If-else without else causes recursive function to repeat - scala

Why does the following produce the output "ayyayy" and not just "ayy" (once)?
def iftest(b: Boolean): Unit = {
if(b) iftest(false)
I run it in REPL as iftest(true) which should cause it to fail on the first pass but succeed on the second (hence only one "ayy"). So why does it act like both succeed?
Is there some sort of recursive "backfolding" in scala that I don't know about?

Is there some sort of recursive "backfolding" in scala that I don't
know about?
No, the method operates as you've defined it. Lets analyze:
You call iftest(true) and invoke the method.
if(b) is true, so you call iftest(false) and start a new stack frame.
if(b) is now false, so we don't recursively call the method again.
The next line of code is print("ayy"), so it prints it out and the method completes
We go back up one frame, we now finished calling iftest(false) and the next line of code is println("ayy"), so it prints it out again
Method completes.
Perhaps what you want is:
def iftest(b: Boolean): Unit = {
if (b) {


Try to understand Kafka Scala Syntax

I have been going through Kafka source code of the Log class in core module of Kafka project but I am still new to scala.
I have encountered a syntax which is quite hard to understand.
Here is the code snippets:
snippet 1:
// Now do a second pass and load all the log and index files.
// We might encounter legacy log segments with offset overflow (KAFKA-6264). We need to split such segments. When
// this happens, restart loading segment files from scratch.
retryOnOffsetOverflow {
// In case we encounter a segment with offset overflow, the retry logic will split it after which we need to retry
// loading of segments. In that case, we also need to close all segments that could have been left open in previous
// call to loadSegmentFiles().
private[log] def retryOnOffsetOverflow[T](fn: => T): T = {
while (true) {
try {
return fn// what is fn here in context of code snippet 1?
} catch {
case e: LogSegmentOffsetOverflowException =>
info(s"Caught segment overflow error: ${e.getMessage}. Split segment and retry.")
splitOverflowedSegment(e.segment)//##!!!1.return a List[Segement], but where does this return goes?
throw new IllegalStateException()
What I found hard to understand is that how the method retryOnOffsetOverflow is called in snippet 1 and what is passed to it as the argument of its param? I know the param of retryOnOffsetOverflow is a function but here in this snippet what is the argument passed to this function?
Also I am not clear what is the return of retryOnOffsetOverflow here? The return is T which is kind of a generic? I am not sure what is the return of retryOnOffsetOverflow here, will it be different according to fact that it caught the exception or not? If so what will exactly be the return respectively?
Thank a lot for the explanation and please tell me if I missed the necessary code to answer the question.
updated: I would rectify my self that the param of retryOnOffsetOverflow is a by-name parameter which won't be evaluated unless and until it is referenced somewhere in the body of the method.
Upd.: Slightly changed last part, as looks like it would load "splitted" files right in the next loop iteration.
Param for retryOnOffsetOverflow here is everything inside curly braces - basically, these three lines of code - that's the function (fn: => T), that it accepts.
retryOnOffsetOverflow is trying to execute function, that was passed, and returns it's answer, if the execution was successful. One part that's a bit difficult to understand - when there's an exception, splitOverflowedSegment is called not for it return type, but for the fact that it "mutates state" in replaceSegments function. This segments would be read on the next loop iteration restart, in loadSegmentFiles function.
What I found hard to understand is that how the method retryOnOffsetOverflow is called in snippet 1 and what is passed to it as the argument of its param? I know the param of retryOnOffsetOverflow is a function but here in this snippet what is the argument passed to this function?
Consider following simplified example
def printTillSuccess[T](fn: => T): T = {
while (true) {
val result = fn
return result
throw new Exception("dead end")
printTillSuccess({ "a" })
printTillSuccess { "a" }
fn: => T is not a function but a by-name parameter. It will be evaluated on each reference, ie at line val result = fn. Functions in Scala have an apply method and this not the case here.
You can pass values into a method via (), and this is done in example printTillSuccess("a").
Scala allows wrapping any block of code with {} and the last statement will be used as result of the block. Thus, {"a"} is same as "a".
So, now you can pass {"a"} into methods, thus printTillSuccess({ "a" }) is a valid call.
And finally, Scala allows for substitution of () with block definitions {} in methods and this opens syntax printTillSuccess { "a" }.
Also I am not clear what is the return of retryOnOffsetOverflow here?
The return is T which is kind of a generic? I am not sure what is the
return of retryOnOffsetOverflow here, will it be different according
to fact that it caught the exception or not? If so what will exactly
be the return respectively?
The return type is the type of the by-name parameter and it's T. And statement return fn is the only place that defines T.
In case of LogSegmentOffsetOverflowException, the catch will be called and splitOverflowedSegment executed. This will mutate some internal state and next iteration of while(true) will evaluate the by-name parameter again. So, the exception does not change the return type but allows for the next iteration to happen.
The while loop can only exit when fn evaluates successfully or a different exception is thrown. In any case, the return, if happens, will be of T.
def retryOnOffsetOverflow[T](fn: => T): T
retryOnOffsetOverflow() is a method that take a single "by name" parameter, which means that the parameter won't be evaluated unless and until it is referenced somewhere in the body of the method.
So fn might be a single value and it might be multiple lines of code, and it will remain un-evaluated (un-executed) until here try { return fn }, where it is executed wrapped in a try.
The fn evaluation will result in value of some type. It doesn't really matter what that type is (we'll call it T) but retryOnOffsetOverflow() is required to return the same type.

