Building/deploying azure webjob with website copies source files instead of binaries/executable - azure-devops

I've added a webjobs sdk project to my existing website. The website runs as an azure app service. I've always done building and deployment by queueing up a new build in visual studio online and deploying from there to my azure website. Recently I created this webjob project in the same solution, that based on this webjobs-list.json generated and put in the website project should cause the webjob to also be deployed with the website during deployment (or so the documentation says). What is happening though is that when it deploys, and I take a look at what is in app_data\jobs\continuous, is not the binaries and executable that I expect, it's the actual source code/project files that have been copied into there. Obviously that isn't going to run, and it shouldn't have thrown source code out there on my website anyway.
I also had to change my release definition in visual studio online to just look for [my website project name].zip, instead of just *.zip, because otherwise I'd get an error from the release indicating: Error: More than one package matched with specified pattern. Please restrain the search patern.
...this appeared to be because the build process not only creates a zip file for my website, it also creates one for the webjobs project. From what I understand and have read, I am supposed to change my release to just look for the website zip file and ignore the other zip file, and just let that get deployed and it should all work fine, but again, what is copied into my jobs folder on the website isn't the binaries or executable for the webjob, it's the actual source files.
How can I get this to deploy just the binaries and executable with the site instead of the source files?
The only other thing I could find to do is remove the webjobs-list.json file from the web project so they are no longer linked together, which causes the build to no longer populate app_data\jobs\continuous with my web job project source files when deployed, and to create an additional task in my release definition to grab and deploy the other zip file that is created during the build (for the webjob project, and it contains the debug files with those binaries for whatever reason). However everything I read tells me that this is not supposed to have to be done, it should just work without me having to do this.
My web project is an MVC 5 project that I created with VS 2013. The web jobs project uses the version of the webjobs sdk.
The build and release definitions, I followed the steps in this article to create:
The only additional thing I did after following this article, is in my release definition, I changed the Package or Folder field to look for [my mvc web project name].zip, instead of *.zip, otherwise I'd get the error message noted above.


Azure Pipelines: building a C++ project with outside "Include Directories"

I tried searching with as many different terms as I could and couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for.
I have a C++ Project developed in Visual Studio 2019 and I am trying to build and deploy it in Azure Pipelines. It uses Boost and OpenCV. I skipped trying to include these in Azure Artifacts because of a rabbit hole with Azure CLI errors that took me almost half a day.
So it seems that there is a task to publish pipeline artifacts in the .yml file. How do I do this when my project needs to reference a certain directory, instead of one specific file or .dll? Here are images for how this is configured in Visual Studio:
include directory for boost image
include directory settings for opencv image
Edit: Still trying, see my comment. Thinking about switching over to CircleCI.
I found out what to do. Hopefully no one else wastes as much time as I did.
The key was MSBuild. One needs to first find out the values of $(IncludePath) and $(LibraryPath) by doing the following first in Visual Studio:
Right-click on your project, choose "Properties"
Go to the Build Events tab, and click "Pre-Build Event"
Click on and expand the Command Line row, and click "Edit"
Now click the button that says "Macros>>"
You will see a bunch of different variables and their values. Find the values for LibraryPath and IncludePath, copy and past them into a text file.
Now, assuming you already set up a local agent, follow these steps:
Put the text file in the root folder of where your agent is installed. For me, this was "C:\agents"
Have the first line be "LibraryPath=value" and the other line be "IncludePath=value". Use double slashes for the directory paths.
Rename the file to .env. If the agent is currently running, restart it so it can read in the environment variables it will use during your build.
In the MSBuild task of your pipeline, specify arguments. For my case, it was simply this: /p:IncludePath="C:\Program Files\boost_1_77_0;$(IncludePath)" /p:LibraryPath="$(LibraryPath)"
Run the pipeline. You can check your completed build on the local machine. For me, the path it kept going to was "C:\agents_work\2\s"

Any way to run commands/script after VS2015 Publish wizard has copied files to output?

I have a very simple Windows service project I want to deploy to a server using Visual Studio 2015. I can successfully deploy using the Publish wizard (right-click on project -> Publish and deploy to \\myserver\c$\somepath\), but I need to 1) stop the service before publishing (so that the executable can be replaced), and 2) restart the service after the files have been copied.
I know how to start/stop services from the command line, and this answer provides a way to do it directly in a build action. However, I can't seem to find a way to execute any action after VS has copied the files to the output directory on the server.
For example, I have tried adding the following to my .csproj file without luck:
<Target Name="Mytarget" AfterTargets="AfterPublish">
<Warning Text="After AfterPublish" />
Mytarget executes before VS actually copies the files to the server, so evidently, I can't hook onto AfterPublish. I've also tried PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder, CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackage, and MSDeployPublish without luck (these don't seem to execute at all).
My end goal is to allow more-or-less one-click updating of the service, without having to log on to remote desktop and run a script manually after each update.
Is there any way I can have VS automatically execute an action after publishing a Windows service project to a server?

Packaging SF service into a single file

I am working through how to automate the build and deploy of my Service Fabric app. Currently I'm working on the package step and while it is creating files within the pkg subfolder it is always creating a folder hierarchy of files, not a true package in a single file. I would swear I've seem a .SFPKG file (or something similarly named) that has everything in one file (a zip maybe?). Is there some way to to create such a file with msbuild?
Here's the command line I'm using currently:
msbuild myservice.sfproj "/p:Configuration=Dev;Platform=AnyCPU" /t:Package /consoleloggerparameters:verbosity=minimal /maxcpucount
I'm concerned about not having a single file because it seems inefficient in sending a new package up to my clusters, and it's harder for me to manage a bunch of files on a build automation server.
I believe you read about the .sfpkg at
Note that internally we do not yet support provisioning a .sfpkg file. This is a feature that will be coming in soon (date TBD). Instead, we upload each file in the application package.
Update (SF 6.1 - April 2018)
Since 6.1 it is possible to create a ZIP file (*.sfpkg) and upload it to an external store. Service Fabric executes a GET operation to download the sfpkg application package. For more infos see
NOTE: This only works with external provisioning, the Azure image store still doesn't support sfpkg files.

