Scala convert Seq[Object] to Map[String, Map[String, String]] - scala

I am new to Scala so I am a bit fighting with maps.
I have
val items = Seq[MyModel]
where MyModel (came from Java) contains getLang, getName and getMessage methods.
Now I need to fill up the
var loadedMessagesMap: Map[String, Map[String, String]] = ListMap.empty
to contain values grouped by lang in structure: lang -> (name -> message). Name property is unique.
Thank you.

Maybe this will help you:
val result: Map[String, Map[String, Seq[String]]] = items.groupBy(_.getLang).map {
case(lang, models) =>
lang -> models.groupBy(_.getName).mapValues(
It returns a Seq[String] because there might be several messages for the same language and name. Not sure how you want to handle that case.

This should do the trick:
val models: Seq[MyModel] = ???
val mapped = { model =>
model.getLang -> Map(model.getName -> model.getMessage)
I hope this helps you.


Extend / Replicate Scala collections syntax to create your own collection?

I want to build a map however I want to discard all keys with empty values as shown below:
def safeFiltersMap(
map: Map[String, String],
accumulator: Map[String,String] = Map.empty): Map[String, String] = {
if(map.isEmpty) return accumulator
val curr = map.head
val (key, value) = curr
if(value.nonEmpty) accumulator + (key->value)
else accumulator
Now this is fine however I need to use it like this:
val safeMap = safeFiltersMap(Map("a"->"b","c"->"d"))
whereas I want to use it like the way we instantiate a map:
val safeMap = safeFiltersMap("a"->"b","c"->"d")
What syntax can I follow to achieve this?
The -> syntax isn't a special syntax in Scala. It's actually just a fancy way of constructing a 2-tuple. So you can write your own functions that take 2-tuples as well. You don't need to define a new Map type. You just need a function that filters the existing one.
def safeFiltersMap(args: (String, String)*): Map[String, String] =
Map(args: _*).filter {
result => {
val (_, value) = result
Then call using

Replacing values from list of custom objects with map values

I have a quite odd problem to solve, I have a String, a custom Type and a Map of Maps.
The string needs to have a few values replaced based on mapping between a value in custom type (which is a key in the map of maps).
This is the current structure:
case class Students(favSubject: String)
val mapping: Map[String, Map[String, String]] = Map("John" -> Map("English" -> "Soccer"))
val studentInfo: List[Students] = List(Students("English"))
val data: String = "John is the favourite hobby"
I tried the following:
mapping.foldLeft(data){ case (outputString, (studentName, favSubject)) => outputString.replace(studentName, favSubject.getOrElse( => x.favSubject).toString, "")) }
What I need to get is:
"Soccer is the favourite hobby"
What I get is:
" is the favourite hobby"
So looks like I am getting the map of maps traversal right but the getOrElse part is having issues.
What I would do, would be to first change the structure of mappings so it makes more sense for the problem.
val mapping: Map[String, Map[String, String]] = Map("John" -> Map("English" -> "Soccer"))
val mapping2 =
mapping.iterator.flatMap {
case (student, map) => {
case (info, value) => (info, student, value)
.mapValues { group => {
case (_, student, value) => student -> value
// mapping2: Map[String, List[(String, String)]] = Map("English" -> List(("John", "Soccer")))
Then I would just traverse the students informativo, making all the necessary replacements.
final case class StudentInfo(favSubject: String)
val studentsInformation: List[StudentInfo] = List(StudentInfo("English"))
val data: String = "John is the favourite hobby"
val result =
studentsInformation.foldLeft(data) { (acc, info) =>
.getOrElse(key = info.favSubject, default = List.empty)
.foldLeft(acc) { (acc2, tuple) =>
val (key, replace) = tuple
acc2.replace(key, replace)
// result: String = "Soccer is the favourite hobby"
When you map() a List, you get a List back. It's toString has a format "List(el1,el2,...)". Surely you cannot use it as a key for your sub-map, you would want just el1.
Here is a version of the working code. It might not be a solution you are looking for(!), just a solution to your question:
case class Students(favSubject: String)
val mapping: Map[String, Map[String, String]] = Map("John" -> Map("English" -> "Soccer"))
val studentInfo: List[Students] = List(Students("English"))
val data: String = "John is the favourite hobby"
val res = mapping.foldLeft(data) {
case (outputString, (studentName, favSubjectDict)) =>
favSubjectDict.getOrElse( => x.favSubject).head, "?")
println(s"$res") //prints "Soccer is the favourite hobby"
val notMatchingSubject = => x.favSubject).toString
println(s"Problem in previous code: '$notMatchingSubject' !== 'English'")
Try it here:
The issue
It is a bit unclear why StudentInfo is a List in this form... If I guessed, it was designed to be a list of StudentInfo containing both, name and favSubject and you would need to search it by name to find favSubject. But it is just a guess.
I went with the simplest working solution, to get a .head (first element) of the sequence from the map. Which will always be "English" even if you add more Studends to the list.

