Angular Change Detection and list references - angular-dart

Does it matter to Angular if in every digest cycle I return a new list with the same contents vs returning the same list instance?
This is assuming default change detection, not OnPush.

It will have some impact - ngFor will need to reevaluate each of the elements - it will do identity check. That should be quick, but if you have thousands elements in a big app it may add some overhead, so if you can it's better to return the same list each time.


Dart List Max Length

What is the maximum number of items that a Dart List can store? I cant find any resources regarding the maximum length of a list. Dart API only mentioned growable list, but I am curious about the maximum number of elements a list can hold.
En, to your question, there's no limitation on how many items can be added to a list but you do have a restriction at hardware device which consumes memory to actually load the list it self.
That's why there are two main types of lists, with out a builder and the other with builder.
Using a list with out a builder, will load all elements on the list at once, which is perfect when you know in advance you won't have many, for example top ten articles, a drawer etc..
Using a list with builder, is basically used to prevent loading (in this lame example) 1000 records at once, rather load them on demand while you start scrolling and dismissing the items in memory when you scroll enough.
Think about this, if you have 10 items it should not be a problem using a normal list, but imagine you have 1000.
First, 1000 won't fit on the screen, each of them will consume a bit of memory leading to battery consumption and stuttering depending on performance. That's why when you know in advance you will have lots of items, using a list builder is recommended, flutter will dismiss previous elements of the list and load new ones while scrolling preventing the case I mention of using a normal list.
So, about your question i'm not sure if there is a limit in dart list items count.
But, what we should do if there an limit !! in this case we must use if statement the check the list length if it reach the limit then store the data in second list.
the idea is to split your data in this case to multiple of lists.

swift array 'contains' function in place optimization

I am wondering if the built-in array structure for the contains function has any optimizations. If it does a linear search of contains every time I run it, it's at best O(n), which turns into O(n^2) because I'll be looping through another set of points to check against, however if it somehow behind the scenes sorts the array the first time 'contains' is run, then every subsequent 'contains' would be O(log(n)).
I have an array that gradually gets larger the more in depth the user gets into the application, and I am using the 'contains' a lot, so I am expecting it to slow down the application the longer the user is using the application.
If the array doesn't have any behind the scenes optimizations, then ought I build my own? (e.g. quicksort, and do an insert(newElement:, at:) every time I add to the array?)
Specifically, I'm using
CGPointArrayVariable.contains(newCGPoint) // run 100s - 10000s of times ideally every frame, (but realistically probably every second)
and when I add new CGPoints I'm using
CGPointArrayVariable += newCGPointSet.
So, the question: Am I ok continuing to use the built in .contains function (will it be fast enough?) or should I build my own structure optimizing for the contains, and keeping the array sorted? (maybe an insertion sort would be better to use opposed to a quicksort, if that's the direction recommended)
Doing something like that every frame will be VERY inefficient.
I would suggest re-thinking your design to avoid tracking that amount of information for every frame.
If it's absolutely necessary, building your own Type that uses a Dictionary rather than an Array should be more efficient.
Also, if it works with your use case using a Setmight be the best option.

How do I model a queue on top of a key-value store efficiently?

