I new to programming and study about operator overloading. To overload "+" to add two string - operator-overloading

I new to programming and study about operator overloading. To overload "+" to add two string. But when I try to combine two string using strcpy, the second string replace the first string instead of copy with first string.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class String
char str[100];
void operator +(String);
String(char a[100])
void String::operator+ (String str1)
{ char temp[100];
int main()
String s1=String("Hello");;
String s2=String("World");
return 0;

The error in your code is that
In the operator overloading function you should use strcat - string concatenation
For more info check out : String concatenation

I think you've missed to assign the value of the two strings to a new string like this:
String nString = s1 + s2;


Dart function to convert full width ASCII characters into normal ASCII characters

I wish to convert full width ASCI to ordinary ASCII characters. Do we have any built-in method or package to convert it?
I'm not sure if there is such a method.
If not, you could write your own String Extention.
extension StringX on String {
static const fullWidthRegExp = r'([\uff01-\uff5e])';
static const halfWidthRegExp = r'([\u0021-\u007e])';
static const halfFullWidthDelta = 0xfee0;
String _convertWidth(String regExpPattern, int delta) {
return replaceAllMapped(RegExp(regExpPattern),
(m) => String.fromCharCode(m[1]!.codeUnits[0] + delta)
String toFullWidth() => _convertWidth(halfWidthRegExp, halfFullWidthDelta);
String toHalfWidth() => _convertWidth(fullWidthRegExp, -halfFullWidthDelta);
Usage with the range of characters I considered in the String Extension.
void main() {
final myStr = '!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~';

convert my user defined string into char array in java

I have string as below in java , when i am trying to convert getting error
HelloWorld.java:12: error: array required, but String found
1 error
public static void main(String []args){
String s="Abcde";
char c[];
for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++)
I would suggest you to use inbuilt function instead of doing this. You can
find many methods available on internet and tutorials to convert your
string into char array in java. for example- Using **toCharArray()** Method.
`public static void main(String args[])
String str = "Abcde";
// Creating array and Storing the array
// returned by toCharArray()
char[] ch = str.toCharArray();
// Printing array
for (char c : ch) {

tostring method giving wrong output

Hi I'm writing a test program to reverse a string. When I convert the character array to a string using the toString() method, I get the wrong output. When I try to print the array manually using a for loop without converting it to a string the answer is correct. The code I've written is shown below:
import java.util.*;
public class stringManip {
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String str = "This is a string";
System.out.println("String=" +str);
char[] c = str.toCharArray();
int left = 0;
int right = str.length() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (str.length())/2; i++)
char temp = c[left];
c[left++] = c[right];
c[right--] = temp;
I should get the reverse of the string I entered, instead the output am getting is:
String=This is a string
Is there something am doing wrong when using the toString() method? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Arrays don't override the toString() method. What you're seeing is thus the output of the default Object.toString() implementation, which contains the type of the object ([C means array of chars) followed by its hashCode.
To construct a String from a char array, use
new String(c)

A program using class template, pair, vector

I'm trying to program the following:
A template class map having a pointer to a vector that contains elements std::pair<T,Q>, where T and Q are template types. It's supposed to work similarly to std::map and T is 'key' type, whereas Q stands for 'value' type. Besides the following should be implemented:
1. Constructor & destructor.
2. Function empty returning bool (if the object is empty).
3. Function size (using count_if)
4. Function clear that deletes all vector records.
5. Operator [] which allows for: map["PI_value"] = 3.14; It should use function find
6. Operators =, ==, !=, >> (using equal function)
I've been trying to code the above task, but have stuck on the code below.
Do you have any ideas to repair this mess?
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template <typename T, typename Q>
class mapa
vector<std::pair<T,Q>>* ptr;
/**< DEFAULT CONSTRUCTOR/////////////////////////// */
ptr = new vector<std::pair<T,Q>>;
/**< DESTRUCTOR////////////////////////////////////// */
~mapa(){ delete ptr;}
/**< EMPTY()////////////////////////////// */
bool empty()
return false;
return true;
/**< SIZE()///////////////////////////////// */
int size()
return ptr->size();
/**< CLEAR()///////////////////////////////// */
void clear()
ptr->clear(ptr->begin(), ptr->end());
/**< OPERATOR[]/////////////////////////////////////////// */
vector<std::pair<T,Q>>* & operator[](T key)
auto ptr2 = ptr;
std::pair<T,Q> para;
para.first = key;
para.second = 0;
auto ptr2 = find_if( ptr->begin(), ptr->end(),
[](std::pair<T,Q> example,T key)
return ptr2;
}; //class end
The lambda provided to std::find_if is declared wrong.
If you see e.g. this reference for std::find_if, you will see that the functions should be like
bool pred(const Type &a)
That means the lambda should be something like
[&key](const std:pair<T, Q>& element) { return element.first == key }
There are also other problems with your operator[] function, like that it should return Q& instead of a reference to the vector pointer. You should also remember that std::find_if returns an iterator to the found element, or end() if not found.

