Storing image data as a row vector - matlab

I have multiple images in a folder, and for each image, I want to store the data(pixel values) as a row vector. After I store them in a row vector I can combine these row vectors as one multi dimensional array. e.g. the data for the first image will be stored in row 1, the data for the second image will be stored in row 2 and so on. And any time I want to access a particular image data, let us say I want the third image, I can do something like this race(3,:).
I am currently getting the error:
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent.
The error occurs here race = [race; imagevec] I am lost in how to correct this, unless imagevec = I(:)' is not converting the matrix to a row vector .
race = []; % to store all row vector
imagevec = []; % to store row vector
path = 'C:\Users\User_\somedir\'; % directory
pathfile = dir('C:\Users\User_\somedir\*.jpg'); % image file extension in directory
for i = 1 : length(path)
filename = strcat(path,pathfile(i).name); % get the file
I = imread(filename); % read file
imagevec = I(:)'; % convert image data to row vector
race = [race; imagevec]; % store row vector in matrix

Using a cell array instead of a matrix will allow you to index in this way even if your images are of different sizes.
You don't even have to turn them into a row vector to store them all in the same structure. You can do something like this:
path = 'C:\Users\User_\somedir\'; % directory
pathfile = dir([path,*.jpg']); % image file extension in directory
race = cell(length(pathfile),1);
for i = 1 : length(pathfile)
filename = strcat(path,pathfile(i).name); % get the file
I = imread(filename); % read file
race{i} = I; % store in cell array
Then when you want to perform some operation, you can simply index into the cell array. You could even turn it into a row vector, if you wanted to, as follows.
thisImage = race{3}(:)';

If you are using a matrix to store the results, all rows of a matrix must be the same length.
Cell arrays are similar to arrays except the elements need not be the same type / size.
You can accomplish what you are looking for using a cell array. First, initialize race to:
race = {};
Then try:
race = {race{:}, imagevec};


Changing Matlab Nested Structures to Matrices Iteratively for histogram plotting

Pretty new to Matlab, so please forgive the poor coding. I have some data for different categories (9 categories) with a different number of data points in each category. I created a structure that holds the data points for the different categories. I believe the categories are themselves structures within the larger structure.
I want to plot a histogram for each category. The first thing I tried was just creating a for-loop and plotting a histogram for each category in the structure, but this failed because the histogram doesn't take in structures. The next thing I tried to do was create another for loop which would change the structure holding each category into a cell array, but this also failed with the error:
if isnumeric(c{1}) || ischar(c{1}) || islogical(c{1}) || isstruct(c{1})
I am able to individually change each category to a cell array and then to a matrix, which allowed me to create one histogram. Is there a way to do this using a loop? My code is below. Thanks.
data = readtable('');
data = table2array(data);
Trial = data(:,1);
dist = data(:,2);
Time = data(:,3);
intstim = data(:,4);
color = data(:,5);
UniqueDist = unique(dist);
for ii = 1.0:length(UniqueDist)
idx = find(dist == UniqueDist(ii));
distTime(ii).data = Time(idx);
distTime(ii).data = distTime(ii).data(distTime(ii).data ~= 0);
for jj =1.0:length(distTime)
distTime(jj).data = struct2cell(distTime(jj));
distTime(jj).data = cell2mat(distTime(jj));

Locate the indexes of rows in Matlab

I have stored in a struct file in matlab a database and the correspondant label files. In order to read my database matrix from the struct into a matrix I am using the following matlab command:
train_data_matrix = (cat(1, train_data.f2));
The size of the train_data struct is 883. However since there are some empty samples in the end the size of the train_data_matrix is 833. My problem is that I have annotation for all the samples. Thereby the size of the annotation is 883x1 How can I remove from the annotation vector the rows that are empty in the database matrix?
You can use isempty to check for missing values and remove them
% Store data in a cell array (preserves missing values)
tmp = {train_data.f2};
% Create a logical array that is TRUE where the missing values are
toremove = cellfun(#isempty, tmp);
% Convert to an array (removes missing values as you've mentioned)
data = cat(1, tmp{:});
% Create an array of annotations (after removing the ones that are missing data)
annotations = cat(1, train_data(~toremove).annotations);

Put several values into 1 cell (e.g. array{1} = [1,2,3]) for multiple condition SPM analysis; All I get is array{1} = [1] [2] [3]