main method in intellij worksheet doesn't run?

I am trying to use the worksheet functionality of Intellij. I have this simple code:
object Timer {
// this function takes another function as an argument.
// that function takes no args, and doesn't return anything.
def oncePerSecond(callback: () => Unit) {
while (true) { callback(); Thread.sleep(1000) }
// the function we'll pass in to oncePerSecond.
// this can be any function that takes no args and doesn't
// return anything.
def timeFlies() {
println("time flies like an arrow ...")
// the main() method, where we pass timeFlies into oncePerSecond.
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Why doesn't it run? I don't see "time flies like an arrow" when it executes.
If you want to run this method inside worksheet you shouldn't put it in main method but:
without anything. In this Timer object.
If you want to run it from a console you can use scalac and scala:
scalac Timer.scala
scala Timer
Or you can create a simple sbt project or use another build tool.
Edit2: Previously I didn't see that you have one more question. Your code doesn't work because in practice you create a method main without using it. In a worksheet, you need to use a method to see the result. So if you put in object:
val a = 1
and you run this worksheet you can see that it's evaluated on the right side (in the right window).
The same situation is with a method. If you create some method you can see that method is created. To see the result you only need to use this method and run the worksheet.

Scalaz Task not starting

I'm trying to make an asyncronous call using scalaz Task.
For some strange reason whenever I attempt to call methodA, although I get a scalaz.concurrent.Task returned I never see the 2nd print statement which leads me to believe that the asynchronous call is never returned. Is there something that I'm missing that is required in order for me to start the task?
for {
foo <- println("we are in this for loop!").asAsyncSuccess()
authenticatedUser <- methodA(parameterA)
foo2 <- println("we are out of this this call!").asAsyncSuccess()
} yield {
def methodA(parameterA: SomeType): Task[User]
First off, Scalaz Task is lazy: it won't start when you create it or get from some method. It's by design and allows Tasks to combine well. It's not intended to start until you fully assemble your entire program into single main Task, so when you're done, you need to manually start an aggregated Task using one of the perform methods, like unsafePerformSync that will wait for the result of aggregate async computation on a current thread:
(for {
foo <- println("we are in this for loop!").asAsyncSuccess()
authenticatedUser <- methodA(parameterA)
foo2 <- println("we are out of this this call!").asAsyncSuccess()
} yield {
As you can see from your original code, you've never started any Task. However, you've mentioned that first println printed its message to console. This may be related to asAsyncSuccess method: I've not found it in Scalaz, so I assume it's in implicit class somewhere in your code:
implicit class TaskOps[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal {
def asAsyncSuccess(): Task[A] = Task(a)
If you write a helper implicit class like this, it won't convert an effectful expression into lazy Task action, despite the fact that Task.apply
is call-by-name. It will only convert its result, which happens to be just Unit, because its own parameter a is not call-by-name. To work as intended, it needs to be like the following:
implicit class TaskOps[A](a: => A) {
def asAsyncSuccess(): Task[A] = Task(a)
You may also ask why first println prints something while second isn't. This is related to for-comprehensions desugaring into method calls. Specifically, compiler turns your code into this:
println("we are in this for loop!").asAsyncSuccess().flatMap(foo =>
methodA(parameterA).flatMap(authenticatedUser =>
println("we are out of this this call!").asAsyncSuccess().map(foo2 =>
If asAsyncSuccess doesn't respect intended Task semantics, first println gets executed immediately. But its result is then wrapped into Task that is, essentially, just a wrapper over start function, and flatMap implementation on it just combines such functions together without running them. So, methodA or second println won't be executed until you call unsafePerformSync or other perform helper method. Note, however, that second println will still be executed earlier than it should according to Task semantics, just not that earlier.

