matlab vectorization if statement - matlab

Can someone please tell me the vectorized implementation of following matlab code. Predicted is an array containing either of the two values "pos" or "neg". I have to copy the values when condition comes true.
p = 1;
box = zeros(size(bbox));
for k = 1: size(predicted)
if predicted(k) == 'pos'
box(p,:) = bbox(k,:);
p = p + 1;

bbox=rand(100); %demo data
predicted = rand(1,100)>0.5; %logical values
%You want to convert your array of strings into an array of logical values


Not sure what to do about error message "Conversion to double from cell is not possible."

I'm writing a program that finds the indices of a matrix G where there is only a single 1 for either a column index or a row index and removes any found index if it has a 1 for both the column and row index. Then I want to take these indices and use them as indices in an array U, which is where the trouble comes. The indices do not seem to be stored as integers and I'm not sure what they are being stored as or why. I'm quite new to Matlab (but thats probably obvious) and so I don't really understand how types work for Matlab or how they're assigned. So I'm not sure why I',m getting the error message mentioned in the title and I'm not sure what to do about it. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
I forgot to mention this before but G is a matrix that only contains 1s or 0s and U is an array of strings (i think what would be called a cell?)
function A = ISClinks(U, G)
B = [];
[rownum,colnum] = size(G);
j = 1;
for i=1:colnum
s = sum(G(:,i));
if s == 1
B(j,:) = i;
j = j + 1;
for i=1:rownum
s = sum(G(i,:));
if s == 1
if ismember(i, B)
B(B == i) = [];
B(j,:) = i;
j = j+1;
A = [];
for i=1:size(B,1)
s = B(i,:);
A(i,:) = U(s,:);
This is the problem code, but I'm not sure what's wrong with it.
A = [];
for i=1:size(B,1)
s = B(i,:);
A(i,:) = U(s,:);
Your program seems to be structured as though it had been written in a language like C. In MATLAB, you can usually substitute specialized functions (e.g. any() ) for low-level loops in many cases. Your function could be written more efficiently as:
function A = ISClinks(U, G)
% Find columns and rows that are set in the input
% (Optional) Prevent columns and rows with same index from being simultaneously set
%exclusive_active_columns = active_columns & ~active_rows; %not needed; this line is only for illustrative purposes
%exclusive_active_rows = active_rows & ~active_columns; %same as above
% Merge column state vector and row state vector by XORing them
% Select appropriate rows of matrix U
This function does not cause errors with the example input matrices I tested. If U is a cell array (e.g. U={'Lorem','ipsum'; 'dolor','sit'; 'amet','consectetur'}), then return value A will also be a cell array.

Function call with variable number of input arguments when number of input arguments is not explicitly known

