Using Azure RM Powershell how do I find out which Recovery Services Vault VM is connected to? - powershell

I can clearly see they can do that in the Portal, so must be the way - without looping through all available recovery services vaults - to get the RSV VM belongs to.
In other words: I know only VM - Name, Id etc. I want to know the Vault it belongs to.
Without traversing through all the vaults in the subscription - I know how to achieve this, but it's too slow with many Vaults.
Traversing / Looping / FOREACHing through all vaults trying to find the VM is not an acceptable, although working, solution.


Getting started with Vault for existing non-containerized Windows apps

We have a bunch of Windows server applications that currently handle secrets as follows; our apps are in C#.
We store them in settings files in code
We store them encrypted, using a certificate
The servers have this certificate with the private key, so they can decrypt the secret
We're looking at implementing Hashicorp Vault. It seems easy enough to simply replace the encrypt-store-decrypt with storing the secret in Vault in the KV engine, and just grabbing it in our apps - that takes that certificate out of the picture entirely. Since we're on-prem, I'll need to figure out our auth method.
We have different apps running on different machines, and it's somewhat dynamic (not as much as an autoscaling scenario, but not permanent - so we can't just assign servers to roles one time and depend on Kerberos auth).
I'm unsure how to make AppRole work in our scenario. We don't have one of the example "trusted platforms" or "trusted entities", there's no Nomad, Chef, Terraform, etc. We have Windows machines, in a domain, and we have a homegrown orchestrator that could be queried to say "This machine name runs these apps", so maybe there's something that can be done there?
Am I in "write your own auth plugin" territory, to speak to our homegrown orchestrator?
Edit - someone on Reddit suggested that this is a simple solution if our apps are all 1-to-1 with the Windows domain account they run under, because then we can just use kerb authentication. That's not currently the way we're architected, but we've got to solve this somehow, and that might do it nicely.
2nd edit - replaced "services" with "apps", since most of our services aren't actually running as Windows services, just processes. The launcher is a Windows service but the individual processes it launches are not.
How about Group Managed Service Accounts?
Essentially you created one "trusted platform" (to your key vault service).
Your service can still has its own identity but delegation to the gMSA when you want to retrieve the secrets.
For future visibility, here's what we landed on:
TLS certificate authentication. Using Vault, we issue a handful of certs, each will correspond to a security policy/profile, so that any machine that holds that certificate will be able to authenticate and retrieve the secrets they should have access to.
Kerberos ended up being a dead-end for two reasons. The vault.exe agent (which is part of this use case) can't use the native Windows Kerberos SSPI, so we'd have to manage and distribute keytab files. Also, if we used machine authentication, it would blow up our client count (we're using the cloud-hosted HCP Vault, where pricing is partially based on client count).
Custom plugins can't be loaded into the HCP, of course
Azure won't work, it requires Managed Identities which you can't assign to on-prem machines. Otherwise this might have been a great fit

Using AWS KMS and/or credstash with non AWS server

Is it possible to use AWS KMS and a tool like credstash without the use of EC2 or equivalent or does it rely solely on IAM roles?
I've got a server elsewhere where I am testing some things out and ultimately I will be looking at migrating an app to EC2 etc. to make use of scaling. But for now whilst I'm setting up my deployment pipeline etc. I wondered if it was still possible to make use of KMS on my non-aws provisioned server?
The only possible way I can think of is by installing the AWS CLI tools on the server in question. Does this sounds like the right approach?
What #Viccari said is correct (in the comments). In terms of what you want to do (store passwords), the AWS Parameter Store would be a good fit for you. See for more information. The guide explicitly calls out your use-case:
Parameter Store offers the following benefits and features.
Use a secure, scalable, hosted secrets management service (No servers to manage).
In the end, if you end up using Parameter Store or KMS, you will need some sort of credentials stored somewhere to grab an AWS STS token to use to call the underlying AWS services. If working outside of AWS EC2, you will need the AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key from an IAM user. If you are in EC2, the IAM instance role will magically provide you the credentials and use that role to call those AWS services. The AWS SDK does this for you behind the scenes.
But, as you state, you don't want to run this in EC2 (to save money, or other reasons). The quickest way to store these credentials is to have them in a un-tracked file (added to your .gitignore) you can source from as environment variables, which your program will then read. This allows you to do local testing, and easily run it in EC2
with zero code changes. See for what variables to set. Note that this doc talks about the CLI; the SDK's follow the same behavior.

