Default Parameter Value for Function Type as Parameter Type in Swift 3 - swift

I want to pass a function to call inside the completion block if I need to, but I do not know how to set a default parameter for a function.
func showAlert(controllerTitle: String, message: String, actionTitle: String, preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle = .alert, actionStyle: UIAlertActionStyle = .default, funcToCall: () -> ()){
let alert = UIAlertController(title: controllerTitle, message: message, preferredStyle: preferredStyle)
alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: actionTitle, style: actionStyle, handler: {(action) -> Void in
self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: {() -> Void in })

First of all, a question should provide a code block as specific as possible.
The question
So, you have a function foo which accepts a parameter of type closure and you want to provide a default value right?
The solution
Here's the code
func foo(completion: ()->() = { _ in print("Default completion") }) {
Now you can call foo passing your own closure
foo { print("Hello world") } // Hello world
Or using using the default param
foo() // Default completion

You can pass a default parameter to a function like so
func functionToCall(message: String = "You message") {

I have removed all parameters from showAlert but the funcToCall just to show the way how you can provide default parameter for a function:
extension UIViewController {
private static func defaultFuncToCall() {
func showAlert(funcToCall: #escaping () -> () = UIViewController.defaultFuncToCall) {


Returning the result of a UIAlert to a delegate method

Is it possible, with a UIAlert, to return what the user selected to a delegate method? If so, how?
I'd prefer not to change the delegate method or stop using UIAlert, if such a solution exists. Though all help and ideas are appreciated.
Delegate Protocol
protocol RouteManagerDelegate {
//behaves like textFieldShouldEndEditing
func routeShouldUpdateUnfinished() -> Bool
My Current Attempt at Implementation
extension MyController : RouteManagerDelegate {
func routeShouldUpdateUnfinished() -> Bool {
var response = false
//make Alert
let confirmationAlert = UIAlertController(title: "Current Route is Unfinished", message: "Do you want to continue?", preferredStyle: .alert)
//add Yes or No options
confirmationAlert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Yes", style: .destructive) { _ in
response = true
confirmationAlert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "No", style: .cancel)
self.present(confirmationAlert, animated: true)
return response
This doesn't work because UIAlert behaves asynchronously. The function simply returns false every time.
But you can clearly see the intent:
If the user selects 'Yes' (continue), then routeShouldUpdateUnfinished should return true.
For me the provided code looks like the delegate method is being understood wrong. To help you out a little, here a little diagram:
The delegate pattern is used to communicate from child to parent.
In your solution this could look like:
Parent implements delegate pattern with function
func routeShouldUpdateUnfinished(result: bool) { ... }
When parent sets child up the parent calls
child.delegate = self
The alert inside child calls
The parent handles the code
Just in case someone finds themselves in this esoteric position:
I wanted to do as Ramden suggested, but also didn't want to expose a function that other classes should never use (except in this scenario).
I ended up using a default implementation for my delegate method (defined in an extension of my protocol) and a static fileprivate method to handle the result of my delegate method returning true.
Now the fileprivate 'handler' method isn't exposed but I can also use a UIAlert. This has flaws but works. Implementation below, if ever it's useful to someone.
protocol RouteManagerDelegate {
func routeShouldUpdateUnfinished() -> Bool
extension RouteManagerDelegate { //default implementations of delegate protocol
func routeShouldUpdateUnfinished() -> Bool {
if let delegate = self as? UIViewController {
let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Wait!", message: "Do you want to continue?", preferredStyle: .alert)
confirmationAlert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Yes", style: .destructive) { _ in
RouteManager.handleRouteChangedUnfinished() //the 'handler' function
confirmationAlert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "No", style: .cancel))
delegate.present(confirmationAlert, animated: true)
return false
struct RouteManager {
func myFunc() {
if delegate?.routeShouldUpdateUnfinished() ?? true {
RouteManager.handleRouteChangedUnfinished() //the 'handler' function
static fileprivate func handleRouteChangedUnfinished() { //don't want to expose this
//Notify the Database

How to create a completion handler in Swift which I would call optionally?

