Discussion about select() - select

There are some points that i cant understand about select() and i wish your guide. As i read about this function, i've found that
The select() function gives you a way to simultaneously check
multiple sockets to see if they have data waiting to be recv()d, or if
you can send() data to them without blocking, or if some exception has
1) The first thing that i understood was that this function can check the sockets in parallel. now imagine the sock1 and sock2 receives packets exactly in the same time (packet1 from sock1 and packet2 from sock2) and there are some process that have to done over each packet. is the processing of packets in the parallel? or the packet1 will process then packet 2 will process? (for example in the following code)
int rv = select(maxSd, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (rv == -1) {
perror("select"); // error occurred in select()
} else if (rv == 0) {
printf("Timeout occurred! No data after 10.5 seconds.\n");
} else {
// one or both of the descriptors have data
if (FD_ISSET(sock1, &readfds)) {
printf("socket %i RECEIVED A PACKET \n", sock1);
recvlen = recvfrom(sock1, buf, BUFSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&remaddr1, &addrlen1);
if (recvlen > 0) {
buf[recvlen] = 0;
printf("received message: \"%s\" (%d bytes)\n", buf, recvlen);
Packet mp;
mp.de_packet((unsigned char *)buf,recvlen);
else {
printf("uh oh - something went wrong!\n");
if (FD_ISSET(sock2, &readfds)) {
printf("socket %i RECEIVED A PACKET \n", sock2);
recvlen2 = recvfrom(sock2, buf2, BUFSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&remaddr2, &addrlen2);
if (recvlen2 > 0) {
buf[recvlen2] = 0;
printf("received message2: \"%s\" (%d bytes)\n", buf2, recvlen2);
Packet mp;
mp.de_packet((unsigned char *)buf,recvlen);
printf("uh oh - something went wrong2!\n");
2) The other doubt about select that i have is related to blocking and non blocking.
What is exactly the meaning of blocking? Does it mean that the program stops on this line till an event occur?
I think that to avoid blocking it is possible to use timeval tv or fcntl(). Is there any better way too?
Thanks in advance

Upon return of the select, provided it didn't return 0 or -1, your program needs to loop on all elements of readfds and evaluate if ISSET, it is set the corresponding socket must be processed. So, your code is also correct supposing only sock1 and sock2 were set in readfds. The evaluation of the sockets in readfds is usually done sequentially by the same thread. Then the packets in each socket can be processed sequentially or in parallel. It must be clear that two sockets are totally independent of each other, there is no possibility of race condition. All this depends on how you program it. For example for each socket that ISSET returns true you can spawn a thread that processes it or you can pass it to a work queue for a set of worker threads to process each one in parallel. There is no limitation of any kind. You could even check readfs in parallel, for example you could have a thread checking the lower half of the set and another thread checking the upper half. This is just an example. Again, there is no limitation providing you program it well without generating any race conditions in your application.
Regarding the concept of blocking or non-blocking, select will always block until a socket in the sets has an event to process (read, write, exception) or there is a timeout (if you set the timeout value).
You could also be talking about blocking and non-blocking sockets, which is different. Blocking sockets are those that can be blocked in a read or write operation. A blocking socket will block in a read operation until there is a Byte ready to be read and it will block in a write operation if the send buffer is full and it cannot write the bytes in the buffer (this may happen in STREAM sockets). It will block until it can write its Bytes. A non-blocking socket will not block in a read operation if there is nothing to read, function read will return -1 and errno will be set to EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK (see: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/read.2.html).
select is usually used with non-blocking sockets so that a thread just blocks there until there is a socket ready to be processed. This is good because otherwise your application would need to be polling the non-blocking sockets all the time, which is not efficient.
select will handle all you sockets in parallel but just to check if there is any event. select does not process any packet, if you pay attention to your example, after select returns your application will read the data from the sockets and this can be done sequentially or in parallel.
I hope this explanation helps you understand the concept.


