I have this query
WITH buffered AS (
ST_Buffer(geom , 10, 'endcap=round join=round') AS geom,
FROM line),
hexagons AS (
ST_HexagonGrid(10, buffered.geom) AS hex,
FROM buffered
) SELECT * FROM hexagons;
This gives the datatype record in the column hex. This is unexpected. I expect geometry as a datatype. Why is that?
According to the documentation, the function ST_HexagonGrid returns a setof record. These records contain however a geometry attribute called geom, so in order to access the geometry of this record you have to wrap the variable with parenthesis () and call the attribute with a dot ., e.g.
SELECT (hex).geom FROM hexagons;
or just access fetch all attributes using * (in this case, i,j and geom):
SELECT (hex).* FROM hexagons;
Demo (PostGIS 3.1):
WITH j (hex) AS (
10,ST_Buffer('LINESTRING(-105.55 41.11,-115.48 37.16,-109.29 29.38,-98.34 27.13)',1))
SELECT ST_AsText((hex).geom,2) FROM j;
POLYGON((-130 34.64,-125 25.98,-115 25.98,-110 34.64,-115 43.3,-125 43.3,-130 34.64))
POLYGON((-115 25.98,-110 17.32,-100 17.32,-95 25.98,-100 34.64,-110 34.64,-115 25.98))
POLYGON((-115 43.3,-110 34.64,-100 34.64,-95 43.3,-100 51.96,-110 51.96,-115 43.3))
POLYGON((-100 34.64,-95 25.98,-85 25.98,-80 34.64,-85 43.3,-95 43.3,-100 34.64))
As ST_HexagonGrid returns a setof record, you can access the record atributes using a LATERAL as described here, or just call the function in the FROM clause:
SELECT i,j,ST_AsText(geom,2) FROM
10,ST_Buffer('LINESTRING(-105.55 41.11,-115.48 37.16,-109.29 29.38,-98.34 27.13)',1));
i | j | st_astext
-8 | 2 | POLYGON((-130 34.64,-125 25.98,-115 25.98,-110 34.64,-115 43.3,-125 43.3,-130 34.64))
-7 | 1 | POLYGON((-115 25.98,-110 17.32,-100 17.32,-95 25.98,-100 34.64,-110 34.64,-115 25.98))
-7 | 2 | POLYGON((-115 43.3,-110 34.64,-100 34.64,-95 43.3,-100 51.96,-110 51.96,-115 43.3))
-6 | 2 | POLYGON((-100 34.64,-95 25.98,-85 25.98,-80 34.64,-85 43.3,-95 43.3,-100 34.64))
Further reading: How to divide world into cells (grid)
i have a starting table where there are some meteo data stored every 15 minutes, one field stores leaf wet at 1 minute sampling in a numeric array form, thus i have a 15 values array each row.
Now i want to create a 1 hour aggregation of this table, crating an array of 60 values for this field.
I tried array_cat at first place, but says
array_cat(numeric[]) not existing
the function obviuously exists, so i tought the format was not the one expected, i tried first unnesting and then aggregating, not working again.
Finally i was able to aggregate trough string conversion, but it's not what i wanted (i might in the future apply some numeric elaboration oh that 60-values array)
I paste the query for further investigations
SELECT dati1_v.id_stazione,
to_char(dati1_v.data_ora, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:00:00'::text) AS date_hour,
round(avg(dati1_v.temp1_media), 2) AS t_avg,
round(avg(dati1_v.ur1_media), 2) AS hum_avg,
sum(dati1_v.pioggia) AS rain_tot,
max(dati1_v.pioggia) AS rain_max,
round((avg((SELECT avg(lw.lw) AS avg FROM unnest(dati1_v.lw_top_array) lw(lw))) - lws.top_min) /
(lws.top_max - lws.top_min) * 100::numeric, 2) AS lw_top_avg,
array_agg((SELECT round((avg(lw.lw) - lws.top_min) / (lws.top_max - lws.top_min) * 100::numeric, 2) AS round
FROM unnest(dati1_v.lw_top_array) lw(lw))) AS lw_top_array,
array_cat(dati1_v.lw_top_array) AS lw_top_array_tot,
-- array_agg((select lw_top_array from unnest(dati1_v.lw_top_array))) AS lw_top_array_tot,
-- array_agg(array_to_string(dati1_v.lw_top_array, ',')) AS lw_top_array_tot,
round((avg((SELECT avg(lw.lw) AS avg FROM unnest(dati1_v.lw_bottom_array) lw(lw))) - lws.bottom_min) /
(lws.bottom_max - lws.bottom_min) * 100::numeric, 2) AS lw_bottom_avg,
array_agg((SELECT round((avg(lw.lw) - lws.bottom_min) / (lws.bottom_max - lws.bottom_min) * 100::numeric,
2) AS round
FROM unnest(dati1_v.lw_bottom_array) lw(lw))) AS lw_bottom_array
FROM dati1_v,
lw_settings lws
WHERE lws.id = 1
GROUP BY dati1_v.id_stazione, to_char(dati1_v.data_ora, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:00:00'::text), lws.top_min, lws.top_max,
lws.bottom_min, lws.bottom_max
ORDER BY dati1_v.id_stazione, to_char(dati1_v.data_ora, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:00:00'::text)
in particular, my tries were related to this specific block:
array_cat(dati1_v.lw_top_array) AS lw_top_array_tot,
-- array_agg((select lw_top_array from unnest(dati1_v.lw_top_array))) AS lw_top_array_tot,
-- array_agg(array_to_string(dati1_v.lw_top_array, ',')) AS lw_top_array_tot
For me in similar case helped UNNEST in subquery and ARRAY_AGG of unnnested
) as lw_top_array
UNNEST(lw_top_array) AS lw_top
) as tmp;
for me helped next query
array_agg(_unnested.item) as array_coll
from my_table
left join LATERAL (SELECT unnest(my_table.array_coll) as item) _unnested ON TRUE
GROUP by my_table.key
In PostgreSQL, the Group_concat function is not available but you can get similar result as string_agg and array_to_string.
string_agg(array_to_string(file_ids, ','), ',') filter ( where file_ids notnull ) AS file_ids_str
array_to_string and array_to_string works in next way
array_to_string([1, 2, 456], ',') => '1,2,456'
string_agg(['a', 'ab'], ',') => 'a,ab'
the only problem is that result is string with ',' as separator
I get this error with my query, but I can't figure out what is wrong with it:
Query-specified return tuple has 135 columns but crosstab returns 295.
And here's my query: (The part highlighted in bold returns same number of rows when run separately in pgAdmin.)
SELECT X.*, pi.productcode, pi.productitemdesc, pi.retailsalesprice, cat.productcategorydesc FROM (
SELECT * FROM crosstab (
'SELECT a.productitem AS productitemid, l.locationcode, (CASE WHEN SUM(a.netamount) IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(a.netamount) ELSE 0 END) || ''#'' || (CASE WHEN SUM(a.quantity) IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(a.quantity) ELSE 0 END) AS sales_qty FROM invoiceitem a INNER JOIN invoiceinfo b ON a.invoice = b.invoiceid INNER JOIN locationinfo l ON b.location = l.locationid WHERE b.status !=2 AND l.locationtype = 1 AND l.status = 1 AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')>=''2018-03-01'' AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')<=''2018-03-03'' GROUP BY a.productitem, l.locationcode ORDER BY a.productitem',
'SELECT l.locationcode FROM locationinfo l INNER JOIN invoiceinfo b ON b.location = l.locationid
WHERE b.status !=2 AND l.locationtype = 1 AND l.status = 1 AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')>=''2018-03-01'' AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')<=''2018-03-03'' GROUP BY l.locationcode order by l.locationcode')
AS (productitemid int, "0007" text,"BE101" text,"BE1013" text,"BE1014" text,"BE102" text,"BE103" text,"BE1034" text,"BE104" text,"BE1040" text,"BE1043" text,"BE1044" text,"BE1045" text,"BE1046" text,"BE105" text,"BE106" text,"BE107" text,"BE108" text,"BE109" text,"BE110" text,"BE111" text,"BE112" text,"BE123" text,"BE1265" text,"BE1266" text,"BE1271" text,"BE1272" text,"BE1273" text,"BE1274" text,"BE1279" text,"BE1280" text,"BE1281" text,"BE1282" text,"BE1351" text,"BE1400" text,"BE1401" text,"BE1404" text,"BE141" text,"BE142" text,"BE193" text,"BE194" text,"BE2125" text,"BE2126" text,"BE2127" text,"BE2128" text,"BE3001" text,"BE3002" text,"BE3005" text,"BE3006" text,"BE3009" text,"BE3010" text,"BE3031" text,"BE3032" text,"BE3121" text,"BE3122" text,"BE3123" text,"BE3124" text,"BE3127" text,"BE3128" text,"BE3131" text,"BE3132" text,"BE3203" text,"BE3204" text,"BE325" text,"BE3253" text,"BE3254" text,"BE326" text,"BE332" text,"BE3503" text,"BE3504" text,"BE355" text,"BE356" text,"BE365" text,"BE366" text,"BE381" text,"BE382" text,"BE383" text,"BE384" text,"BE400" text,"BE401" text,"BE402" text,"BE403" text,"BE405" text,"BE406" text,"BE408" text,"BE409" text,"BE411" text,"BE412" text,"BE4311" text,"BE4316" text,"BE4401" text,"BE4402" text,"BE4521" text,"BE4522" text,"BE4551" text,"BE4552" text,"BE470" text,"BE473" text,"BE475" text,"BE481" text,"BE482" text,"BE601" text,"BE604" text,"BE609" text,"BE610" text,"BE7040" text,"BE7043" text,"BE7045" text,"BE7046" text,"BE7048" text,"BE7049" text,"BE708" text,"BE7111" text,"BE7112" text,"BE7127" text,"BE7128" text,"BE7217" text,"BE7218" text,"BE7307" text,"BE7308" text,"BE7351" text,"BE7352" text,"BE801" text,"BE802" text,"BE803" text,"BE804" text,"BE831" text,"BE832" text,"BE860" text,"BE861" text,"BE862" text,"BE863" text,"BE865" text,"BE981" text,"BE982" text
)) X
LEFT JOIN productitem pi ON X.productitemid = pi.productitemid
LEFT JOIN productcategory cat ON pi.productcategory = cat.productcategoryid
The bold part of
productitemid int, "0007" text,"BE101" text,"BE1013" text,"BE1014" text,"BE102" text,"BE103" text,"BE1034" text,"BE104" text,"BE1040" text,"BE1043" text,"BE1044" text,"BE1045" text,"BE1046" text,"BE105" text,"BE106" text,"BE107" text,"BE108" text,"BE109" text,"BE110" text,"BE111" text,"BE112" text,"BE123" text,"BE1265" text,"BE1266" text,"BE1271" text,"BE1272" text,"BE1273" text,"BE1274" text,"BE1279" text,"BE1280" text,"BE1281" text,"BE1282" text,"BE1351" text,"BE1400" text,"BE1401" text,"BE1404" text,"BE141" text,"BE142" text,"BE193" text,"BE194" text,"BE2125" text,"BE2126" text,"BE2127" text,"BE2128" text,"BE3001" text,"BE3002" text,"BE3005" text,"BE3006" text,"BE3009" text,"BE3010" text,"BE3031" text,"BE3032" text,"BE3121" text,"BE3122" text,"BE3123" text,"BE3124" text,"BE3127" text,"BE3128" text,"BE3131" text,"BE3132" text,"BE3203" text,"BE3204" text,"BE325" text,"BE3253" text,"BE3254" text,"BE326" text,"BE332" text,"BE3503" text,"BE3504" text,"BE355" text,"BE356" text,"BE365" text,"BE366" text,"BE381" text,"BE382" text,"BE383" text,"BE384" text,"BE400" text,"BE401" text,"BE402" text,"BE403" text,"BE405" text,"BE406" text,"BE408" text,"BE409" text,"BE411" text,"BE412" text,"BE4311" text,"BE4316" text,"BE4401" text,"BE4402" text,"BE4521" text,"BE4522" text,"BE4551" text,"BE4552" text,"BE470" text,"BE473" text,"BE475" text,"BE481" text,"BE482" text,"BE601" text,"BE604" text,"BE609" text,"BE610" text,"BE7040" text,"BE7043" text,"BE7045" text,"BE7046" text,"BE7048" text,"BE7049" text,"BE708" text,"BE7111" text,"BE7112" text,"BE7127" text,"BE7128" text,"BE7217" text,"BE7218" text,"BE7307" text,"BE7308" text,"BE7351" text,"BE7352" text,"BE801" text,"BE802" text,"BE803" text,"BE804" text,"BE831" text,"BE832" text,"BE860" text,"BE861" text,"BE862" text,"BE863" text,"BE865" text,"BE981" text,"BE982" text
SELECT l.locationcode FROM locationinfo l INNER JOIN invoiceinfo b ON b.location = l.locationid
WHERE b.status !=2 AND l.locationtype = 1 AND l.status = 1 AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')>=''2018-03-01'' AND TO_CHAR (b.invoicedate, ''YYYY-MM-DD'')<=''2018-03-03'' GROUP BY l.locationcode order by l.locationcode
When run seperately, I get 295 results which is correct. However putting it together in the whole query gets the error.