Currently, I have a completion handler:
open func Start(completion: (() -> Void)) { ... }
but in this case I have to always call the completion.
How can I make an optional, so in some method I would use completion block but in others I would just skip them and do not add to my method calls?
For example, I want the same as in:
self.present(<#T##viewControllerToPresent: UIViewController##UIViewController#>, animated: <#T##Bool#>, completion: <#T##(() -> Void)?##(() -> Void)?##() -> Void#>)
I've tried
open func Start(completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) { ... }
adding question mark, but in this case I have to call an optional completion block
and I cannot call simply
where I do not need in completion block. It requires me to call it
You can make it an Optional Parameter with nil value by default:
open func Start(completion: (() -> Void)! = nil) {
guard completion != nil else {
Inside some other method:
func foo() {
Start(completion: nil)
Start(completion: {
// some code
Start {
// some code
You can use a default value that is not nil, e.g. a block that does nothing
open func start(completion: #escaping (() -> Void) = {}) {
However, I don't see what problem you have with calling completion?().

swift calling a func from inside static func?

I am trying to call upon func to bring up an alert and it is inside another static func though it's not working
inside my fetch user func when actual longitude return nil i want to call the alert func though its not working as i thought it would
it says error: extra argument in call "message
func alertTheUser(title: String , message: String) {
let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
let ok = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil);
present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil);
static func firestorefetchUserWithUID(uid: String, completion:#escaping (User2) -> ()) {
//code taken out for this example
//fetch user from database
//dictionary = snapshot etc
guard let latitude = dictionary["Actual Latitude"] as? String else {
alertTheUser(title:"title" , message:"message")
//code taken out for this example
A static func cannot call a non-static func directly. A non-static func is an instance method, and in a static func there is no instance — it is static, meaning it belongs to the type, not to an instance of the type.
Thus, static firestorefetchUserWithUID cannot call alertTheUser because alertTheUser is an instance method and you have no instance to send it to. And if alertTheUser were static, you'd have the same problem again, because then it could not call present for the same reason, as present is an instance method.
It looks to me like making the static func static was just a mistake to begin with; make it an instance method, if you know you'll always have an instance to send it to. (And I presume you do have an instance, because your use of present suggests that this code must be in a UIViewController subclass.)

