Swift UITest - No match found for textField with accessibility identifier - swift

Trying to create a UITest for entering an email address/password into text fields and then hitting a login button. Using Xcode.
I watch the UITest navigate to the proper page, but it does not detect the text fields. I made sure that both text fields have the "Accessibility" box checked, and I've given them identifiers.
I'm getting this error:
UI Testing Failure - No matches found for text field
func testExample() {
let app = XCUIApplication()
//Test login page
//Here it navigates to the desired page
let emailField = app.textFields["email"]
let passwordField = app.textFields["password"]
// let loginAlert = app.alerts["alertVC"]
// XCTAssertEqual(loginAlert.title, "Error")
The accessibility indicators are "email" and "password" respectively. Logging in works fine when I run the simulator myself.
EDIT: Apparently there are no text fields at all (count = 0) even though I see them and use them on the page...
Image of storyboard with text fields:

If UITextFiled set SecureTextEntry true, you should use:
let passwordField = app.secureTextFields["password"]

I was having the same problem and I solved by unchecking the "accessibility enabled" box for the "views" of ViewControllers


Setting value for title of NSOpenPanel does not work

I want to set title for my NSOpenPanel, but it does not work! Apple says:
Gets and sets the title for the panel shown at the top of the window.
But I can not make codes works, not sure what is wrong?
let nsOpenPanel = NSOpenPanel()
nsOpenPanel.canChooseFiles = true
nsOpenPanel.title = "Hello, Choose Files"
if (nsOpenPanel.runModal() == .OK) ... // rest of codes ...
The title is something from the past when windows in macOS had title bars. To show text or an instruction on top of the NSOpenPanel object, use the message property:
nsOpenPanel.message = "Hello, Choose Files"

Localize button Swift

For example I've got an app which has a textLabel and a button which are firstly set as:
mainLabel.attributedText = "labelNewText".uppercased()
mainButton.titleLabel?.attributedText = "buttonNewText".uppercased()
Then I've created a Localization file, where I set a some values for a German language:
"labelNewText" = "Etikette";
"buttonNewText" = "Taste";
And rewrote set ups for label and button like:
mainLabel.attributedText = "\(NSLocalizedString("labelNewText", comment: ""))".uppercased()
mainButton.titleLabel?.attributedText = "\(NSLocalizedString("buttonNewText", comment: ""))".uppercased()
Though, right after after I change my phone language setting to German, the translation only works for a Label but is not working for button. What am I doing wrong and how to localise button titleLabel?
You have to use UIButton's setAttributedTitle:forState: instead of trying to manipulate the text label itself. So for example:
mainButton.setAttributedTitle(myAttributeString, forState: .normal)

CarPlay MPContentItem

I’m working on CarPlay for audio app.
this is my code
if tabIndex == 0
let item = MPContentItem(identifier: "Tab \(tabIndex) Item")
item.title = Myarray[indexPath.row].name
item.subtitle = Myarray[indexPath.row].desc
item.artwork = MPMediaItemArtwork(image: imageLiteral(resourceName: Myarray[indexPath.row].imageURL))
item.isPlayable = true
if #available(iOS 10.0, *)
item.isStreamingContent = true
return item
So, the problem is this, when I load CarPlay I have 4 items with the same name/description/image. It should be 4 items with the different name, description and image. In my case all is the same. 1 item four time. The item is random. But when I click on it goes to the NowPlaying screen and it is the right item. Labels are correct and also the picture is correct. How can I fix this, please help.
P.S. I also tested or real device
Problem: MPContentItem(identifier: "Tab (tabIndex) Item")
In your code you have set identifier as constant text that is why it's showing all items with the same name, description and image.
You have to provide unique value of identifier for each item. Then you will get the details as you want, check attached screen shot.

Changing app language on the fly in iOS

I am new to iOS and I know this is a very frequently asked question, but I have found no appropriate answer for my query.
I have added text to controls on the app like this
let productDescriptionCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("textDescriptionCell") as! TextDescriptionCell
productDescriptionCell.labelForCell.text = "Description"
productDescriptionCell.labelForCell.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true
like the 'Description' text above.
I want to have a button in my app, which lets the user change the language on the fly. I have found the following code as the most relevant but this requires an app restart.
userDefaults.setObject(["\(cc)"], forKey: "AppleLanguages")
In addition, I have text hard coded in my storyboard controllers, I want those localized as well. How can I achieve this?
Thai and English are the languages I need localization for
productTitleCell.textFieldForCell.placeholder = SpecProvider.spec.localizedTuv(createLocalizedString("en", tuvEnglish: "Enter Title", tuvThai: "ป้อนชื่อ"))
func localizedTuv(localizedString: LocalizedString) -> String {
var locale = LocaleSelectionService.sharedInstance.getCachedLocale()
if locale.isEmpty {
locale = ""
switch(locale) {
case "en": return localizedString.getTuvEnglish()
case "th": return localizedString.getTuvThai()
default: return localizedString.getTuvEnglish()
I have tried the above code, but this could get very tedious. Please help, I am really stuck!
You have to create string files, and add the labels for every language you want to support. Once this is done you can use NSLocalizedString for the text used in your ViewController.
Here's a tutorial http://www.raywenderlich.com/64401/internationalization-tutorial-for-ios-2014

Use a text field to set the title of an MKAnnotation in Swift

having registered a long press at a point on the map, I'd like a text field to pop up, so I can set the input as the title of a pin dropped at that point. How would I go about doing this?
Heres my code which currently registers a longpress and drops a pin, that all works fine! I'm not sure how to bring up a text field and get the users input though
func DropPin(gestureRecognizer:UIGestureRecognizer) {
if gestureRecognizer.state == .Began {
var point:CGPoint = gestureRecognizer.locationInView(self.Map)
var pinLoc: CLLocationCoordinate2D = self.Map.convertPoint(point, toCoordinateFromView: self.Map)
let x = CustomAnnotation(coordinate: pinLoc, title: "Pin", subtitle: "Pin", imageName: "TouchPin")
There are several ways to do so, but you can choose one of the two for example.
In your view, you add a text field where the user set the title before you drop the pin. But that might not be intuitive or look bad (if you need to have a full screen map for example).
So, what I would suggest is to fire an UIAlertController with a text field inside. Here is an example of how you could do it.
Either you :
Create the annotation
Add it to the map
An alert appear
The user enter a name (keep it somewhere)
You retrieve the last annotation you've added
You set it's title with the name entered previously
Or :
You detect your long press
An alert appear
The user enter a name (keep it somewhere)
Create your annotation with the name entered previously
Add it to the map
Those are just 2-3 examples. You might think of something else :)