Define Guzzle Content-Length - guzzle6

I am trying to send a request with a content length set by myself and not by guzzle. ( guzzle 6)
$res = $client->request('POST', $url, ['headers' => ['Content-Length' => 32]];
However this stops the request from sending !
I am doing this because my URL has a query string and i need the content length to be set. Not doing so sets a Content-Length: 0 by guzzle - how can i define all headers and stop guzzle from doing this?

Your code works perfectly with Guzzle (just add a missed bracket in the end ;).
You probably get an exception, but it's because the server responds with 413 Request entity too large, and Guzzle converts it to exception (see http_errors to control this behaviour). Because you don't provide the request body at all.
Anyway, I don't get it, how the query string is connected to Content-Length header. The header defined length of the request body, but the query string is not a part of the body, so there is no connection.


Prevent URL-encoding of values when adding headers to TRESTClient

I'm working on a Delphi REST client for a public API that requires an HMAC256/Base64 signed string to be added to the headers of the request to authenticate. I've spent hours trying to figure out why it's not working, so I compared the raw request from my Delphi client to that of a working C# library (using Wireshark).
It turns out my request matches perfectly the request generated by the working C# library, except that Delphi's REST client is URL-encoding the values added to the request's header, therefore invalidating the carefully crafted signature.
This is how I'm adding the signature string to the header:
RESTRequest1.Params.AddHeader('SIGNATURE', FSignature);
The signature string may have slashes, plus signs, and/or equal signs that are being URL-encoded when they shouldn't. For example when the value of the signature string is...
FSignature = '8A1BgACL9kB6P/kXuPdm99s05whfkrOUnEziEtU+0OY=';
...then the request should should output raw headers like...
GET /resource HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Embarcadero URI Client/1.0
Connection: Keep-Alive
SIGNATURE: 8A1BgACL9kB6P/kXuPdm99s05whfkrOUnEziEtU+0OY=
...but instead Wireshark shows this as the real value being sent...
SIGNATURE: 8A1BgACL9kB6P%2FkXuPdm99s05whfkrOUnEziEtU%2B0OY%3D
Is there a way to prevent the URL-encoding of values when using AddHeader? Or maybe another way to add raw headers to a TRESTClient request?
PS: I already tried both TRESTRequest.Params.AddHeader and TRESTClient.AddParameter with TRESTRequestParameterKind.pkHTTPHEADER as the Kind parameter. Both resulted in URL-encoded values.
PS2: Using Delphi RAD Studio 10.3.
You should include poDoNotEncode in the Options property of the TRESTRequestParameter.
This can be done using:
RESTClient1.AddParameter('SIGNATURE', FSignature, pkHTTPHEADER, [poDoNotEncode]);
or by using:
RESTClient1.Params.AddHeader('SIGNATURE', FSignature).Options := [poDoNotEncode];

Akka-HTTP: how to know if Content-type header was explicitly set in received response

Is the a way in akka-http to know if 'Content-type' header was explicitly set in HttpResponse that we received?
From sniffed Http dump I see, that there was no 'Content-Type' header, but
stil return application/octet-stream.
This is default Content type not only for Akka-HTTP, but perhaps for other frameworks like Play too. Akka-http and other HTTP based technologies need to know how to parse content internally, based on this header. application/octet-stream means that it considers request body as just byte-stream.
Rule of thumb: if it is possible - try to specify Content-type.