scala: union of two maps whose key type is the same and whose value type is a collection of elements, but whose types are different

I would like to create a union of two maps whose key type is the same and whose value type is a collection of elements, but whose types are different.
Consider the following contrived example:
case class Child(name: String)
val peopleToChildren: Map[String, Seq[Child]] =
Map("max" -> Seq(Child("a"), Child("b")),
"yaneeve" -> Seq(Child("y"), Child("d")))
case class Pet(name: String)
val peopleToPets: Map[String, Seq[Pet]] =
Map("max" -> Seq(Pet("fifi")),
"jill" -> Seq(Pet("bobo"), Pet("jack"), Pet("Roger rabbit")))
val peopleToChildrenAndDogs: Map[String, (Seq[Child], Seq[Pet])] = {
// people may have children
// people may have pets
// would like a map from people to a tuple with a potentially empty list of children and a
// potentially empty list of pets
// ???
What would be a way to do it which is concise, idiomatic, but still legible?
I found no single function that can do that in the standard scala collections library.
Proposed solutions can be based solely on the standard library, or propose an external solution.
I post it here since I could not easily find an online solution to a seemingly standard operation.
This appears to work.
val peopleToChildrenAndDogs: Map[String, (Seq[Child], Seq[Pet])] = {
(peopleToChildren.keySet ++ peopleToPets.keySet).map { k =>
k -> (peopleToChildren.getOrElse(k, Seq())
,peopleToPets.getOrElse(k, Seq()))
Get all the keys. For every key do a getOrElse() on each of the feeder Maps.
Just for the curious, here's how it could be done using Scalaz:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
case class Child(name: String)
val peopleToChildren = Map(
"max" -> List(Child("a"), Child("b")),
"yaneeve" -> List(Child("y"), Child("d"))
case class Pet(name: String)
val peopleToPets = Map(
"max" -> List(Pet("fifi")),
"jill" -> List(Pet("bobo"), Pet("jack"), Pet("Roger rabbit"))
val peopleToChildrenAndPets: Map[String, (List[Child], List[Pet])] =
peopleToChildren.strengthR(nil[Pet]) |+| peopleToPets.strengthL(nil[Child])
nil[Pet] is just an alias for List.empty[Pet]
strengthR for a given Functor tuples contained values, so that its parameter is at the right. Here it is equivalent to peopleToChildren.mapValues(v => (v, nil[Pet]))
strengthL is the same, but element will be added to the left
|+| is an append operator for a given Semigroup. The one here is derived recursively:
for Map[K, V], it uses |+| to combine values of type V if a given key exists in both Maps. If the value is only present in one of them, it will be retained as is. Here, V = (List[Child], List[Pet])
for tuples (A, B), it again uses |+| to combine both As and Bs. Here, A = List[Child] and B = List[Pet]
for lists of any type (as well as strings, vectors or streams) it does concatenation. This is why I had to change type of Map values to be Lists - for generic Seqs this operation is not defined
peopleToChildrenAndPets: Map[String, (List[Child], List[Pet])] = Map(
"max" -> (List(Child("a"), Child("b")), List(Pet("fifi"))),
"jill" -> (
List(Pet("bobo"), Pet("jack"), Pet("Roger rabbit"))
"yaneeve" -> (List(Child("y"), Child("d")), List())
To answer my own question, the following is the way that I solved it, but it seems overly long and complex:
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# case class Child(name: String)
defined class Child
# val peopleToChildren: Map[String, Seq[Child]] =
Map("max" -> Seq(Child("a"), Child("b")),
"yaneeve" -> Seq(Child("y"), Child("d")))
peopleToChildren: Map[String, Seq[Child]] = Map("max" -> List(Child("a"), Child("b")), "yaneeve" -> List(Child("y"), Child("d")))
# case class Pet(name: String)
defined class Pet
# val peopleToPets: Map[String, Seq[Pet]] =
Map("max" -> Seq(Pet("fifi")),
"jill" -> Seq(Pet("bobo"), Pet("jack"), Pet("Roger rabbit")))
peopleToPets: Map[String, Seq[Pet]] = Map("max" -> List(Pet("fifi")), "jill" -> List(Pet("bobo"), Pet("jack"), Pet("Roger rabbit")))
# val peopleToChildrenAndDogs: Map[String, (Seq[Child], Seq[Pet])] = {
// people may have children
// people may have pets
// would like a map from people to a tuple with a potentially empty list of children and a
// potentially empty list of pets
val paddedPeopleToChildren ={ case (person, children) => person -> (children, List.empty[Pet])}
val paddedPeopleToPets ={ case (person, pets) => person ->(List.empty[Child], pets)}
val notGoodEnough = paddedPeopleToPets ++ paddedPeopleToChildren // this is here to show that it does not work since it overwrites the value of a key - Map(max -> (List(Child(a), Child(b)),List()), jill -> (List(),List(Pet(bobo), Pet(jack), Pet(Roger rabbit))), yaneeve -> (List(Child(y), Child(d)),List()))
val allSeq = paddedPeopleToPets.toSeq ++ paddedPeopleToChildren.toSeq
val grouped = allSeq.groupBy(_._1).mapValues( { case (_, tup) => tup })
val solution = grouped.mapValues(_.unzip).mapValues {case (wrappedChildren, wrappedPets) => (wrappedChildren.flatten, wrappedPets.flatten)}
peopleToChildrenAndDogs: Map[String, (Seq[Child], Seq[Pet])] = Map(
"yaneeve" -> (ArrayBuffer(Child("y"), Child("d")), ArrayBuffer()),
"max" -> (ArrayBuffer(Child("a"), Child("b")), ArrayBuffer(Pet("fifi"))),
"jill" -> (ArrayBuffer(), ArrayBuffer(Pet("bobo"), Pet("jack"), Pet("Roger rabbit")))

Handle Any data type dynamically in Scala

I have a map in Scala returned by a function which is of type Map[String, Any]
For example:
val map: Map[String, Any] = Map("key1" -> "strVal", "key2" -> List[Map[String, Any]](), "key3" -> Map("k1" -> "v1"))
Now the problem is, to work on the value I get corresponding to a key, I've to use asInstanceOf[] every time. For eg,
val key2Hash = map.getOrElse("key3", Map()).getOrElse("k1", "")
throws error because the Map retrieved is of form Any and I have to use asInstanceOf[] for every situation as belows:
val key2Hash = map.getOrElse("key3", Map()).asInstanceOf[Map[String, String]].getOrElse("k1", "")
Is there a better way to do it? Or should I not be starting of with Map[String, Any] at the first place?
Map[String, Any]? You might as well use python directly!
Joking apart, you can get "nicer" casts syntax using pattern matching:
map.get("key3") match {
case Some(anotherMap: Map[String, String]) => ...
case _ => ...

How to avoid any mutable things in this builder?

I have a simple Scala class like this:
class FiltersBuilder {
def build(filter: CommandFilter) = {
val result = collection.mutable.Map[String, String]()
if (filter.activity.isDefined) {
result += ("activity" -> """ some specific expression """)
} // I well know that manipulating option like this is not recommanded,
//it's just for the simplicity of the example
if (filter.gender.isDefined) {
result += ("gender" -> """ some specific expression """)
result.toMap //in order to return an immutable Map
using this class so:
case class CommandFilter(activity: Option[String] = None, gender: Option[String] = None)
The result content depends on the nature of the selected filters and their associated and hardcoded expressions (String).
Is there a way to transform this code snippet by removing this "mutability" of the mutable.Map?
Map each filter field to a tuple while you add the result to a Seq, then filter out the Nones with flatten finally convert the Seq of tuples to a Map with toMap.
For adding more fields to filter you just have to add a new line to the Seq
def build(filter: CommandFilter) = {
// map each filter filed to the proper tuple
// as they are options, map will transform just the Some and let the None as None
val result = Seq( => "activity" -> s""" some specific expression using $value """), => "gender" -> s""" some specific expression using $value """)
).flatten // flatten will filter out all the Nones
result.toMap // transform list of tuple to a map
Hope it helps.
Since there are at most 2 elements in your Map:
val activity = => Map("activity" -> "xx"))
val gender = => Map("gender" -> "xx"))
val empty = Map[String, String]()
activity.getOrElse(empty) ++ gender.getOrElse(empty)
I've just managed to achieve it with this solution:
class FiltersBuilder(commandFilter: CommandFilter) {
def build = {
val result = Map[String, String]()
private def buildActivityFilter(expressions: Map[String, String]) =
commandFilter.activity.fold(expressions)(activity => result + ("activity" -> """ expression regarding activity """))
private def buildGenderFilter(expressions: Map[String, String]) =
commandFilter.gender.fold(expressions)(gender => result + ("gender" -> """ expression regarding gender """))
Any better way?