Unexpected WSA_IO_PENDING from blocking (with overlapped I/O attribute) Winsock2 calls

Short version:
I get WSA_IO_PENDING when using blocking socket API calls. How should I handle it? The socket has overlapped I/O attribute and set with a timeout.
Long version:
Platform: Windows 10. Visual Studio 2015
A socket is created in a very traditional simple way.
The socket has by default overlapped I/O attribute enabled. It can be verified with getsockop / SO_OPENTYPE.
I do need overlapped attribute because I want to use timeout feature, e.g. SO_SNDTIMEO.
And I would use the socket only in blocking (i.e., synchronous) manner.
socket read operation runs only within a single thread.
socket write operation can be performed from different threads synchronized with the mutex.
The socket is enabled with timeout and keep-alive with...
::setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, ...);
::setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, ...);
The socket operations are done with
::send(s, sbuffer, ssize, 0); and
::recv(s, rbuffer, rsize, 0);
I also try to use WSARecv and WSASend with both lpOverlapped and lpCompletionRoutine set to NULL.
[MSDN] ... If both lpOverlapped and lpCompletionRoutine are NULL, the socket in
this function will be treated as a non-overlapped socket.
::WSARecv(s, &dataBuf, 1, &nBytesReceived, &flags, NULL/*lpOverlapped*/, NULL/*lpCompletionRoutine*/)
::WSASend(s, &dataBuf, 1, &nBytesSent, 0, NULL/*lpOverlapped*/, NULL/*lpCompletionRoutine*/)
The Problem:
Those send / recv / WSARecv / WSASend blocking calls would return error with WSA_IO_PENDING error code!
Q0: any reference on overlapped attribute with blocking call and timeout?
How does it behave?
in case I have a socket with overlapped "attribute" + timeout feature enable, and just use blocking socket API with "none-overlapped I/O semantics".
I could not find any reference yet about it (e.g. from MSDN).
Q1: is it expected behavior?
I observed this issue (get WSA_IO_PENDING) after migrating code from Win XP/ Win 7 to Win 10.
Here is client code part: (note: the assert is not used in real code, but just describes here that the corresponding error would be handled and a faulty socket will stop the procedure..)
auto s = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
assert(s != INVALID_SOCKET);
timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = (long)(1500);
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
assert(::setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) != SOCKET_ERROR);
assert(::setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (const char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) != SOCKET_ERROR);
struct tcp_keepalive
unsigned long onoff;
unsigned long keepalivetime;
unsigned long keepaliveinterval;
} heartbeat;
heartbeat.onoff = (unsigned long)true;
heartbeat.keepalivetime = (unsigned long)3000;
heartbeat.keepaliveinterval = (unsigned long)3000;
DWORD nob = 0;
assert(0 == ::WSAIoctl(s, SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS, &heartbeat, sizeof(heartbeat), 0, 0, &nob, 0, 0));
SOCKADDR_IN connection;
connection.sin_family = AF_INET;
connection.sin_port = ::htons(port);
connection.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
assert(::connect(s, (SOCKADDR*)&connection, sizeof(connection)) != SOCKET_ERROR);
char buffer[100];
int receivedBytes = ::recv(s, buffer, 100, 0);
if (receivedBytes > 0)
// process buffer
else if (receivedBytes == 0)
// peer shutdown
// we will close socket s
else if (receivedBytes == SOCKET_ERROR)
const int lastError = ::WSAGetLastError();
switch (lastError)
//.... I get the error!
Q2: How should I handle it?
Ignore it? or just close socket as a usual error case?
From the observation, once I get WSA_IO_PENDING, and if I just ignore it, the socket would become eventually not responsive anymore..
Q3: How about WSAGetOverlappedResult?
does it make any sense?
What WSAOVERLAPPED object should I give? Since there is no such one I use for all those blocking socket calls.
I have tried just create a new empty WSAOVERLAPPED and use it to call WSAGetOverlappedResult. It will eventually return with success with 0 byte transferred.
Q3: How about WSAGetOverlappedResult?
in [WSA]GetOverlappedResult we can only use pointer to WSAOVERLAPPED passed to I/O request. use any another pointer is senseless. all info about I/O operation WSAGetOverlappedResult get from lpOverlapped (final status, number of bytes transferred, if need wait - it wait on event from this overlapped). in general words - every I/O request must pass OVERLAPPED (IO_STATUS_BLOCK really) pointer to kernel. kernel direct modify memory (final status and information (usually bytes transferred). because this lifetime of OVERLAPPED must be valid until I/O not complete. and must be unique for every I/O request. the [WSA]GetOverlappedResult check this memory OVERLAPPED (IO_STATUS_BLOCK really) - first of all look for status. if it another from STATUS_PENDING - this mean that operation completed - api take number of bytes transferred and return. if still STATUS_PENDING here - I/O yet not complete. if we want wait - api use hEvent from overlapped to wait. this event handle is passed to kernel during I/O request and will be set to signal state when I/O finished. wait on any another event is senseless - how it related to concrete I/O request ? think now must be clear why we can call [WSA]GetOverlappedResult only with exactly overlapped pointer passed to I/O request.
