pgAdmin4: Unable to connect to Amazon EC2 via SSH Tunnel - postgresql

I have Amazon EC2 instance running Ubuntu. I have installed and configured PostgreSQL.
Contents of the file /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf:
local all all md5
host all all md5
Also in postgresql.conf
I have set listen_addresses='*'.
The test command below is successfully starting psql console.
psql -U postgres testdb
Now I am trying to connect pgAdmin4 from MacOS.
I have created a SSH tunnel with following command:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/test.pem -fN -L 5433:localhost:5432
Now I have following details in pgAdmin:
When I save, I get this output:
Unable to connect to server: server closed the connection unexpectedly. This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request.
What am I doing wrong ?

Here is the solution,
install pgadmin 4 into your system. and configure the below-added configurations. if the below configurations do not work then please check that DB user permissions on AWS. because of the restriction on IP level so it may not be able to access.


how to connect pgadmin container to host system localhost postgres [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine?
(40 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I pulled pgAdmin4 docker image into my linux debian machine and followed the process specified here to configure the container. I run docker run -p 8000:8000 --env-file ./pgadmin_docker_env.list -d dpage/pgadmin4. For clarity, the pgadmin_docker_env.list specified in the command contains the environmental variables:: PGADMIN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=my_password. With the container running in detached mode, I run localhost:8080 in my web browser to access pgAdmin 4 in server mode. However, I was unable to create a server connection to the localhost postgres database from inside the pgadmin. I got the following error after input of the connection parameters (shown in the screenshot attached below)
Unable to connect to server: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
I used host.docker.internal in place of localhost but I still got an error
Unable to connect to server: could not translate host name "host.docker.internal" to address: Name does not resolve
You can skip a step if you've already done it
Using psql, alter the authentication credential of default postgres user, postgres with the following commands
sudo -u postgres psql
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'newPassword';
Optionally, you can also create a user for your current account as a superuser with CREATE ROLE user_name WITH LOGIN SUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE REPLICATION;
Modify /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf and add
host all all md5 to the end of the file
Modify the pgadmin_docker_env.list file to include your choice port
Stop the previously running container pgadmin docker stop pgadmin and remove the containerdocker rm pgadmin. Then run docker run --env-file ./pgadmin_docker_env.list --network="host" --name pgadmin dpage/pgadmin4 to run the container in host network mode. See more on host network mode
Run localhost:8000 in your web browser and create a server connection using the same connection parameter as in the screenshot.
localhost in this scenario refers to the PgAdmin container, where there is not a Postgres instance running.
You want to connect to Postgres running on the host machine from the container (from what I can tell anyway?) so use host.docker.internal instead of localhost.

EC2 ubuntu machine not able to connect to PostgreSQL RDS

I have an EC2 Ubuntu machine that is trying to establish a connection to Postgress RDS Machine.
I have allowed all outbound traffic for my ec2 machine.
for inbound for RDS, I have allowed all UDP, all TCP, and all ICMP Ipv4 traffic with source as a security group of EC2 machine.
I feel my EC2 is not able to connect to the RDS instance.
Both are in the same default VPC.
I tried :
ping hostname
from my EC2, which doesn't connect and also tried
psql yellow-pages -U yp_develop -h hostname Password
I get
psql: FATAL: database "yellow-pages" does not exist
anything that I am missing or I understood the concept wrongly that I am not able to solve this issue.
Please if anyone cloud solve this problem.
The database is connectable by attempting to use telnet to connect to it.
The issue appeared to be that either the user does not have permission to the database yellow-pages or the database yellow-pages does not exist.
To validate this the telnet $HOSTNAME 5432 command was run and it was able to connect.
After this the psql -U yp_develop -h $HOSTNAME -l command was carried out validating that there was no yellow-pages database setup on this RDS instance.

Can't connect remotely to postgres, no response from psql request

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
I have followed the guides which all say the same thing; to enable remote connection to a postgres server, update the postgresql.conf file, update the pg_hba.conf file and make sure the port (5432) is open and firewall is not blocking.
When I attempt to connect to my server from the remote machine using the following command, I receive no response (for example, 'Connection refused...'). It hangs as if the firewall has DROP policy, but I checked and the host's firewall is ACCEPT all. Here is the command:
psql -h -U postgres -p 5432 -d mydatabase
I have googled extensively and can't find anyone else who's psql request sits with no response from the host server.
Edit: I should mention I have been connecting locally on the host machine. I should also mention that the data directory on the host machine is in a non-default location. I have my cluster on a mounted drive, in case this could affect the remote connection.
It is my first AWS instance and I didn't know they have their own firewall rules on the platform. So I was highly confused by the fact all my policies were ACCEPT on my server. Turns out you are behind AWS firewall and you have to go onto the platform to add/change security groups etc. In the past when I've used Digital Ocean droplets or Linodes, the firewall policy on the vps is all I need to change. AWS threw me another curveball there.

Import PostgreSQL with Sqoop in Docker

I have a PostgreSQL DB sitting on my local machine (Windows) and I would like to import it into my Hortonworks Sandbox using Apache Sqoop. While something like this sounds great, the complicating factor is that my Sandbox is sitting in a Docker container, so statements such as sqoop list-tables --connect jdbc:postgresql:// --username ambari -P seem to run into authentication errors. I believe the issue comes from trying to connect to the local host from inside the docker container.
I looked at this post on connecting to a MySQL DB from within a container and this one to try to use PostgreSQL instead, but have so far been unsuccessful. I have tried connecting to '' and '' (the host's IP) in order to connect to my local host from within Docker. I have also adjusted PostgreSQL's configuration file to listen for connections on all IP addresses. However, I still get the following error messages when I run sqoop list-tables --connect jdbc:postgresql://<ip>:5432/<db_name> --username postgres -P (where <ip> is either or, and <db_name> is the name of my database)
For connecting with
ERROR sqoop.Sqoop: Got exception running Sqoop: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: Ident authentication failed for user "postgres"
For connecting with
Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
Any suggestions would be very helpful!
If this is just for local testing and not for production level coding, you can enable all trusted connections to your database by updating the pg_hba.conf file
Locate your pg_hba.conf file inside your postgres data directory
Vim the file and update it with the following lines:
local all all trust
host all all trust
host all all ::1/128 trust
Restart your postgres service
If you do this, your first use case (using should work

How to connect Zeppelin to a database that is through an ssh tunnel

I have a local zeppelin instance running on my mac at localhost:8080 and I am trying to connect to a postgres database that is remote. I can access it via ssh and have set up a key pair for my computer but I can't figure out how to have zeppelin query the db directly
I don't think Zeppelin currently support database connection via ssh.
But you can still use a ssh tunnel and connect to your database.
1/ Start a tunnel by running this in a console :
ssh -i PATH_TO_KEY -L 5432:localhost:5432 USER#HOST -N
Where USER is the username associated the key pair and HOST is the ip address of your postgres host
2/ Create the zeppelin interpreter as if postgres was running locally
(this means default.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ )