using abp to generation code ,include controller and view - code-generation

I wanna using abp to generating code ,The follow is my setup. database table field.(field type,like text password or dropdownlist)
2.set search option
3.generation code(include CURD and view.html)
How do I to do it?and how to generation code,using T4 template?


Opentext - Content Server - Update SQL Table from Form

What is the procedure to update a table on the SQL Database from a Content Server Form?
You need to define a Form Template object, then manage its relationable table (using its context menu) and create or link an SQL table.
Then you create a form for that template, pick the wanted submission mechanism and you are done. Using that form you have CRUD capability on that SQL table.

How to generate Views using databasefirst and entity framework?

I've been given a Visual Studio solution to get up and running again for development. The project uses Entity Framework database first. When I generate model from database, the sql wants to convert all of the views into tables. I know views should be avoided with EF, but what is the best way to correct this issue given that the developer no longer works for us?
There is nothing wrong with using views with Entity Framework. I assume you mean to say when you update from database it is trying to convert the views to model objects. This is totally fine. often times you are required to specify the primary key for the view. By default Entity Framework will try to use every non null property as the key. in the context menu for each property you can toggle this.
Are you getting an error?
I've come to the conclusion that there is not a way to recreate view entities in your edmx back into actual sql server database views. What needs to happen is that you would generate the sql from the model and run that sql in sql server management studio query analyzer. Delete the tables created that should have been views and figure out what query to write to recreate the views in sql server as they should be. Once that's done, the views in your model should be fine and update there after when running "Update from Database".
Say you have two tables - Categories and Products. You want to create a view called ProductsWithCategoryName. When you do update from database and this view gets added to your EDMX file, viewing the XML shows the following:
<EntitySet Name="ProductsWithCategoryName" EntityType="NorthwindModel.Store.ProductsWithCategoryName" store:Type="Views" store:Schema="dbo" store:Name="ProductsWithCategoryName">
[ProductsWithCategoryName].[ProductID] AS [ProductID],
[ProductsWithCategoryName].[ProductName] AS [ProductName],
[ProductsWithCategoryName].[UnitsInStock] AS [UnitsInStock],
[ProductsWithCategoryName].[CategoryName] AS [CategoryName]
FROM [dbo].[ProductsWithCategoryName] AS [ProductsWithCategoryName]
Problem with the above is that the defining query is NOT the query that creates that view. For you to get the proper defining query you must actually edit the EDMX file by hand adding the proper query to it as follows:
<EntitySet Name="ProductsWithCategoryName" EntityType="NorthwindModel.Store.ProductsWithCategoryName" store:Type="Views" store:Schema="dbo" store:Name="ProductsWithCategoryName">
SELECT dbo.Products.ProductID, dbo.Products.ProductName, dbo.Products.UnitsInStock, dbo.Categories.CategoryName
FROM dbo.Categories INNER JOIN
dbo.Products ON dbo.Categories.CategoryID = dbo.Products.CategoryID
This still will not give you the expected outcome of a proper sql view getting created. Basically EF when going from the conceptual to the database only produces an table per entity and views are simply seen as another entity.

How to update only one table for model from database with Entity Framework?

I have a model generated from db with Entity Framework. When I have any change in database, I update model from database to get the change in model. But this update is applied to all entities (tables) included in model.
Now I add a new column in a table Tab1. I don't want to update model from database as some other changes that I don't want to include in model. I can add the new property in model for entity Tab1 manually. then it caused mapping error.
So I need to update Model.Store for the table to include the new column. It means I want to update model only for Tab1.
How can I do this?
The EDMX file is an XML file that is a combination of 3 different parts that make up the whole thing. If you right-click on your EDMX file and choose "Open with... XML Editor" you'll see the 3 different sections:
These sections can be edited manually, at your own risk! :-)
That way you can modify only what you need to.
Note that it's also possible to generate CSDL, SSDL & MSL files rather than having them embedded in the binary file, by changing the "Meta Artifact Processing" property of your model to "Copy to Output Directory".
If you don't want to do this manually, there's the Huagati DBML/EDMX tool, it is free and you can download it from huagati official site or from visual studio gallery, which is a Visual Studio plugin that allows you to select what changes need to be done.
I use following (Conditional) trick. This could be done only when no Table depends on the table which you want to update.
Delete the table which needs to be updated.
Right click on Model and select 'Update Model From Database'. The Table would be shown in the tab 'Add'. Select this table and Update the model.
Precaution : If other existing tables have changes in them, EF would update these changes as well.
There is way of doing it automatically.
right click edmx file > update model from data base > Refresh tab > Tables > select the table(you want to update) and press finish that's it.

Change tables generated by Entity Framework and Code First

I know that you can change T4 templates used to generate the classes using Entity Framework 5.0 if you are using Model First. How would you change the template used to generate the tables when you use code first?
When using Code First there are no templates to generate tables. To set table names you can use TableAttribute or configure the table for the given entity with ToTable method in your OnModelCreating override.

Entity Framework & SQL Compact Edition - how do I get ntext?

The answer to my question should be quite obvious, but I cannot find it. I have a edmx file that has one table. There is a field of type string. EF always generates nvarchar for that (which is kind of expected), but I need an ntext instead of nvarchar for that field as 4000 is too small for me.
So tell me - what is the proper way to tell EF to generate ntext fields?
PS Using Entity Framework 4, SQL CE 3.5
I guess you are using model first, don't you? You can simply create custom T4 template for SQL DDL generation and include logic which will use NTEXT when field is defined with max size.
Default template is on:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen\
Just copy this template and find the logic where data type is created. Once you have your template change DDL Generation Template in model properties (in the designer) to your modified version.
There is much more you can do with generation template because you can add some annotations to your model (XML) and use them for custom logic in the SQL generation process.
Just set the property "MaxLength" in the Designer to "Max". This will generate a ntext field in the SQL CE DB.
If your project contains an ADO.Net Entity Data Model (.edmx) then see Ladislav's excellent answer.
But if you're using the Code First libraries and your project doesn't contain a .edmx then you can use the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ColumnAttribute to specify the column type:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
public class Note {
[Column("Note", TypeName="ntext")]
public string Note { get; set; }