Unit test wrapper for URLSession completer - swift

I have defined my own class with methods that fits signature of URLSession complete callback, e. g. (Data?, Response?, Error?) -> Void.
The method contains common logic for handling response, e. g. checking data, parsing it etc.
Now I would like to unit test this method. The methods contains some verification, for instance,
guard let data = data else {
//some logic
Here I would like to test that function will really be terminated. Of course it is not possible to achieve it against void return (I think so, maybe I missed something).
Another option - mark the method as throws, and then test for a specific errors. But then this method will not fit into URLSession.shared.dataTask method.
Am I paranoid about these things? Is there any possibility to achieve it?
Thanks in advance.

Usually I try to separate the query logic into several parts:
1) Router 2) API client which uses a router 3) mapping model
And all this parts you can test.
How you can test API client:
fileprivate func testPerformanceOfGetNewsFromAPI() {
let expectationTimeout: Double = 30.0
self.measure {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "Get gifters")
NewsAPIClient.getNews(closure: { response in
self.waitForExpectations(timeout: expectationTimeout) { error in
This test will check. Could APIClient receive an response within 30 seconds.
How you can test mapping:
For mapping, I use JASON: https://github.com/delba/JASON
Setup your swift file:
import XCTest
import JASON
#testable import ProjectName
final class NewsTests: XCTestCase {
// MARK: - Properties
fileprivate var news: News!
// MARK: - Lyfecycles
override func setUp() {
news = mockExample()
override func tearDown() {
news = nil
Then, create in this class your mock:
fileprivate func mockExample() -> ExampleModel? {
let data: Data
let json: JSON
do {
try data = Data(resource: "MyExampleFile.json") // Here enter your JSON example file. Target member ship for this file should be your test target
try json = JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions()) as! JSON
} catch let error {
return nil
let model = ExampleModel(json: json)
return model
Then, you can write test in this class:
fileprivate func testMapping() {
XCTAssertEqual(news.title, mockExample()?.title)
XCTAssertEqual(news.text, mockExample()?.text)
XCTAssertEqual(news.timeStamp, mockExample()?.timeStamp)
In the testing logic, you can also add image uploads (if they are present in JSON). Thus, you can check if the current model is correct for you, can process the JSON response.


Unit Test: Evaluate Singleton into Function

I need your help, this time for Unit Test and how to evaluate a Singleton into Function. This is my context:
I have a class, which it has a Singleton like this:
class ClassToTest (){
var testMessage = ""
// This is only a empty init
func funcWhichHasASingleton() {
testMessage = "Function was covered"
As you can see, there is a singleton where is sending analytics
And I have my test function like this:
func testExample() {
// Given
let sut = ClassToTest()
// When
// Then
XCTAssertEqual(sut.testMessage, "Function was covered")
The my question is: how I can test the Singleton into ClassToTest, such as Xcode pass into that function but my SonarQube says I need to cover the Singleton line. How can I do that?
Breaking this down a little, what you actually need to to test is not the function being called but what the function does. In this case, I think you want to make sure the analytics are being called.
In which case you would need to do something like:
class ClassToTest {
let analytics: MySingleton
init(analytics: MySingleton) {
self.analytics = analytics
func funcWhichHasASingleton() {
Then you are in a position to test the analytics, possibly with a mock.
func testExample() {
let analytics = MySingleton.shared // or better, some kind of Mock class.
// Given
let sut = ClassToTest(analytics: analytics)
// When
// Then
XCTAssertEqual(analytics.messageCount, 1) // You would need to be able to monitor what the singletons does.
Potentially, if you can have a mock MySingleton, then you can do this. Maybe using Mockingbird or use a protocol witness.
let didSendSendExpectation = expectation("")
analytics.didRecieve { message in
// When
wait(for: didSendSendExpectation, timeout: 0.1)

Swift Unit Test function that async dispatches a block that sets a variable I want to test

