Why won't my breed walk? - netlogo

I am building a model population within a bioreactor, building on a basic tutorial telling how to eat, reproduce, and die, etc. While tinkering, my turtles stopped walking. I suspect it has to do with how to ask the different breeds to do things?
Edit: For some reason my contaminants aren't "wheels" either
turtles-own [ energy ]
patches-own [ nutrition ]
breed [ Xanthomonas Xanthomona ]
breed [ contaminants contaminant ]
[ xanthan biomass ]
to setup
set-default-shape Xanthomonas "bug"
set-default-shape contaminants "wheel"
crt num-Xanthomonas
[set color yellow
set energy 10
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
;; begins defining a procedure named "setup"
;; resets the world to an initial, empty state
;; creates 100 turtles, they start out standing at the origin 0,0
;; set default shape so I don't have to tell it every time
;; A turtle's color variable is random until specified
;; setxy command with next two numbers as inputs
;; chooses random reporters for allowable x and y coordinates
to setup-patches
ask patches
[ set pcolor green
set nutrition 50
;; every patch starts with 50 nutrition, the color indicates it for us
to foul
set-default-shape contaminants "wheel"
if Contamination?
[ crt num-contaminants
[ set color red
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
compete ]
to go
if ticks >= 2000 [ stop ]
if count turtles > 2000 [stop]
if count turtles = 0 [stop]
ask turtles
ask Xanthomonas
to determine-biomass
ifelse Contamination?
[set biomass num-Xanthomonas + num-contaminants
[set biomass num-Xanthomonas ]
to move-turtles
;; says that each turtle should run the commands in the brackets
;; random doesn't include the number you give it as a possible result
;; uses a reporter, each turtle picks a random whole number between 0 and 359
;; makes the turtle move forward one step
;;specify what you're defining will lose 1 energy per step
ask Xanthomonas
[ right random 360
forward 1
set energy energy - 1 ]
to Feed
if Continuous-feed?
[ ask patches
[if random 100 < 3
[set pcolor green
set nutrition nutrition + 50
] ] ]
to eat-glucose
ask Xanthomonas
[ if pcolor = green
[ set energy energy + 10
set nutrition nutrition - 50
set pcolor gray
set biomass biomass + 1
] ]
ifelse show-energy?
[ set label energy ]
[ set label "" ]
;;ask turtles before "if"
;;if when true, and only then will the turtle run the commands inside the brackets (otherwise it skips them)
;;true/false questions, if true, will do first set of brackets
;;false means turtle runs commands in second set of bracket
;;energy (elements) will default to zero
to reproduce
ask Xanthomonas
[ if energy > 50
[set energy energy - 50
set xanthan xanthan + 1
hatch-Xanthomonas 1
[set biomass biomass + 1
rt random-float 360 fd 1
] ] ]
to check-death
ask Xanthomonas
[ if energy < 0
[ die ]
to reinoculate
ask patches [
if random 100 < 10
[ set pcolor green
to Contaminate
crt num-contaminants
[ set color red
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
to compete
ask contaminants
[ if energy > 50
[set energy energy - 50
set xanthan xanthan + 1
hatch-contaminants 1
[ set color red
set biomass biomass + 1
rt random-float 360 fd 1
] ] ]

okay, your basic problem is the crt command. This is short for create-turtles. You have two breeds here and you have defined them. However, when you create the turtles, you are not telling NetLogo which breed to create.
What this means is that you need to make a couple of minor changes to specify the breed. If you look in the dictionary, you will see the command is create-<breed>. Where you have crt num-Xanthomonas, change it to create-Xanthomonas num-Xanthomonas and similarly where you create the contaminants.


Netlogo: Patches Disappear instantly instead of continualy

I'm trying to show deforestation versus reforestation. To do this I created a slider to show how much reforestarion and deforestation is being done. However every time at 11 ticks the whole scene gets deforestated and I don't know why.
breed [ potreros potrero ] ; sheep is its own plural, so we use "a-sheep" as the singular
breed [ bordes borde ]
breed [ bosques bosque ]
to setup
set-default-shape turtles "frog top"
ask patches
[ifelse pcolor = 44
[ set reforestar tiempo-sin-reforestar ]
[ set reforestar tiempo-sin-reforestar * 0.5];
to go
ask patches [ reforestacion ]
ask patches [ deforestacion ]
to reforestacion ; patch procedure
; countdown on brown patches: if you reach 0, grow some grass
if pcolor = 35 [
ifelse reforestar <= 0
[ set pcolor 44
set reforestar tiempo-sin-reforestar ]
[ set reforestar reforestar - 1 ]
to deforestacion
if pcolor = 44 [
ifelse deforestar >= 10
[ set pcolor 35
set deforestar tasa-deforestacion ]
[ set deforestar deforestar + 1 ]
The idea is that some patches of random brown (deforestacion) turn into yellow (reforestacion) but for some reason it just changes everything at once.
You're not asking a random number of patches to do something, you're asking all patches with pcolor 44 to count up to 10 with every tick and when they reach 10, they get "deforested".
If you want to ask a random number of patches to get deforested, try something like
ask n-of (random ([count patches with pcolor = 44] * deforestationRate)) patches with pcolor = 44 [set pcolor 35 set deforestar tasa-deforestacion]
Where deforestationRate would be a value from a slider from 0 to 1. What this would do is count the nuber of patches that can be deforested and then select a random number of those patches to deforest. If you only use the count itself, then every tick between 0 and 100% of the forest will get deforested, but if you add the deforestationRate slider value, it may be whatever maximum percentage you'd like. (So if you set it to 0.1 for example, then only up to 10% of the forest can get deforested each tick) You can do the same thing with reforestation too and use a different slider / value for the rate.
(Note: I haven't used NetLogo in a while so the code and parentheses may not be 100% on point, but you get the idea)

Change the color of the patch based on income level

Hi, this is a continuation of my previous question. Basically I'm
trying to differentiate the patches by its income level and once I
have established this I will set a monitor to count them. However,
when I run the model the patches are not updating. Where am I going
wrong? Appreciate your assistance.
turtles-own [wealth]
patches-own [income]
to setup
to setup-turtles
create-turtles num-turtles
ask turtles
set shape "person"
set size 1
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set wealth 100
to setup-patches
ask n-of 2000 patches [ set pcolor green ] ;; to identify patches that will accumulate income from turtles
to go
if not any? turtles with [wealth > 0] [stop]
to move-turtles ;; turtles to stop once they are spend all their wealth
ask turtles [
ifelse wealth > 0
[rt random 360 forward 1]
to color-patches ;; patch colors to change based on their income level
ask patches [
ifelse income > 0 and income < 100 [
set pcolor 15
] [
ifelse income > 100 and income < 200 [
set pcolor 45
] [
ifelse income > 200 [
set pcolor 64
] [
set pcolor green
to spend
ask turtles with [wealth > 0] [
if pcolor = green [
set wealth wealth - 1
set income income + 1
The short answer is that you created the procedure to update patch colours but you never told NetLogo to run it. You probably want to add a line to your go procedure, I think this order:
to go
if not any? turtles with [wealth > 0] [stop]
color-patches ; this is what you are missing
This is not relevant to your question, but I also noticed that you have this code for moving:
to move-turtles ;; turtles to stop once they are spend all their wealth
ask turtles [
ifelse wealth > 0
[rt random 360 forward 1]
You don't need to ask every turtle and then use stop to exit for some of them, instead it is generally easier to filter the turtles using with. So that code could be replaced with:
to move-turtles
ask turtles with [wealth > 0] [
rt random 360
forward 1

NetLogo: How to make a turtle recognise any shade of one color?

