How to install linq.js in Core Web Application (.net framework) and how to use it? - nuget

We are developing an Core Web Application (.net framework).
I want to use linq.js in this new project.
Bower is giving many same name options but does not seems to be the desired version, as description and version is different from
the the one which is on CodePlex and on NugetGet.
I am triyng to install current ver
Earlier in 5, I have used Nuget Package Manager to install this js library. I have also tried to install using Nuget Package Manager in this .net core project also. It is installing the linq.js sucessfully in .net core project also.
Restoring packages for c:\WebApplication1\src\WebApplication1\WebApplication1.csproj...
OK 940ms
OK 952ms
Installing linq.js
Installing NuGet package linq.js
Committing restore...
Writing lock file to disk. Path: c:\WebApplication1\src\WebApplication1\obj\project.assets.json
Restore completed in 2856.451ms for c:\WebApplication1\src\WebApplication1\WebApplication1.csproj.
Successfully installed 'linq.js' to WebApplication1
Executing nuget actions took 4.41 sec
========== Finished ==========
Time Elapsed: 00:00:07.5474751
But I do see not any linq.js files in my project, not sure how to install linq.js in .net core project using any of the package manager, as I do not want to do it manually.
Thanks for your time in advance.


NuGet Installation of EntityFramework

I have been doing some testing between VS2015 and VS2017. I created a .NetFrameworkApp and a .NetCoreApp website in both systems. I then installed a couple of packages in all four websites; in particular EntitytFramework. It installed in both VS2015 websites and the VS2017 .NetFrameworkApp website without problem but it wouldn't install in the VS2017 .NETCoreApp website. I got the following error messages.
net45 (.NETFramework,Version=v4.5)
One or more packages are incompatible with .NETCoreApp,Version=v1.1.
Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'RLSBCWebSite_NC'.
Time Elapsed: 00:00:01.4470850
Error Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'RLSBCWebSite_NC'. 0
Anyone any idea why that should be. I am assuming it should install otherwise how would you use CodeFirst etc.
The "EntityFramework" package is not supported with .NET Core App, use the:
package instead

NuGet cannot restore AutoMapper 5.1.1 on TeamCity 10

With NuGet 3.3.0 we get the following error when restoring AutoMapper 5.1.1. Other packages restore successfully:
[11:49:53] [restore] Unable to find version '5.1.1' of package 'AutoMapper'.
[11:49:53] [restore] Process exited with code 1
There was an issue we had where we were unable to restore this package in Visual Studio 2013 on our dev machines unless we updated the NuGet package manager.
If we build the project in Visual Studio 2013 on the TeamCity server, the package restores successfully, leading us to believe that it's the NuGet version on the build agents that needs updating.
We tried to upload the NuGet.CommandLine.3.4.3.nupkg via the TeamCity | Tools menu, however TeamCity complains that it's not a valid NuGet package because it doesn't contain tools\NuGet.exe, even though it does!
We did manage to successfully upload Nuget.CommandLine.3.6.0-beta1.1839.nupkg, however that gives us a different error when the build step attempts to run.
So we're stuck. Has anyone out there had this issue and managed to resolve it?
Uploading NuGet.CommandLine.3.5.0-beta-final.nupkg to TeamCity (Administration => Tools => NuGet.exe => Add Version) and setting the NuGet build step to version 3.5.0-beta-final successfully resolved our issue.
I got the package from:

Cannot add MVVM Light libraries through NuGet

I'm trying to add MVVM Light to an existing project through NuGet but I get this error message:
Attempting to resolve dependency 'MvvmLightLibs (≥'.
Attempting to resolve dependency 'CommonServiceLocator (≥ 1.2)'.
Successfully installed 'CommonServiceLocator 1.2'.
Successfully installed 'MvvmLightLibs'.
Successfully installed 'MvvmLight'.
Successfully uninstalled 'CommonServiceLocator 1.2'.
Install failed. Rolling back...
Could not install package 'CommonServiceLocator 1.2'. You are
trying to install this package into a project that targets
'.NETFramework,Version=v4.0,Profile=Client', but the package
does not contain any assembly references that are compatible
with that framework. For more information, contact the package
I've tried retargeting my project to .NET framework 4.0, 4.0 client profile, and 4.5. Any ideas? I wasn't having this issue as recently as two weeks ago.
Had the same Problem today. Try to install the newest Version of Nuget in your Visual Studio Addins first !
I am able to install while targeting 4.5 and using Nuget for "MVVM Light Libraries only"
Does installing first avoid the issue for you?
I had the same issue. Updated Visual Studio 2012 to Update 4, tried again and it worked perfectly. Good luck!
It sounds like your project is targeting .NET 4.0 while you are installing library witch are not compatible to the targeted version.
Please find appropriate version of library and install them

Error "SolutionDir property not found in project" when installing SlowCheetah

I wanted to try out SlowCheetah so I:
Created a test web project (ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application in Visual C#)
Enabled Package Restore by checking "Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build"
Installed SlowCheetah via Package Manager Console with Install-Package SlowCheetah.
Since I'd like this to work with a build server later on, I got a bit worried when this error message shows up:
SolutionDir property not found in project [TestWeb].
Have you enabled NuGet Package Restore? This is required for build server support.
You may need to enable it and to enable it and re-install this package
What does it mean and why can't it find SolutionDir?

How do I deploy .NET Framework 4 using Active Directory deployment?

I know it's possible to deploy earlier versions of the .NET framework using AD deployment, for example:
How do it do this for .NET 4? I tried unpacking the standalone .NET 4 installer and deploying the netfx_Extended_x86.msi package. This didn't work. After a reboot the event log shows that it tried but it failed to install with a message saying to run setup.exe.
Didn't test it but look at this: How to deploy .NET 4.0 Framework