I have a variable pth which is a cell array of dimension 1xn where n is a user input. Each of the elements in pth is itself a cell array and length(pth{k}) for k=1:n is variable (result of another function). Each element pth{k}{kk} where k=1:n and kk=1:length(pth{k}) is a 1D vector of integers/node numbers of again variable length. So to summarise, I have a variable number of variable-length vectors organised in a avriable number of cell arrays.
I would like to try and find all possible intersections when you take a vector at random from pth{1}, pth{2}, {pth{3}, etc... There are various functions on the File Exchange that seem to do that, for example this one or this one. The problem I have is you need to call the function this way:
and I can't write all the inputs in the general case because I don't know explicitly how many there are (this would be n above). Ideally, I would like to do some thing like this;
keep going through all the possible combinations, but I can't write this in code. This function from the File Exchange looks like a good way to find all possible combinations but again I have the same problem with the function call with the variable number of inputs:
Does anybody know how to work around this issue of function calls with variable number of input arguments when you can't physically specify all the input arguments because their number is variable? This applies equally to MATLAB and Octave, hence the two tags. Any other suggestion on how to find all possible combinations/intersections when taking a vector at random from each pth{k} welcome!
EDIT 27/05/20
Thanks to Mad Physicist's answer, I have ended up using the following which works:
disp('Computing intersections for all possible paths...')
grids = cellfun(#(x) 1:numel(x), pth, 'UniformOutput', false);
idx = cell(1, numel(pth));
[idx{:}] = ndgrid(grids{:});
idx = cellfun(#(x) x(:), idx, 'UniformOutput', false);
idx = cat(2, idx{:});
valid_comb = [];
k = 1;
for ii = idx'
indices = reshape(num2cell(ii), size(pth));
selection = cellfun(#(p,k) p{k}, pth, indices, 'UniformOutput', false);
if my_intersect(selection{:})
valid_comb = [valid_comb k];
k = k+1;
My own version is similar but uses a for loop instead of the comma-separated list:
disp('Computing intersections for all possible paths...')
grids = cellfun(#(x) 1:numel(x), pth, 'UniformOutput', false);
idx = cell(1, numel(pth));
[idx{:}] = ndgrid(grids{:});
idx = cellfun(#(x) x(:), idx, 'UniformOutput', false);
idx = cat(2, idx{:});
[n_comb,~] = size(idx);
temp = cell(n_pipes,1);
valid_comb = [];
k = 1;
for k = 1:n_comb
for kk = 1:n_pipes
temp{kk} = pth{kk}{idx(k,kk)};
if my_intersect(temp{:})
valid_comb = [valid_comb k];
In both cases, valid_comb has the indices of the valid combinations, which I can then retrieve using something like:
valid_idx = idx(valid_comb(1),:);
for k = 1:n_pipes
pth{k}{valid_idx(k)} % do something with this
When I benchmarked the two approaches with some sample data (pth being 4x1 and the 4 elements of pth being 2x1, 9x1, 8x1 and 69x1), I got the following results:
>> benchmark
Elapsed time is 51.9075 seconds.
valid_comb = 7112
Elapsed time is 66.6693 seconds.
valid_comb = 7112
So Mad Physicist's approach was about 15s faster.
I also misunderstood what mintersect did, which isn't what I wanted. I wanted to find a combination where no element present in two or more vectors, so I ended writing my version of mintersect:
function valid_comb = my_intersect(varargin)
% Returns true if a valid combination i.e. no combination of any 2 vectors
% have any elements in common
comb_idx = combnk(1:nargin,2);
[nr,nc] = size(comb_idx);
valid_comb = true;
k = 1;
% Use a while loop so that as soon as an intersection is found, the execution stops
while valid_comb && (k<=nr)
temp = intersect(varargin{comb_idx(k,1)},varargin{comb_idx(k,2)});
valid_comb = isempty(temp) && valid_comb;
k = k+1;
Couple of helpful points to construct a solution:
This post shows you how to construct a Cartesian product between arbitrary arrays using ndgrid.
cellfun accepts multiple cell arrays simultaneously, which you can use to index specific elements.
You can capture a variable number of arguments from a function using cell arrays, as shown here.
So let's get the inputs to ndgrid from your outermost array:
grids = cellfun(#(x) 1:numel(x), pth, 'UniformOutput', false);