I have some code that is like the following
class Vibration: NSObject {
var status: VibrationStatus // an enum
and a function on another class (of type NSObject) like the following, that is part of an object that has a property vibration of type Vibration
func vibrate() {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
vibration.status = .vibrating
// do some real HW vibrate stuff
None of the properties or class definitions include #objc or #objcMembers
I am trying to create a test that will wait for that async call to set the vibration.status.
I have a test function that seems to work (see below) when I declare the status property as #objc or put #objcMembers on the Vibration class.
func testVibrate() {
let invite: SignalingInviteBody = SignalingInviteBody()
let incomingCall = IncomingCall(invite)
let expectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "status = 2"), object: incomingCall.vibration)
incomingCall.startRing() // this calls the function vibrate()
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 3.0)
This test also requires #objc on the enum declaration with Objective-C compatible enum declaration, which I don't want as it would only be for testing.
Except for testing, there is no need to make the status property #objc or the Vibration class as #objcMembers and I would rather not change the base program code to a more inefficient style when I don't need the Objective-C compatibility in the base program.
Is there a way to unit test this in a real, honest to goodness, Swift way?
Preface: this is just some pseudo-code I nailed out quickly in the browser. It'll probably need some polishing before it compiles properly.
I would use a mock and dependency injection:
class MockVibration: Vibration {
let statusChanged: (VibrationStatus) -> Void
init(statusChanged: (VibrationStatus) -> Void) {
self.statusChanged = statusChanged
var status: VibrationStatus {
didSet {
I would probably have a protocol, and have Vibration and MockVibration both conform to it, but having MockVibration: Vibration should work well. Once you've defined this mock, you can use it to fulfill an expectation in your test case:
func testVibrate() {
let didVibrate = self.expectation(description: "Started vibrating")
let mockVibration = MockVibration { newStatus in
XCTAssertEqual(newStatus, .vibrating)
let invite = SignalingInviteBody()
let incomingCall = IncomingCall(invite, mockVibration)
incomingCall.startRing() // this calls the function vibrate()
wait(for: [didVibrate], timeout: 3.0)
You might even be able to rework this interface so that DispatchQueue.main.async {} happens within the Vibration class as an internal detail. If you do that, the interaction between IncomingCall and Vibration becomes synchronous, so you wouldn't need to use expectations. Your incoming call test would reduce to:
class MockVibration {
// The mock can just have its status set simply/synchronously
var status: VibrationStatus = .off // or some other "initial" value
func testVibrate() {
let mockVibration = MockVibration()
let invite = SignalingInviteBody()
let incomingCall = IncomingCall(invite, mockVibration)
incomingCall.startRing() // this calls the function vibrate()
XCTAssertEqual(mockVibration.status, .vibrating)
Of course, then you'd need a separate test that covers Vibration, and ensures that its public APIs cause it to change its internal state using the right dispatch queue or whatever.

Creating a property of strict generic type of "self"

I want to create a property on a class that uses the class type as a generic parameter, and I'm having difficulty working it out.
open class ResponseProcessor {
required public init() {
var success: ((_ responseProcessor: ResponseProcessor) -> Void)?
func process() {
class TestProcessor: ResponseProcessor {
var result: String?
override func process() {
result = "Some Result"
open class Request<ResponseProcessorType: ResponseProcessor> {
var success: ((_ responseProcessor: ResponseProcessor) -> Void)?
func doRequest() {
let responseProcessor = ResponseProcessorType.init()
responseProcessor.success = success
class TestRequest: Request<TestProcessor> {
let testRequest = TestRequest()
testRequest.success = { (responseProcessor) in
// This line reports an error, but I want it to know what
// type the responseProcessor is.
I want to be able to assign SubRequest to the .request variable, but I can't because of strict generic typing.
So I'd like to be able to say "the request property on a ResponseProcessor should be of type Request<WhateverThisClassIs>, but I can't work out how to express that, or declare it in a way that works.
It should work out that testProcessor.request is of type HTTPRequest<TestProcessor>, but obviously that isn't happening.
I'm not sure if this is going to answer your question or not, but maybe it will put you on a better road. To your stated question, the answer is there is no generic covariance in Swift. What you're trying to write is not possible. Generic covariance wouldn't actually fix your code, because you have a lot of other type problems here (your latest version is probably violating Liskov's Substitution Principle, which means it breaks the meaning of class inheritance). But I don't think you actually want what you're trying to write at all.
I suspect you're writing a pluggable and testable networking stack. That's really common. He's a fairly simple one; they can get much more powerful if you tear this apart a bit more.
First, the low-level networking stack itself should consume URLRequests and return Data. That's all. It should not try to deal with model types. This is where people always go off the rails. So a Request is an URLRequest and a completion handler:
struct Request {
let urlRequest: URLRequest
let completion: (Result<Data, Error>) -> Void
And a client consumes those.
final class NetworkClient {
func fetch(_ request: Request) {
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request.urlRequest) { (data, _, error) in
if let error = error { request.completion(.failure(error)) }
else if let data = data { request.completion(.success(data)) }
Now we generally don't want to talk to URLSession when we're testing. We want to throw back pre-canned data probably. So we make one of those.
final class TestClient {
enum ClientError: Error {
case underflow
var responses: [Result<Data, Error>]
init(responses: [Result<Data, Error>]) { self.responses = responses }
func fetch(_ request: Request) {
if let response = responses.first {
} else {
I'm marking things final class because these are sensibly reference types, but I want to make it clear that I'm not using class inheritance anywhere here. (Feel free to leave "final" off in your own code; it's a bit pedantic and usually not needed.)
How are these two things alike? They share a protocol:
protocol Client {
func fetch(_ request: Request)
Great. Now I can do things like:
let client: Client = TestClient(responses: [])
No associated types means that Client is perfectly fine as a type.
But getting back Data is kind of ugly. We want a type, like User.
struct User: Codable, Equatable {
let id: Int
let name: String
How do we do that? We just need a way to construct a Request that fetches a Decodable:
extension Request {
init<Model: Decodable>(fetching: Model.Type,
from url: URL,
completion: #escaping (Result<Model, Error>) -> Void) {
self.urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
self.completion = { data in
completion(Result {
try JSONDecoder().decode(Model.self, from: data.get())})
Notice how Request still doesn't know anything about models? And Client doesn't know anything about models. There's just this Request initializer that takes a Model type and wraps it up in a way that can accept Data and spit back a Model.
You can take this approach miles further. You can write a Client that wraps a Client and modifies the request, adding headers for example.
struct AddHeaders: Client {
let base: Client
let headers: [String: String]
func fetch(_ request: Request) {
var urlRequest = request.urlRequest
for (key, value) in headers {
urlRequest.addValue(value, forHTTPHeaderField: key)
base.fetch(Request(urlRequest: urlRequest,
completion: request.completion))
let client = AddHeaders(base: NetworkClient(),
headers: ["Authorization": "Token ...."])
There are no subclasses here, no generic types, just one protocol (which has no associated types), and one generic method. But you can plug in a wide variety of back-ends, and compose together any operation that can be made to match one of a handful of transforms (Request -> Request, Request -> Data, Data -> Void).
I hope this matches some of what you're getting at with your question. Best of luck.

