I've an issue (I'm still blocked), I've created my configuration file like :
project_identifier: test
api_key: KeepTheAPIkeySecret
base_url: https://api.crowdin.com
base_path: /path/to/your/project
source: /locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
translation: /locale/%two_letters_code%/LC_MESSAGES/%original_file_name%
See : https://github.com/crowdin/crowdin-cli
However, I received an error message when I execute my command line to upload translation in Crowdin :
error: Seems Crowdin server API URL is not valid.
Please check the `base_url` parameter in the configuration file.
I don't know why it's not working!Thanks for any help !
Crowdin sent me another JAR,
The last one was not good for windows path.
now I'm trying to conduct load test with gatling.
I have been trying create gatling's simulation script via gatling recorder and
it was going well.
but, when I executed that, I encountered file not found error below although there are files
(in this case /step1/0006_request.json is exist)
request_6: Failed to build request: Resource /step1/0006_request.json not found
there are many json files and that error occurred some of specific post requests.
every requests which is failed are composed following setting.
using request header 'headers_6' below
using RawFileBody method
(even if this is obvious thing because content-type is 'application/json')
I already have been using 12 hour over and I have to finish my task in a timely manner.
I'm so sorry about that I can't share my application which is target of this issue.
if anyone have any idea or kindly want to more detail please ask me.
val headers_6 = Map(
"Content-Type" -> "application/json",
"Origin" -> "applicationServerURL")
additionally, I checked json files which were created by gatling recorder on 'resource' directory, them contains only one char 'X'.
this means Gatling recorder doesn't capture request json file's content?
Gatling version gatling 3.5.1
Used Browser: FireFox
I just solved this issue.
this issue was caused by very simple fact.
firstly, I encountered error message below
request_6: Failed to build request: Resource /step1/0006_request.json not found
and I have to check the file paths although this script was auto created by gatling recorder(do not trust gatling tool).
The auto created file path was absolute path and start with ‘/’. And the script started to work once I remove the ‘/’.
I referred other post on stack overflow, and it was written that file path must be written with absolute path if you are using gatling version 3 or later version.
I hope my reply can be informative to someone who may be having same issue as me.
Using 'relative path'.
//As is
//To be
I am trying to set dropbox as custom backup destination following below cpanel blog. The connection is working, but the backup files are not being transferred to DropBox. And when I press validate to custom backup destination it gives following error .
Error: Validation for transport “dropbox” failed: Could not list files in
destination: Executed /usr/local/bin/backup_transport_dropbox.pl ls /
remotehost remoteuser : 2018-08-26T15:54:21 [WebService::Dropbox] [ERROR]
https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/list_folder {"path":"/"} -> [400] Error in
call to API function "files/list_folder": request body: path: Specify the root
folder as an empty string rather than as "/". at
/usr/local/share/perl5/WebService/Dropbox.pm line 184.
I am new to dropbox api and have no idea of perl so could not figure out what is discusses on below links.
The error message is correctly indicating that the Dropbox API expects the value "" when referring to the root alone. The code is instead sending the value "/". This looks like a bug in the code.
It looks like you've already opened an issue with the developer for this:
They should update the code to use "" when referring to the root folder on Dropbox.
I'm trying to figure out "why" I'm getting an error message from the Joomla 3.X component Gcalendar (google calendar). The error message is below.
Error Unable to Connect to ssl://www.google.com:443. Error
#-912967449: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?
I have read several other threads on here and other sites but most outline 'how' to enable/install/etc... SSL. I've copied/pasted the info.php data into a google doc here. Everything dealing with SSL is labeled as 'on' or 'installed.
The server is not 'public' right now, it is only available from within the school district's network. Could this be the reason for the problem?
Any ideas anyone?
should be
I just had this error as well. In my case it was because I was working locally, not on the live site. Once I put it live, it worked fine. Just putting this here in case anyone else comes across the same thing.
Install OpenSSL module for php:
1. In the php.ini file,
add this line "extension = php_openssl.dll"
2.Make sure that the folder "ext" have this dll,
if not then add the desired version.
Установить для php модуль OpenSSL:
1)В файле php.ини,
добавь строку "extension=php_openssl.dll"
2) Убедись что в папке "ext" есть эта dll,
если нет то добавте необходимой версии.
I am facing this exception when I trying to create the sp.xml using the ssoadmin :
com.sun.identity.cli.CLIException: AdminTokenAction: FATAL ERROR: Cannot obtain Application SSO token.
Check AMConfig.properties for the following properties
at com.sun.identity.cli.LogWriter.log(LogWriter.java:109)
at com.sun.identity.cli.Authenticator.ldapLogin(Authenticator.java:170)
at com.sun.identity.cli.AuthenticatedCommand.ldapLogin(AuthenticatedCommand.java:144)
at com.sun.identity.federation.cli.CreateMetaDataTemplate.handleRequest(CreateMetaDataTemplate.java:113)
at com.sun.identity.cli.SubCommand.execute(SubCommand.java:291)
at com.sun.identity.cli.CLIRequest.process(CLIRequest.java:212)
at com.sun.identity.cli.CLIRequest.process(CLIRequest.java:134)
at com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager.serviceRequestQueue(CommandManager.java:573)
at com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager.(CommandManager.java:171)
at com.sun.identity.cli.CommandManager.main(CommandManager.java:148)
And I also tried adding something like this in the ssoamdin.bat :
But the same exception...
How to fix it?
Thanks in advance,
The 'map-to-site' property is only needed if you have a site configured an the host where you run ssoadm is not able to talk to the siteURL.
You may set -Dcom.iplanet.services.debug.level=message -Dcom.iplanet.services.debug.directory=WRITABLE_EXISTING_DIRECTORY' as JVM options within ssoadm.bat.
You may then look into the debug directory you should find a pointer what's wrong.
The above got sorted in my case when i went to the ssoadmin folder openam/bin and found the ssoadm.bat file and opened it in the edit mode and added the following two lines in the java comaand :
-D"javax.net.ssl.trustStore=F:\tomcatsslkeystore" (tomcat keystore path)
-D"javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=tomcatsslkeystore" (tomcat keystore password)
I'm trying to run pig locally, installed using homebrew, to test a script. However, I get the following error when I attempt to run a simple dump from the interactive prompt pig -x local:
2012-07-16 23:20:40,447 [Thread-7] INFO org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.util.MapRedUtil - Total input paths (combined) to process : 1
[Fatal Error] :63:85: Character reference "" is an invalid XML character.
2012-07-16 23:20:40,688 [Thread-7] FATAL org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration - error parsing conf file: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Character reference "" is an invalid XML character.
The same load/dump works fine on Elastic MapReduce.
I can't find any XML config files, and I've tried with both version 0.9.2 and 0.10.0
What am I missing?
Edit: Just checked a direct download (vs. homebrew) and it doesn't seem to work either
You should check that your Hadoop configuration files have correct configuration data.
Have a look in your hadoop/conf directory.
Have a look inside:
Finally worked out what the problem was. I ended up having to use dtruss -p on the pig/java process. This revealed a temporary directory and dynamically generated xml files. Once the temporary directory was discovered, it all fell quickly into place.
It was picking up the proxy excludes from my network connections, which had, as far as I can tell,  (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/02/index.htm) embedded in it. How this invalid value came to be in my network preferences in the first place, I haven't the faintest clue.
The value was then being pulled into dynamically generated files, for example /tmp/hadoop-vertis/mapred/staging/vertis-1005847898/.staging/job_local_0001/job.xml.
The offending lines: