Lack of Transaction ID on successful PayPal payment? - paypal

We are using PayPal's express check-out in order to handle payments in some scenarios. Occasionally we run into situations when it appears that a successful payment has gone through, but there is no transaction id returned when PayPal POSTs the transaction details back to our site. Has anyone else run into this situation? It seems like it might be related to payments that are flagged as "Pending" but we have not been able to successfully recreate the scenario.

Kindly contact PayPal Merchant Technical Support for further assistance on this.


SagePay Server Integration - PayPal IPN

My issue is that PayPal is performing security checks on their end, but marking the order as pending. This means that I am getting an OK status from the notification response on SagePay, but am unable to hold the order from being sent to the warehouse which the client has requested.
The documentation I have taken a look at is and I have attempted to speak with SagePay directly.
Please, could someone let me know whether they have ever integrated the PayPal IPN with the SagePay server integration before?
Thank you
Sage Pay doesn't support Paypal IPN. Sage Pay's Payment integration is a one shot thing - once the transaction is done, it's done - it exists in either an authorised or declined state, and is immune to any further changes.
Your best bet might be to implement IPN outside of Sage Pay. You could hold all Paypal orders by default, and then wait for notifications from PayPal to indicate they are cleared to ship.

PayPal Sandbox IPN Refund issue

I've been testing PayPal payments and received the IPN as expected on my staging/sandbox environment. However I noticed that the IPN for refunds are not being sent. I have verified this against my application as well as the Sandbox business account and the IPN history only shows the payment but not the refunded IPN. The payment history do however reflect the refunded status of the payments.
Can someone tell me if this is an expected behaviour since both the IPN history and the payment records do not tally? Thanks.
This is similar to the issue reported on but there's been no reply since: PayPal refunds not generating IPN anymore
I would advise you to get in touch with the PayPal team to check on this. We will need more information to check on this. You may get back to us via the link below.
Thank you.

Paypal IPN for subscription agreement

I have integrated Paypal subscription plan, and subscribing the plan in rails app. Now I am looking to integrate webhooks for paypal payments. I am really struggling hard to make paypal work. This is my third question related with Paypal subscription, however I have solved earlier questions by myself. But could do better if there was good documentation in paypal.
I found there are IPN for subscription/recurring payment but I can not find the field with which I can relate the IPN with existing subscription. I am storing subscription_id i.e. agreement_id but in IPN i am not able to find agreement_id.
Please suggest what to do.
Thanks in Advance.
You can put the agreement_id value in the custom field. You should get the custom field back during each IPN.

can't see completed payment in PayPal sandbox

we test our application on PayPal sandbox.
I was able to make payment form one account ( to another (, and status of this payment is completed on payer account (payment ID 3F335538TV000622E), but on receiver business account I can't see this payment and can't get it by API.
This question is to PayPal, as You recommend to ask on Your forum on Stackoverflow, however if anyone faced similar issue, please vote or response.
I don't believe in what I see; it seems I make some stupid mistake... I wasn't able to find any such issue on Google, here and in PayPal technical support.
I have reviewed both test accounts and I see transaction 3F335538TV000622E (buyer transaction ID)/28A51825L7124154N (seller transaction ID) appearing correctly. There is a difference in the date for the two payments due to the default timezone for the accounts. Based on your screenshots, you are seeing the correct information as the transaction would show on 6/3/14 in the as it defaults to PDT and 6/4/14 in the which defaults to BST.

How to verify paypal reference transactions is enabled

Hi I'm setting up paypal pro for a client. I need reference transactions to work as we would have to bill the customer each month and sometimes the amount may vary.
Credit card payment
The code flow has been tested with paypal sandbox and it completely works. But with the real account we get the following error.
"This transaction cannot be processed. Please contact PayPal Customer Service."
Paypal Account Payment/Express Checkout
It did not work with paypal sandbox too owing to reference transactions not being enabled. i'm facing a similar situation with the paypal pro account too. I get the error
"Merchant not enabled for reference transactions"
We sent a request to paypal asking them to enable reference transactions. They replied back assuring they did but I still get the same error. I even tried removing the current api signature and recreating a new one. But I still get the same error.
Has anyone faced a similar situation ?
Is there any sure way of verifying if reference transactions is enabled?
If it is not, is there a way to enable it other than going through paypal's customer service (it's appalling) ?
Yes it's easy.
Just try to make a payment with a billing agreement.
Just above the confirmation message on the PayPal website it will show:
Use PayPal for future payments to XXX Inc. Payments will be made with
your default payment method unless you select a preferred payment
method. To make changes, go to My money in your Profile, and update
the My preapproved payments section.
If you don't see that message they're not enabled (or your request is wrong). But of course you can check in the sandbox to make sure the request is correct.