Changing the time format in freemarker - date

I have the following time format:
Dec 29, 2016 10:57:58 PM
How can I display it in a model of days ago. Like 10days or 20days using Freemarker?
Thank you.

FreeMarker templates don't do calendar calculations, or at least not unless you add a TemplateMethodModelEx for them. But in principle such data should come from the data-model, rather than calculated by the template.
Though, depending on how you define "days ago", something like ((.now?long - someDate?long) / 86400000)?ceiling might works, assuming someDate is a real date-time value and not just a string. But it's ugly.


Changing the Date Format the p-Calendar Transfers

I have a component, p-Calendar.
I had no trouble finding a way to receive the date I selected, and modify it.
So basically when I hit a different date in the calendar, it does catch the date correctly. It will transfer this information:
"Thu Dec 08 2016 00:00:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)"
While I can see that all this detail is useful, I really just want my component to receive:
Is there any simple way to do this, perhaps some inherent method that comes with the calendar, without manually doing string modifications in my code? I read the documentation and couldn't find the information I am looking for.
The onBlur method seems to be transferring the data in the way I want it to. Unfortunately onBlur only works when you type in the date manually, or when you're one date selection behind. It would be great to somehow call PrimeNG's onBlur method after you made a selection in the calendar drop-down.
I wouldn't particularly recommend this as it's a hacky solution, it is probably better to do transformations of the myDate as appropriate for display or other purposes.
If you really, really want to do this so that the myDate in your component only contains a short date without all that time and location information you can go ahead and separate out the model bindings to make it work like so:
<p-calendar [ngModel]="myDate"
onSelectMethod(event) {
let d = new Date(Date.parse(event));
this.myDate = `${d.getMonth()+1}/${d.getDate()}/${d.getFullYear()}`;
Here's a functioning demo:
In case you were wondering about applying a pipe, you would do a straight [(ngModel)]="myDate" bind and, where you want to see the short date in the template do {{myDate | date: 'MM/dd/yy'}}

Formatting a date retrieved from Wikidata

So let's say I have an Infobox template in Wikipedia that retrieves a company foundation date from Wikidata. It contains the following code:
|label7 = Year founded
|text7 = {{wikidata|p571|{{{founded|}}}}}
My problem is that what's retrieved is formatted as 31 January 2010 and it looks weird next to "Year founded' since it is not a year but the whole date. Of course I could rename the label from "Year founded" to "Date founded" and voila, problem solved, right? But I do want to just get the year from Wikidata, not the whole date.
What would be the code for this? I imagine something like {{wikidata|p571[year]|{{{founded|}}}}} or {{wikidata|p571[0]|{{{founded|}}}}} or {{wikidata|p571[YYYY]|{{{founded|}}}}}.
Thanks in advance!
This doesn't sound like a programming question, but it looks like you can request a specific date format as the third parameter to wikidata
I highly recomend you to filter the year from date using RegularExpression instead of trying to get only the year.

Powershell simplest method to get current time expressed as UTC

I have reviewed the post Creating a DateTime object with a specific UTC DateTime in PowerShell, but it does not seem to directly answer the question I am asking:
What is the most direct method in PowerShell (3.0) to return a sortable string representing "now" as UTC?
I expected the correct answer to be:
Get-Date -Format (Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.UniversalSortableDateTimePattern
get-date -format u
but this is not the case.
Example: At 1300 hrs (1pm) on September 1st, 2016 in the Pacific Time Zone during DST, I get the response:
2016-09-01 13:00:00Z (the local time with a "Z" appended)
when I was expecting:
2016-09-01 20:00:00Z (correct UTC/GMT time)
So basically, my code is just getting a string representing the "local" time and appending a "Z".
Now, I know I can manipulate to get to that point, but I'm looking for the minimal (simplest, cleanest) way to get here.
Bonus Points (as if they existed): How do I get that same, sortable result, but displaying with "UTC" and/or "GMT" as the suffix. Same minimal requirement.
Probably something like this:
Which is equivalent to:
For the bonus, I think the most straightforward way is just to replace Z with UTC:
I'm assuming you'll always want UTC since that what it seems like from your question. There doesn't appear to be a format string to get just the 3 letter time zone.
I tried this, and it also gives the result I want:
It is showing time in the format 20180108_152407_UTC
so you can play with the date/time formatting as you wish basically

How to convert a ISO8601 date time string to a simple date time format in XSL version 1.0?

I have a ISO8601 string (e.g. date="2015-07-10T04:31:25") I need to convert this to the format:
July 7, 2015, 4:31:25 PM (EDT)
Even though I can write a template and use substring() to transform the string in the date time format. However I am not sure how to achieve the AM/PM and time zone information?
Working code templates would be highly appreciated. Thanks!
I am not sure how to achieve the AM/PM ...
It can be calculated from the hour component as:
substring('AMPM', 1 + 2*(number($hour) > 11), 2)
Of course, in the given input, where $hour would be "04", the correct result is "AM", not "PM".
... and time zone information?
Your input does not contain any time zone information, so unless you want to hard-code EDT as a string, there is no way to get it.

Formatting post's date value in DocPad

Currently if my post has date: 2013-06-16 in my post, and I do in the post layout I get "Sat Jun 15 2013 19:00:00 GMT-0500 (CDT)".
I would like to get different formats. Like 2013-06-16 for the pubdate HTML5 tag (or something similar).
Or Jun 15, 2013 for the human readable post date, etc.
How can I accomplish this? BTW my layouts are using the file extension. :)
Figured it out! This is my file:
And here's my post template:
Of course I only linked the relevant parts of the code. Basically I learned and used Moment.js. :)
Although I love Moment.js, if you prefer a solution that does not require an additional plugin and you don't need to do too much with the date, you could use native JavaScript.
For example, if you would like to output your date in this great, human-readable format: Saturday, November 15, 2014, you can use the following native JavaScript method, passing in an optional locale:
And when you need just the year, e.g. 2014, you can use:
Bear in mind, you will need getFullYear and not getYear due to the whole Y2K thing.
With all of the other native JavaScript date methods, you can make your own combinations, though if you're including multiple date formats, you may want to let Moment.js do the heavy lifting.