What are function typedefs / function-type aliases in Dart?

I have read the description, and I understand that it is a function-type alias.
A typedef, or function-type alias, gives a function type a name that you can use when declaring fields and return types. A typedef retains type information when a function type is assigned to a variable.
But how do I use it? Why declaring fields with a function-type? When do I use it? What problem does it solve?
I think I need one or two real code examples.
A common usage pattern of typedef in Dart is defining a callback interface. For example:
typedef void LoggerOutputFunction(String msg);
class Logger {
LoggerOutputFunction out;
Logger() {
out = print;
void log(String msg) {
void timestampLoggerOutputFunction(String msg) {
String timeStamp = new Date.now().toString();
print('${timeStamp}: $msg');
void main() {
Logger l = new Logger();
l.log('Hello World');
l.out = timestampLoggerOutputFunction;
l.log('Hello World');
Running the above sample yields the following output:
Hello World
2012-09-22 10:19:15.139: Hello World
The typedef line says that LoggerOutputFunction takes a String parameter and returns void.
timestampLoggerOutputFunction matches that definition and thus can be assigned to the out field.
Let me know if you need another example.
Dart 1.24 introduces a new typedef syntax to also support generic functions. The previous syntax is still supported.
typedef F = List<T> Function<T>(T);
For more details see https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/docs/language/informal/generic-function-type-alias.md
Function types can also be specified inline
void foo<T, S>(T Function(int, S) aFunction) {...}
See also https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/language-tour#typedefs
typedef LoggerOutputFunction = void Function(String msg);
this looks much more clear than previous version
Just slightly modified answer, according to the latest typedef syntax, The example could be updated to:
typedef LoggerOutputFunction = void Function(String msg);
class Logger {
LoggerOutputFunction out;
Logger() {
out = print;
void log(String msg) {
void timestampLoggerOutputFunction(String msg) {
String timeStamp = new Date.now().toString();
print('${timeStamp}: $msg');
void main() {
Logger l = new Logger();
l.log('Hello World');
l.out = timestampLoggerOutputFunction;
l.log('Hello World');
Typedef in Dart is used to create a user-defined function (alias) for other application functions,
Syntax: typedef function_name (parameters);
With the help of a typedef, we can also assign a variable to a function.
Syntax:typedef variable_name = function_name;
After assigning the variable, if we have to invoke it then we go as:
Syntax: variable_name(parameters);
// Defining alias name
typedef MainFunction(int a, int b);
functionOne(int a, int b) {
print("This is FunctionOne");
print("$a and $b are lucky numbers !!");
functionTwo(int a, int b) {
print("This is FunctionTwo");
print("$a + $b is equal to ${a + b}.");
// Main Function
void main() {
// use alias
MainFunction number = functionOne;
number(1, 2);
number = functionTwo;
// Calling number
number(3, 4);
This is FunctionOne
1 and 2 are lucky numbers !!
This is FunctionTwo
3 + 4 is equal to 7
Since dart version 2.13 you can use typedef not only with functions but with every object you want.
Eg this code is now perfectly valid:
typedef IntList = List<int>;
IntList il = [1, 2, 3];
For more details see updated info:
typedef ManyOperation(int firstNo , int secondNo); //function signature
Add(int firstNo,int second){
print("Add result is ${firstNo+second}");
Subtract(int firstNo,int second){
print("Subtract result is ${firstNo-second}");
Divide(int firstNo,int second){
print("Divide result is ${firstNo/second}");
Calculator(int a,int b ,ManyOperation oper){
print("Inside calculator");