Map whole list in Scala - scala

I want to be able to do smth like this
List(1, 2, 3).someFunc?(list => List(list, list)) // List(List(1,2,3), List(1,2,3))
The general idea is I want smth like map, but acting not on the elements of the list, but on the whole list itself. Alternative is to write smth like this:
val list = List(1, 2, 3)
val res = List(list, list)
But I'd like some function that could be used in chains. Is there a function like this?
Ideally I'd like to chain map over elements and this "kind of map" for the whole list interchangably, e.g.
List(1, 2, 3).map(_ + 1).someFunc?(list => List(list, list))

You can easily define your own operator:
implicit class RichList[T](l: List[T]){
def applyFun[U](f: List[T] => U): U = f(l)
You can even add some restriction on the output type of the function that can be applied, eg if you want to make sure that the output is still a list (just replace U with List[U] as the output of f and the output of applyFun[U]).

I think an option suits your needs well:
Option(List(1, 2, 3)).map(lst => List(lst, lst))
You may also want to consider streams:
Stream.continually(List(1, 2, 3)).take(2).toList
You can then map over this list of lists however you want.

I think you can use a pattern matching here:
List(1, 2, 3) match { case x => List(x, x) }
// res25: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 2, 3))


Scala lists,map and flatMap

I am looking now at he example from M.Odersky's book
List.range(1, 5) flatMap (
i => List.range(1, i) map (j => (i, j))
Ok,first we create list of 1,2,3,4 then what happens next?What is
i => List.range(1, i)
Yes or no?
If I try to evade flatMap
scala> List.range(1,5) (i => List.range(1,i) map (j => (i, j)))
<console>:11: error: missing parameter type
List.range(1,5) (i => List.range(1,i) map (j => (i, j)))
One way to develop an understanding of some code is to plug it into the REPL, break it down into its constituent parts, and put it back together again.
List.range(1,5) // List(1, 2, 3, 4), pretty simple
List.range(1,5).map(i => i) // no change (map is simpler than flatMap)
List.range(1,5).map(i => List.range(1, i))
res2: List[List[Int]] = List(List(), List(1), List(1, 2), List(1, 2, 3))
OK, so each element of the original List has become a new sub-List. Let's see what flatMap does.
List.range(1,5).flatMap(i => List.range(1, i))
res3: List[Int] = List(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3)
So if map produces Lists within a List, then flatMap "flattens" it all out to a single List.
Continuing on with this trial-and-error, test-and-retest, method you should be able to demonstrate for yourself what the rest of the code is doing (that's where the resulting tuples are created).

flatten and flatMap in scala

I'll like to check if I have understood flatten and flatMap functions correctly.
1) Am I correct that flatten works only when a collection constitutes of other collections. Eg flatten would work on following lists
//list of lists
val l1 = List(List(1,1,2,-1,3,1,-4,5), List("a","b"))
//list of a set, list and map
val l2 = List(Set(1,2,3), List(4,5,6), Map('a'->"x",'b'->"y"))
But flatten will not work on following
val l3 = List(1,2,3)
val l4 = List(1,2,3,List('a','b'))
val s1 = "hello world"
val m1 = Map('h'->"h", 'e'->"e", 'l'->"l",'o'->"0")
'flatten' method would create a new list consisting of all elements by removing the hierarchy. Thus it sort of 'flattens' the collection and brings all elements at the same level.
res0: List[Any] = List(1, 1, 2, -1, 3, 1, -4, 5, a, b)
res1: List[Any] = List(1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, (a,x), (b,y))
2) 'flatMap' first applies a method to elements of a list and then flattens the list. As we noticed above, the flatten method works if lists have a hierarchy (contain other collections). Thus it is important that the method we apply to the elements returns a collection otherwise flatMap will not work
//we have list of lists
val l1 = List(List(1,1,2,-1,3,1,-4,5), List("a","b"))
l1 flatMap(x=>x.toSet)
res2: List[Any] = List(5, 1, -4, 2, 3, -1, a, b)
val l2 = List(Set(1,2,3), List(1,5,6), Map('a'->"x",'b'->"y"))
res3: List[Any] = List(1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, (a,x), (b,y))
val s1 = "hello world"
We notice above that s1.flatten didn't work but s1.flatMap did. This is because, in s1.flatMap, we convert elements of a String (characters) into a Map which is a collection. Thus the string got converted into a collection of Maps like (Map('h'->"h"), Map('e'->"e"), Map('l'->"l"),Map ('l'->"l"),Map('o'->"o")....) Thus flatten will work now. Note that the Map created is not Map('h'->"h", 'e'->"e", 'l'->"l",....).
Take a look at the full signature for flatten:
def flatten[B](implicit asTraversable: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): List[B]
As you can see, flatten takes an implicit parameter. That parameter provides the rules for how to flatten the given collection types. If the compiler can't find an implicit in scope then it can be provided explicitly.
flatten can flatten almost anything as long as you provide the rules to do so.
Flatmap is basically a map operation followed by a flatten