Now you can create an index that contains the product of the grids:
index = cell(1, numel(pth));
[index{:}] = ndgrid(grids{:});
You want to make all the grids into column vectors and concatenate them sideways. The rows of that matrix will represent the Cartesian indices to select the elements of pth at each iteration:
index = cellfun(#(x) x(:), index, 'UniformOutput', false);
index = cat(2, index{:});
If you turn a row of index into a cell array, you can run it in lockstep over pth to select the correct elements and call mintersect on the result.
for i = index'
indices = num2cell(i');
selection = cellfun(#(p, i) p{i}, pth, indices, 'UniformOutput', false);
This is written under the assumption that pth is a row array. If that is not the case, you can change the first line of the loop to indices = reshape(num2cell(i), size(pth)); for the general case, and simply indices = num2cell(i); for the column case. The key is that the cell from of indices must be the same shape as pth to iterate over it in lockstep. It is already generated to have the same number of elements.
I believe this does the trick. Calls mintersect on all possible combinations of vectors in pth{k}{kk} for k=1:n and kk=1:length(pth{k}).
Using eval and messing around with sprintf/compose a bit. Note that typically the use of eval is very much discouraged. Can add more comments if this is what you need.
% generate some data
n = 5;
pth = cell(1,n);
for k = 1:n
pth{k} = cell(1,randi([1 10]));
for kk = 1:numel(pth{k})
pth{k}{kk} = randi([1 100], randi([1 10]), 1);
% get all combs
str_to_eval = compose('1:length(pth{%i})', 1:numel(pth));
str_to_eval = strjoin(str_to_eval,',');
str_to_eval = sprintf('allcomb(%s)',str_to_eval);
% use eval to get all combinations for a given pth
all_combs = eval(str_to_eval);
% and make strings to eval in intersect
comp = num2cell(1:numel(pth));
comp = [comp ;repmat({'%i'}, 1, numel(pth))];
str_pattern = sprintf('pth{%i}{%s},', comp{:});
str_pattern = str_pattern(1:end-1); % get rid of last ,
strings_to_eval = cell(length(all_combs),1);
for k = 1:size(all_combs,1)
strings_to_eval{k} = sprintf(str_pattern, all_combs(k,:));
% and run eval on all those strings
result = cell(length(all_combs),1);
for k = 1:size(all_combs,1)
result{k} = eval(['mintersect(' strings_to_eval{k} ')']);
%fprintf(['mintersect(' strings_to_eval{k} ')\n']); % for debugging
For a randomly generated pth, the code produces the following strings to evaluate (where some pth{k} have only one cell for illustration):
As Madphysicist pointed out, I misunderstood the initial structure of your initial cell array, however the point stands. The way to pass an unknown number of arguments to a function is via comma-separated-list generation, and your function needs to support it by being declared with varargin. Updated example below.
Create a helper function to collect a random subcell from each main cell:
% in getRandomVectors.m
function Out = getRandomVectors(C) % C: a double-jagged array, as described
N = length(C);
Out = cell(1, N);
for i = 1 : length(C)
Out{i} = C{i}{randi( length(C{i}) )};
Then assuming you already have an mintersect function defined something like this:
% in mintersect.m
function Intersections = mintersect( varargin )
Vectors = varargin;
N = length( Vectors );
for i = 1 : N; for j = 1 : N
Intersections{i,j} = intersect( Vectors{i}, Vectors{j} );
end; end
Then call this like so:
C = { { 1:5, 2:4, 3:7 }, {1:8}, {2:4, 3:9, 2:8} }; % example double-jagged array
In = getRandomVectors(C); % In is a cell array of randomly selected vectors
Out = mintersect( In{:} ); % Note the csl-generator syntax
PS. I note that your definition of mintersect differs from those linked. It may just be you didn't describe what you want too well, in which case my mintersect function is not what you want. What mine does is produce all possible intersections for the vectors provided. The one you linked to produces a single intersection which is common to all vectors provided. Use whichever suits you best. The underlying rationale for using it is the same though.
PS. It is also not entirely clear from your description whether what you're after is a random vector k for each n, or the entire space of possible vectors over all n and k. The above solution does the former. If you want the latter, see MadPhysicist's solution on how to create a cartesian product of all possible indices instead.

