Queued messages + API endpoint - queue

We have developed modular web app with very powerful API and now we need queuing tool for delayed|time consuming jobs. We are looking at RabbitMQ or AWS SQS. But these two just store messages, and you have to manually get messages from them or I misunderstood it?
We would like to channel all messages through our API, so when message is published to Queue in should be POST-ed (after some delay) to to our Interface.
So my question:
Is there any tool for queuing that support http post (with oauth2)?
If not, is this approach somehow valid:
Create worker that poll messages from queue
and POST them to API with some client?
(we have to maintain cli tool, and we want to avoid that).
Are there any alternatives?

When using SQS polling is the only way out.
To make things easier you can write this polling logic in AWS Lambda because lambda functions do not have the overhead of maintaining infrastructure and servers


IBM Cloud MQ Point-to-point or Pub/sub?

I'm writing an application that will trigger a task after getting a message from a queue on IBM Cloud MQ. There will be only one producer, and only one consumer (the app i'm writing. Because of this, I thought it was better to use a point-to-point strategy instead of pub/sub. However, while I can use an HTTP REST Get action to get messages from the IBM MQ queue, I would also need to periodically execute a GET to "monitor" the queue.
Wouldn't be better to simply use a pub/sub strategy if that's the case? I don't see the advantage of using point-to-point, although the documentation advices it for my use case.

Should one service take care of both processing Kafka messages and API calls simultaneously?

We want to subscribe to a Kafka topic with a microservice. So that the service does not have to accept API calls from the surrounding systems and Kafka messages at the same time, we would like to interpose an 'importer service'. However, in the end we would have the same problem again because the importer service now has to process both the Kafka messages and the API calls from the aforementioned microservice. As a solution to this problem, we considered giving both services access to the same database. The importer service could then receive the Kafka message, process it and write it to the database. The original microservice would then not go to the importer service, but would get the data directly from the DB. However, the approach seems a bit dirty, since you shouldn't share databases between services. Do you have any ideas how to solve this more elegantly? And if there isn't a better approach, should one service really take care of processing Kafka messages and API calls simultaneously?
One service should not process both kafka and api messages.
You can make a service that wraps the database and both services will communicate with it.

Event-based-microservices: MQTT with Broker OR HTTP with API GATEWAY?

I'm trying to develop a project with microservices.
I have some questions on this topic (something is not clear):
1) How to implement microservices communication?
A) HTTP : Every microservice expose HTTP API , an API GATEWAY broadcast requests.
B) MQTT : every microservice pub/sub to a broker
C) BOTH : but how to understand when one is better than the other ?
Have I to use pub/sub protocol as a standard even for classic operations usually performed over HTTP ? For example I have two microservices:
web-management and product-service. web-management is a panel that lets the administrator to add, modify, ... products in its ecommerce digital shop. Let's say we want to implement createProduct operation. It's a command (according to event /command distinction), a one-to-one communication.
I can open an API in product-service, let's say (POST, "/product") that add the new product. I also can implement this transforming the command in a productCreationRequest event. In this case: web-managemnet publish this event. product-service listen to productCreationRequest events (and also productUpdateRequest, productGetEvents, ...) once it is notified it performs the operation and emits productCreated event.
I find this case borderline. For example a last-occasion-service may listen to productCreated and immediately send a message (email or push notification) to customers. What do you think about this use case?
2) Which may be a valid broker (I will use docker-compose or kubernetes to orchestrate containerized microservices: language adopted probably java, javascript, python)?
Both is definitely a possibility! Choose a broker that allows you to easily mix-and-match between HTTP (synchronous) communication, and more async event-driven pub/sub. It should allow you to migrate your microservices between the two options as required.
HTTP APIs are great at the edge of your distributed application, where a customer wants to submit an order or something, and block waiting for a response (200 OK).
But internally within your application between microservices, a lot of them don't need a response... async, eventually consistent. And using pub/sub (like MQTT) allows for multiple downstream consumers easily. Another great use for MQTT is streaming updates to downstream consumers... like a data-feed from a bus or airline company or something, rather than having to poll a REST API for updates.
For your use-case and similar ones, I would almost always recommend using pub/sub communication, even if today it's a simple request-reply interaction with a single backend process. REST over HTTP is point-to-point, and perhaps in the future you want another process to be able to see/consume/monitor that event or interaction. If you're already using publish-subscribe, adding that 2nd (or more) consumer of that data flow is trivial. Harder with REST/HTTP.
In terms of performance, I would highly doubt a blocking protocol like HTTP is going to outperform something that is asynchronous and bidirectional, like MQTT which uses WebSockets for web communication.
As for a broker to glue all this together, check out the standard edition Solace PubSub+ event broker... can do both (and translate between) MQTT and HTTP. I even wrote a CodeLab for this (almost) exact use case haha!
(BTW, I work for Solace! FYI.)
Consider using SMF framework for Javascript/Node.js, it helps prototype pub/sub communications via a message broker (RabbitMQ) between microservices out of the box:
As for the message broker routes, use an event-driven naming convention, e.g. post a "web.new-product", where "web" is the sub-system name, "new-product" - event name.