Scala - convert List of Lists into a single List: List[List[A]] to List[A]

What's the best way to convert a List of Lists in scala (2.9)?
I have a list:
which I want to convert into
How can that be achieved recursively? Or is there any other better way?
List has the flatten method. Why not use it?
List(List(1,2), List(3,4)).flatten
> List(1,2,3,4)
.flatten is obviously the easiest way, but for completeness you should also know about flatMap
val l = List(List(1, 2), List(3, 4))
and the for-comprehension equivalent
println(for (list <- l; x <- list) yield x)
flatten is obviously a special case of flatMap, which can do so much more.
Given the above example, I'm not sure you need recursion. Looks like you want List.flatten instead.
scala> List(1,2,3)
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> List(4,5,6)
res1: List[Int] = List(4, 5, 6)
scala> List(res0,res1)
res2: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6))
scala> res2.flatten
res3: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
If your structure can be further nested, like:
List(List(1, 2, 3, 4, List(5, 6, List(7, 8))))
This function should give you the desire result:
def f[U](l: List[U]): List[U] = l match {
case Nil => Nil
case (x: List[U]) :: tail => f(x) ::: f(tail)
case x :: tail => x :: f(tail)
You don't need recursion but you can use it if you want:
def flatten[A](list: List[List[A]]):List[A] =
if (list.length==0) List[A]()
else list.head ++ flatten(list.tail)
This works like flatten method build into List. Example:
scala> flatten(List(List(1,2), List(3,4)))
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
If you want to use flatmap, here is the the way
Suppose that you have a List of List[Int] named ll, and you want to flat it to List,
many people already gives you the answers, such as flatten, that's the easy way. I assume that you are asking for using flatmap method. If it is the case, here is the way

Scala: Yielding from one type of collection to another

Concerning the yield command in Scala and the following example:
val values = Set(1, 2, 3)
val results = for {v <- values} yield (v * 2)
Can anyone explain how Scala knows which type of collection to yield into? I know it is based on values, but how would I go about writing code that replicates yield?
Is there any way for me to change the type of the collection to yield into? In the example I want results to be of type List instead of Set.
Failing this, what is the best way to convert from one collection to another? I know about _:*, but as a Set is not a Seq this does not work. The best I could find thus far is val listResults = List() ++ results.
Ps. I know the example does not following the recommended functional way (which would be to use map), but it is just an example.
The for comprehensions are translated by compiler to map/flatMap/filter calls using this scheme.
This excellent answer by Daniel answers your first question.
To change the type of result collection, you can use collection.breakout (also explained in the post I linked above.)
scala> val xs = Set(1, 2, 3)
xs: scala.collection.immutable.Set[Int] = Set(1, 2, 3)
scala> val ys: List[Int] = (for(x <- xs) yield 2 * x)(collection.breakOut)
ys: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 6)
You can convert a Set to a List using one of following ways:
scala> List.empty[Int] ++ xs
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> xs.toList
res1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
Recommended read: The Architecture of Scala Collections
If you use map/flatmap/filter instead of for comprehensions, you can use scala.collection.breakOut to create a different type of collection:
scala> val result:List[Int] =*)(scala.collection.breakOut)
result: List[Int] = List(2, 4, 6)
If you wanted to build your own collection classes (which is the closest thing to "replicating yield" that makes any sense to me), you should have a look at this tutorial.
Try this:
val values = Set(1, 2, 3)
val results = for {v <- values} yield (v * 2).toList