I'm using NetLogo for the first time and need to lay out a simple programme where i have one light source that diffuses light out beyond its source patch and one turtle that will avoid the light.
I can achieve this by using basic 'set pcolor yellow' and then use 'if patch-ahead [pcolor] = yellow [right 45][fd speed]' type command. However this doesn't give me diffused light.
By adapting the HeatBugs code, i can diffuse the color out past the source patch, however the roaming turtle no longer recognises the color as yellow, i think, as it is a scale-color. I tried setting the code to != black but this also doesn't work. I'm assuming it's because the patches are being recolored after each tick.
Is there a way to make the turtle recognise the patches of diffused color so as to avoid them? Or a simpler way to diffuse the light out. (i want a variable intensity so using neighbors and yellow -1 won't do it.)
Here's the code i have so far: (this is a condensed version as i have other things happening in the main body, so i apologise if it isn't clear)
globals [ color-by-unhappiness? ]
ideal-temp ;; The temperature I want to be at
output-heat ;; How much heat I emit per time step
unhappiness ;; The magnitude of the difference between my ideal
;; temperature and the actual current temperature here
to setup
;;creating diffused light
set color-by-unhappiness? false ;; button
ask n-of number-of-lights patches [
sprout 1 [
set color white
set shape "circle"
set ideal-temp min-ideal-temp + random (max-ideal-temp - min- ideal-temp) ;;these are all sliders
set output-heat min-output-heat + random (max-output-heat - min- output-heat) ;;these are all sliders
set unhappiness abs (ideal-temp - temp) ;;ideal-temp is a button
set size 2
to setup-turtles
create-fears number-of-fears [
set color violet
set shape "circle"
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set speed 0.1 + random-float 0.9
set speed-limit 1
set speed-min 0.00
to go
ask turtles [
if speed > speed-limit [set speed speed-limit]
fd speed
ask fears[
if patch-ahead 1 = nobody [rt 135]
if patch-right-and-ahead 45 1 != nobody and [pcolor] of patch-right-and-ahead 45 1 != black[left 45]
if patch-left-and-ahead 45 1 != nobody and [pcolor] of patch-left-and-ahead 45 1 != black[right 45]
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-here = yellow [set speed speed-min][fd speed]
if not any? turtles [ stop ]
;; diffuse heat through world
diffuse temp diffusion-rate
ask patches [ set temp temp * (1 - evaporation-rate) ]
ask turtles [ set temp temp + output-heat ask bugs [bug-move patch-here]]
to recolor-patches
ask patches [ set pcolor scale-color yellow temp 0 150 ]
I can't use your code as-is; check out the MCVE guidelines for some tips on reducing your code to just the necessary parts.
Color in Netlogo can given as a string, but it's also just a range of numbers. If you look at Tools > Color Swatches, you will see that the range of "Yellow" colors corresponds roughly to 40 ~ 50. So if you want to, you can just have them evaluate patch color using a numerical range rather than the color name. So, using this unnecessarily complicated example setup:
patches-own [ light? temp]
to setup
ask patches [
set light? false
ask n-of 5 patches [
set light? true
set temp 150
crt 10 [
move-to one-of patches with [ not ( pcolor > 40 and pcolor < 49 ) ]
to recolor-patches
ask n-of 3 patches with [ light? ] [
if temp < 20 [
set temp temp + random 20
repeat 5 [
diffuse temp 0.1
ask patches [
ifelse temp > 0.25 [
set temp temp - 0.005
] [
set temp 0
set pcolor scale-color yellow temp 0 15
You can ask your turtles to move and just avoid patches that fall in that numerical range:
to go
ask turtles [
ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 > 40 and [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 < 49 [
let target min-one-of neighbors [pcolor]
if target != nobody [
face target
fd 1
] [
rt random 60 - 30
fd 1
As Seth Tisue pointed out, the shade-of? primitive can accomplish what the greater than / less than logical statement does:
to go
ask turtles [
ifelse shade-of? ( [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 ) yellow [
let target min-one-of neighbors [pcolor]
if target != nobody [
face target
fd 1
] [
rt random 60 - 30
fd 1
However, this does require a slight modification to the recolor-patches procedure, as scale-color sets the base color to 40 (in the case of 'yellow'); just ask patches with that pcolor to set their color to black (0) so that movement works as expected here:
to recolor-patches
ask n-of 3 patches with [ light? ] [
if temp < 20 [
set temp temp + random 20
repeat 5 [
diffuse temp 0.1
ask patches [
ifelse temp > 0.25 [
set temp temp - 0.005
] [
set temp 0
set pcolor scale-color yellow temp 0 15
if pcolor = 40 [
set pcolor black