Guzzle not sending PSR-7 POST body correctly

It is either not being sent, or not being received correctly. Using curl direct from the command line (using the -d option) or from PHP (using CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS) does work.
I start with a PSR-7 request:
$request = GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request('POST', $url);
I add authentication header, which authenticates against the API correctly:
$request = $request->withHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $accessToken);
Then I add the request body:
// The parameter for the API function
$body = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for('args=dot');
$request = $request->withBody($body);
I can send the message to the API:
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$response = $client->send($request, ['timeout' => 2]);
The response I get back indicates that the "args" parameter was simply not seen by the API. I have tried moving the authentication token to the args:
This should work, and does work with curl from the command line (-d access_token=123456789) but the API fails to see that parameter also when sending cia curl (6.x) as above.
I can see the message does contain the body:
// string(8) "args=dot"
// The "=" is NOT URL-encoded in any way.
So what could be going wrong here? Are the parameters not being sent, or are they being sent in the wrong format (maybe '=' is being encoded?), or is perhaps the wrong content-type being used? It is difficult to see what is being sent "on the wire" when using Guzzle, since the HTTP message is formatted and sent many layer deep.
Edit: Calling up a local test script instead of the remote API, I get this raw message detail:
USER-AGENT: GuzzleHttp/6.1.1 curl/7.19.7 PHP/5.5.9
So it looks like the body is being sent, so I guess something else is missing to tell the remote API how to interpret that body.
Edit: the command-line curl that does work, sent to the same test script, gives me two additional header fields in the request:
CONTENT-TYPE: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I'm going to guess it is the content-type header which is missing from the Guzzle request which is the source of the problem. So is this a Guzzle bug? Should it not always sent a Content-Type, based on the assumptions it makes that are listed in the documentation?
The Content-Type header was the issue. Normally, Guzzle will hold your hand and insert headers it deems necessary, and makes a good guess at the Content-Type based on what you have given it, and how you have given it.
With Guzzle's PSR-7 messages, none of that hand-holding is done. It strictly leaves all the headers for you to handle. So when adding POST parameters to a PSR-7 Request, you must explicitly set the Content-Type:
$params = ['Foo' => 'Bar'];
$body = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for(http_build_query($params));
$request = $request->withBody($body);
$request = $request->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
The ability to pass in the params as an array and to leave Guzzle to work out the rest, does not apply to Guzzle's PSR-7 implementation. It's a bit clumsy, as you need to serialise the POST parameters into a HTTP query string, and then stick that into a stream, but there you have it. There may be an easier way to handle this (e.g. a wrapper class I'm not aware of), and I'll wait and see if any come up before accepting this answer.
Be aware also that if constructing a multipart/form-data Request message, you need to add the boundary string to the Content-Type:
$request = $request->withHeader('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' . $boundary);
Where $boundary can be something like uniq() and is used in construction the multipart body.
The GuzzleHttp\Client provides all necessary wrapping.
$response = $client->post(
'auth' => [null, 'Bearer ' . $token],
'form_params' => $parameters,
Documentation available Guzzle Request Options
Edit: However, if your requests are being used within GuzzleHttp\Pool then, you can simply everything into the following:
$request = new GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request(
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
http_build_query($form_params, null, '&')

Camel does not set 'Transfer-Encoding chunked' in case response is prepared by exception handler processor

I am implementing REST services using Apache-CXF running on servicemix and for that I have a camel route that does some processing, sends the message over queue, process some more and send back the reply. Something like this:
On this route I have applied some basic validation and exception handler and when I have to stop the route in both cases, I use something like this:
exchange.setProperty(Exchange.ROUTE_STOP, Boolean.TRUE);
I use soap UI, restclient-UI and putty to make http requests and I get proper response body displayed in all of them. Now I wanted to preserve request headers so I made a little change everywhere in the code so that response bodies are set in exchange.getIn() only. For example: in case of validation failure I do:
exchange.setProperty(Exchange.ROUTE_STOP, Boolean.TRUE);
Just with this little change, the rest clients I am using to make request stopped displaying the response body. As per the server logs, response is being generated and also as per the logs in rest client, I am getting the proper response but they are unable to display the response body only in case when I stop the route in between. Normal response is displaying just fine. Only the restclient-UI was considerate enough to show the error as to why they are not displaying body and the error is:
Byte array conversion from response body stream failed.
Diggin deeper, I found the only response header which was there in success response but missing in error response:
Transfer-Encoding chunked
Error response is around 1000 characters long and contains a header called content-length. I am not sure but I think the problem has something to do with this itself. I would really like to play with exchange.getIn but these different kind of responses prepared by camel are confusing me. How can I make sure my camel responses are always displayed properly?
The Content-Length header will be preserved from the original request so you need to remove it so that camel cxf can work out the new body length on the response and set Content-Length with that.

Overriding Content-Length header with Rack/Sinatra

In Sinatra, how can I override the Content-Length header in the response to set my own value?
The last line in my method returns the following:
[200, {'Content-Type' => component.content_type,
'Content-Length' => component.content_length.to_s},]
This way I was hoping to override the content value, but it results in an exception:
Unexpected error while processing request: Content-Length header was 2, but should be 0
I would like to return a different value for the content length. Is there a way to do this?
This error is being raised by the Rack::Lint middleware, so the quick fix would be to not use that piece of middleware. Depending on how you are starting your application that may be tricky though – Rack adds it in certain cases if you use rackup.
A better solution would be to change your client to use a HTTP HEAD request rather than a GET. In Sinatra defining a GET route automatically defines a matching HEAD route. Using HEAD will cause the server to send the headers but not the body, and you should be able to set the Content-Length to whatever you want. It will also avoid the Rack::Lint error.
Here is a gist explaining how to disable Rack::Lint:
module Rack
class Lint
def call(env = nil)
(Taken from