How to spawn in item with a tile entity? 1.11.2 - entity-framework

I was wondering on how to get my tile entity to spawn an item when it has been taken out of it? for example if it was an ATM and you pressed the button to take out $20. I have the entity set up but the tutorial I'm following uses worldOBj.(stuff)
When I tried to figure it out myself it was only giving me the option to do something like World.spawnEntity() and it only accepts entities not items.
The Tile entity extends minecrafts TileEnity and imports itemStack and tileEntity.
Any help what line of code would accomplish this is appreciated! I'm new to modding


Autodesk forge highlight child object

Recently i've been working on this repository to build a custom visual in Power BI to visualize the issues extracted from Bim track'S API.
The idea was visualizing them in associaton to the model's ROOMS.
In order to do that I worked with a NWC file, so i cuold export rooms as a geometry.
What i would like to do now is to highligt the rooms if a connected issue is selected from a table.
The problem is When i select an issue from a table, in the selection tree i can see highlighted the parent object name (ROOM) instead of the child (solid), and i think that is why i can't achieve my purpose (if not please correct me).
what i have
what i wold like to do
Does anyone know a way to do that?
If you would like to change your selection between (FIRST_OBJECT, LAST_OBJECT, LEAF_OBJECT) you can change viewer selection settings in order to test:
If you would like to achieve this programmatically :
could help you as well.
If I well understood, you want to highlight the child (which contain the mesh) instead of the parent.
The object highlight (isolate) is done in /forgePowerbiView/src/visual.ts with this code:
const dbIds = options.dataViews[0] =>
console.log('dbIds: ' +dbIds)
this.forge_viewer.impl.setGhostingBrightness(true); //for isolate effect
Take a look at this link Enumerating leaf nodes on Viewer. This will help you to get the dbIds you want to isolate.

how to create a patch action with backpack for laravel

Hello every body i am new with both laravel and backpack , so i read the documentation backpack documentation , so i want to create a line action(action that apears in every entry) that change an attribut which is by the way a 1-n relation (assign action that assign an entity to a user). can somme one helps me, or just give me the best path to follow .
public function assign()
return view("welcome");
In Backpack v4 you should probably take a look at creating custom operations.
This example should be helpful to you. It shows how to create an Operation that includes a button on the line stack, and separate page for that operation.
Hope it helps.

Magento: How to add attribute to product price?

I created a new attribute (delivery) for my Magento shop and I'd like to show this attribute right after the product price on the product page. How can I do that?
I tried to add echo $_product->getdelivery() at view.phtml but my attribute showed up in the next line and not next to the price.
Try adding your code to catalog/product/price.phtml
else you can add css to .price-box but this would change in many places as price-box is used in many places
Better to add a class in price.phtml to price-box. Give the new class float left and add your div next to it. :)

Get value from Entity Framework for Dropdown List and Return selected value in MVC

Assuming i got a table called Countries and using Entity Framework, i want to know how could i populate the available countries (listed in the table countries) to view as drop down list and return the value to HTTPPost Controller
i got
public ActionResult SignUp()
i think the populate code should be here but i not sure
how to retrieve from entity framework and populate into view
public ActionResult SignUp()
i want to read the user selected value and i think is
int value = form["DropDownListName"].SelectedIndex + 1;
can anyone please guide me on this with some hint or example , please ? Thx a lot =D
To be honest, you're not really working in an MVC pattern here. Don't put UI construction logic in your constructor.
Rather, expose the ID that you want to bind to the list via a model that you pass to a View() method in your constructor.
In your view, use the name of that property as the Name of a Drop-down and create a helper class to generate the list of values.
I'd give you a more specific example, but I'm in the cinema with my iPad, so a bit stuck for access to Visual Studio at the moment!

Showing an initially selected object in an ObjectAutoCompleteField on page load in Wicket

I've followed the Wicket by Example guide to get the ObjectAutoCompleteField working, and it does so quite nicely.
I have a huge problem, though, and that is to show an initially set object in the field when the page loads. The object is retrieved from a model I use for the form where the ObjectAutoCompleteField is used. Changing the ObjectAutoCompleteField changes the model attribute it is "connected" to, and any subsequent changes in the field shows the appropriate label in its place, just not the initial one when the page loads—the only thing that shows is the edit link (to get to the autocomplete functionality).
I've looked around in the documentation for the ObjectAutoCompleteBuilder but haven't found any corresponding method to even set the initial value explicitly on page load.
I finally managed to find a solution by looking through the classes relating to ObjectAutoCompleteField.
The ObjectAutoCompleteField is constructed by the build method in ObjectAutoCompleteBuilder. So, by calling the readOnlyRenderer method on the builder, creating a new ObjectReadOnlyRenderer creating a label inside its getObjectRenderer, I got the ObjectAutoCompleteField to render a preselected object on page load.
ObjectAutoCompleteBuilder<Author, Long> builder = new ObjectAutoCompleteBuilder<Author, Long>(provider);
builder.readOnlyRenderer(new ObjectReadOnlyRenderer<Long>() {
public Component getObjectRenderer(String id, IModel<Long> pModel, IModel<String> pSearchTextModel) {
return new Label(id, new PropertyModel<Author>(model, "author"));
One would think that this was the standard behaviour, but now I know for future reference.