why does this scala by-name parameter behave weirdly

OK the question might not say much, but here's the deal:
I'm learning scala and decided to make an utility class "FuncThread" with a method which receives a by-name parameter function (I guess its called that because it's a function but without a parameter list) and then starts a thread with a runable which in turn executes the passed function, I wrote such a class as follows:
class FuncThread
def runInThread( func: => Unit)
val thread = new Thread(new Runnable()
def run()
Then I wrote a junit test as follows:
def weirdBehaivorTest()
var executed = false
val util = new FuncThread()
executed = true
//the next line makes the test pass....
//val nonSense : () => Unit = () => { Console println "???" }
If I uncomment the second commented line, the test passes but if it remains commented the test fails, is this the correct behaviour? how and when do by-name parameter functions get executed?
I know Scala has the actors library but I wanted to try this since I've always wanted to do this in Java
Is this just a race condition? runInThread starts the thread but your assertion tests 'executed' before the other thread sets it to true. Adding your extra line means more code (and so time) is executed before the test, making it more likely that 'executed' has been set to true
It's also worth noting that (as of Scala 2.8), the construct you were trying to write is available in the standard library
import scala.actors.Futures._
executed = true
This construct is actually more powerful than what you're describing, the thread calculation can return a value, and which can be waited for.
import scala.actors.Futures._
//forks off expensive calculation
val expensiveToCalculateNumber:Future[Int] = future{
// do a lot of other stuff
//print out the result of the expensive calculation if it's ready, otherwise wait until it is
println( expensiveToCalculateNumber());

What is the difference between while(true) and loop?

I don't get the actual (semantic) difference between the two "expressions".
It is said "loop" fits to "react" and "while(true)" to "receive", because "react" does not return and "loop" is a function which calls the body again all over again (it least this is what I deduct from the sources - I am not really familiar with the used "andThen"). "Receive" blocks one Thread from the pool, "react" does not. However, for "react" a Thread is looked up which the function can be attached to.
So the question is: why can't I use "loop" with "receive"? It also seems to behave different (and better!) than the "while(true)" variant, at least this is what I observe in a profiler.
Even more strange is that calling a ping-pong with "-Dactors.maxPoolSize=1 -Dactors.corePoolSize=1" with "while(true)" and "receive" blocks immediately (that's what I would expect) - however, with "loop" and "receive", it works without problems - in one Thread - how's this?
The critical difference between while and loop is that while restricts the loop iterations to occur in the same thread. The loop construct (as described by Daniel) enables the actor sub-system to invoke the reactions on any thread it chooses.
Hence using a combination of receive within while (true) ties an actor to a single thread. Using loop and react allows you run support many actors on a single thread.
The method loop is defined in the object Actor:
private[actors] trait Body[a] {
def andThen[b](other: => b): Unit
implicit def mkBody[a](body: => a) = new Body[a] {
def andThen[b](other: => b): Unit = self.seq(body, other)
* Causes <code>self</code> to repeatedly execute
* <code>body</code>.
* #param body the code block to be executed
def loop(body: => Unit): Unit = body andThen loop(body)
This is confusing, but what happens is that the block that comes after loop (the thing between { and }) is passed to the method seq as first argument, and a new loop with that block is passed as the second argument.
As for the method seq, in the trait Actor, we find:
private def seq[a, b](first: => a, next: => b): Unit = {
val s = Actor.self
val killNext = s.kill
s.kill = () => {
s.kill = killNext
// to avoid stack overflow:
// instead of directly executing `next`,
// schedule as continuation
scheduleActor({ case _ => next }, 1)
throw new SuspendActorException
throw new KillActorException
So, the new loop is scheduled for the next action after a kill, then the block gets executed, and then an exception of type KillActorException is thrown, which will cause the loop to be executed again.
So, a while loop performs much faster that a loop, as it throws no exceptions, does no scheduling, etc. On the other hand, the scheduler gets the opportunity to schedule something else between two executions of a loop.