Padding Fields With White Space - tsql

I have the following piece of code in my SELECT statement -
SELECT convert(varchar (24),ra.Reference)
If a result is - R0_2, so 4 characters, how do you go about padding the trailing space (to the right) with the remaining 20 characters to make up 24?
Similar in that if I have a figure of say 18.00 what I want is to add a # to the front, which I know I can achieve with a CONCAT.
However this field I want to be 16 characters and any leading space to be filled with white space, so this example would look like -
'xxxxxxxxxx#18.00' (where x is a blank space)
Thank you for any advice.

One trick you can use is to just concatenate to the string an amount of padding which is guaranteed to fill the missing spaces. For the case of a string 24 characters long, in your first example, we can concatenate 24 spaces to the end of that string. Then, take the first 24 characters from the left, and the resulting string should be right padded by spaces. Similar logic applies to the other case.
First query:
SELECT LEFT(CONVERT(varchar(24), ra.Reference) + ' ', 24)
FROM yourTable
Second query:
SELECT RIGHT(' ' + '#' + CONVERT(varchar(16), ra.TotalValue), 16)
FROM yourTable

You could also use REPLICATE to accurately pad based on the length of text for each cell to ensure it's always 24 characters:
DECLARE #Test1 VARCHAR(24) = 'Test',
#Test2 VARCHAR(24) = 'Longer String'
SELECT CONCAT(#Test1, REPLICATE(N' ', 24 - LEN(#Test1))),
CONCAT(#Test2, REPLICATE(N' ', 24 - LEN(#Test2)))
And for the #....
DECLARE #Number DECIMAL(4,2) = 18.00
SELECT CONCAT(REPLICATE(' ', 15 - LEN(CONVERT(VARCHAR(16), #Number))), '#',#Number)
I used 15 here despite it being 16 characters to account for the addition of the #


TSQL query to extract a value between to char where a specific set of characters is there

I have a problem I can't seem to figure out. I am trying to extract capacity from a product description. It is always between two values, "," and "oz." however there could be other commas included in the description that are not part of what I'm trying to extract. Example value is , 15 oz., or , 2 oz.,
I'm trying to find values that have the oz in them and are between two commas and I have been completely unsuccessfully. I've tried many things, but here is the latest that I have tried today and I'm just getting an error.
CHARINDEX(',', FullDescription),
- CHARINDEX(',', FullDescription)
+ Len('oz.')
from CatalogManagement.Product
Since the backwards pattern ,.zo is more recognisable, I'd go with the REVERSE function
Sample values:
"something, something more, 18oz., complete"
"shorter, 12oz., remainder"
"there is no capacity, in this, value"
"a bit more, 14oz, and some followups, maybe"
CHARINDEX(',.zo', REVERSE(FullDescription)) + 1,
CHARINDEX(',', REVERSE(FullDescription), CHARINDEX(',.zo', REVERSE(FullDescription)) + 1) - CHARINDEX(',.zo', REVERSE(FullDescription)) - 1
FROM CatalogManagement.Product
WHERE FullDescription LIKE '%oz.,%'
You might use XML-splitting together with a XQuery predicate:
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES('Here is one with an amount, 1 oz., some more text')
,('Here is one with no amount, some more text')
,('a, 10 oz.')
,('b, 20oz., no blank between oz and the number')
,('30oz., starts with the pattern, no leading comma');
,A.oz.value('.','nvarchar(max)') oz
FROM #tbl t
CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE((SELECT t.YourString AS [*] FOR XML PATH('')),',','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)
.query('/x[contains(text()[1],"oz.")]')) A(oz);
The idea in short:
We use some string methods to replace commas with XML tags and to cast your string to XML. each fragment is placed within a decent <x> element.
We use a predicate to return just the fragments containing "oz.".
You can filter easily with
WHERE LEN(A.oz.value('.','nvarchar(max)'))>0

Postgresql: Concatenating regexp_split_to_table into a single string

In Postgresql, I need to take an ASCII string like CNR39XL and turn it into a number like 21317392311 (ASCII values - 65, but digits left as is). This is to take some logic in our software and push it down into the databse level. I’m partway there with this:
ourdb-> WHEN ASCII(c) < 65 THEN c::integer
ourdb-> ELSE ASCII(c)-65
ourdb-> END
ourdb-> FROM regexp_split_to_table('CNR39XL','') s(c);
(7 rows)
However, I can't figure out how to take that final set of numbers and convert it into the string. What am I looking for?
Use string_agg
CAST (CASE ... END AS text),
AS numeric)
FROM ...