Listing combinations WITH repetitions in Scala

Trying to learn a bit of Scala and ran into this problem. I found a solution for all combinations without repetions here and I somewhat understand the idea behind it but some of the syntax is messing me up. I also don't think the solution is appropriate for a case WITH repetitions. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a bit of code that I could work from. I have plenty of material on combinatorics and understand the problem and iterative solutions to it, I am just looking for the scala-y way of doing it.
I understand your question now. I think the easiest way to achieve what you want is to do the following:
def mycomb[T](n: Int, l: List[T]): List[List[T]] =
n match {
case 0 => List(List())
case _ => for(el <- l;
sl <- mycomb(n-1, l dropWhile { _ != el } ))
yield el :: sl
def comb[T](n: Int, l: List[T]): List[List[T]] = mycomb(n, l.removeDuplicates)
The comb method just calls mycomb with duplicates removed from the input list. Removing the duplicates means it is then easier to test later whether two elements are 'the same'. The only change I have made to your mycomb method is that when the method is being called recursively I strip off the elements which appear before el in the list. This is to stop there being duplicates in the output.
> comb(3, List(1,2,3))
> List[List[Int]] = List(
List(1, 1, 1), List(1, 1, 2), List(1, 1, 3), List(1, 2, 2),
List(1, 2, 3), List(1, 3, 3), List(2, 2, 2), List(2, 2, 3),
List(2, 3, 3), List(3, 3, 3))
> comb(6, List(1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2))
> List[List[Int]] = List(
List(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), List(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2), List(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2),
List(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), List(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2), List(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
List(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))
Meanwhile, combinations have become integral part of the scala collections:
scala> val li = List (1, 1, 0, 0)
li: List[Int] = List(1, 1, 0, 0)
scala> li.combinations (2) .toList
res210: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 1), List(1, 0), List(0, 0))
As we see, it doesn't allow repetition, but to allow them is simple with combinations though: Enumerate every element of your collection (0 to li.size-1) and map to element in the list:
scala> (0 to li.length-1).combinations (2).toList .map (v=>(li(v(0)), li(v(1))))
res214: List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,1), (1,0), (1,0), (1,0), (1,0), (0,0))
I wrote a similar solution to the problem in my blog:
First I thought of generating all the possible combinations and removing the duplicates, (or use sets, that takes care of the duplications itself) but as the problem was specified with lists and all the possible combinations would be too much, I've came up with a recursive solution to the problem:
to get the combinations of size n, take one element of the set and append it to all the combinations of sets of size n-1 of the remaining elements, union the combinations of size n of the remaining elements.
That's what the code does
def combinations[A](n:Int, xs:List[A]):List[List[A]]={
def lift[A](xs:List[A]):List[List[A]]=xs.foldLeft(List[List[A]]())((ys,y)=>(List(y)::ys))
(n,xs) match {
case (1,ys)=> lift(ys)
case (i,xs) if (i==xs.size) => xs::Nil
case (i,ys)=> combinations(i-1,ys.tail).map(zs=>ys.head::zs):::combinations(i,ys.tail)
How to read it:
I had to create an auxiliary function that "lift" a list into a list of lists
The logic is in the match statement:
If you want all the combinations of size 1 of the elements of the list, just create a list of lists in which each sublist contains an element of the original one (that's the "lift" function)
If the combinations are the total length of the list, just return a list in which the only element is the element list (there's only one possible combination!)
Otherwise, take the head and tail of the list, calculate all the combinations of size n-1 of the tail (recursive call) and append the head to each one of the resulting lists (.map(ys.head::zs) ) concatenate the result with all the combinations of size n of the tail of the list (another recursive call)
Does it make sense?
The question was rephrased in one of the answers -- I hope the question itself gets edited too. Someone else answered the proper question. I'll leave that code below in case someone finds it useful.
That solution is confusing as hell, indeed. A "combination" without repetitions is called permutation. It could go like this:
def perm[T](n: Int, l: List[T]): List[List[T]] =
n match {
case 0 => List(List())
case _ => for(el <- l;
sl <- perm(n-1, l filter (_ != el)))
yield el :: sl
If the input list is not guaranteed to contain unique elements, as suggested in another answer, it can be a bit more difficult. Instead of filter, which removes all elements, we need to remove just the first one.
def perm[T](n: Int, l: List[T]): List[List[T]] = {
def perm1[T](n: Int, l: List[T]): List[List[T]] =
n match {
case 0 => List(List())
case _ => for(el <- l;
(hd, tl) = l span (_ != el);
sl <- perm(n-1, hd ::: tl.tail))
yield el :: sl
perm1(n, l).removeDuplicates
Just a bit of explanation. In the for, we take each element of the list, and return lists composed of it followed by the permutation of all elements of the list except for the selected element.
