class extends SpringJUnit4ClassRunner. When I run the test, the unimplemented method in the concrete DAO class is called, instead of the mocked method. I've searched and searched, and can't seem to find a solution. What am I doing wrong?
SOLVED - I changed the #InjectMocks #Autowired IOrganizationsService organizationsService; to remove the interface and autowiring, #InjectMocks OrganizationsService organizationsService; fixed below, and the DAO gets mocked. Now the question, why wasn't the DAO in the declaration using the interface mocked?
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { AppXmlConfigTest.class, AppConfig.class }, inheritLocations = false)
public class MockOrganizationsServiceTest extends AbstractCoreJunit4Test {
public MockOrganizationsServiceTest() {
OrganizationsService organizationsService;
IOrganizationsDao organizationsDao;
public void setupMock() {
public void testGetOrganizations() {
LocalDate localDate =;
List<OrganizationTypeEnum> organizationTypes = new ArrayList<OrganizationTypeEnum>();
List<AllocationStatusEnum> allocationStatuses = new ArrayList<AllocationStatusEnum>();
List<IOrganization> organizations = new ArrayList<IOrganization>();
IOrganization organization = new Organization();
Mockito.when(organizationsDao.getOrganizations(isA(LocalDate.class), isA(List.class), isA(List.class))).thenReturn(organizations);
List<IOrganization> orgs = organizationsService.getOrganizations(localDate, organizationTypes, allocationStatuses);
The service class is this,
public class OrganizationsService extends AbstractService implements IOrganizationsService {
IOrganizationsDao organizationsDao;
* #param organizationsDao the organizationsDao to set
public void setOrganizationsDao(IOrganizationsDao organizationsDao) {
this.organizationsDao = organizationsDao;
public List<IOrganization> getOrganizations(LocalDate effectiveDate, List<OrganizationTypeEnum> organizationTypes, List<AllocationStatusEnum> allocationStatuses) {
return organizationsDao.getOrganizations(effectiveDate, organizationTypes, allocationStatuses);
and the DAO is this,
public class OrganizationsDao extends AbstractDao implements IOrganizationsDao {
public List<IOrganization> getPendingOrganizations(LocalDate effectiveDate) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public List<IOrganization> getOrganizations(LocalDate effectiveDate, List<OrganizationTypeEnum> organizationTypeEnums,
List<AllocationStatusEnum> allocationStatuses) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
I think the issue here is that while mocking the method call you are using isA for parameters. As per my understanding, isA method is used for the verification not for passing the parameters. Try any method instead:
Mockito.when(organizationsDao.getOrganizations(any(LocalDate.class), any(List.class), any(List.class))).thenReturn(organizations);

Unreachable security context using Feign RequestInterceptor

The goal is to attach some data from security context using RequestInterceptor, but the problem, that the calling SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() always returns null even though it is not null (I am sure 100%).
As I understand that's because the Interceptor is created and is being run in other thread.
How could I solve this problem and get actual data from security context?
My service:
#FeignClient(value = "api", configuration = { FeignConfig.class })
public interface DocumentService {
#RequestMapping(value = "/list", method = RequestMethod.GET)
DocumentListOperation list();
My FeignConfig class:
public RequestInterceptor requestInterceptor() {
return new HeaderInterceptor(userService);
public class HeaderInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
private UserService userService;
public HeaderInterceptor(UserService userService) {
this.userService = userService;
public void apply(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) {
Authentication a = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()
requestTemplate.header("authentication", a.toString());
I managed to figure it out, thanks to the article I found here
Firstly you need to initiliaze HystrixRequestContext HystrixRequestContext.initializeContext();.
You have to create your own Context in which you will store information you need to pass to Hystrix child threads.
Here is example:
public class UserHystrixRequestContext {
private static final HystrixRequestVariableDefault<User> userContextVariable = new HystrixRequestVariableDefault<>();
private UserHystrixRequestContext() {}
public static HystrixRequestVariableDefault<User> getInstance() {
return userContextVariable;
You have to register new concurrency strategy that would wrap Callable interface
public class CustomHystrixConcurrencyStrategy extends HystrixConcurrencyStrategy {
public CustomHystrixConcurrencyStrategy() {
public <T> Callable<T> wrapCallable(Callable<T> callable) {
return new HystrixContextWrapper<T>(callable);
public static class HystrixContextWrapper<V> implements Callable<V> {
private HystrixRequestContext hystrixRequestContext;
private Callable<V> delegate;
public HystrixContextWrapper(Callable<V> delegate) {
this.hystrixRequestContext = HystrixRequestContext.getContextForCurrentThread();
this.delegate = delegate;
public V call() throws Exception {
HystrixRequestContext existingState = HystrixRequestContext.getContextForCurrentThread();
try {
} finally {
So before calling Callable object we set new thread's Context to parent's context.
After that is done you should be able to access your new defined context inside Hystrix child threads
User = UserHystrixRequestContext.getInstance().get();
Hope that will help someone.

How to use provider in Errai IOC?

I have a problem with #IocProvider (), annotation does not work.
The code is very similar to
public interface Test {
String getGreeting();
public class TestImpl implements Test {
public String getGreeting() {
return "Hello:)";
public class TestProvider implements Provider<Test> {
public Test get() {
return new TestImpl();
Then I want use DI in my broadcast service (errai-bus).
public class BroadcastService implements MessageCallback {
Test test;
MessageBus bus;
public BroadcastService(MessageBus bus) {
this.bus = bus;
public void callback(Message message) {
.with("BroadcastText", test.getGreeting()).errorsHandledBy(new ErrorCallback() {
public boolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) {
return true;
I get a error:
1) No implementation for com.gwtplatform.samples.basic.server.Test was bound.
while locating com.gwtplatform.samples.basic.server.Test
for field at com.gwtplatform.samples.basic.server.BroadcastService.test(
at org.jboss.errai.bus.server.service.ServiceProcessor$1.configure(
If I change the code to
TestImpl test;
It works, but I need the provider. Do you have some idea?
Because you're trying to use #IOCProvider in server-side code. Errai IOC is completely client-side.