junit TEST_ID doesn't change every time i run junit - junit4

i am begineer in JUnit and has this issue can anyone please help me here.
Whenever i run JUnit the TEST_ID remains same and the values also.
for example:
Here no matter how many times i run JUnit for this class the TEST_ID is TEST_ID_3.
In this test case have called a method in which these values should increment and value of b3 should be one greater than a2. but the values also remain the same every time.
Can anyone help please.
Thank you in advance


Trigger to stop updating the value in a cell

I'm hoping someone can help me with this:
In a Google Sheet spreadsheet, the values in column C of sheet 'Daily' are automatically copied and updated from cell C4 in sheet 'Current.'
I would like the value corresponding to each day (in sheet 'Daily') to stop updating at the end of the day.
Could the value in C4 of 'Current' get copied (without future updating) at a certain time each day in the cell corresponding to that day in 'Daily'?
I hope I wrote this clearly enough. Thank you in advance to anyone who can help or direct me to the right place.
see above.

Parallel job is adding extra columns when outputting to a dataset

The last job before my dataset is written is a transformation. It's a lot more complex than this, but the basics are:
input = A Integer, B Integer and C Integer
output = A Integer, if B > 10 then C else 0 -> C Integer
So, to clarify, column A is just passed through and columns B and C are used to perform a transformation that is called "C" in the final output link.
When I examine the columns being written to the dataset I see A and C. I can save the table definition and this is also just columns A and C. However, when I actually run the job, column B also ends up in the dataset, so I end up with (in any order) columns A, B and C.
I've tried deleting my output dataset, then recreating it, giving it a new name, but it always ends up with that "working column" B in it for some reason I don't fully understand. I don't see how it's picking up a column that isn't in the final output link and choosing to add it against my wishes.
I don't want column B in my dataset, it's wasteful to store it and it's confusing for developers as it shouldn't be there in the first place. How do I stop DataStage from writing it?
Seems you have RCP Runtime Column Propagation activated - that will transfor all columns available independend of the specified ones.
Go to the stage (Transformer) - Properties - Output tab and there is a checkbox Runtime Column Propagation - remove the check mark.
In other stages it could be located on the columns tab as well.
In the job properties of your job there is also a setting which will enable RCP for new links - remove this mark as well to avaoid this problems for future job extensions.
For more details on RCP check out this.

How insert the vehicles/nodes in the scenario by *.car[*].appl.numVehicles at the timestamp zero?

On Veins, when I create routes and set the number of vehicles/nodes in the scenario by the ini file (see below), they are insert in the simulation at the timestamp 1.2 s.
*.car[*].appl.numVehicles = 52
There is a way to insert the vehicles using *.car[*].appl.numVehicles at the timestamp 0 s?
I'd appreciate any help
I don't know which version of Veins you are playing with, but normaly the insertion time of vehicle is directed by your sumo.rou.xml file where you define routes for vehicles.
Check it first, by looking at the insertion time of vehicles
I found the reason for insert in 1.2 s. On TraCIScenarioManager.cc (if (simTime() > 1)) has a the test to insert after 1 s, probably waiting for insert by "vehicle ID". So, now it's Ok for me. Thanks for all help : ).

Kdb find first not null value

While doing a Group By In KDB. I have to find the first not null value in that group for a column
For e.g.
t:([]a:1 1 1 2;b:0n 1 3 4 )
select first b by a from t
I found one way to achieve this is:
select first b except 0n by a from t
I am not sure if it is a correct way to do this. Please provide suggestions.
It seems a good way to do it to me.
Two alternatives would include:
select first b where not null b by a from t
Benefit being it doesn't rely on a certain column type, maybe more clearly explains your intent but it is slightly longer. Or
select b:last fills reverse b by a from t
Which on some test runs was the quickest way.
In kdb there's always multiple ways to do things and never really a right or wrong answer.

Macro that will copy only cells with data and paste in a different worksheet

I need create a macro that will copy cells that go from A2 to O2 in the worksheet DL and continue for a varrying amount of rows. (Depends on the month). I need this pasted in the worksheet Efficiency in rows A2 to O2.
Because every time I create the report the number of rows of data changes I'm running into issues with creating an effective macro.
Also, some of the rows don't have information in every column, but I still want the blank cells to be coppied in this case. Basically if there is data in column A I want the rest of the row to column O to be copied as well.
Do any of those suggestions help you out?
Also, I'm a bit confused of what are you referring to when you write "rows". A row has a number (1 to 1048576 in Office 2010 and up) and a column has a letter (A to XFD in Office 2010 and up). So what do you mean by "row A2 to O2"?
EDIT: Also, to copy from A to O every time, you simply set the range from A to O. For example Range("A2:O10") would include every cell from A2 to O10. Since you set the range with simple strings you can select the row numbers with the help of one of the suggestions in the link I gave you.