if we not pass pointer to OVERLAPPED yourself (for example if we use recv or send) the low level socket api - yourself allocate OVERLAPPED as local variable in stack and pass it pointer to I/O. as result - api can not return in this case until I/O not finished. because overlapped memory must be valid until I/O not complete (in completion kernel write data to this memory). but local variable became invalid after we leave function. so function must wait in place.
because all this we can not call [WSA]GetOverlappedResult after send or recv - at first we simply have no pointer to overlapped. at second overlapped used in I/O request already "destroyed" (more exactly in stack below top - so in trash zone). if I/O yet not completed - the kernel already modify data in random place stack, when it finally completed - this will be have unpredictable effect - from nothing happens - to crash or very unusual side effects. if send or recv return before I/O completed - this will be have fatal effect for process. this never must be (if no bug in windows).
Q2: How should I handle it?
how i try explain if WSA_IO_PENDING really returned by send or recv - this is system bug. good if I/O completed by device with such result (despite it must not) - simply some unknown (for such situation) error code. handle it like any general error. not require special processing (like in case asynchronous io). if I/O really yet not completed (after send or recv returned) - this mean that at random time (may be already) your stack can be corrupted. effect of this unpredictable. and here nothing can be done. this is critical system error.
Q1: is it expected behavior?
no, this is absolute not excepted.
Q0: any reference on overlapped attribute with blocking call and
first of all when we create file handle we set or not set asynchronous attribute on it: in case CreateFileW - FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, in case WSASocket - WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED. in case NtOpenFile or NtCreateFile - FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_[NO]NALERT (reverse effect compare FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED). all this information stored in FILE_OBJECT.Flags - FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO (The file object is opened for synchronous I/O.) will be set or clear.
effect of FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO flag is next: I/O subsystem call some driver via IofCallDriver and if driver return STATUS_PENDING - in case FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO flag set in FILE_OBJECT - wait in place(so in kernel) until I/O not completed. otherwise return this status - STATUS_PENDING for caller - it can wait yourself in place, or receiver callback via APC or IOCP.
when we use socket it internal call WSASocket -
The socket that is created will have the overlapped attribute as a
this mean file will be not have FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO attribute and low level I/O calls can return STATUS_PENDING from kernel. but let look how recv is worked:
internally WSPRecv is called with lpOverlapped = 0. because this - WSPRecv yourself allocate OVERLAPPED in stack, as local variable. before do actual I/O request via ZwDeviceIoControlFile. because file (socket) created without FO_SYNCHRONOUS flag - the STATUS_PENDING is returned from kernel. in this case WSPRecv look - are lpOverlapped == 0. if yes - it can not return, until operation not complete. it begin wait on event (internally maintain in user mode for this socket) via SockWaitForSingleObject - ZwWaitForSingleObject. in place Timeout used value which you associated with socket via SO_RCVTIMEO or 0 (infinite wait) if you not set SO_RCVTIMEO. if ZwWaitForSingleObject return STATUS_TIMEOUT (this can be only in case you set timeout via SO_RCVTIMEO) - this mean that I/O operation not finished in excepted time. in this case WSPRecv called SockCancelIo (same effect as CancelIo). CancelIo must not return (wait) until all I/O request on file (from current thread) will be completed. after this WSPRecv read final status from overlapped. here must be STATUS_CANCELLED (but really the concrete driver decide with which status complete canceled IRP). the WSPRecv convert STATUS_CANCELLED to STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT. then call NtStatusToSocketError for convert ntstatus code to win32 error. say STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT converted to WSAETIMEDOUT. but if still was STATUS_PENDING in overlapped, after CancelIo - you got WSA_IO_PENDING. only in this case. look like device bug, but i can not reproduce it on own win 10 (may be version play role)
what can be do here (if you sure that really got WSA_IO_PENDING) ? first try use WSASocket without WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED - in this case ZwDeviceIoControlFile never return STATUS_PENDING and you never must got WSA_IO_PENDING. check this - are error is gone ? if yes - return overlapped attribute and remove SO_RCVTIMEO call (all this for test - not solution for release product) and check are after this error is gone. if yes - look like device invalid cancel (with STATUS_PENDING ?!?) IRP. sense of all this - locate where is error more concrete. anyway interesting will be build minimal demo exe, which can stable reproduce this situation and test it on another systems - are this persist ? are only for concrete versions ? if it can not be reproduced on another comps - need debug on your concrete

TCP recv() function behavior in a loop in a program?

I have a TCP connection active with socket being created with TCP_KEEPALIVE parameter.
int n = ::recv(socketId,buff,BUF_SIZE,MSG_WAITALL);
if ( n > 0)
// do something
Now lets say, if I don't receive data at socketId for sometime lets say 2-3 minutes ?
what will happen ? will the program keep waiting at recv() ?
While doing this, I observed that the my program stopped after some time when I stopped receiving data on the socket : socketId.
My program did not create any core dump file, No sign of crashing or anything.
So can someone explain why the program/process stopped ?
Impossible to say, as your progam is improperly written.
If n > 0, you received n bytes of data, and you can process it.
If n == 0, the peer has disconnected: you must close your socket and stop reading.
If n == -1, there was an error, and you should print it or log it, via errno, strerror(), or perror(), and then close the socket as above.

how to stop read() function?

I am writing an UDP client/server programs in C on linux. The thing is that I must add connection check feature. in linux man pages i found example of udp client with this feature( http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/online/pages/man3/getaddrinfo.3.html ). It uses write/read functions to check server response. I tried to apply it to my program, and it looks like this:
char *test = "test";
nlen = strlen(test) + 1;
if (write(sock, test, nlen) != nlen) { // socket with the connection
fprintf(stderr, "partial/failed write\n");
nread = read(sock, buf, nlen);
if (nread == -1) {
the problem is than than i execute program with this bit when server is on, it does nothing except reading input infinite time which it doesn't use too. I tried kill(getpid(), SIGHUP) interrupt, which i found other similar topic here, and shutdown(sock, 1), but nothing seems to work. Could you please tell me a way out how to stop the input read or any other possible option to check if udp server is active?
You should use asynchronous reading.
For this you must use the select() function from "sys/socket.h".
The function monitors the socket descriptor for changes without blocking.
You can find the reference for it here or here or by typing "man select" in your console.
There is an example here for Windows, but its usage is very similar to UNIX.

epoll_wait() receives socket closed twice (read()/recv() returns 0)

