OPC UA.NET custom Node Manager creating - opc-ua

I'm trying to use UA-.NETStandardLibrary by OPC Foundation to create my own OPC UA Server that will maintain some variables.
I've created a server class inherited from StandardServer and node manager inherited from CustomNodeManager2.
There were some node managers in their examples, I removed them and add my own one. The server starts normally and doesn't contain any nodes except from standard ones, as planned. So, my problem is how to create my own variable node from code (not from xml, as in examples) and be able update its value on demand.
For example, I want to add a folder with couple of nodes inside.
Does anyone have a code snippet which demonstrates how to do it? I don't want anybody write it for me, I will appreciate only if you just tell me about a right way to make it.
Thanks a lot.

I am pretty sure the snippets you are looking for are included. Here is my testing code and I am 100% positive, I didn't write the second piece of code. Anyway, if this helps you...
var ticker_seq = createVariable(myFolder, "MyFolder/Ticker", "Ticker", BuiltInType.UInt64, ValueRanks.Scalar);
subscriptions.Add(clock.Ticker.Subscribe(val =>
lock (Lock)
ticker_seq.Value = val;
ticker_seq.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
ticker_seq.ClearChangeMasks(SystemContext, false);
and creation
private BaseDataVariableState createVariable(NodeState parent, string path, string name, NodeId dataType, int valueRank)
BaseDataVariableState variable = new BaseDataVariableState(parent);
variable.SymbolicName = name;
variable.ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypes.Organizes;
variable.TypeDefinitionId = VariableTypeIds.BaseDataVariableType;
variable.NodeId = new NodeId(path, NamespaceIndex);
variable.BrowseName = new QualifiedName(path, NamespaceIndex);
variable.DisplayName = new LocalizedText("en", name);
variable.WriteMask = AttributeWriteMask.DisplayName | AttributeWriteMask.Description;
variable.UserWriteMask = AttributeWriteMask.DisplayName | AttributeWriteMask.Description;
variable.DataType = dataType;
variable.ValueRank = valueRank;
variable.AccessLevel = AccessLevels.CurrentReadOrWrite;
variable.UserAccessLevel = AccessLevels.CurrentReadOrWrite;
variable.Historizing = false;
variable.Value = 0;
variable.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
variable.Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (parent != null)
return variable;
creating the folder:
private FolderState CreateFolder(NodeState parent, string path, string name)
FolderState folder = new FolderState(parent);
folder.SymbolicName = name;
folder.ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypes.Organizes;
folder.TypeDefinitionId = ObjectTypeIds.FolderType;
folder.NodeId = new NodeId(path, NamespaceIndex);
folder.BrowseName = new QualifiedName(path, NamespaceIndex);
folder.DisplayName = new LocalizedText("en", name);
folder.WriteMask = AttributeWriteMask.None;
folder.UserWriteMask = AttributeWriteMask.None;
folder.EventNotifier = EventNotifiers.None;
if (parent != null)
return folder;


Openxml: Added ImagePart is not showing in Powerpoint / Missing RelationshipID

I'm trying to dynamically create a PowerPoint presentation. One slide has a bunch of placeholder images that need to be changed based on certain values.
My approach is to create a new ImagePart and link it to the according Blip. The image is downloaded and stored to the presentation just fine. The problem is, that there is no relationship created in slide.xml.rels file for the image, which leads to an warning about missing images and empty boxes on the slide.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help! Best wishes
using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.Url))
using (SPWeb oWeb = siteCollection.OpenWeb())
SPList pictureLibrary = oWeb.Lists[pictureLibraryName];
SPFile imgFile = pictureLibrary.RootFolder.Files[imgPath];
byte[] byteArray = imgFile.OpenBinary();
int pos = Convert.ToInt32(name.Replace("QQ", "").Replace("Image", ""));
foreach (DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.Picture pic in pictureList)
var oldimg = pic.BlipFill.Blip.Embed.ToString(); ImagePart ip = (ImagePart)slidePart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Png, oldimg+pos);
using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(ip.GetStream()))
string newId = slidePart.GetIdOfPart(ip);
setDebugMessage("new img id: " + newId);
pic.BlipFill.Blip.Embed = newId;
So, for everyone who's experiencing a similar problem, I finally found the solution. Quite a stupid mistake. Instad of PresentationDocument document = PresentationDocument.Open(mstream, true); you have to use
using (PresentationDocument document = PresentationDocument.Open(mstream, true))
do your editing here
This answer brought me on the right way.

