Red vid open window with maximize - red

When run this code, it will open the window with a default size:
View [
text "window open with default size"
If a give a size explicitly, it will open a window with that size:
View [
size 400x400
text "window open with fixed size"
But how do I open a window with the maximum size / maximized?

Here's what kinda works for now on at least Microsoft Windows
offset: 0x60
max-size: system/view/screens/1/size - offset
view [
size max-size
text "window open with max screen size"
But, this is because of the way it's currently handled, as you can see, most window handling features aren't currently implemented:
(based on chat):


Auto wordWrap to the window VSC

I would like to auto word wrap all files to the window. In sublime this is simple with auto however, in VSC I have three options:
My issue is that no matter what settings I use I am unable to wrap the text to the window. There is about a 3 inch gap on 15in monitor from where the text ends to the edge of the window. I want to be able to move the window by snapping to any edge and my words wrap automatically no matter what size the window is - if you have used sublime you will understand this situation.
"word_wrap": "auto",
"wrap_width": 0
Thanks for your help. I'm guessing this is a simple step but I am very new to VSC.
With the following settings, the VSCode should always wrap at the Window's edge:
"editor.wordWrap": "bounded",
"editor.wordWrapColumn": 9999
"bounded" is documented as:
wrap at minimum of viewport and editor.wordWrapColumn
Since wordWrapColumn is still respected in bounded mode, and the default of 80 is rather low, you basically need to set that to something "unlimited" to get the desired behavior.

VSCode: Shortcut key for (controlling) increasing/decreasing current split panes width/height?

Is there a quick keyboard shortcut to control the width of the current split pane , at least increasing and decreasing it ?
for vim users it would be :
:vertical resize 80
:res +5
:res -5
:vertical resize +5
:vertical resize -5
and so on...
There is no default shortcut for this but you can make your own.
The following works on vscode version 1.11.2 on Linux but it should be the same for Windows users:
Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts
(or you can use the shortcut ctrl + k ctrl + s to open it)
Search for current view size and you can set your custom key combinations for decreasing and increasing the size of the current view.
On a Mac (If you are on windows replace cmd with ctrl)
cmd-k cmd-s
current view size
Double click on
View:Decrease Current View Size
Type whatever key combo you want, I like using this
Double click on
View:Increase Current View Size
Type whatever key combo you want, I like using this
Code ( File on window ) >> Preferences >> Keyboard shortcuts.
to the top right there is an icon to open user keyboard shortcuts.
adjust the keys to your linkings.
"key": "ctrl+shift+o",
"command": "workbench.action.decreaseViewSize"
"key": "ctrl+shift+i",
"command": "workbench.action.increaseViewSize"
In split view, if you double click the current editor tab then it will increase to max, double click again and it will reset to 50%. Not a shortcut key but pretty nice nonetheless
The Increase Current View Size and Decrease Current View Size commands adjust both the width and the height of the view.
In case you would like too adjust just the width of the editor, use Decrease editor width and Increase editor width commands.

Slowing down MongoDB shell output for large documents?

I am trying to inspect a document that is larger than the print buffer for the Windows command window. For some queries more allows you to type it for more output. Is there a way to apply this to other commands?
For instance I might do db.coll.findOne() which greatly surpasses the print buffer. I'd like to see as much as fits, type it, see more, etc.
You could use this workaround:
Make a file with your command... i.e. tmp.txt containing
Then execute the query via command line - piping the output to an output text file like this:
mongo yourDatabaseName < tmp.txt > output.txt
You can always extend you windows terminal's buffer.
At left top corner, click right mouse button and select properties.
At layout tab, you can change "Screen buffer size" to width 9999 and height 9999, that's quite big scroll back buffer...
Same time you can enlarge your "window size" to cover whole screen (if you want) and change your font to smaller (you can fit more text to screen).

How to change the text size of a calculation

I can change the size of text in Mupad by going to View-> Configure -> Default Formats...
But this doesn't change the text size of a calculation that I type in.
Where can I change the text size of a calculation?
Go to: View -> Configure -> Default Formats -> Calculations.
In combo box "Format:" select "Input Characters". Change Size and press OK.
Open a new Notebook, from File->New Notebook. Your calculation font has changed!

how to set -A flag in screenrc

The screen man says
Adapt the sizes of all windows to the size of the display. By
default, screen may try to restore its old window sizes when attaching
to resizable terminals (those with ‘WS’ in their descriptions, e.g.
suncmd or some varieties of xterm).
This works when you start off a screen with the -A flag. But, how do I set it in screenrc so that all my screen sessions get it by default?
Change the window size to the size of the current region. This command is needed
because screen doesn't adapt the window size automatically if the window is dis-
played more than once.
Default key binding for fit is C-a F.