Oracle 12c settings? - oracle12c

I am relatively new to Oracle 12C, I have question about default settings. What I want actually whenever inserting new data in db to be saved in upper case regardless how was entered in initial query. How to change settings to accomplish this?

You can create a trigger that upon any insert statement will fire a function to convert the entire column to uppercase.
FirstName = UPPER(FirstName)


iSQLOutput - Update only Selected columns

My flow is simple and I am just reading a raw file into a SQL table.
At times the raw file contains data corresponding to existing records. I do not want to insert a new record in that case and would only want to update the existing record in the SQL table. The challenge is, there is a 'record creation date' column which I initialize at the time of record creation. The update operation overwrites that column too. I just want to avoid overwriting that column, while updating the other columns from the information coming from the raw file.
So far I am having no idea about how to do that. Could someone make a recommendation?
I defaulted the creation column to auto-populate in the SQL database itself. And I changed my flow to just update the remaining records. Talend job is now not touching that column. Problem solved.
Yet another reminder of 'Simplification is underrated'. :)

DB2 AS400 Triggers

I've been tasked with finding a way to migrate data into a DB2 AS400 database. When the data is entered (currently manually) on the front end, the system is doing some calculations and inserting the results in a table.
My understanding is that it's using a trigger to do so. I don't know very much about this stuff, but I have written code to directly insert values into that same table. Is there a way for me to figure out what trigger is being fired when users enter data manually?
I've looked in QSYS2/SYSTRIGGERS and besides not making much sense to me, I see no triggers that belong to the SCHEMA with my table in it.
Any help here would be awesome, as I am stuck.
Should work fine.
If you'd prefer to use a 5250 command line, the Display File Description (DSPFD) command will show you the triggers on a file (table)
Lastly, trigger information is available via the IBM i Navigator GUI. Either the older fat client version or the newer web based one.

How to apply new changes without dropping current data in the db.(Playframework evaluations)

I'm using play 2.2.1 with scala. And I have a managing database evaluations. When I run my application with changes on the database, it'll drop all my datas.
At this moment evaluationplugin = disabled is comment in. If I comment out, it does not apply my changes.
For example. I have a users table and there are id, f_name, l_name
id f_name l_name
1. khazo rasp
And I want to add age field to this table without losing data. I've added this field in scala files.It works properly. I'm assuming I need to write script in 1.sql for some alter command, but I don't want to write script.
How to apply new changes without dropping current data in the db. I've read this documentation. Thanks in advance.
I've added this field in scala files
In slick (you have the tag play-slick), you can specify a default value in your Table
See the documentation here, under Tables:
Default[T](defaultValue: T)
Specify a default value for inserting data the table without this column. This information is only used for creating DDL statements so that the database can fill in the missing information.
I am not sure if it gets translated to ALTER statement if the table already exists . You will have to test it.

Using Select query, nothing merges onto Crystal report

I have a Crystal template that I am modifying in developer because we are changing the datasource from an Access file to our Oracle DB. I created a database field that accurately connects to Oracle and added a select statement that because pulls a field from a particular table
select s.field from table s;
On the right hand side, under database fields, I see my command and can right click and browse the data, which right now returns two values.
I also made a formula field using an Azalea barcode function that calls the values (I think, this is where stuff is going wrong, I guess)
The formula field is
So this should take the data and format it into the barcode, except when I use print preview or print out the report, no data is merged.
I've tested this by creating a new formula field with just the Command.field, and still no data is merged. I imagine there is something really obvious that I am missing and would appreciate any input.
So unless I misunderstood your question, you are changing your datasource from Access DB to Oracle DB, correct? Assuming that the database structure remains the same then all you should need to do is go into Database -> Set Datasource Location and set the datasource location from the Access DB to the Oracle DB and your existing report should work as it did. You might have to map some fields, but that should be the extend of it. Is that what you are trying to do?

Using Entity Framework how can i find out when the last change was made to a table?

Is there a quick way to find out when last change took place in some table?
I realize that i can add a column which will hold a change date, but i am wondering if there is some kind of metadata that can be accessed by EF. My db is hosted on SQL Server 2008.
Add a 'last updated' column to your table and query that one for the latest change.
Update: If that is not an option as per the update to the question, you could:
a) create a separate db table with table name and date/time and update that one with triggers on the table you want to track.
b) since you're using SQL Server 2008 you could possibly do something with SQL Server change tracking. There's no built-in support for change tracking in EF, but that doesn't prevent you from using it 'on the side'...