We have an application that uses epoll to listen and process http-connections. Sometimes epoll_wait() receives close event on fd twice in a "row". Meaning: epoll_wait() returns connection fd on which read()/recv() returns 0. This is a problem, since I have malloc:ed pointer saved in epoll_event struct (struct epoll_event.data.ptr) and which is freed when fd(socket) is detected as closed the first time. Second time it crashes.
This problem occurs very rarely in real use (except one site, which actually has around 500-1000 users per server). I can replicate the problem using http siege with >1000 simultaneous connections per second. In this case application segfaults (because of invalid pointer) very randomly, sometimes after few seconds, usually after tens of minutes. I have been able to replicate the problem with fewer connections per second, but for that I have to run the application a long time, many days, even weeks.
All new accept() connection fd:s are set as non-blocking and added to epoll as one-shot, edge-triggering and waiting for read() to be available. So somewhy when the server load is high, epoll thinks that my application didn't get the close-event and queues new one?
epoll_wait() is running in it's own thread and queues fd events to be handled elsewhere. I noticed that there was multiple closes incoming with simple code that checks if there comes event twice in a row from epoll to same fd. It did happen and the events where both closes (recv(.., MSG_PEEK) told this to me :)).
epoll fd is created: epoll_create(1024);
epoll_wait() is run as follows: epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, 256, 300);
new fd is set as non-blocking after accept():
int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);
err = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
new fd is added to epoll (client is malloc:ed struct pointer):
static struct epoll_event ev;
ev.data.ptr = client;
err = epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, client->fd, &ev);
And after receiving and handling data from fd, it is re-armed (of course since EPOLLONESHOT). At first I wasn't using edge-triggering and non-blocking io, but I tested it and got a nice perfomance boost using those. This problem existed before adding them though. Btw. shutdown(fd, SHUT_RDWR) is used on other threads to trigger proper close event to be received trough epoll when the server needs to close the fd because of some http-error etc (I don't actually know if this is the right way to do it, but it has worked perfectly).
As soon as the first read() returns 0, this means that the connection was closed by the peer. Why does the kernel generate a EPOLLIN event for this case? Well, there's no other way to indicate the socket's closure when you're only subscribed to EPOLLIN. You can add EPOLLRDHUP which is basically the same as checking for read() returning 0. However, make sure to test for this flag before you test for EPOLLIN.
if (flag & EPOLLRDHUP) {
/* Connection was closed. */
close(fd); /* Will unregister yourself from epoll. */
if (flag & EPOLLIN) {
if (flag & EPOLLOUT) {
The way I've ordered these blocks is relevant and the return for EPOLLRDHUP is important too, because it is likely that deleteConnectionData() may have destroyed internal structures. As EPOLLIN is set as well in case of a closure, this could lead to some problems. Ignoring EPOLLIN is safe because it won't yield any data anyway. Same for EPOLLOUT as it's never sent in conjunction with EPOLLRDHUP!
epoll_wait() is running in it's own thread and queues fd events to be handled elsewhere.
... So why when the server load is high, epoll thinks that my application didn't get the close-event and queues new one?
Assuming that EPOLLONESHOT is bug free (I haven't searched for associated bugs though), the fact that you are processing your epoll events in another thread and that it crashes sporadically or under heavy load may mean that there is a race condition somewhere in your application.
May be the object pointed to by epoll_event.data.ptr gets deallocated prematurely before the epoll event is unregistered in another thread when you server does an active close of the client connection.
My first try would be to run it under valgrind and see if it reports any errors.
I would re-check myself against the following sections from epoll(7):
Q6Will closing a file descriptor cause it to be removed from all epoll sets automatically?
o If using an event cache...
There're some good points there.
Removing EPOLLONESHOT made the problem disappear after few other changes. Unfortunately I'm not totally sure what caused it. Using EPOLLONESHOT with threads and adding the fd again manually into the epoll queue was quite certainly the problem. Also the data pointer in epoll struct is released after a delay. Works perfectly now.
Register Signal 0x2000 for Remote host closed connection
ex ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLONESHOT | EPOLLET | 0x2000
and check if (flag & 0x2000) for Remote Host Close Connection

unix sockets: how to send really big data with one "send" call?

I'm using unix scoket for data transferring (SOCK_STREAM mode)
I need to send a string of more than 100k chars. Firstly, I send length of a string - it's sizeof(int) bytes.
length = strlen(s)
send(sd, length, sizeof(int))
Then I send the whole string
bytesSend = send(sd, s, length)
but for my surprise "bytesSend" is less than "length".
Note, that this works fine when I send not so big strings.
May be there exist some limitations for system call "send" that I've been missing ...
The send system call is supposed to be fast, because the program may have other things useful things to do. Certainly you do not want to wait for the data to be sent out and the other computer to send a reply - that would lead to terrible throughput.
So, all send really does is queues some data for sending and returns control to the program. The kernel could copy the entire message into kernel memory, but this would consume a lot of kernel memory (not good).
Instead, the kernel only queues as much of the message as is reasonable. It is the program's responsibility to re-attempt sending of the remaining data.
In your case, use a loop to send the data that did not get sent the first time.
while(length > 0) {
bytesSent = send(sd, s, length);
if (bytesSent == 0)
break; //socket probably closed
else if (bytesSent < 0)
break; //handle errors appropriately
s += bytesSent;
length -= bytesSent;
At the receiving end you will likely need to do the same thing.
Your initial send() call is wrong. You need to pass send() the address of the data, i.e.:
bytesSend = send(sd, &length, sizeof(int))
Also, this runs into some classical risks, with endianness, size of int on various platforms, et cetera.