model that represents a food chain, the bird to eat the bug and the bug to eat the grass w/ energy

breed [ bug bugs ]
breed [ bird birds ]
bird-own [ energy ] ;; birds energy
bug-own [ energy ] ;; bugs energy
to setup
set-default-shape bird "bird"
set-default-shape bug "bug"
create-bird 3 [
set color 37
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set energy random 10
create-bug 20 [
set color green
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set energy random 10
to go
if not any? bugs [crt 2 ]
ask bugs
[ move
death ]
ask birds
[ move
death ]
to grow-grass
ask patches [
if pcolor = white [
if random-float 1000 < grass-grow-rate
[ set pcolor 57 ]
] ]
to move
rt random
lt random
fd 1
set energy energy -0.5
to eat-grass
if pcolor = 57
[ set pcolor white
set energy energy + grass-energy ]
to eat-bugs
if color = green
[ set pcolor black
set energy energy + ]
to reproduce
if energy > birth-threshold
[ set energy energy / 2
hatch 1 [ fd 1 ] ]
to death
if energy < 0 [ die ]
the birds gain energy when the they eat the bugs and the bugs gain energy when they eat the grass and they use that energy to reproduce. It won't work when i click setup I'm not sure what to do. I need to show the amount of energy they get from eating and the amount they lose from reproducing and moving around
There were several issues with how you defined your breeds. Also, you did not define some variables you use later on. I made some modifications and the basics are now working. Have a look at the energy variables and put in your own values (I made some up as I went). I also changed the eat-bugs proc and now you have birds that do eat the bugs. Finally, I out-commented the shapes of birds and bugs as this is not essential and you can always import them later on. For now, your breeds differ in color only, not shape.
Hope this helped!
breed [ bugs bug ]
breed [ birds bird ]
birds-own [ energy ] ;; birds energy
bugs-own [ energy ] ;; bugs energy
globals [grass-grow-rate
grass-energy ;; you need to define this in the setup and use it in a procedure
to setup
;set-default-shape birds "bird"
; set-default-shape bugs "bug"
create-birds 3 [
set color red
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set energy random 10
create-bugs 20 [
set color green
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set energy random 10
set grass-grow-rate 0.5 ;; put in your values
set birth-threshold 10 ;; ditto
to go
if not any? bugs [create-bugs 2 [set color green
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set energy random 10]]
ask bugs
[ move
death ]
ask birds
[ move
death ]
to grow-grass
ask patches [
if pcolor = white [
if random-float 1000 < grass-grow-rate
[ set pcolor 57 ]
] ]
to move
rt random 100
lt random 80
fd 1
set energy energy - 0.5
to eat-grass
if pcolor = 57 ; what if the color is not 57? i.e. if another turtle already visited this patch?
[ set pcolor white
set energy energy + grass-energy ]
to eat-bugs
;suggested change for this proc:
if any? bugs
[set energy energy + 1
ask one-of bugs [die]]
;if color = green
;[ set pcolor black
; set energy energy + 1 ]
to reproduce
if energy > birth-threshold
[ set energy energy / 2
hatch 1 [ fd 1 ] ]
to death
if energy < 0 [ die ]
Check out "Wolf Sheep Predation" in "Models Library" -> Biology. Under Tools -> "Turtle Shapes Editor" you might be able to find relevant shapes to replace wolves and sheep.

How to get turtle to wait at patch for 10 ticks

I would like my turtles to
1) Stop for ten ticks if the turtle is red and comes across a red patch
2) After ten ticks I would like the turtle to continue on the look-for-food subroutine, which I already have.
An easy way to accomplish this is to use some sort of counter. Here is a full example:
turtles-own [ counter ]
to setup
create-turtles 100 [
set counter 0
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
ask n-of 25 turtles [ set color red ]
ask n-of 100 patches [ set pcolor red ]
to go
ask turtles [
ifelse counter = 0 [
if color = red and pcolor = red [
set counter 10
] [
set counter counter - 1
set label counter ; just to show what's going on
to look-for-food
; your own look-for-food procedure is presumably different
right random 20
left random 20
forward 1