Implementing an OPC DA client from scratch

I would like to implement my own OPC DA client (versions 2.02, 2.05a, 3.00) from scratch but without using any third-party. Also I would like to make use of OPCEnum.exe service to get a list of installed OPC servers. Is there any kind of document that explains detailed and step by step the process to implement an OPC client?
I have a c# implementation but actually it's hard to fit it in here. I'll try to summarize the steps required.
Mostly you need to have OpcRcw.Comn.dll and OpcRcw.Da.dll from the OPC Core Components Redistributable package downloable for free from Opcfoundation.org. Once installed, the files are located in C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL. Create a reference in your project.
About coding, this is what you should do (there are three objects you want to implement, Server, Group and Item):
Let's start with server:
Type typeofOPCserver = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(serverName, computerName, true);
m_opcServer = (IOPCServer)Activator.CreateInstance(typeofOPCserver);
m_opcCommon = (IOPCCommon)m_opcServer;
IConnectionPointContainer icpc = (IConnectionPointContainer)m_opcServer;
Guid sinkGUID = typeof(IOPCShutdown).GUID;
icpc.FindConnectionPoint(ref sinkGUID, out m_OPCCP);
m_OPCCP.Advise(this, out m_cookie_CP);
I've striped a LOT of checking to fit it in here, take it as a sample...
Then you need a method on server to add groups:
// Parameter as following:
// [in] active, so do OnDataChange callback
// [in] Request this Update Rate from Server
// [in] Client Handle, not necessary in this sample
// [in] No time interval to system UTC time
// [in] No Deadband, so all data changes are reported
// [in] Server uses english language to for text values
// [out] Server handle to identify this group in later calls
// [out] The answer from Server to the requested Update Rate
// [in] requested interface type of the group object
// [out] pointer to the requested interface
m_opcServer.AddGroup(m_groupName, Convert.ToInt32(m_isActive), m_reqUpdateRate, m_clientHandle, pTimeBias, pDeadband, m_LocaleID, out m_serverHandle, out m_revUpdateRate, ref iid, out objGroup);
// Get our reference from the created group
m_OPCGroupStateMgt = (IOPCGroupStateMgt)objGroup;
Finally you need to create items:
m_OPCItem = (IOPCItemMgt)m_OPCGroupStateMgt;
m_OPCItem.AddItems(itemList.Length, GetAllItemDefs(itemList), out ppResults, out ppErrors);
Where itemlist is an array of OPCITEMDEF[]. I build the above using GetAllItemDefs from a structure of mine.
private static OPCITEMDEF[] GetAllItemDefs(params OpcItem[] opcItemList)
OPCITEMDEF[] opcItemDefs = new OPCITEMDEF[opcItemList.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < opcItemList.Length; i++)
OpcItem opcItem = opcItemList[i];
opcItemDefs[i].szAccessPath = "";
opcItemDefs[i].bActive = Convert.ToInt32(opcItem.IsActive);
opcItemDefs[i].vtRequestedDataType = Convert.ToInt16(opcItem.ItemType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
opcItemDefs[i].dwBlobSize = 0;
opcItemDefs[i].pBlob = IntPtr.Zero;
opcItemDefs[i].hClient = opcItem.ClientHandle;
opcItemDefs[i].szItemID = opcItem.Id;
return opcItemDefs;
Finally, about enumerating Servers, I use this two functions:
/// <summary>
/// Enumerates hosts that may be accessed for server discovery.
/// </summary>
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
public string[] EnumerateHosts()
IntPtr pInfo;
int entriesRead = 0;
int totalEntries = 0;
int result = NetServerEnum(
out pInfo,
out entriesRead,
out totalEntries,
if (result != 0)
throw new ApplicationException("NetApi Error = " + String.Format("0x{0,0:X}", result));
string[] computers = new string[entriesRead];
IntPtr pos = pInfo;
for (int ii = 0; ii < entriesRead; ii++)
SERVER_INFO_100 info = (SERVER_INFO_100)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pos, typeof(SERVER_INFO_100));
computers[ii] = info.sv100_name;
pos = (IntPtr)(pos.ToInt32() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SERVER_INFO_100)));
return computers;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of servers that support the specified specification on the specified host.
/// </summary>
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
public string[] GetAvailableServers(Specification specification)
lock (this)
// connect to the server.
ArrayList servers = new ArrayList();
MULTI_QI[] results = new MULTI_QI[1];
GCHandle hIID = GCHandle.Alloc(IID_IUnknown, GCHandleType.Pinned);
results[0].iid = hIID.AddrOfPinnedObject();
results[0].pItf = null;
results[0].hr = 0;
// create an instance.
Guid srvid = CLSID;
CoCreateInstanceEx(srvid, null, CLSCTX.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IntPtr.Zero, 1, results);
m_server = (IOPCServerList2)results[0].pItf;
// convert the interface version to a guid.
Guid catid = new Guid(specification.ID);
// get list of servers in the specified specification.
IOPCEnumGUID enumerator = null;
m_server.EnumClassesOfCategories(1, new Guid[] { catid }, 0, null, out enumerator);
// read clsids.
Guid[] clsids = ReadClasses(enumerator);
// release enumerator
if (enumerator != null && enumerator.GetType().IsCOMObject)
// fetch class descriptions.
foreach (Guid clsid in clsids)
string url = CreateUrl(specification, clsid);
catch (Exception) { }
if (hIID.IsAllocated) hIID.Free();
if (m_server != null && m_server.GetType().IsCOMObject)
return (string[])servers.ToArray(typeof(string));
I know I've striped a lot but maybe it can still help you ;)
Please mark the answer as correct if you think I've been clear ;)
Kind Regards,

How to force the Plugin on Post-Operation to Submit?

I have a plugin in post-operation witch need to create a folder on sharepoint via webservice, to do that, my plugin calls a webservice to execute a FechXML to get the info from the entity, but the problem is that entity still not exist, and it give me Null.
How do i force the plugin to submit/save the data to my FechXml to work?
Entity entity;
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters["Target"] is Entity)
entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
if (entity.LogicalName != "fcg_processos")
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Ocorreu um erro no PlugIn Create Folder.");
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Ocorreu um erro no PlugIn Create Folder.");
processosid = (Guid)((Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"])["fcg_processosid"];
string processoid2 = processosid.ToString();
PluginSharepointProcessos.ServiceReference.PrxActivityResult result = log.CreateFolderSP("Processo", processoid2);
string resultado = result.xmlContent;
if (result.retCode > 0)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Ocorreu um erro na criação do Folder do Processo.");
PrxActivityResult Processo = ProcessoFetch2("", "", guid);
string stxml;
stxml = Processo.XmlContent;
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("resultset/result");
List<string[]> lista = new List<string[]>();
string[] strs = new string[7];
if (nodeList.Count != 0)//verificar o numero de registos
foreach (XmlNode xmlnode in nodeList)
if (xmlnode.SelectSingleNode("//fcg_numero") != null)
strs[2] = xmlnode.SelectSingleNode("//fcg_numero").InnerText;
strs[2] = "";
if (xmlnode.SelectSingleNode("//Concurso.fcg_numero") != null)
strs[3] = xmlnode.SelectSingleNode("//Concurso.fcg_numero").InnerText;
strs[3] = "";
IwsspClient FmwSharepoint = new IwsspClient();
PrxActivityResult folderresult = new PrxActivityResult();
List<ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave> arrayfields = new List<ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave>();
ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave nprocesso = new ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave();
nprocesso.Key = "FCG_Numero_Processo";
nprocesso.value = strs[2];
ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave npconcurso = new ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave();
npconcurso.Key = "FCG_Numero_Concurso";
npconcurso.value = strs[3];
ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave npguid = new ws.fcg.sipp.svc.ServiceReferenceSharePoint.PareChave();
npguid.Key = "FCG_Guid_CRM";
npguid.value = guid;
folderresult = FmwSharepoint.CreateFolder("http://localhost/folder", "Processos", strs[2], arrayfields.ToArray());
res = folderresult;
When a plugin runs on the Post-Operation, it is still within the database transaction, and it hasn't actually been committed to the database. Any calls done with the service reference passed in as a part of the Plugin Context will be executed within the context on the database transaction and you will be able to retrieve the newly created/updated values. If you create a brand new OrganizationServiceProxy (Which I'm guessing is what you're doing), it will execute outside of the database transaction, and will not see the newly created / updated values.
As #AndyMeyers suggests in his comment (which really should be an answer IMHO), grabbing the data from the plugin context either via a pre/post image or the target is ideal since it eliminates another database call. If you're having to lookup records that may have been created by another plugin that fired earlier, you'll need to use the IOrganizationService that is included in the plugin context.
I had no option and I used this code to run webservice based on image and forget the FecthXml, as mentioned, i get all info from the Image on the post operation and send back to the WebService. Thanks, here is the code:
entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
concursid = (Guid)entity.Attributes["fcg_concursid"];
guid = concursid.ToString();
string npconcurs = (string)entity.Attributes["fcg_numer"];
nconcurs= npconcurs;
EntityReference nprograma = (EntityReference)entity.Attributes["fcg_unidadeorganica"];
program = nprogram.Name;
if (entity.LogicalName != "fcg_concurs")

asp.net mvc 2 render view to string, instead of partial

I have this function:
public static string RenderViewToString(string controlName, object viewData) {
ViewDataDictionary vd = new ViewDataDictionary(viewData);
ViewPage vp = new ViewPage { ViewData = vd };
Control control = vp.LoadControl(controlName);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb))
using (HtmlTextWriter tw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw))
return sb.ToString();
And I call it like this:
string body = StringHelpers.RenderViewToString("~/Areas/Public/Views/Shared/RegistrationEmail.ascx", new RegistrationEmailViewModel { User = user });
And it returns a html-table with the user-info.
But I was wondering if there is a way to edit this to I can can return a View as string? so I can add masterpage, so it'll be easier to design all potential mails going out?
Thanks in advance
Check out MVCContrib's email template system for sending emails.
This question and/or this article might help if you don't want to include Mvccontrib. Although I use Mvccontrib every day, it's harmless.

Add Hyperlink to Cell in Excel 2007 Using Open XML SDK 2.0

I can't seem to find any documentation or code samples on how to add a hyperlink to a cell in Excel 2007 using the Open XML SDK 2.0. I am using the following code, but is there a step I am missing?
WorksheetPart workSheetPart = ExcelUtilities.GetWorkSheetPart(mWorkBookPart, "Program");
workSheetPart.AddHyperlinkRelationship(new Uri("http://www.google.com", UriKind.Absolute), true);
Then when I try and open the Excel document it says the file is corrupted because the Relationship Id for the hyperlink cannot be found. How do you setup or create that Relationship Id?
Another possibility, (which I used), is to use the HYPERLINK formula for Excel. I needed to create individual hyperlinks in each cell, yet the cells had to display different text, (I had to display tracking numbers in the cells yet have a hyperlink for each tracking number to the carrier's site and had to handle multiple carriers).
Once I instantiated an individual cell, the formula was applied in this manner to each cell (there are undoubtedly numerous way):
// ...
Cell cell1 = new Cell(){ CellReference = "A1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U, DataType = CellValues.InlineString };
CellValue cellValue1 = new CellValue();
CellFormula cellFormula1 = new CellFormula() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve };
cellFormula1.Text = #"HYPERLINK(""http://www.theclash.com"", ""Radio Clash"")";
cellValue1.Text = "Radio Clash";
// append cell, etc.
In this way, I was able to create individual hyperlinks and text for each cell. By the way, the links will appear with the default font color unless you reference a style with blue font.
Hope this helps.
I was able to add a hyperlink to a cell using System.IO.Packaging code:
private void HyperlinkCreate(PackagePart part, XmlNamespaceManager nsm, XmlNode _cellElement, string CellAddress)
Uri _hyperlink = new Uri("http://www.yahoo.com");
XmlNode linkParent = _cellElement.OwnerDocument.SelectSingleNode("//d:hyperlinks", nsm);
if (linkParent == null)
// create the hyperlinks node
linkParent = _cellElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("hyperlinks", #"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main");
XmlNode prevNode = _cellElement.OwnerDocument.SelectSingleNode("//d:conditionalFormatting", nsm);
if (prevNode == null)
prevNode = _cellElement.OwnerDocument.SelectSingleNode("//d:mergeCells", nsm);
if (prevNode == null)
prevNode = _cellElement.OwnerDocument.SelectSingleNode("//d:sheetData", nsm);
_cellElement.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement.InsertAfter(linkParent, prevNode);
string searchString = string.Format("./d:hyperlink[#ref = '{0}']", CellAddress);
XmlElement linkNode = (XmlElement)linkParent.SelectSingleNode(searchString, nsm);
XmlAttribute attr;
if (linkNode == null)
linkNode = _cellElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("hyperlink", #"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main");
// now add cell address attribute
linkNode.SetAttribute("ref", CellAddress);
attr = (XmlAttribute)linkNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id", #"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships");
if (attr == null)
attr = _cellElement.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("r", "id", #"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships");
PackageRelationship relationship = null;
string relID = attr.Value;
if (relID == "")
relationship = part.CreateRelationship(_hyperlink, TargetMode.External, #"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink");
relationship = part.GetRelationship(relID);
if (relationship.TargetUri != _hyperlink)
relationship = part.CreateRelationship(_hyperlink, TargetMode.External, #"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink");
attr.Value = relationship.Id;
I then translated this code using the Open XML SDK 2.0 and it doesn't work. It seems the AddHyperlinkRelationship method doesn't actually add the relationship to the .rels file. I'm not sure why, but it sure seems like a bug to me.
private void HyperlinkCreate(PackagePart part, XmlNamespaceManager nsm, XmlNode _cellElement, string CellAddress)
WorksheetPart workSheetPart = ExcelUtilities.GetWorkSheetPart(mWorkBookPart, "Program");
Uri hyperlinkUri = new Uri("http://www.yahoo.com", UriKind.Absolute);
Hyperlinks hyperlinks = workSheetPart.Worksheet.Descendants<Hyperlinks>().FirstOrDefault();
// Check to see if the <x:hyperlinks> element exists; if not figure out
// where to insert it depending on which elements are present in the Worksheet
if (hyperlinks == null)
// Create the hyperlinks node
hyperlinks = new Hyperlinks();
OpenXmlCompositeElement prevElement = workSheetPart.Worksheet.Descendants<ConditionalFormatting>().FirstOrDefault();
if (prevElement == null)
prevElement = workSheetPart.Worksheet.Descendants<MergeCells>().FirstOrDefault();
if (prevElement == null)
// No FirstOrDefault needed since a Worksheet requires SheetData or the excel doc will be corrupt
prevElement = workSheetPart.Worksheet.Descendants<SheetData>().First();
workSheetPart.Worksheet.InsertAfter(hyperlinks, prevElement);
Hyperlink hyperlink = hyperlinks.Descendants<Hyperlink>().Where(r => r.Reference.Equals(CellAddress)).FirstOrDefault();
if (hyperlink == null)
hyperlink = new Hyperlink() { Reference = CellAddress, Id = string.Empty };
HyperlinkRelationship hyperlinkRelationship = null;
string relId = hyperlink.Id;
if (relId.Equals(string.Empty))
hyperlinkRelationship = workSheetPart.AddHyperlinkRelationship(hyperlinkUri, true);
hyperlinkRelationship = workSheetPart.GetReferenceRelationship(relId) as HyperlinkRelationship;
if (!hyperlinkRelationship.Uri.Equals(hyperlinkUri))
hyperlinkRelationship = workSheetPart.AddHyperlinkRelationship(hyperlinkUri, true);
hyperlink.Id = hyperlinkRelationship.Id;
You should be adding it to an object that accepts hyperlinks, such as a cell, instead of the worksheet. Something like this should work for you:
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet;
using DocumentFormat.OpenXml;
namespace GeneratedCode
public class GeneratedClass
// Creates an Worksheet instance and adds its children.
public Worksheet GenerateWorksheet()
Worksheet worksheet1 = new Worksheet(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "x14ac" } };
worksheet1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships");
worksheet1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006");
worksheet1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("x14ac", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/ac");
SheetDimension sheetDimension1 = new SheetDimension(){ Reference = "A1" };
SheetViews sheetViews1 = new SheetViews();
SheetView sheetView1 = new SheetView(){ TabSelected = true, WorkbookViewId = (UInt32Value)0U };
SheetFormatProperties sheetFormatProperties1 = new SheetFormatProperties(){ DefaultRowHeight = 14.4D, DyDescent = 0.3D };
SheetData sheetData1 = new SheetData();
Row row1 = new Row(){ RowIndex = (UInt32Value)1U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:1" }, DyDescent = 0.3D };
Cell cell1 = new Cell(){ CellReference = "A1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString };
CellValue cellValue1 = new CellValue();
cellValue1.Text = "0";
Hyperlinks hyperlinks1 = new Hyperlinks();
Hyperlink hyperlink1 = new Hyperlink(){ Reference = "A1", Id = "rId1" };
PageMargins pageMargins1 = new PageMargins(){ Left = 0.7D, Right = 0.7D, Top = 0.75D, Bottom = 0.75D, Header = 0.3D, Footer = 0.3D };
return worksheet1;
Easiest way is to use the HyperLink formular, but the links aren't blue by default, this is why the styleIndex is set.
private Cell BuildHyperlinkCell(string url) =>
new Cell
DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.String),
CellFormula = new CellFormula($"HyperLink(\"{url}\")"),
StyleIndex = 4u
Adding the styling to the workbook: