Talend: how to split column data into rows - talend

I have one table:
| id | head1| head2 | head3|
| 1 | fv1 | fw1,fw2,fw3| fv3 |
| 2 | sv2 | sw1,sw2,sw3| sv4 |
And would like to have the following:
| id | head2 |
| 1 | fw1 |
| 1 | fw2 |
| 1 | fw3 |
| 2 | sw1 |
| 2 | sw2 |
| 2 | sw3 |
So I would like to split a comma-delimited content of some columns and then copy it over into the different table as rows for search purposes.
Which Talend component should I use to achieve this? Is that possible?

tNormalize should help you with this problem.
Just select "," as field separator, and head2 as the column to normalize.


PostgreSQL: Transforming rows into columns when more than three columns are needed

I have a table like the following one:
| Section | Group | Level | Fulfillment | |
| A | Y | 1 | 82.2 | |
| A | Y | 2 | 23.2 | |
| A | M | 1 | 81.1 | |
| A | M | 2 | 28.2 | |
| B | Y | 1 | 89.1 | |
| B | Y | 2 | 58.2 | |
| B | M | 1 | 32.5 | |
| B | M | 2 | 21.4 | |
And this would be my desired output:
| Section | Group | Level1_Fulfillment | Level2_Fulfillment |
| A | Y | 82.2 | 23.2 |
| A | M | 81.1 | 28.2 |
| B | Y | 89.1 | 58.2 |
| B | M | 32.5 | 21.4 |
Thus, for each section and group I'd like to obtain their percents of fulfillment for level 1 and level 2. To achieve this, I've tried crosstab(), but using this function returns me an error ("The provided SQL must return 3 columns: rowid, category, and values.") because I'm using more than three columns (I need to maintain section and group as identifiers for each row). Is possible to use crosstab in this case?
I find crosstab() unnecessary complicated to use and prefer conditional aggregation:
select section,
max(fulfillment) filter (where level = 1) as level_1,
max(fulfillment) filter (where level = 2) as level_2
from the_table
group by section, "group"
order by section;
Online example

How to combine pyspark dataframes with different shapes and different columns

I have two dataframes in Pyspark. One has more than 1000 rows and the other only 4 rows. The columns also are not matching.
df1 with more than 1000 rows:
| ID | col1 | col2 | col 3 |
| 1 | time1 | value_col2 | value_col3 |
| 2 | time 2 | value2_col2 | value2_col3 |
df2 with only 4 rows:
| key | col_c | col_d |
| a | valuea_colc | valuea_cold |
| b | valueb_colc | valueb_cold |
I want to create a dataframe looking like this:
| ID | col1 | col2 | col 3 | a_col_c | a_col_d | b_col_c | b_col_d |
| 1 | time1 | value_col2 | value_col3 | valuea_colc | valuea_cold | valueb_colc | valueb_cold |
| 2 | time 2 | value2_col2 | value2_col3 | valuea_colc | valuea_cold | valueb_colc | valueb_cold |
Can you please help with this? I prefer not to use Pandas.
Thank you!
I actually figured this out using crossJoin.
https://spark.apache.org/docs/2.1.0/api/python/pyspark.sql.html explains how to use crossJoin with Pyspark DataFrames.

T-SQL : Pivot table without aggregate

I am trying to understand how to pivot data within T-SQL but can't seem to get it working. I have the following table structure
| Name | Value |
| TaskId | 12417 |
| TaskUid | XX00044497 |
| TaskDefId | 23 |
| TaskStatusId | 4 |
| Notes | |
| TaskActivityIndex | 0 |
| ModifiedBy | Orange |
| Modified | /Date(1554540200000)/ |
| CreatedBy | Apple |
| Created | /Date(2121212100000)/ |
| TaskPriorityId | 40 |
| OId | 2 |
I want to pivot the name column to be columns expected output
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| 12417 | XX00044497 | 23 | 4 | | 0 | Orange | /Date(1554540200000)/ | Apple | /Date(2121212100000)/ | 40 | 2 |
Is there an easy way of doing it? The columns are fixed (not dynamic).
Any help appreciated
Try this:
select * from yourtable
for Name in ([TaskID],[TaskUID],[TaskDefID]......)
) as pivotable
You can also use case statements.
You must use the aggregate function in the pivot table.
If you want to learn more, here is the reference:
Output (I only tried three columns):

Add columns but keep a specific id

I have a table "Listing" that looks like this:
| listing_id | amenities |
| 5629709 | {"Air conditioning",Heating, Essentials,Shampoo} |
| 4156372 | {"Wireless Internet",Kitchen,"Pets allowed"} |
And another table "Amenity" like this:
| amenity_id | amenities |
| 1 | Air conditioning |
| 2 | Kitchen |
| 3 | Heating |
Is there a way to join the two tables in a new one "Listing_Amenity" like this:
| listing_id | amenities |
| 5629709 | 1 |
| 5629709 | 3 |
| 4156372 | 2 |
You could use unnest:
CREATE TABLE Listing_Amenity
SELECT l.listing_id, a.amenity_id
FROM Listing l
, unnest(l.ammenities) sub(elem)
JOIN Amenity a
ON a.ammenities = sub.elem;
db<>fiddle demo

in postgresql how to get the last 4 numbers from a field and copy it to a new field

I'm trying to get the last four digits of the field "SERIAL8" and put that in a new field called "SS4". Here is the query I'm trying to use but it isn't working. I'm new at this, so any help would be appreciated
| "Complaint Full Date" | Source | SERIAL | |
| 02/04/16 | DAPIS_CAIR | DG540732 | |
| 04/18/16 | DAPIS_CAIR | DG553384 | |
| 03/23/17 | RO | DG559515 | |
| 03/29/16 | CAIR | DG559781 | |
| 12/10/14 | DAPIS_CAIR | DG561621 | |