Getting preconfigured distribution failed - typo3

Oops, an error occurred!
Argument 1 passed to TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\AbstractMessage::setTitle() must
be of the type string, integer given, called in
8.7.0\typo3\sysext\core\Classes\Messaging\FlashMessage.php on line 67
I just finished installing typo3 and want to proceed to get preconfigured distribution, but that error above appeared.
I'm completely new to typo3 and just want to compare typo3 with wordpress.
My setup is Windows 10, PHP 7.1.1, MariaDB 10.1.21.
What's wrong and how can I fix this?

The error message you reported is reported as well as possible TYPO3 bug at Please continue at to get status updates about this issue.
The issue shows, that the list of mirrors cannot be retrieved from This might happen, if your behind a firewall or the web-server is not configured to e.g. have allow_url_fopen enabled or curl module being installed for PHP.
The next maintenance release TYPO3 CMS 8.7.1 is planned for next Tuesday, April 18th 2017


Completely blank TYPO3 login page (after update)

I am starting the process of updating TYPO3 to higher versions (from the base 6.2.X version). The process of updating to version 7.6.X was ok. Being logged in 6.2 version, I switched to version 7.6 and updated elements in InstalTool, plugins etc. The problem appears when I log out. After entering my login address, I have a blank page - white page without any code. I can log into InstallTool but unfortunately not to BE.
The [FE] page works fine after the update. Any ideas what went wrong or where is the problem?
first: blank page normally means: there is an error but all error information was disabled.
If you just changed the source it might be a mismatch between cache and source: clear all caches in Install Tool.
Also your first step should be look into the server log.
If that does not give enough hints enable all debugging and error information in the Install Tool.
If that still gives no clue: disable all extensions (remove from PackageStates.php and don't forget to clear caches afterwards, maybe manually too)

Neos CMS error Call to undefined function GuzzleHttp\Psr7\str()

i'm very new in Neos CMS. I install Neos CMS according to this tutorial I've been struggling for 3 days for install it. When i finally set it up, i've set everything up. And after lunch, it's shows this error
Call to undefined function GuzzleHttp\Psr7\str()
Exception Code 0
Exception Type Error
Thrown in File
Line 62
Original File
And here is screenshot of the content site of my neos
Please help me :)
Apparently you are using the guzzle/psr-7 in version 2, wich is currently not supported (although we are working on it and it will be very soon).
do a
$ composer require guzzlehttp/psr7 "^1.8.2"
$ composer update
to fix that issue. It was also fixed with the latest FLow bugfix release which was released yesterday (
PS: It is not worth it struggling for days with Neos problems. We have a slack channel ( and a vivid community which likes to help you.

How can I get back access to the backend of TYPO3 when fluidpages are causing an error on backend and frontend?

I got to work on a Typo3 page and I have to say I'm at the very beginning if it comes to TYPO3.
So I wanted to fix a bug and updated the plugin "fluidpages" from version 4.1.0 (I guess) to 4.3. That cause the "Oops, an error occurred!" in the backend and frontend, so I dont have access from that side. I still have the FTP login for the website. The version of TYPO3 is 8.7.18.
The errorcode I get is that one:
Could not analyse class:
"FluidTYPO3\Flux\Configuration\ConfigurationManager" maybe not loaded
or no autoloader?
Class FluidTYPO3\Flux\Configuration\ConfigurationManager does not exist
So does anyone know what I need to do?
From my research I think I need to update another plugins to make it back to work? And can I update them just by uploading them through FTP?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: After I tried to get the old version of the plugin running, I'm getting this error code from the log file:
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 22:59:56 +0100 [ALERT] request="fec23f8baf6dc" component="TYPO3.CMS.Frontend.ContentObject.Exception.ProductionExceptionHandler": Oops, an error occurred! Code: 2020021722595594039a4d - {"exception":"TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Exception: The default controller for extension \"Flux\" and plugin \"Page\" can not be determined. Please check for TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin() in your ext_localconf.php.
You can enter the Install Tool via and start with Check for broken extensions. If that doesn't yield the extension in question, you can always manually change the PackageStates.php file and remove the extension you want to unload. Afterwards you should flush all caches through the Install Tool.
In the long term you should consider a few things:
Use a local development environment which mirrors your production environment. You can safely perform all steps without any risk here before deploying.
Use a deployment strategy/tool which allows for rollbacks. This allows you to quickly revert to a working version of your instance in case all other checks have failed. A simple but flexible solution is Deployer, you'll need SSH for this though.
Have you tried dumping autoload from Install Tool? Generally, it would help for the class not loaded problem. Otherwise, you may want to check the log at typo3/temp/var/log/ and find the errors in code.

Typo3 broken: Frontend / Backend blank pages and no errors even after restoring backup

I was fixing things on a not well-maintained typo3 installation and it resulted in blank pages of frontend, backend and install tool.
I wanted to fix extensions because the powermail-extension was not working anymore even after updating to latest compatible version (tried emptying cache and database compare).
I deactivated an extension "compatibility6" to see if it was interfering and since then all pages have been blank including Install Manager. I reactivated the extension via PackageStates.php, emptied the cache but it did not change anything. I was not able to see any error messages even though I set the parameter in LocalConfiguration.php which made it hard to try to find out what is wrong. Then I restored a backup using vmware. Still, backend and frontend are blank.
I am using Apache and Typo3 7.6.23.
I do not know what might be causing the problem and would like to know what else to look for?
It means you have a PHP error there. The first thing would be to examine logs. If you see anything like "class not found", then your next action would be composer dumpautoload --no-dev.
Long time ago I had an article about blank pages in TYPO3 FE. Not up to date but still can be helpful:
Dmitry already wrote it: you have an error.
In production environment nothing is shown for not revealing any information about your system.
So the only information about the error can be found in the error log of your webserver.
What can you do to get more information about your error?
Enter the install tool and switch to develop mode. This will also enable deprecation logging into a file. Try to avoid filling your system with deprecation warnings by disabling deprecation logging.
Disable the default exceptionhandler by adding this to your typoscript setup:
config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0
Now you should see a call stack instead of blank screens.
Be aware that this might reveal confidential information from your system.
because of this you should use a copy of the live-system.

Typo3 4.7.0 update breaks my FE login?

I've updated my Typo3 from 4.5.5 to 4.7.0 and I get several deprecated errors:
ERROR: Content Element type "login" has no rendering definition!
call to undefined error in t3lib_div::view_array
fail to include class.t3lib_htmlmail.php
The install tool gives me "typo3/ext/ directory not writable" but I've the correct right. I've even allow all?????
When I select a CType Element in the BE it give me this warning: PHP Warning
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/typo3_src-4.7.0/t3lib/l10n/parser/class.t3lib_l10n_parser_llphp.php line 95
The solution for 2. is to use the new class t3lib_utility_debug but what is with the other errors?
Edit: 1.
Edit 2: The solution for the missing class t3lib_htmlmail is to include another class t3lib_mail_message: require_once(PATH_t3lib .'mail/class.t3lib_mail_message.php');
You solved allready: install system extension "felogin"
you solved allready: use t3lib_utility_debug
check where the error is from. Often it is helpfull to search for that file in typo3conf/temp_*.
You could check your filesystem, if your webserver is allowed to write to typo3/ext/. I guess, it is not. But you do not need to. Usually you install extensions to typo3conf/ext/.
Update your language files via the extension manager.
Well, i know it is to late now, but for all others wo think about an update: just activate the deprecation log in the isntall toll and fix that problems first!
Updating from 4.5.X to 4.7.x broke my felogin as well. The reason was that there has been a local extension installation that has been of higher priority than the system one. So if you suffer the same update issue, check for an local installation of felogin in "typo3conf/ext" - and delete it in case it is there. This solved my problem!