Supposed I have a key-value database, and I need to build a queue on top of it. How could I achieve this without getting a bad performance?
One idea might be to store the queue inside an array, and simply store the array using a fixed key. This is a quite simple implementation, but is very slow, as for every read or write access the complete array must be loaded / saved.
I could also implement a linked list, with random keys, and there is one fixed key which acts as starting point to element 1. Depending on if I prefer a fast read or a fast write access, I could let point the fixed element to the first or the last entry in the queue (so I have to travel it forward / backward).
Or, to proceed with that - I could also have two fixed pointers: One for the first, on for the last item.
Any other suggestions on how to do this effectively?
Initially, key-value structure is extremely similar to the original memory storage where the physical address in computer memory plays as the key. So any type of data structure could be modeled upon key-value storage surely, including linked list.
Originally, a linked list is a list of nodes including the index information of previous node or following node. Then the node it self should also be viewed as a sub key-value structure. With additional prefix to the key, the information in the node could be separately stored in a flat table of key-value pairs.
To proceed with that, special suffix to the key could also make it possible to get rid of redundant pointer information. This pretend list might look something like this:
pilot-last-index: 5
pilot-0: Rei Ayanami
pilot-1: Shinji Ikari
pilot-2: Soryu Asuka Langley
pilot-3: Touji Suzuhara
pilot-5: Makinami Mari
The corresponding algrithm is also imaginable, I think. If you could have a daemon thread for manipulation these keys, pilot-5 could be renamed as pilot-4 in the above example. Even though, it is not allowed to have additional thread in some special situation, the result of the queue it self is not affected. Just some overhead would exist for the break point in sequence.
However which of the two above should be applied is the problem of balance between the cost of storage space or the overhead of CPU time.
The thread safe is exactly a problem however an ancient problem. Just like the class implementing the interface of ConcurrentMap in JDK, Atomic operation on key-value data is also provided perfectly. There are similar methods featured in some key-value middleware, like memcached, as well, which could make you update key or value separately and thread safely. However these implementation is the algrithm problem rather than the key-value structure it self.
I think it depends on the kind of queue you want to implement, and no solution will be perfect because a key-value store is not the right data structure for this kind of task. There will be always some kind of hack involved.
For a simple first in first out queue you could use a few kev-value stores like the folliwing:
In this example there would be 6 items in the Queue (5,6,7,8,9,10). Item 0 to 4 are already done whereas there is no Item 11 or so for now. The producer worker would increment newestIndex and save his item under the key 11. The consumer takes the item under the key 5 and increments oldestIndex.
Note that this approach can lead to problems if you have multiple consumer/producers and if the queue is never empty so you cant reset the index.
But the multithreading problem is also true for linked lists etc.

How can I get the index of an item in an IOrderedQueryable?

I'm designing a list-like control (WinForms) that's backed by a DbSet. A chief requirement is that it doesn't load the entire list into local memory. I'm using a DataGridView in virtual mode as the underlying UI. I'm planning to implement the CellValueNeeded function as orderedQueryable.ElementAt(n).
I need to allow the control's consumer to get/set the currently-selected value, by value rather than by index. Getting is easy--it's the same as the CellValueNeeded operation--but setting is harder: it requires me to get the index of a given element. There's not a built-in orderedQueryable.FirstIndexOf(value) operation, and although I could theoretically fake it with some sort of orderedQueryable.SkipWhile shenanigans where the expression has a side-effect, in practice the DbSet's query provider probably doesn't support doing that.
Is there an efficient way to get the index of a particular value within an IOrderedQueryable? How?
(If this approach turns out to be untenable, I'd settle for suggestions on how I might restructure the problem to make it solvable.)
Side notes:
Elements can be inserted and removed from the list, in which case the old indices will be invalid--that's acceptable, since they're never exposed to the consumer. It's an error for the consumer to attempt to select an item that isn't actually in the list, and actually the consumer would have gotten the item from the list in the first place (although perhaps the indices have changed since then).

Any tips or best practices for adding a new item to a history while maintaining a maximum total number of items?

I'm working on some basic logging/history functionality for a Core Data iPhone app. I want to maintain a maximum number of history items.
My general plan is to ignore the maximum when adding a new item and enforce it whenever I need to fetch all the items anyway (e.g. for searching or browsing the history). Alternatively, I could do it when adding a new item: fetch the current items, add the new one, and delete the oldest one if we're at the maximum. The second way seems less efficient, since I would be fetching all the items when I otherwise wouldn't need to.
So, the questions:
Which way is better? Is there an even better way to do this that I'm not considering?
How many items would be a reasonable maximum? The history is used for text field autocompletion, so more items means better usability, unless the number of items is so huge that it's slowing stuff down.
Whichever method is easier to implement is the right one. You shouldn't bother with a more efficient/more complicated implementation unless it proves it's needed.
If these objects are in a to-many relationship of some kind, I'd use the relationship to manage the maximum number. (Override add<Whatever>Object: and delete the extraneous items then).
If you're just fetching them, then that's really your only opportunity to filter them out. If you're using an NSArrayController, you might be able to implement a subclass that detects when new objects are added and chops off the extra ones.
If the items are added manually by the user, then you can safely use the method of cleaning up later. With text data, a user won't enter more a few hundred items at most and text data takes up very little room. If the items are added by software, you have to check every so many entries or risk spill over.
You might not want to spend a lot of time on this. Autocomplete is not that big, usually just a few hundred entries. I would right it the simplest way, with clean up later, and then fiddle with it only if you hit a definite performance bottleneck.
Remember, premature optimization is the root of all programming evil. That and the dweebs in marketing.