Adding an 'about' tab to an Eclipse plug-in - eclipse

At the present stage, I am branding and deploying my plug-in. I would like to add an About section to the plug-in, and a How To Use section as well.
All the tutorials online on branding are for Eclipse RCP applications (or may be I have not researched well). Can someone please help with how to go about implementing this for a plug-in?

To contribute to the About dialog of Eclipse, you need to provide a plug-in that is referenced from your feature as the Brannding plug-in.
For example:
... >
The branding plug-in must provide an about.ini file with a
aboutText = This is my plug-in\n\
Visit for more info
featureImage = my-logo.png
This property file defines the text and image to show in the about dialog and its nested dialogs.
Finally, include the resources in the file in order for the build to include them in the resulting plug-in:
bin.includes = META-INF/,\
Note, that in order to see your contribution to the about dialog, you need to build and install the feature. When launching your plug-in from within the IDE, it will not show up.
The branding plug-in of Extras for Eclipse may serve as a template:
branding plug-in:
See here for a brief tutorial:
A how to use section should be part of the Welcome Page. See here for a short tutorial:


Eclipse Tricks and Tips plugin Extension Point

I need to add an entry to a menu section in the Tips and Tricks help dialog in eclipse. For that I am searching which Extension Point from Eclipse to use.
I am using eclipse 2019-06 and if I consult the documentation, I see no extension point for this help entry:
Eclipse 2019 Plugin documentation is here.
This isn't done using that extension point.
The about.ini file in the 'feature plug-in' for an installed feature can contain a tipsAndTricksHref property which gives the help topic href to use. For example the JDT about.ini contains:
So you must create a feature. You then create a 'feature plugin' - which is a plugin with the same id as the feature. The about.ini goes in the plugin. The feature.xml must list the 'feature plugin' and your other plugins. You must use a feature based build for the RCP build.

Starting with IntelliJ - Dependency manager like in Eclipse?

I'm new to IntelliJ IDEA and I was looking for some plugin that allows me an easy dependency management like this (look at the picture below) to easily add/remove dependencies. I have not found anything at all. Maybe someone of you know about any plugin.
Image Link: Eclipse pom.xml dependency manager
It is really important for me since I add/remove dependencies a lot and it really takes a lot of time to copy it from the internet, checking if it's the latest version and etc.
There is no such view in IDEA.
You can add a dependency like so:
Open the desired pom.xml file for editing.
With the editor tab having the focus, choose Code | Generate on the main menu, or press Alt+Insert, and choose Dependency from the Generate pop-up window.
Viewing all dependencies as a diagram is described here:
Do one of the following:
In the Maven Projects tool window, right-click the desired sub project or a package, and choose Show Dependencies, or Show Dependencies Popup.
Right-click pom.xml in the editor, and choose Dependencies | Show Dependencies /Show Dependencies popup.
I agree that the Eclipse way looks nicer.
You can file a feature request here:
Let me know if you have done so. I'll vote for it.

How to make my own eclipse plugin installable

I creat an eclipse plugin that I finished.
I would like to "share" my plugin with some people without just send them the whole code and they have to "create" the plugin by copy paste the code.
How can I make an installation file/ other way to make this plugin installable for others.
One option is to create a Feature project. (An Eclipse Feature is essentially a feature.xml file and file that specify a collection of one or more Eclipse plugins that will be included when the Feature is installed into an Eclipse application).
Feature projects allow you to choose which plugins to include in them when you create them using the New Feature Project Wizard.
Once your project is created, you will have the feature.xml file opened for you in its editor. There you will be able to fill in more meta data if desired, and you will be given links for Exporting and Publishing the feature for others to consume.
Follow the steps under "Exporting" in the Overview tab of the feature.xml editor and choose to deploy using the Export Wizard. I suggest that you choose to deploy to an Archive file.
Then you can send that resulting Archive file (zip file) to your people. Then have those people open their Eclipse instance and go to "Help -> Install New Software". Then choose "Add" to add an update site. Then choose "Archive" which will allow them to navigate to the zip file that you have sent them.
Once they select that, they will be on their way to installing your Feature which contains your plugin into their Eclispe installation.
You can send them the plugin jar file, and they can put it in their
dropins folder.
Eclipse will not let you install using an archive unless the you have an update site.

How to find the execution steps of an Eclipse plugin project

I am using Eclipse JUNO IDE in which I have imported an eclipse plugin project.
When I execute the project, a new copy of the eclipse window is opened and the plugin is displayed in the File Menu as "New Sample Project" in between the "New" option and "Open File" option. The plugin works normally.
From this project I wanted to know which file executes first and how the execution proceeds.
While this is the way to find the order of execution of a simple java program, is there a way to find the code execution order of a plugin project, which has many packages and each package has many java files?
I am new to eclipse plug-in development. Please help
Eclipse plugin project is different than normal Java project and also its execution.
Before jumping into execution steps, I think you better go through plugin project Manifest file details. It will give you overview of plugins that are contributed into your new eclipse instant and their implementation class in project.
Go through different tab in the manifest file. I will brief some of important things for you:
Overview: General info of you plugin. In general information section you will find Activator, which points your activator of plugin which will load your plugin.(You can say it as starting point as it controls plugin life cycle but not clearly starting point)
Dependencies: Plugins required and on which your projects are depended.
Extension: Here you will add Extension Points required for your plugin like view, editor, action,command. Here you can see overview of things which will be contributed through your plugin project.
Hope this helps.

How to configure Ext GWT with GWT Designer?

I have problem with configuration GXT with GWT Designer. I have all new releases of Eclipse, GWT plugin and GXT and cannot configure GXT to work with GWT Designer. I setup my project so that I can compile my GXT project and run it in browser.
However I can't design in GWT Designer. I don't see any GXT widget in GWT Designer.
All forums reffer to Google Web Toolkit -> Configure for using Ext-GWT (GXT) but I don't have this option.
I have done all steps defined in setup.txt of GXT.
The only thing that is not working is GWT designer do not see GXT widgets.
It simply appears that GXT 3 is not supported in the latest version of Windowbuilder. Period. All the instructions given in this thread work well for GXT 2, but GXT 3 has radical differences (different styling mechanisms, for one thing!) that Windowbuilder cannot seem to handle.
This is a bug that needs to be fixed in Windowbuilder.
I see this is an old article, but might still help people with the same problem.
If you right click on your gwt.xml file, the options are visible, if you click on your project, the options are not visible. That's the problem I was having.
I had this problem. I solved by installing:
(If you are using Eclipse Indigo)
Just check for the version you have. That should do the trick.
"select your GWT module file and right-click to select the Google Web Toolkit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)"
Read setup.txt in ext-gwt zip:
STEP 1 -> Create a Google Web Application Project project within Eclipse.
Copy the contents of the /resources folder in the download to a {foldername} location within your war folder.
Substitute {foldername} with the name of the folder you've created for resources within your war folder.
STEP 3 -> Add the following stylesheet to your host page.
STEP 3b -> If you are using Charts, add the following script to your host page.
STEP 4 -> Add the following entry to you projects module xml file.
STEP 5 -> Eclipse Setup (should be similar for other development environments)
These instructions assume you have a existing project and launch configuration.
Add gxt.jar to the project.
a. Right click on project name in 'Package Explorer'.
b. Select 'Properties' from content menu.
c. Select 'Java Build Path'.
d. Select 'Libraries' tab.
e. Add the gxt.jar either with 'Add JARs...' or 'Add External JARs...'.
Add GXT jar to launch configuration.
a. Choose Run / Open Run Dialog.
b. Select your appropriate launch configuration under 'Java Application'.
c. Select the 'Classpath' tab.
d. Add the gxt.jar to the classpath.
that happened to me too. I had to install WindowBuilder Pro from the update site (you can found it here) and after that the "Google Web Toolkit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)" option appeared.
Support for 3rd party components like GXT and SmartGWT is only available in the full version of GWT Designer available here...
Install the full version and then follow the instructions here...
I just had the same problem. The only way I got it working is this:
I installed the full version of GWT designer as recommended by Eric Clayberg's answer (
However, the instructions at didn't work, because there simply isn't any "Google Web Toolkit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)" for me either.
So instead, I created a new Project, using: New Project > WindowBuilder/GWT Designer/Model/GWT Java Project:
I went through the Wizard, clicked Finish, and then it asked me about a GXT installation. The important thing is: You must select this now, I don't see any way to add this later. So navigate to a GXT installation folder. In that folder, I had to rename my "gxt-*.jar" to "gxt.jar" first, otherwise it couldn't be found (!).
Now, when opening a Java file using "Open With > GWT Designer", and selecting the Design view tab at the bottom of the editor - voila, the GXT menus appear.