Implement huffmandict() function in matlab using arrays

I would like to implement the huffmandict() function in Matlab. I have already written a code in which I create an array with all the probabilities. Each time I add the 2 last probabilities , I update my array by adding the new sum probability at the next row in the right place. I also have an array with the sums only. The problem is I don't know how to continue to assign '0' and '1'. Any idea?
This is my code:
function code_words = my_huffmandict_func(init_symbols,probs)
my_symbol_array = [];
my_symbol_array = init_symbols;
my_probs = [];
my_probs = probs;
if length(my_symbol_array)~=length(my_probs)
error('Number of symbols and number of probabilities are not the same.');
for i=1:length(my_probs) %sorting the probabilities in descending order and
change the sequence of the symbols
for j=1:length(my_probs)
if (my_probs(i)> my_probs(j))
my_probs(i)= my_probs(j);
my_symbol_array(i)= my_symbol_array(j);
my_probs(j)= temp1;
my_symbol_array(j)= temp2;
my_sum_array = [];
init_lengthpr = length(my_probs);
all_occured_probs = [];
all_occured_probs(1,:) = my_probs;
while length(my_probs)>2 %we need this while loop as long as there are more
than 2 symbols left
my_temp_sum = my_probs(length(my_probs)) + my_probs(length(my_probs-1)); %we add the the possibilities of the two less possible outputs
my_sum_array = [my_sum_array,my_temp_sum]; %in this array we keep all the sums that occured
my_probs = [my_probs(1:length(my_probs)-2), my_temp_sum];%we update the possibilities' array
my_probs = sort(my_probs,'descend'); %we sort the array again
all_occured_probs(k,:) = [my_probs,zeros(1,init_lengthpr-length(my_probs))];

How to take transpose of N-D array in matlab?

I am using the following code to get all the possible combinations of the rows of a matrix.
function rComb(matrix)
rows = size(matrix,1)
for n = 1:rows
rowsCell = num2cell(matrix,2);
r = nchoosek(1:size(matrix,1),n);
out = cell2mat(reshape(rowsCell(r.',:).',n,1,[]))
Now I want to take the transpose of the out variable, and I am using this code.
function rComb(matrix)
rows = size(matrix,1)
for n = 1:rows
rowsCell = num2cell(matrix,2);
r = nchoosek(1:size(matrix,1),n);
out = cell2mat(reshape(rowsCell(r.',:).',n,1,[]))
transp = out'
And I am facing this error...!!
"Error using '
Transpose on ND array is not defined. Use PERMUTE
Can you solve this issue?
One more thing can a function give us multiple outputs like all the possible combinations of output? Like in the above code if I place ';' after out variable statement this function won't display anything :/.

Vectorizing logic to check if index matches

I have the following function that works perfectly, but I would like to apply vectorization to it...
for i = 1:size(centroids,1)
centroids(i, :) = mean(X(idx == i, :));
It checks if idx matches the current index and if it does, it calculates the mean value for all the X values that correspond to that index.
This is my attempt at vectorization, my solution does not work and I know why...
centroids = mean(X(idx == [1:size(centroids,1)], :));
The following idx == [1:size(centroids,1)] breaks the code. I have no idea how to check if idx equals to either of the numbers from 1 to size(centroids,1).
Get rid of the for loop through vectorization
One option is to use arrayfun;
nIdx = size(centroids,1);
centroids = arrayfun(#(ii) mean(X(idx==ii,:)),1:nIdx, 'UniformOutput', false);
centroids = vertcat(centroids{:})
Since the output of a single function call is not necessarily a scalar, the UniformOutput option has to be set to false. Thus, arrayfun returns a cell array and you need to vertcat it to get the desired double array.
you can split the matrix into cells and take the mean from each cell using cellfun (which applies a loop in its inner operation):
generate data:
dim = 10;
N = 400;
nc = 20;
idx = randi(nc,[N 1]);
X = rand(N,dim);
centroids = zeros(nc,dim);
mean using loop (the question's method)
for i = 1:size(centroids,1)
centroids(i, :) = mean(X(idx == i, :));
% split X into cells by idx
A = accumarray(idx, (1:N)', [nc,1], #(i) {X(i,:)});
% mean of each cell
C = cell2mat(cellfun(#(x) mean(x,1),A,'UniformOutput',0));
maximum absolute error between the methods:
max(abs(C(:) - centroids(:))) % about 1e-16