Google Chrome dev tools do not display website on developer machine (when Remote Debugging Android Device) - google-chrome-devtools

Following the instructions here, I can see my Android device in Chrome on my developer machine in Chrome > DevTools > Main Menu > More tools > Remote devices.
I can see the website that the Android device has open. If I click Inspect, a new Chrome window opens on my developer machine, and I see the mobile width browser window open with Developer Tools on the right.
However, the website loaded on my Android device will not load in this window. I see a white screen. I click Reload, and the loading progress bar will display, but then I receive a white screen again.
I make sure the Android device screen is unlocked, repeat the process above, but I always end up with a white screen.
How do I fix this please?


Android Device can't able to connect with Profiler Window

I want to get performance analytics of my game using Profiler so I have exported build with Autoconnect Profile setting enabled.
After this process build installed within an Android device but it can't able to run the game, it just displaying black screen nothing else. Profiler can't able to connect with the connected Android device, I was getting this kind of list within Unity profiler:
Now android device showing just black screen and profiler not moving ahead, it just remains connected with Editor only.
I have tried to connect and disconnect my Android device multiple time but nothing changed in this. Please give me some suggestion into this so I can start my debugging process.
I have already gone through this post:
Profiler window
I believe you need to build in DevelopmentBuild enabled to be able to attatch profiler

Running google-vr unity daydream app on google pixel

Im trying to run the sample app provided in the daydream page on the google pixel phone.
1) I chnaged the build settings to android.
2) Went to player settings enabled Virtual reality support and selected google daydream as the platform.
3) I changed the Minumum API to API level 24.
4) I added the folder containing my adb to the path variable in windows.
5) I also set the path of the android SDk.
6) I enabled USB debuggin on Pixel
However when I run my app , I get the following errors:
Device daydream not supported in Editor Mode. Please run on target device.
Failed to read from controller emulator app event socket.
Verify that the controller emulator app is running.
build the apk and start it on your device. build and play requires adb.
As I suppouse, you want to DEBUG your Daydream app on your Programming Environment (Unity in this case).
Note:This solution allows you to debug on your PC but you'll need one Pixel Phone connected to your PC, and one Daydream Controller.
First of all I recommend you to download the samples provided by Google on Github if you have not done it yet:
When you load any scene you'll see that the Daydream basic set is composed for a hierarchy like:
The two selected components are key for your porpouse cause if you want to debug Daydream from your PC you'll need to "link" your daydream controller with InstantPreview App. Instant preview will downloaded instantly on your phone if you got in your scene the "GvrInstantPreviewMain".
InstanPreview Google Info:
When the app has been opened, can happen 3 things on your pixel phone:
Everything works as it should.
Daydream Instant Preview infom to correct the device by USB.
Kind of Grey screen with some text.
If you're on 2.
This seems to happen when your Unity Project is desynchronized from your phone and you'll see something like:
Close InstantPreviewApplication on your phone, close your unity project (remember to save your progress), and open again your unity project. That has almost always solved me.
If you're on 3.
This seems to happens when instan preview is waiting for Unity Play Mode.
You only need to press Play on you Unity Poject.
Remember to press (and mantain) synchronize button on your Daydream controller if you can move the headset camera but can't find your controller reticle.
This works for me.
I also append my own Unity project with this scheme that works bought for Daydream and GearVR in case helps someone else to test my solution:

How to simulate highlight text for mobile devices on Chrome Dev Tools?

I'm curious if it's possible to simulate highlight text on "touchstart" via Chrome Dev Tools instead of testing directly on phone.
I tried mobile view but the touch icon doesn't seem to highlight the text when I drag it.
Thanks a lot.
This level of detail isn't available within Device Mode. You'd need to use an emulator.
Device Mode is only meant to provide the upper 85-90% of what most developers will need to test their web applications. It is not meant to handle everything (as that highlight UX is platform-specific) nor is it meant to replace actual device testing.
Pretty old question, But instead of an emulator now we can use chrome's new feature Remote Debugging.
Here are steps:
Enable Developer Options - To enable tap Build Number 7 times
Settings > About Phone > Build Number
The above location may vary depending on your Android version.
Enable USB Debugging
Settings > System > Developer Options > USB debugging
Connect your mobile device to your computer using USB cable and tap OK
to allow USB debugging.
Open chrome://inspect/#devices and in the Remote Target section check whether your device is listed, if not make sure to unlock your device.
In the Devices section, click Port forwarding and enter your website port(e.g: 8080) and then in the next field enter IP and port(e.g: localhost:8080)
Open chrome on your mobile and goto localhost:8080
You can still use chrome devtools to debug, simply click on inspect in the Remote Target section.

Autorun Chrome kiosk app when Chrome OS starts up

When Chrome OS ready, need to click 'App' button and then select the kiosk app, but I want to launch it automatically on startup.
How to set that up?
Answer found here:!topic/chromebook-central/XTqYPQfZmNc
Please follow the steps below to put Chromebook into Kiosk mode.
Wipe Data on Chromebook (Follow this link for instructions).
After wipe is completed, you will be at the welcome screen. (Input your network information, but DO NOT LOGIN to the Chromebook)
At the login screen, press Ctrl+Alt+K and enable Kiosk mode.
Login into the Chromebook.
Open a new tab in Chrome, and enter chrome://extensions in the address bar (also known as the omnibox). Click enter.
Check the box next to Developer Mode.
Click Add kiosk application, and enter the ID of the Kiosk App you'd like to enable.
Highlight the Kiosk App and select "auto launch".
Press Enter or click Done.
Reboot and when asked, enable app for Kiosk mode.
Now the app will auto launch each time you reboot.
To Turn off Kiosk Mode, begin by rebooting the Chromebook. While the device is starting up, press the keyboard shortcut
Ctrl+Alt+S to interrupt the process and return to the login screen.
Good luck!

What does it look like on the device when you build and run Android yourself?

I just followed the instructions on for building Android from source. The build appeared to succeed, and it generated .img files which I fastbooted onto a device.
I started up the device, and got a black screen.
I can "adb shell" into the device and cd around and stuff, but nothing shows on the screen.
Usually, a black screen tells me something is wrong, but it's crossed my mind that maybe this time it's actually right, and the Android version one builds from source is a slim version without any of the bells and whistles, desktop with apps, browser, settings etc like the Android you get when you buy a phone.
My question: What normally shows on the screen when you build and run Android from source?