I'm working to get a 1st level analysis completed on some fMRI data, and as it's my first time using SPM in this way, it seems as though there is no end to my frustrations. SPM includes these specific instructions:
"This *.mat file must include the following cell arrays (each 1 x n): names, onsets, and durations. eg. names=cell(1,5), onsets=cell(1,5), durations=cell(1,5), then names{2}="Second condition", onsets{2}=[3,5,19,22],durations{2}=[0,0,0,0], contain the required details of the second condition."
The code I'm using grabs the data I need from the various excel files the behavioral data is stored in, and adds them to these cell arrays.
sessionFiles = dir('*.xlsx');
allNames = {}';
conditions = 36;
% go through excel files to grab relevant column information for SPM
for i=1:length(sessionFiles)
[~,fileName,~] = fileparts(allNames{i});
% initialize cells SPM needs
names = cell(1,conditions);
onsets = cell(1,conditions);
durations = {1.75};
durations = repmat(durations,1,conditions);
% read in excel file
[num,~,~] = xlsread(sessionFiles(i).name);
trialType = num(:,6);
% grab condition information from columns: seconds=9, name=6
for j=1:conditions
index = find(trialType==j);
trialOnsets = cell(1,length(index));
names{1,j} = j;
for k=1:length(index)
onsets{1,j} = trialOnsets;
% save new data for SPM
clear names onsets durations fileName num raw text
I found an example which shows each cell should look like this:
I just can't figure out how to grab the numbers automatically and put them in cells like that.
I know this isn't the SPM forums, but I've seen a few questions posted and I thought I would try my luck.
With the line trialOnsets = cell(1,length(index));, trialOnsets is specified as a cell array of size 1xlength(index). Then, trialOnsets is assigned to onsets{1,j}. With this workflow, each cell of onsets will be of size 1xlength(index).
Instead, each cell of onsets should be of size 1x1 and each 1x1 cell in onsets should have a matrix of size 1xlength(index). To do this, do the following.
Specify trialOnsets as a matrix, instead of as a cell array. To do this, replace trialOnsets = cell(1,length(index)); with trialOnsets = zeros(1,length(index));.
Assign the values from num to trialOnsets, which is now a matrix (previously was a cell array). To do this, replace trialOnsets{1,k}=double(num(index(k),9)); with trialOnsets(1,k)=double(num(index(k),9));.
The edited code should be as follows:
sessionFiles = dir('*.xlsx');
allNames = {}';
conditions = 36;
% go through excel files to grab relevant column information for SPM
for i=1:length(sessionFiles)
[~,fileName,~] = fileparts(allNames{i});
% initialize cells SPM needs
names = cell(1,conditions);
onsets = cell(1,conditions);
durations = {1.75};
durations = repmat(durations,1,conditions);
% read in excel file
[num,~,~] = xlsread(sessionFiles(i).name);
trialType = num(:,6);
% grab condition information from columns: seconds=9, name=6
for j=1:conditions
index = find(trialType==j);
trialOnsets = zeros(1,length(index));
names{1,j} = j;
for k=1:length(index)
onsets{1,j} = trialOnsets;
% save new data for SPM
clear names onsets durations fileName num raw text
I could not test this code, since there was no sample data. Let me know if this works for you.

Dividing a DataArray and putting names to each Matlab

I have a data array with dimensions 1 x 95125. I want to extract data from it and then give each a name. For example
The question is, is it possible to create a vector with all the wanted names and then open each data from the data array as above but with all the files with a for loop to its corresponding file
This is what I did but its not working
for i= 1:(length(R)/14)
Stations (i)= [R{:,A(i):B(i)}];
Your loop is fine; not sure why you would want to store the A and B indices in an array, though.
numStations = floor(length(R)/14); %# careful: the number of columns in R is not a multiple of 14
Stations = cell(1,numStations);
for i= 1:numStations
fromColumn = (i-1)*14+1;
toColumn = i*14-1;
Stations{i}= [R{:,fromColumn:toColumn}];
To access the data from Station 25, use Stations{25}

How to import a sequence of Excel Files in matlab as a column vectors or as a cell array?

I want to import a sequence of excel files with a large amount of data in them. The problem that I have is I want to process the data in each file at a time and store the output from this into a variable, but each time I try to process a different file the variable gets overwritten in the variable workspace. Is there anyway I could store these files and process each file at a time?
numFiles = 1;
range = 'A2:Q21';
sheet = 1;
myData = cell(1,numFiles); % Importing data from Excel
for fileNum = 1:numFiles
fileName = sprintf('myfile%02d.xlsx',fileNum);
myData{fileNum} = importfile3(fileName,sheet,range);
data = cell2mat(myData);
The actual data import is performed by importfile3 which is, for the most part, a wrapper for the xlsread function that returns a matrix corresponding to the specified range of excel data.
function data = importfile3(workbookFile, sheetName, range)
% If no sheet is specified, read first sheet
if nargin == 1 || isempty(sheetName)
sheetName = 1;
% If no range is specified, read all data
if nargin <= 2 || isempty(range)
range = '';
%% Import the data
[~, ~, raw] = xlsread(workbookFile, sheetName, range);
%% Replace non-numeric cells with 0.0
R = cellfun(#(x) ~isnumeric(x) || isnan(x),raw); % Find non-numeric cells
raw(R) = {0.0}; % Replace non-numeric cells
%% Create output variable
data = cell2mat(raw);
The issue that you are running in to is a result of cell2mat concatenating all of the data in your cells in to one large 2-dimensional matrix. If you were to import two excel files with 20 rows and 17 columns, each, this would result in a 2-dimensional matrix of size [20 x 34]. The doc for cell2mat has a nice visual describing this.
I see that your importfile3 function returns a matrix, and based on your use of cell2mat in your final line of code, it looks like you would like to have your final result be in the form of a matrix. So I think the easiest way to go about this is to just bypass the intermediate myData cell array.
In the example code below, the resulting data is a 3-dimensional matrix. The 1st dimension indicates row number, 2nd dimension is column number, and 3rd dimension is file number. Cell arrays are very useful for "jagged" data, but based on the code you provided, each excel data set that you import will have the same number of rows and columns.
numFiles = 2;
range = 'A2:Q21';
sheet = 1;
% Number of rows and cols known before data import
numRows = 20;
numCols = 17;
data = zeros(numRows,numCols,numFiles);
for fileNum = 1:numFiles
fileName = sprintf('myfile%02d.xlsx',fileNum);
data(:,:,fileNum) = importfile3(fileName,sheet,range);
Accessing this data is now very straight-forward.
data(:,:,1) returns the data imported from your first excel file.
data(:,:,2) returns the data imported from your second excel file.