Testing text of an animated label that appears and disappears

I am struggling to test the appearance of a label(toastLabel) which I have that animates briefly into view when someone enters the wrong email.
private func registerNewUser(email: String, password: String, confirmationPassword: String) {
if password == confirmationPassword {
firebaseData.createUser(email: email, password: password, completion: { (error, _ ) in
if let error = error {
self.showToast(in: self.view, with: error.localizedDescription)
} else {
self.showToast(in: self.view, with: "Registered succesfully")
self.signInUser(email: email, password: password)
} else {
//raise password mismatch error
print("password mismatch error")
func showToast(in toastSuperView: UIView, with text: String) {
let toastLabel = ToastLabel()
toastLabel.text = text
private func layoutToastLabel(_ toastLabel: ToastLabel) {
toastLabel.pinToSuperview(edges: [.left, .right])
private func animateToastLabel(_ toastLabel: ToastLabel) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 2.5, delay: 0, options: .curveEaseOut, animations: {
toastLabel.alpha = 0.0
}, completion: { _ in
I just want to test that the error text received back from firebase appears after the user enters an email that has already been taken.
func testRegisteringWithUsedEmailDisplaysFirebaseError() {
let email = registeredEmail
let password = "password"
welcomeScreenHelper.register(email: email,
password: password,
confirmationPassword: password,
completion: {
let firebaseErrorMessage = "The email address is already in use by another account."
func register(email: String, password: String, confirmationPassword: String, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
let emailTextField = app.textFields[AccesID.emailTextField]
let passwordTextField = app.secureTextFields[AccesID.passwordTextField]
let confirmPasswordTextField = app.secureTextFields[AccesID.confirmPasswordTextField]
let registerButton = app.buttons[AccesID.registerButton]
when I use other tools such as expectation and XCTWaiter the tests still don't pass despite the text and label definitely appearing. I have never had to do a test like this so I'm not sure where I may be going wrong, whether I have to do something different to test an animated view or something.
So I can see after a bit more playing that when i tap the registerButton the toast appears as it should but the test doesn't continue until it has disappeared again. I find this odd as it's not strictly attached to the registerButton being its own view.
I have update my test as follows:
func testRegisteringWithUsedEmailDisplaysFirebaseError() {
welcomeScreenHelper.register(email: registeredEmail,
password: password,
confirmationPassword: password,
completion: {
let firebaseErrorMessage = "The email address is already in use by another account."
let text =[firebaseErrorMessage]
let exists = NSPredicate(format: "exists == true")
self.expectation(for: exists, evaluatedWith: text, handler: nil)
self.waitForExpectations(timeout: 10, handler: nil)
with the addition of:
override func setUp() {
override func tearDown() {
if let email = createdUserEmail {
firebaseHelper.removeUser(with: email)
But so far no luck. I can still see that in func register once the register button is tapped the toast shows and the next line isn't called until the toastLabel has finished animating.
There are several things you need to solve in such kind of test:
If the code you are testing is using DispatchQueue.async you should use XCTestCase.expectation
If the code you are testing has UIView.animate in it (I see there is one in your example) do UIView.setAnimationsEnabled(false) before the test and enable it back after the test finishes so expectation won't wait for animation to complete. You can do it in XCTestCase.setUp and XCTestCase.tearDown methods.
If the code you are testing has dependencies like services that are doing async calls (I assume firebaseData is) you should either inject their mocks/stubs that will behave synchronously or use XCTestCase.expectation and pray for API/network be OK while the tests are run.
So using XCTestCase.expectation + UIView.setAnimationsEnabled(false) should work for you. Just XCTestCase.expectation with high enough timeout should work too.
Correct way to use expectation:
func test() {
let exp = expectation(description: "completion called")
someAsyncMethodWithCompletion() {
waitForExpectations(timeout: 1) { _ in }
// assert here
So your test method should be:
func testRegisteringWithUsedEmailDisplaysFirebaseError() {
let exp = expectation(description: "completion called")
welcomeScreenHelper.register(email: registeredEmail,
password: password,
confirmationPassword: password,
completion: { exp.fulfill() })
self.waitForExpectations(timeout: 10, handler: nil)
let firebaseErrorMessage = "The email address is already in use by another account."

Trigger UIAlertAction on UIAlertController programmatically?