Postgres: Retrieve first n words from column

I know that I can do a text search in Postgres with TextSearch and get some result with
select ts_headline('german',content, tq, 'MaxFragments=4, MinWords=5, MaxWords=12,
ShortWord=3, StartSel = <strong>, StopSel = </strong>') as highlight, ...
FROM to_tsquery('german', 'test') tq ...
Is there a similar way to apply to content the same limitations? i.e. to get directly up to 12 words from the column content.
You could use regular expressions:
SELECT (regexp_match(
regexp_replace(content, '[^\w\s]+', ' ', 'g'),
))[1] FROM ...
That will first replace everything that is not a space or alphanumerical character with a space and then return the first 10 words.

How to replace captured group with evaluated expression (adding an integer value to capture group)

I need to convert some strings with this format:
to something like that:
Building 12 - Floor 34
but I have to add a value, say 10, to the second capture group so the new string would be as:
Building 12 - Floor 44
I can use this postgres sentence to get almost everything done, but I don't know how to add the value to the second capture group.
SELECT regexp_replace('B12F34', 'B(\d+)F(\d+)', 'Building \1 - Floor \2', 'g');
I have been searching for a way to add a value to \2 but all I have found is that I can use 'E'-modifier, and then \1 and \2 need to be \\1 and \\2:
SELECT regexp_replace('B12F34', 'B(\d+)F(\d+)', E'Building \\1 - Floor \\2', 'g')
I need some sentence like this one:
SELECT regexp_replace('B12F34', 'B(\d+)F(\d+)', E'Building \\1 - Floor \\2+10', 'g')
to get ........ Floor 44 instead of ........ Floor 34+10
You can not do this in regexp alone because regexp does not support math on captured groups even if they are all numeric characters. So you have to get the group that represents the floor number, do the math and splice it back in:
SELECT regexp_replace('B12F34', 'B(\d+)F(\d+)', 'Building \1 - Floor ') ||
((regexp_matches('B12F34', '[0-9]+$'))[1]::int + 10)::text;
Not very efficient because of the two regexp calls. Another option is to just get the two numbers in a sub-query and assemble the string in the main query:
SELECT format('Building %L - Floor %L', m.num[1], (m.num[2])::int + 10)
SELECT regexp_matches('B12F34', '[0-9]+', 'g') AS num) m;

Truncating leading zero from the string in postgresql

I'm trying to truncate leading zero from the address. example:
1 06TH ST
12 02ND AVE
123 001St CT
expected output
1 6TH ST
12 2ND AVE
123 1St CT
Here is what i have:
update table
set address = regexp_replace(address,'(0\d+(ST|ND|TH))','?????? need help here')
where address ~ '\s0\d+(ST|ND|TH)\s';
many thanks in advance
assuming that the address always has some number/letter address (1234, 1a, 33B) followed by a sequence of 1 or more spaces followed by the part you want to strip leading zeroes...
select substr(address, 1, strpos(address, ' ')) || ltrim(substr(address, strpos(address, ' ')), ' 0') from table;
or, to update the table:
update table set address = substr(address, 1, strpos(address, ' ')) || ltrim(substr(address, strpos(address, ' ')), ' 0');
What you are looking for is the back references in the regular expressions:
UPDATE table
SET address = regexp_replace(address, '\m0+(\d+\w+)', '\1', 'g')
WHERE address ~ '\m0+(\d+\w+)'
\m used to match the beginning of a word (to avoid replacing inside words (f.ex. in 101Th)
0+ truncates all zeros (does not included in the capturing parenthesis)
\d+ used to capture the remaining numbers
\w+ used to capture the remaining word characters
a word caracter can be any alphanumeric character, and the underscore _.