How to use JWT and 0auth together - rest

I'm trying to build a application based on RESTful API and I'd like to provide a method for authentication both JWT and 0auth (JWT for user access and 0auth for app access).
In short I'd like to do:
User Access (Web App, Mobile App - JWT)
------------------------> /
-----------------------> /api/login
-----------------------> /api/logout
Client's app (API KEY - 0auth)
------------------------> /services/getInfo
A user can use the web application and could wish to integrate some functionality of its app with my services, like Facebook, Github and so on..
I ain't sure about this approach because it's the first time I design a big application.
The questions are as follows:
Should I also use JWT for authentication by app?
Using JWT, can I trace how many request the apps do?
Can I revoke a JWT token?
Is 0auth protocol better than JWT for authentication by app?

Oauth 2.0 is an authorization protocol and it shouldn't be used for authentication. Consider using Openid Connect for your scenario. It works on top of oauth so the flow would be identical with some improvisations for authentication.
In this case, you can register your application to use the same protocol for both end users as well as for calls within your applications.
Please explore client credentials flow for app access and implicit/hybrid flow for Web App.
Openid connect uses jwt tokens for authentication and authorization.
Identity server 3 is a certified implementation of Openid connect. Their documentation is good and they have an active support forum to help you with queries.
Please Refer :


Is it possible to hide Keycloak's interface from users?

I would like to hide Keycloak's interface from my Customers.
Is it possible to login to Keycloak through an API (specially for Authorization Code grant type), so I can build a React component for example for my customers to login?
Is it possible to build my own Account app, that will interact with Keycloak through an API?
Only my staff should use Keycloak's interface to manage security.
You can redirect your application to the Keycloak login page, and change that login page to have the looks and feel that you desire using Keycloak Custom Themes. To communicate from your Account app to Keycloak Api you can use the Keycloak Admin API.
Yeah, almost every SPA (Angular, React, Vue, ...) developer dreams about replacing of IdP (Keycloak in your case) login screen (because default IdP login is ugly/it doesn't match app style/... and he can build cool login screen on the SPA level :-)).
Sure, it's possible. Switch to Direct Access Grants (Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant) and you can use that. But you will sacrifice security. Let's say you have Google IDP identity brokering, so users will be able to use also own Google account. Will you put your Google credentials to some custom login form, which claims that those credentials will be used only to login and they won't be stolen. I would say no, because app will see your credentials. That is purpose of IdP (OIDC or SAML protocol). It provides user identity to any app (especially for 3rd party apps) without exposing user credentials - that is perfect case for Authorization Code grant type.
So I would say it's possible to use own SPA login form, but it is wrong idea. I would use local app auth in you case.
Second question: you can build own Account based on Account REST API. It is pretty new, so there is no good doc for that and it's only available as an preview feature. New account console should use it -, so you can watch network browser console to see API requests.

How should my api handle login via auth0?

I'm trying to learn how to utilize auth0 to handle user authentication for an api I am currently creating.
My api has two endpoints:
Login endpoint: /api/login
Request access token endpoint: /api/auth?code={code}
Here the authentication flow is:
User goes to the login endpoint of my api.
User is redirected to auth0 ui.
User inputs their login credentials.
Auth0 redirects back to /api/auth where a request for an access_token is made using the login code.
Firstly, is my understanding the Oauth authentication flow correct? If so, how best should my api handle the initial login redirect to auth0?
Because at the moment when I hit up /api/login from the front-end ui it just returns the html of the login page at auth0. Should I instead return a 302 with the redirect url or is it possible to create an endpoint where the user inputs the username & password via my api and avoids the redirect?
After a user has authenticated via auth0 they receive a access_token and id_token which should my api use to verify the user is who they say they are?
Not sure if my understanding is correct but I belive that my frontend ui is the OAuth client application and my API service is an OAuth resource server. As such does my api need to call out to auth0 /userinfo to verify the user?
Assuming you are trying to protect an end-user application (your question wasn't clear on that), my understanding is if you are using Auth0, you likely won't need an /api/login and api/auth API. If you are using Auth0 you can get those things during your authentication via Auth0.
I would say your APPLICATION (not API) would redirect the user to the Auth0 login endpoint. You would do that by incorporating the Auth0 SDK of choice, depending on what you're building. For example, if you're building a web app, you may choose to incorporate auth0.js and call webAuth.authorize() to trigger the login. During that login, if you have configured an API within Auth0, and you provide the proper Scope and Audience during your login, your response will return an API token.
Then your user is in a state on the client side where you are logged in, and you have a token. You can then provide that token to your API, and your API can validate that token as needed. Auth0 also has various libraries for token validation (like this spring security one, for example).
Lastly, the question on which oAuth flow to use, that also depends on what type of app you're protecting. There are again Auth0 docs to help. The flow depends on if you're building a server-side web app, a SPA, a native app, etc. Your question was a little confusing, and it sounded a bit like you are building an API and want to protect that. If there is no client-side app (only machine-to-machine API calls), then you wouldn't be dealing with HTML and login pages. You'd likely be getting into the Client Credentials flow, which last I checked was only included for Enterprise Auth0 users.

Implementing access token architecture in my API

My app logic (Android, iOS and Web) is all written in my server.
Since things got complicated, I decided to build my server as a REST web service so querying it will contain logic in the header.
My login flow is pretty simple, and I somehow tried to copy from Facebook API:
The user login to Facebook.
The user receive a Facebook access token
The access token is sent to my server with some other identifiers
The server checks with Facebook that the access token is valid with Facebook and that the other identifiers match the ones on Facebook.
The server returns an access token to the user, which he should use in each query until it expires.
The problem is that I didn't add any other restrictions like endpoints limitations (scopes) and stuff like this, so an access token generated by my server grant you access to each part of my api.
I think that inventing the wheel here will be foolish, so I'm looking for a framework or a generic solution that will allow me to add logic to the access tokens in a simple way.
I read about OAuth, but my concern that its more about user sharing with other users, but I only want to use it is login flow and scope protector.
Is it possible with OAuth ? Are there alternative to OAuth ?
That's possible with OAuth 2.0 and in fact one of the objectives: you may issue and use access tokens that have particular "scopes" (an OAuth 2.0 concept) associated to them that could relate to permissions that the client has (e.g. read/write, API A, API B).
But you need to issue your own access tokens from your own Authorization Server. You could allow users to login to that Authorization Server with their Facebook account.

how do they differentiate between internal and external application using Oauth2

Suppose I have a Web Service API defined and would like to implement OAuth Server to provide access to third-party mobile application and my own mobile application.
As these two types of application(internal/external) will try to access my API, what are the possible mechanisms that my authentication server differentiate them?
As an Example, Consider a Facebook app and Lyft (External).While login to facebook through Lyft, fb recognizes it as third-party app and ask for permission level but in Facebook(Internal) app they don't ask permission level. How do they do it?
*Please correct me, if I am wrong here.
OAuth 2.0 differentiates between clients/applications by granting them their own set of client credentials in the form of an identifier and a shared key, respectively named client_id and client_secret.

REST Api Authentication per users in App

I am creating a REST API server. For each app I have provided API key and secret. Example apps are Web app, mobile app any other app who want to use my api service. Now my API service will also need user authentication. How do I implement that? I have already done app authentication using hmac signature generation. Now I need help on implementing user authentication on those apps.
I can recommend you use OAuth or OAuth2 concept because it's standardized and widely adopted. You will be also able allow users to login with Facebook, Google account, etc.