There are a couple of existing questions on this topic but they aren't quite what I'm after. I've written a little Swift app rating prompt for my app which presents two UIAlertController instances, one triggered by the other.
I'm now trying to unit test this, and trying to reach that second alert in the tests. I've written a simple spy to check the first controller, but I'd like a way to trigger one of the actions on the first alert, which in turn shows the second.
I've already tried alert.actions.first?.accessibilityActivate(), but it didn't seem to break inside the handler of that action – that's what I'm after.
A solution that doesn't involve changing the production code to allow programmatic tapping of UIAlertActions in unit tests, which I found in this SO answer.
Posting it here as well as this question popped up for me when Googling for an answer, and the following solution took me way more time to find.
Put below extension in your test target:
extension UIAlertController {
typealias AlertHandler = #convention(block) (UIAlertAction) -> Void
func tapButton(atIndex index: Int) {
guard let block = actions[index].value(forKey: "handler") else { return }
let handler = unsafeBitCast(block as AnyObject, to: AlertHandler.self)
Here's roughly what I did:
Created a mocked version of my class that would present the alert controller, and in my unit tests, used this mock.
Overrode the following method that I'd created in the non-mocked version:
func alertActionWithTitle(title: String?, style: UIAlertActionStyle, handler: Handler) -> UIAlertAction
In the overridden implementation, stored all the details about the actions in some properties (Handler is just a typealias'd () -> (UIAlertAction))
var didCreateAlert = false
var createdTitles: [String?] = []
var createdStyles: [UIAlertActionStyle?] = []
var createdHandlers: [Handler?] = []
var createdActions: [UIAlertAction?] = []
Then, when running my tests, to traverse the path through the alerts, I implemented a callHandlerAtIndex method to iterate through my handlers and execute the right one.
This means that my tests look something like this:
feedback.callHandlerAtIndex(1) // First alert, second action
feedback.callHandlerAtIndex(2) // Second alert, third action
I took a slightly different approach based on a tactic I took for testing UIContextualAction—it's very similar to UIAction but exposes its handler as a property (not sure why Apple wouldn't have done the same for UIAction). I injected an alert actions provider (encapsulated by a protocol) into my view controller. In production code, the former just vends the actions. In unit tests, I use a subclass of this provider which stores the action and the handler in two dictionaries—these can be queried and then triggered in tests.
typealias UIAlertActionHandler = (UIAlertAction) -> Void
protocol UIAlertActionProviderType {
func makeAlertAction(type: UIAlertActionProvider.ActionTitle, handler: UIAlertActionHandler?) -> UIAlertAction
Concrete object (has typed titles for easy retrieval later):
class UIAlertActionProvider: UIAlertActionProviderType {
enum ActionTitle: String {
case proceed = "Proceed"
case cancel = "Cancel"
func makeAlertAction(title: ActionTitle, handler: UIAlertActionHandler?) -> UIAlertAction {
let style: UIAlertAction.Style
switch title {
case .proceed: style = .destructive
case .cancel: style = .cancel
return UIAlertAction(title: title.rawValue, style: style, handler: handler)
Unit testing subclass (stores actions and handlers keyed by ActionTitle enum):
class MockUIAlertActionProvider: UIAlertActionProvider {
var handlers: [ActionTitle: UIAlertActionHandler] = [:]
var actions: [ActionTitle: UIAlertAction] = [:]
override func makeAlertAction(title: ActionTitle, handler: UIAlertActionHandler?) -> UIAlertAction {
handlers[title] = handler
let action = super.makeAlertAction(title: title, handler: handler)
actions[title] = action
return action
Extension on UIAlertAction to enable typed action title lookup in tests:
extension UIAlertAction {
var typedTitle: UIAlertActionProvider.ActionTitle? {
guard let title = title else { return nil }
return UIAlertActionProvider.ActionTitle(rawValue: title)
Sample test demonstrating usage:
func testDeleteHandlerActionSideEffectTakesPlace() throws {
let alertActionProvider = MockUIAlertActionProvider()
let sut = MyViewController(alertActionProvider: alertActionProvider)
// Do whatever you need to do to get alert presented, then retrieve action and handler
let action = try XCTUnwrap(alertActionProvider.actions[.proceed])
let handler = try XCTUnwrap(alertActionProvider.handlers[.proceed])
// Assert whatever side effects are triggered in your code by triggering handler
I used Luke's guidance above to create a subclass of UIAlertAction that saves its completion block so it can be called during tests:
class BSAlertAction: UIAlertAction {
var completionHandler: ((UIAlertAction) -> Swift.Void)?
class func handlerSavingAlertAction(title: String?,
style: UIAlertActionStyle,
completionHandler: #escaping ((UIAlertAction) -> Swift.Void)) -> BSAlertAction {
let alertAction = self.init(title: title, style: style, handler: completionHandler)
alertAction.completionHandler = completionHandler
return alertAction
You could customize this to save more information (like the title and the style) if you like. Here's an example of an XCTest that then uses this implementation:
func testThatMyMethodGetsCalled() {
if let alert = self.viewController?.presentedViewController as? UIAlertController,
let action = alert.actions[0] as? BSAlertAction,
let handler = action.completionHandler {
let calledMyMethod = self.presenter?.callTrace.contains(.myMethod) ?? false
} else {
XCTFail("Got wrong kind of alert when verifying that my method got called“)