TFS Source Control Uncompressed Build

Is there a way to create a "build" but not actually compile the output of the site? Bascially I want to push the files live from the source control in TFS to the final IIS folder destination.
I have used CopyDirectory on my other project builds, but that requires a BuildDetail.DropLocation (compiled Build). Maybe there is another option for the CopyDirectory Source I could use that wouldn't require a build DropLocation.
To simplify, I want to copy files directly from a tfs Source control to a folder, using a Build Template, but that won't compile the files. Is that possible?
While the default .xaml build workflow for Team Foundation Build is indeed a compilation build it does not have to be. I usually recommend teams to at least have one compile and one deploy .xaml workflow.
1) The CompileMyStuff.xaml (DefaultBuildTemplate.xaml) should take my stuff from source control and do whatever is needed to create a Build Drop folder with my output. I may or may not need to actually compile before creating the drop, and it looks like you just want to copy to the drop location.
2) The DeployMyStuff.xaml should take a build number and deploy my code to an environment of my choice.
It looks like you want to skip the "Drop" and go state to deploy and while I would never recommend this you do have a "BuildDetail.BuildLocation" for teh local workspace where the build server has done a get of your code. You can just "CopyDirectory" from there to your server/host for the website.
If you are having a little trouble you could use the Community Build Extensions and fire up PowerShell to do your copy/deploy.
I figured out a solution to this problem. I created a new .xaml file and then the only item that I put in the sequence was "DownLoadFiles". Then I filled out the properties of the task and ran a "build" and it worked.

TFS Build Website deployment package web.config transformation not working

So I am trying to use TFS Build for generating deployment packages for my 3 environments (ST, UAT, Prod).
This what I followed to successfully genrate the package locally.
So my local machine will generate the package for the acyive configuration and everything is good. Here is my Build definition :
I run my solution file and the web deployment project in the Projects To Build.
It creates the respective folders with ST, UAT and PROD. In each of these there is a _PublishedWebsites folder. This folder have 2 folders.
1) MydeploymentProject - It contains the transformed web.config
2) MyDeploymentProject_Package - Contains the Package folder contents along with the zip file and setparameters files. Here the everything is not transformed. But if I check the TempBuildDir on the TFS server it does contain the transformed config.
When compared the logs local and on server, I found that the on my local After transformation files are updated and package is created whereas on TFS the AfterBuild target is called transformation done and it ends there.
this is my local log
Target "WPPCopyWebApplicaitonPipelineCircularDependencyError" skipped, due to false condition; ($(WPPCopyWebApplicaitonPipelineCircularDependencyError)) was evaluated as (False).
Target "ProcessItemToExcludeFromDeployment" in file "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets" from project "C:\TAX-IT\Main\Source\TDDB\TDDB_deploy2\TDDB_deploy2.wdproj" (target "PipelineCollectFilesPhase" depends on it):
Done building target "ProcessItemToExcludeFromDeployment" in project "TDDB_deploy2.wdproj".
Target "GetProjectWebProperties" in file "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets" from project "C:\TAX-IT\Main\Source\TDDB\TDDB_deploy2\TDDB_deploy2.wdproj" (target "PipelineCollectFilesPhase" depends on it):
Using "GetProjectProperties" task from assembly "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\WebDeployment\v10.0\....\VisualStudio\v10.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll".
Task "GetProjectProperties"
I am not sure what is wrong.
Also I installed VS2010, web deploy 2.0 and 3.0 and web deployment tools on my Build servers.
Anyone have faced this and resolved.
Please help.
From what I've gathered from your description, you have everything set up correctly. It seems like you are just missing the "Configuration" parameter. When you do run the Build Definition, it uses the configuration specified in your "Configurations to Build" argument. If you want to have multiple configurations built (like you are suggesting), you'll need to have multiple configurations defined. One question I have is: When you look at the logs of the TFS Build Process, do you see multiple configurations built, or do you only see one? If you only see one, then you don't have all of the configurations defined in order to transform the config file. According to your description, you'll need to see something like this in your build definition configuration:
If you don't want to deploy to a webserver, you can stop reading here, and don't have to continue on.
If you choose to use a TFS Build Definition to deploy to a web server, you'll need to have a target web server somewhere and you'll need to install and configure the Web Deploy v2/v3 on that server as well.
When you are using TFS Build Definitions to deploy, the transformation happens upon deployment, not during packaging (prior to deployment). It may package up a transformed config somewhere, but it won't actually transform the config bundled with the website. The only way I've been able to get the deployment to actually work with a transformed config is when I had a website specified in the MSBUILD args. Here is an example of my MSBUILD args:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MSDeployPublish /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=RemoteAgent /p:MsDeployServiceUrl=MyWebServer/MsDeployAgentService /p:DeployIisAppPath="MyWebsite as named in IIS" /p:UserName=MyDomain\MyWebDeployUser /p:Password=MyWebDeployPassword
If you don't want MSBUILD to do the actual deployment (I prefer not to because then your deployment process is tied to TFS), you can do the deployment after the build process and use the CTT Project, found on codeplex. This tool performs the exact same transformations as MSBUILD, but it also includes the ability to parameterize settings so you can define classes of environments (for example, 3 QA environments, 2 Staging Environments, etc.) and still use the respective transforms for that class of environment.