XCTest Single Asynchronous SetUp With Semaphores

I am working on testing an API through Alamofire. I need to make a single call to the server to prepare it for the integration test. Once that is done, I am ready to start running tests.
The usual override setUp() is run for every test, so I do not want to do that.
I have therefore chosen to override the class setUp() as described here: https://developer.apple.com/reference/xctest/xctestcase
That's all well and good, but now, I no longer can use the standard waitForExpectations. (In the class override setUp()) I get several compiler errors that tell me that I am no longer calling the same waitForExpectations because I am in a class method, not a test case.
To try to get around this, I wanted to use a semaphore like so:
class ServiceLayerTests: XCTestCase {
static var apiService: APIService = APIService()
let sessionManager = SessionManager(serverTrustPolicyManager: ServerTrustPolicyManager(policies: ["http://localhost:3000/": .disableEvaluation]))
static var companyManger: UserWebResource?
static var companyManagerID = -1
override class func setUp() {
apiService.baseURL = "http://localhost:3000/"
class func beginIntegrationTests() {
var semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
apiService.beginIntegrationTests(completion: {resource, error in
if let resource = resource {
if let manager = resource as? UserWebResource {
companyManger = manager
companyManagerID = manager.id
_ = semaphore.wait(timeout: DispatchTime.distantFuture)
This does not work. Under the hood, there is an alamo fire call to the server and it responds with the user to use for the integration tests. I do see the server spinning, so I know that the actual communication is happening, but I never get into the completion closure.
I suspect I am not understanding how Swift does semaphores and that I have created a deadlock somehow. If somebody has a better solution, I'd be more than happy to hear it.
I get several compiler errors that tell me that I am no longer calling
the same waitForExpectations because I am in a class method, not a
test case
That makes sense. What you probably want is to refactor so that you are in a test case:
override class func setUp() {
apiService.baseURL = "http://localhost:3000/"
func testIntegrationTests() {
let urlExpectation = expectation(description: "INTEGRATION TEST")
apiService.beginIntegrationTests(completion: {resource, error in
// ...
// not sure what an acceptable timeout would be, I chose this at random
waitForExpectations(timeout: 25) { error in
if let error = error {
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
One of the best resources with some good test examples can be found here: http://nshipster.com/xctestcase/
You can create the expectation as a lazy var that executes your one-time set up and fulfills on completion.
At the beginning of your per-test setUp() function you can wait for that expectation.
None of your tests will run until it is fulfilled, and the initial setup will run only once.
class WaitForSetup_Tests: XCTestCase {
lazy var initialSetupFinished: XCTestExpectation = {
let initialSetupFinished = expectation(description: "initial setup finished")
initialSetupTask() { // your setup task that executes this closure on completion
return initialSetupFinished
override func setUp() {
wait(for: [initialSignOutFinished], timeout: 2.0)
// do your per-test setup here
Note: This solution avoids using the override class function setUp() class method, because I couldn't figure out how to use the expectations except for in an instance.

How to fake Realm Results for tests

I have written a test to validate if a function is called :
func test_getTaskLists_doNotCreateOrUpdateTaskListToStorageWhenSynchedLocally() {
let (datasource, restAPI, fakeTaskListStorage) = ...
datasource.getTaskLists() { (taskLists, error) -> Void in
XCTAssertEqual(1, fakeTaskListStorage.readAllInvocationCount)
The function is mocked to bypass super implementation and the issue is that the function returns a Results which I can't figure out to build/mock in order to return a valid object so the compiler stops complaining...I know I could just call super.readAll() but here I actually want to convert my test data (fakeTaskLists) to a fake Result object so everyone is happy...not sure if thats possible
class FakeTaskListsStorageRealm : TaskListStorageRealm {
var fakeTaskLists:[TaskList]?
override func readAll() -> RealmSwift.Results<TaskList> {
readAllInvocationCount += 1
//Here I want to return fakeTaskLists somehow...
There is no way to instantiate Results directly. Subclassing Results doesn't allow too. I think the best way is hiding Results by protocol like ResultsWrapper rather than using Results directly.
But an easy workaround is using in-memory Realm when testing.
The FakeTaskListsStorageRealm's readAll() can be written using in-memory Realm as follows:
class FakeTaskListsStorageRealm : TaskListStorageRealm {
var fakeTaskLists:[TaskList]?
override func readAll() -> RealmSwift.Results<TaskList> {
readAllInvocationCount += 1
return try! Realm(configuration: Realm.Configuration(inMemoryIdentifier: "test")).objects(TaskList.self)