Azure Site Recovery - REST API, Powershell and Automation

Has anyone come up with a complete solution to protect and replicate VMs from on-prem (either VMware or HyperV) to Azure using either the REST API or the Powershell module?
I recently completed a POC with ASR and was able to replicate a couple dozen VMs associated with three different applications. I replicated out of VMware and into Azure. I was able to failover and failback successfully.
I did all of the POC work using the GUI ( Now I have to figure out how to protect ~2000 VMs and there is no way that I am going to do that with the GUI. But the MS documentation has me running in circles.
It would be very helpful if any of you can share the sequence of steps to protect and replicate a VM. The MS documentation does not lay out how the various components (fabrics, protection policies, protection containers, protection items, etc.) are related to each other.
I do not need specific syntax. The documentation does a passable job of detailing the syntax. I could use some guidance on the task sequence.
If it helps to understand the bigger picture, my intention is to use a System Center Orchestrator runbook to ingest a CSV list of VMs, parse that out into input for the Azure REST API / Powershell, and then enable protection.
Thanks in advance for any assistance or guidance that you are able to provide.
You can find recovery service API documentation here:
When you have one definition put in place(manually from portal), you may also be able to study it from to see how properties are composited. *not all resource available thru this portal
After that, you should be able to create template for either REST call or Resource Manager, depending on preference.

Best practices for setting up developer access to Azure Resources

I would like to find out what the best practices are for managing developers' access to a sub-set of resources on a client's subscription?
I've searched Google and the Azure documentation looking for definitive answers, but I have yet to come across an article that puts it all together. Because Azure is still developing so rapidly I often find it difficult to determine whether a particular article may still be relevant.
To sum up our situation:
I've been tasked with researching and implementing the Azure infrastructure for a web site our company is developing for a client. At the moment our manager and I have access to the client's entire subscription on the Azure Portal by means of the Service Administrator's credentials, even though we're managing only:
Azure Cloud Service running a Web-Role (2-instances with Production and Staging environments).
Azure SQL Database.
Azure Blob Storage for deployments, diagnostics etc.
We're now moving into a phase where more of the developers in the team will require access to perform maintenance type tasks such as performing a VIP swap, retrieving diagnostic info etc.
What is the proper way to manage developer's access on such a project?
The approach I've taken was to implement Role Based Access Control (
Move 1, 2, and 3 above into a new Resource Group according to
Creating a new User Group for our company, say "GroupXYZ".
Adding the "GroupXYZ" to the Contributor role.
Adding the particular developer's company accounts to "GroupXYZ"
Motivation for taking the role-based approach
From what I understand giving everyone access as a Co-Administrator would mean that they have full access to every subscription in the portal.
Account-based authentication is preferable to certificate-based authentication due to the complexity added by managing the certificates.
What caused me to question my approach was the fact that I could not perform a VIP swap against the Cloud Service using PowerShell; I received an error message stating that a certificate could not be found.
Do such role-based accounts only have access to Azure by means of the Resource Manager Commandlets?
I had to switch PowerShell to the Azure Service Manager (ASM) Mode before having access to the Move-AzureDeployment commandlet.
Something else I'm not sure of is whether or not Visual Studio will have access to those resources (in the Resource Group) when using Role Based Access Control.
When you apply RBAC to Azure as you have or just in general, give access to an account via RBAC, then those accounts can only access Azure via the Azure Resource Manager APIs, whether that's PowerShell, REST or VS.
VS 2015 can access Azure resources via RBAC when using the 2.7 SDK. VS 2013 will have support for it soon.

List Azure Virtual Machines via REST API

I am currently attempting to get a list of all of the Virtual Machines that I have running under a Windows Azure subscription programmatically. For this, I am attempting to use the Azure REST API (, and not use the power-shell cmdlets.
Using the cmdlets I can run 'Get-AzureVM' and get a listing of all of the VM's with ServiceName, Name, and Status without any modifications. The problem is that I cannot find anywhere in the documentation of how to list out the VMs via the API.
I have looked through the various Azure REST API's but have not been able to find anything. The documentation for VM REST API does not show or provide a list function.
Am I missing the fundamentals somewhere?
// Create the request.
requestUri = new Uri(""
+ subscriptionId
+ "/services/"
+ operation);
This is what I am using for the base of the request. I can get a list of hosted services but not the Virtual Machines.
You would need to get a list all the Cloud Services (Hosted Services), and then the deployment properties for each. Look for the deployment in the Production environment/slot. Then check for a role type of "PersistentVMRole".
VMs are really just a type of Cloud Service, along with Web and Worker roles. The Windows Azure management portal and PowerShell cmdlets abstracts this away to make things a little easier to understand and view.
Follow these steps for listing VMs:
List HostedServices using the following ListHostedServices
For each service in from the above,
a)GetDeployment by Environment(production or staging).
b) Get Deployment By Name.
In either case, get the value for Deployment.getRoleInstanceList().getRoleInstance().getInstanceName().
You can use Azure node SDK to list out all VMs in your subscription
computeClient.virtualMachines.listAll(function (err, result))
More details on Azure Node SDK here: