Setting id to task using Google Task API returns 400 invalid value - google-tasks-api

I am using Google's Java API for an project.
Strangely, inserting a task without setting an id works fine. However, inserting a task with a id returns a 400 invalid value error. The id is to be used for syncing local data with Google Tasks
I'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with the algorithm that generates the ids for the task. The same algorithm works perfectly for Google Calendar API.
Am I missing something here?

You may refer with this SO answer. It suggested to pass the id key/value pair together with the title information you are already sending. There's no documentation to indicate this is a required parameter, especially since it is included in the URL. Google requires the id of the task to be passed as a part of url, parameters and body.


How do I use Azure Devops TFS REST API to get older TestRuns of a TestPoint/TestCase/TestSuite?

The API call:{organization}/{project}/_apis/test/Plans/{planId}/Suites/{suiteId}/points?api-version=7.0
Returns JSON data with objects "LastTestRun" and "LastTestResult" that contain their Ids. I am trying to find a proper way of getting older (not last) data of TestResults of the given TestPoint using API calls.
I tried the following API call:{organization}/{project}/_apis/test/runs?planId=123
That returns me a list of all TestRuns in the given TestPlan. I can loop through the list and make API call for every single TestRun:{organization}/{project}/_apis/test/Runs/{runId}/results
And, then retrieve the TestPointId. The problem is I'm working with large amounts of data, so I'm looping through 7000 API calls and it takes too much time (parallel of course).
I tried calling the last API call with $select so I can retrieve only the TestPointId but it is not supported.
A version of the AzureDevops I am working with: Version Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.2.
Based on your expectation, I have tested as well to get test results with only test point value and tested get the runs of a specific test case in a test suite. Neither succeeded.
Currently there seemed no official API support the test point filter. For this, you may access this URL: to submit any comments and proposals for future releases and implementations.

How do I keep a nonexistent work ID from breaking an API query?

I am querying the Azure DevOps API to return data for several work items at a time. The basic query is:<organization>/_apis/wit/workitems/?ids=1234,2345,3456&api-version=6.0
But if one of those is not a valid work item ID, it returns something like this within the JSON response:
"message":"TF401232: Work item 3456 does not exist, or you do not have permissions to read it."
To me it seems like a better response would be the normal multi-ID JSON object with that message as one of many work item ID responses, instead of letting an invalid response break the entire query. Is there any way to do that? I haven't found any argument that seems to accomplish that, but I could easily have missed it. Thank you.
You can use the errorPolicy query flag in the api url. Set errorPolicy to Omit. See below:<organization>/_apis/wit/workitems/?ids=1234,2345,3456&errorPolicy=Omit&api-version=6.0
When you useerrorPolicy=Omit query flag. The nonexistent work item id will not break the API call. It will be omitted in the response instead.
See here for more URI Parameters.

Getting user/users details based on user name/alias as parameter in azure devops

I've a tool(web application) which creates work-items in azure devops. (skipping the unnecessary details), just like how we assign any user a particular work-item from the Assigned To dropdown in azure devops, I too have a dropdown which when user enters any name/alias, a list of users starts showing based on the input.
The api which I was using in the backend was
Here filter=name+eq+%27Tejas in the query parameter helps to query the api and used to give set of users whose name starts with Tejas. It can be email alias too.
But for some reason, that doesn't work anymore. My guess, they've deprecated that API version
So in my search to find the alternative/answer, I came across the following documentation:
( in which the API given is:{userDescriptor}?api-version=5.1-preview.1
Here the userDescriptor is some sort of unique key of AAD related to a particular user. (which I certainly can't use to fulfill my purpose).
The other thing which I've tried is the below query parameters but it still didn't worked out{subjectTypes}&continuationToken={continuationToken}&api-version=5.1-preview.1
So is there anyway/api which can fullfil my purpose or is it that I'm using this new API in a wrong way or something?
Any help would be much appreciated
I believe it should be $filter in the query. You are also missing the closing quote.
(See docs for more details)$filter=name+eq+'Tejas'
Use this. I tested it and worked for me:{organization}/_apis/userentitlements?$filter=name+eq+%27{name}%27&api-version=6.0-preview.3
Replace {organization} and {name} as needed

Azure Copy Activity Rest Results Unexpected

I'm attempting to pull data from the Square Connect v1 API using ADF. I'm utilizing a Copy Activity with a REST source. I am successfully pulling back data, however, the results are unexpected.
The endpoint is /v1/{location_id}/payments. I have three parameters, shown below.
I can successfully pull this data via Postman.
The results are stored in a Blob and are as if I did not specify any parameters whatsoever.
Only when I hardcode the parameters into the relative path
do I get correct results.
I feel I must be missing a setting somewhere, but which one?
You can try setting the values you want into a setVariable activity, and then have your copyActivity reference those variables. This will tell you whether it is an issue with the dynamic content or not. I have run into some unexpected behavior myself. The benefit of the intermediate setVariable activity is twofold. Firstly it coerces the datatype, secondly, it lets you see what the value is.
My apologies for not using comments. I do not yet have enough points to comment.

Cloud SQL API Explorer, settingsVersion

I'm getting familiarized with Cloud SQL API (v1beta1). I'm trying to update authorizedNetworks (sql.instances.update) and I'm using API explorer. I think my my request body is alright except for 'settingsVersion'. According to the docs it should be:
The version of instance settings. This is a required field for update
method to make sure concurrent updates are handled properly. During
update, use the most recent settingsVersion value for this instance
and do not try to update this value.
I have not found anything useful related to settingsVersion. When I try with different srings, instead of receiving 200 and the response, I get 400 and:
"message": "Invalid value for: Expected a signed long, got '' (class
If a insert random number, I get 412 (Precondition failed) and:
"message": "Condition does not match."
Where do I obtain versionSettings and what is a signed long string?
You should do a GET operation on your instance and fetch the current settings, those settings will contain the current version number, you should use that value.
This is done to avoid unintentional settings overwrites.
For example, if two people get the current instance status which has version 1, and they both try to change something different (for example, one wants to change the tier and the other wants to change the pricingPlan) by doing an Update operation, the second one to send the request would undo the change of the first one if the operation was permitted. However, since the version number is increased every time an update operation is performed, once the first person updates the instance, the second person's request will fail because the version number does not match anymore.