Throttle API calls to external service using Scala

I have a service exposing a REST endpoint that, after a couple of transformations, calls a third-party service also via its REST endpoint.
I would like to implement some sort of throttling on my service to avoid being throttled by this third-party service. Note that my service's endpoint accepts only one request and not a list of them. I'm using Play and we also have Akka Streams as dependency.
My first though was to have my service saving the requests into a database table and then have an Akka Streams Source, leveraging the throttle function, picking tasks, applying the transformations and then calling the external service.
Is this a reasanoble approach or does it have any severe drawbacks?
Why save the requests to the database? Does the queue need to survive restarts and/or do you run a load-balanced setup that needs to somehow synchronize the requests?
If you don't need the above I'd think using only Source.queue to store the task data would work just as well?
And maybe you already thought of this: If you want to make your endpoint more resilient you should allow your API to send a 'sorry, busy' response and drop the request instead of queuing it if your queue grows beyond a certain size.

Is a message queue like RabbitMQ the ideal solution for this application?

I have been working on a project that is basically an e-commerce. It's a multi tenant application in which every client has its own domain and the website adjusts itself based on the clients' configuration.
If the client already has a software that manages his inventory like an ERP, I would need a medium on which, when the e-commerce generates an order, external applications like the ERP can be notified that this has happened to take actions in response. It would be like raising events over different applications.
I thought about storing these events in a database and having the client make requests in a short interval to fetch the data, but something about polling and using a REST Api for this seems hackish.
Then I thought about using Websockets, but if the client is offline for some reason when the event is generated, the delivery cannot be assured.
Then I encountered Message Queues, RabbitMQ to be specific. With a message queue, modeling the problem in a simplistic manner, the e-commerce would produce events on one end and push them to a queue that a clients worker would be processing as events arrive.
I don't know what is the best approach, to be honest, and would love some of you experienced developers give me a hand with this.
I do agree with Steve, using a message queue in your situation is ideal. Message queueing allows web servers to respond to requests quickly, instead of being forced to perform resource-heavy procedures on the spot. You can put your events to the queue and let the consumer/worker handle the request when the consumer has time to handle the request.
I recommend CloudAMQP for RabbitMQ, it's easy to try out and you can get started quickly. CloudAMQP is a hosted RabbitMQ service in the cloud. I also recommend this RabbitMQ guide: https://www.cloudamqp.com/blog/2015-05-18-part1-rabbitmq-for-beginners-what-is-rabbitmq.html
Your idea of using a message queue is a good one, better than database or websockets for the reasons you describe. With the message queue (RabbitMQ, or another server/broker based system such as Apache Qpid) approach you should consider putting a broker in a "DMZ" sort of network location so that your internal ecommerce system can push events out to it, and your external clients can reach into without risking direct access to your core business systems. You could also run a separate broker per client.