For instance, if we take List(1,2,3), we'll compose lists formed by 1 and perm(List(2,3)), 2 and perm(List(1,3)) and 3 and perm(List(1,2)).
Since we are doing arbitrary-sized permutations, we keep track of how long each subpermutation can be. If a subpermutation is size 0, it is important we return a list containing an empty list. Notice that this is not an empty list! If we returned Nil in case 0, there would be no element for sl in the calling perm, and the whole "for" would yield Nil. This way, sl will be assigned Nil, and we'll compose a list el :: Nil, yielding List(el).
I was thinking about the original problem, though, and I'll post my solution here for reference. If you meant not having duplicated elements in the answer as a result of duplicated elements in the input, just add a removeDuplicates as shown below.
def comb[T](n: Int, l: List[T]): List[List[T]] =
n match {
case 0 => List(List())
case _ => for(i <- (0 to (l.size - n)).toList;
l1 = l.drop(i);
sl <- comb(n-1, l1.tail))
yield l1.head :: sl
It's a bit ugly, I know. I have to use toList to convert the range (returned by "to") into a List, so that "for" itself would return a List. I could do away with "l1", but I think this makes more clear what I'm doing. Since there is no filter here, modifying it to remove duplicates is much easier:
def comb[T](n: Int, l: List[T]): List[List[T]] = {
def comb1[T](n: Int, l: List[T]): List[List[T]] =
n match {
case 0 => List(List())
case _ => for(i <- (0 to (l.size - n)).toList;
l1 = l.drop(i);
sl <- comb(n-1, l1.tail))
yield l1.head :: sl
comb1(n, l).removeDuplicates
Daniel -- I'm not sure what Alex meant by duplicates, it may be that the following provides a more appropriate answer:
def perm[T](n: Int, l: List[T]): List[List[T]] =
n match {
case 0 => List(List())
case _ => for(el <- l.removeDuplicates;
sl <- perm(n-1, l.slice(0, l.findIndexOf {_ == el}) ++ l.slice(1 + l.findIndexOf {_ == el}, l.size)))
yield el :: sl
Run as
perm(2, List(1,2,2,2,1))
this gives:
List(List(2, 2), List(2, 1), List(1, 2), List(1, 1))
as opposed to:
List(1, 2), List(1, 2), List(1, 2), List(2, 1),
List(2, 1), List(2, 1), List(2, 1), List(2, 1),
List(2, 1), List(1, 2), List(1, 2), List(1, 2)
The nastiness inside the nested perm call is removing a single 'el' from the list, I imagine there's a nicer way to do that but I can't think of one.
This solution was posted on Rosetta Code:
def comb[A](as: List[A], k: Int): List[List[A]] =
It is really not clear what you are asking for. It could be one of a few different things. First would be simple combinations of different elements in a list. Scala offers that with the combinations() method from collections. If elements are distinct, the behavior is exactly what you expect from classical definition of "combinations". For n-element combinations of p elements there will be p!/n!(p-n)! combinations in the output.
If there are repeated elements in the list, though, Scala will generate combinations with the item appearing more than once in the combinations. But just the different possible combinations, with the element possibly replicated as many times as they exist in the input. It generates only the set of possible combinations, so repeated elements, but not repeated combinations. I'm not sure if underlying it there is an iterator to an actual Set.
Now what you actually mean if I understand correctly is combinations from a given set of different p elements, where an element can appear repeatedly n times in the combination.
Well, coming back a little, to generate combinations when there are repeated elements in the input, and you wanna see the repeated combinations in the output, the way to go about it is just to generate it by "brute-force" using n nested loops. Notice that there is really nothing brute about it, it is just the natural number of combinations, really, which is O(p^n) for small n, and there is nothing you can do about it. You only should be careful to pick these values properly, like this:
val a = List(1,1,2,3,4)
def comb = for (i <- 0 until a.size - 1; j <- i+1 until a.size) yield (a(i), a(j))
resulting in
scala> comb
res55: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[(Int, Int)] = Vector((1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,3), (2,4), (3,4))
This generates the combinations from these repeated values in a, by first creating the intermediate combinations of 0 until a.size as (i, j)...
Now to create the "combinations with repetitions" you just have to change the indices like this:
val a = List('A','B','C')
def comb = for (i <- 0 until a.size; j <- i until a.size) yield (a(i), a(j))
will produce
List((A,A), (A,B), (A,C), (B,B), (B,C), (C,C))
But I'm not sure what's the best way to generalize this to larger combinations.
Now I close with what I was looking for when I found this post: a function to generate the combinations from an input that contains repeated elements, with intermediary indices generated by combinations(). It is nice that this method produces a list instead of a tuple, so that means we can actually solve the problem using a "map of a map", something I'm not sure anyone else has proposed here, but that is pretty nifty and will make your love for FP and Scala grow a bit more after you see it!
def comb[N](p:Seq[N], n:Int) = (0 until p.size).combinations(n) map { _ map p }
results in
scala> val a = List('A','A','B','C')
scala> comb(a, 2).toList
res60: List[scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int]] = List(Vector(1, 1), Vector(1, 2), Vector(1, 3), Vector(1, 2), Vector(1, 3), Vector(2, 3))