The manual:
The remaining output columns must have the type of the last column of the source_sql query's result, and there must be exactly as many of them as there are rows in the category_sql query's result.
crosstab(text, text) with a dynamic (!) SELECT query as 2nd parameter is very error prone, since the output column list is static. You should also generate the output column list dynamically. Example:
Dynamic alternative to pivot with CASE and GROUP BY
That aside, the different number of rows returned from the same query, may very well be due to a different timezone setting in the two different sessions.
You have the expression TO_CHAR(b.invoicedate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') in your predicates. If b.invoicedate is type timestamptz the result depends on the timezone setting. Consider:
SET timezone = '+10';
SELECT TO_CHAR(timestamptz '2018-04-07 23:30+0', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
SET timezone = '-10';
SELECT TO_CHAR(timestamptz '2018-04-07 23:30+0', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
To remove the dependency on the timezone setting, use absolute values.
to_char() is expensive complication in this place to begin with. Drop that and adjust the predicate.
Provide timestamptz values to match your column. This also allows indexes to be used (if applicable).
Return Table Type from A function in PostgreSQL
Use time zone names (not offsets or abbreviations) to avoid more misunderstandings.
Ignoring timezones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL
Use dollar-quoting to clean up the quote mess.
Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL
I suggest this as 2nd parameter:
SELECT l.locationcode
FROM locationinfo l
JOIN invoiceinfo b ON b.location = l.locationid
WHERE b.status <> 2 AND l.locationtype = 1 AND l.status = 1
AND b.invoicedate >= timestamptz '2018-03-01 Europe/Vienna'
AND b.invoicedate < timestamptz '2018-03-04 Europe/Vienna'
Replace Europe/Vienna in my example with the time zone name defining your dates.
Note 2018-03-04 to include all of 2018-03-03 like you intended.
I wish to write a Query for SAP B1 (t-sql) that will list all Income and Expenses Items by total and month by month.
I have successfully written a Query using PIVOT, but I do not want the column headings to be hardcoded like: Jan-11, Feb-11, Mar-11 ... Dec-11.
Rather I want the column headings to be parametrically generated, so that if I input:
Query - Selection Criteria
Posting Date greater or equal 01.09.10
Posting Date smaller or equal 31.08.11
[OK] [Cancel]
the Query will generate the following columns:
Sep-10, Oct-10, Nov-10, ..... Aug-11
I guess DYNAMIC PIVOT can do the trick.
So, I modified one SQL obtained from another forum to suit my purpose, but it does not work. The error message I get is Incorrect Syntax near 20100901.
Could anybody help me locate my error?
Note: In SAP B1, '[%1]' is an input variable
Here's my query:
/*Section 1*/
DECLARE #listCol VARCHAR(2000)
DECLARE #query VARCHAR(4000)
/*Section 2*/
SELECT #listCol =
, 1, 2, '') + ']'
/*Section 3*/
SET #query = '
MONTH(T0.RefDate) as [Month],
(T0.Debit - T0.Credit) as [Amount]
FROM dbo.JDT1 T0
JOIN dbo.OACT T1 ON T0.Account = T1.AcctCode
T1.GroupMask IN (4,5,6,7) AND
T0.[Refdate] >= '[%1]' AND
T0.[Refdate] <= '[%2]'
) S
FOR [Month] IN ('+#listCol+')
) AS pvt
/*Section 4*/
EXECUTE (#query)
I don't know SAP, but a couple of things spring to mind:
It looks like you want #listCol to contain a collection of numbers within square brackets, for example [07],[08],[09].... However, your code appears not to put a [ at the start of this string.
Try replacing the lines
T0.[Refdate] >= '[%1]' AND
T0.[Refdate] <= '[%2]'
T0.[Refdate] >= ''[%1]'' AND
T0.[Refdate] <= ''[%2]''
(I also added a space before the AND in the first of these two lines while I was editing your question.)