How to remove default fields in kibana 5.3 - elastic-stack

I have setup ELK stack 5.3. Now kibana is messed up with a lot of values under "Available Fields". How to remove these unwanted fields?
Also, I need to remove some built in fields like "beat.hostname","","beat.version",etc. How can I do this?

The Available Fields column just represents all the fields in your visible result set. (First 500 results by default.) If you want to get rid of some fields you have to adjust your Logstash / Ingest-Node settings, to get rid of the field altogether.
As for removing fields, you can use any filter to remove them.
mutate {
remove_field => ["%{beat}"] # delete the entire Beat field
mutate {
remove_field => ["%{[beat][hostname]}"] # delete a nested field


Vue Element UI - Default el-input-number to empty field instead of a number

Creating a form with no values and would like the input field to default to empty for two reasons:
Want users to be able to see the placeholder text.
Having a default number means the users can ignore the field by default. (I know I can validate the field, but that is just a bad user experience.)
The problem:
el-input-number fields default to a number (0 or whatever the :min value is set to).
This covers up the placeholder text.
The users can click save with the default number still in place. (I will validate, but don't want users to have to submit a bad value to know what to do.)
Does anyone know how to make the input field have the default value be just empty?
just give it a default value of undefined

How to remove a field from `showitems` in TCA?

TYPO3 has the function TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addToAllTCAtypes() to add or replace one or more fields to the BE form of a record.
How can we remove fields?
(replacing by '' does not work)
Its about hiding some fields in tt_content for some CTypes only.
In the past we did it by overwriting the complete value. But with the upgrade from 6.2LTS to 8LTS we run into problems as the default labels have changed (pathes to the language files) and so some labels become lost in the BE, which was noticed very late.
Now I want a clean way to remove single fields so that the definition of the remaining fields stays clean with the default values from core (or other extensions).
Other extensiosn which add their own fields also are a problem if the value is set with a static string: these fields are also removed.
Since there is indeed no way to insert an empty string, you could create an empty palette instead. This way you will still get a non empty string to insert, but it will not create any output in the form.
addToAllTCAtypes('table', '--palette--;;empty', '', 'replace:fieldname')
And you should make a feature request, to make at least the replacement with an empty string possible in upcoming versions of TYPO3.
Do it in the code like this:
foreach ($GLOBALS['TCA']['yourtablenamehere']['types'] as &$definition) {
$definition['showitems'] = '';
if you only need to reset a specific type ('0', for example):
$GLOBALS['TCA']['yourtablenamehere']['types']['0']['showitems'] = '';
If you want to override types completely instead of clearing them (clearing only does not much sense anyway):
$GLOBALS['TCA']['yourtablenamehere']['types']['0']['showitems'] = 'title, bodytext';

TCA configuration: Value of field should be copied to translated record

I am adding a field to the pages table (is a relation to a file) and would like the value of the field in the pages record to be copied to the translated record by default.
Currently, the copied field is empty (default value), which is probably a good idea in most cases.
I am thinking of something that behaves like l10n_mode = prefixLangTitle without the prefix.
Depending on the TYPO3 version this should be possible with one of the following behaviours for the inline field:
Sine the localizeChildrenWithParentLocalization feature is broken with pages and pages_language_overlay though, I guess the only working versions would be CMS 8 or 9 with properly configured language synchronization.
['behaviour']['allowLanguageSynchronization'] => true
if the translated record will use the value from the default field by
default (will effectively be copied), but it should be possible to change
this later.
See as example.
When "Custom value" is selected, the value can be overridden.
Alternativively, use
l10n_mode = exclude
if the field should always have the value of the default language and you
should not be able to change it in the translated record.

Kibana (current version) - Not showing string type fields in visualization

I am using current version of Kibana, not showing string type fields to select for x-axis (Line or Bar charts). Am I missing anything here?
Here is my sample json. How to breakdown by IterationName?
"iterationName":"Sprint 60",
for visualizing fields in buckets(x-axis) you should, for example, choose the "Terms" and under that choose your field which is "iterationName".
this part shows all the fields regardless of their type.
maybe there is a problem in your mapping, it is better to go to the discover tab and check the fields of your index pattern to see if all the fields are indexed or not

Drupal 7 Views add list of authors as exposed filter

I have a view with a number of exposed filters that I want to add an exposed filter for the author, so that the user can limit a list of nodes by the creator of the node (in addition to a number of other filters).
What I've done so far:
I've added an exposed filter of the author and set the operator to "contains any word" (so the usernames could just be a + separated list)
This is by default a text field, but I would like it to appear as a list of checkboxes (similar to taxonomy)
Using hook_form_alter I've added the following code to change it to a list of checkboxes (harcoded for now but I'll fix shortly)
$form['name']['#type'] = "select";
$form['name']['#size'] = "3";
$form['name']['#multiple'] = TRUE;
$form['name']['#options'] = array(
'admin' => 'admin',
'tyler' => 'tyler',
'test' => 'test'
$form['name']['#theme'] = "select_as_checkboxes";
When this form is submitted it changes the url to &name[]=tyler&name[]=admin, what I would like to do is combine these with a foreach so that url would look like &name=tyler+admin, but I'm really not sure how exactly to achieve this in the API.
I tried adding a function to $form['#submit'], and changing the value of the field in there, but that still didn't change the output.
Any advice?
Quick Edit
For the time being I have switched this to use radios instead of checkboxes, which solves the issue that I was having.
To break down the issue I was having a bit further, the names of the checkboxes where getting set to name[]= instead of name= because of the multiple inputs. The name filter in Views does not know how to handle multiple values for the name field.
For now I will see if this flies with the client, but if anybody has an answer for the original question of adding checkboxes for all authors to an exposed filter that would be awesome!
Use Better Exposed Filters module.