SAPUI5 searchelp shows duplicate lines - sapui5

Using SAP Gateway, I import a search help into the model of an SEGW project.
This creates an entity, an entity set and an implementation.
Debugging in backend and frontend shows that the search help works correctly and the JSON result contains the expected values.
But the search help UI control doesn't show all values and some or all lines shown in the control are duplicates.

When you import a search help into the model of an SEGW project, you are asked, which of the search help fields are key fields.
You have to mark the fields that can uniquely identify each line of the search result.
You get the described result, if you don't mark all necessary key fields.
Example: you make a search help for purchase order positions.
if you mark only the purchase number as key field you get the described problem.
if you mark purchase number and position number as key fields, everything works as desired.
So delete the entity and entitySet generated from the search help import in SEGW, start the transaction SEGW again(!), import the search help again and mark all necessary fields that identify a search result line.
Marking too many fields as key fields doesn't give wrong results.
But the JSON result contains more data than necessary which can make the call slower than necessary and consumes more bandwidth.


adding up specific mergefield values in word

I have a table in a word document that has three colums and all fields are mailmerge fields from an external IT system.
There are three columns displaying the fields:
Charge Description
Charge Value (£)
Eiligible? (yes/no)
I am trying to create a field that adds up all eligibale charges so that only charge values that show a "yes" in the eligigble field are included. Does anyone know if this is possible? I have tried creating a formula but can't get it to work. Also, I would assume at some point an if statment is required so that it only includes the eligible charge.
Has anyone done anything similar before and if so, would they mind sharing how it was achieved?
Many thanks
You can do some things with expression fields (created in Word with CTRL-F9). This will look like {} and you can insert the expression. eg {{MERGFIELD charge} + {MERGEFIELD charge2}}. Since however you want to check multiple values and then create an expression, its probably easier to use a macro. The macro would contain your logic, then set the fields in the document accordingly.
Here are two external links since I can't reproduce a useful amount the content here because it's a verbose answer to a potentially deep question:
Expression Fields
Merge fields
I hope that helps.

How do I search though related tables in access and have the results displayed in a list box

I have created a form that searches through a table, following the instructions of John Big Booty, as can be seen here: The search form has a list box that has a query run whenever a text box is changed which allows me to search fields in one table but how do I adjust it to allow me to find related records stored in a second table. The database stores widow information and they are looked after by legatees.
The query has the following code in the criteria for each field you want to search Like "" & [forms]![FRM_SearchMulti]![SrchText] & "".
Each legatee is responsible for looking after multiple widows and any widow can be assigned to any legatee but any widow can only one legatee when she is assigned to one.
The search form is called FRM_SearchMulti and it searches through the widow table as I type. I want it so that you can type in a legatee and it will display the widows that have been assigned to that legatee typed in the search box. I seem to have hit a road block and everything I try doesn’t seem to work.
I have uploaded a version of the db with a lot of the information deleted, for privacy reasons, so if it is possible, could you describe to me how to do it and I will update the file with all the information in it please?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

MS Word, Import Table with Query Condition Based on Merge Field

I'm creating a compliance mailing for my organization, the mailing will include merge fields that identify the office location, physician, and SiteId. The mailing will also include a table of information that is dependent upon the particular SiteId.
I'd like to use the import table function of MS word and set up a query that references a merged field (SiteId) so that the inserted tables populate the appropriate data for the particular site. I'm unable to do this.
How can I set up this document so that I can import only records from my source (an ms access query) that match the SiteId merge field?
Word's mail merge does not support one-to-many relationships. There are ways to coerce it, but only one of them can yield a table as a result and over the years it has become less and less reliable as Microsoft has not regarded it as important enough to maintain...
What you need to do is set up a query that provides ONLY the information you want displayed in the table, plus the key (SiteId). It's best to sort it so that all the SiteId entries list together, and are in the order the data will come through in the mail merge data source.
On the Insert tab go to Text/Quick Parts/Insert Field and select the Database field from the list in the dialog box. Click "Insert Database" and follow the instructions in the dialog box to link in the data. Be sure to set the Query Options to filter on the first SiteId from the data source. When you "Insert Data" make sure to choose the option to "Insert as a field".
This inserts a DATABASE field in the document which you can see by toggling field codes (Alt+F9). The field code can be edited and what you need to do is substitute the literal SiteId value you entered for the query with its corresponding MergeField.
When you execute the merge to a new document that should generate a table for each data record corresponding to the SiteId for the record. But, as I said, Microsoft hasn't done a great job of maintaining this, so it may require quite a bit of tweaking and experimenting.
If the results are not satisfactory then you should give up the idea of mail merge and use automation code to generate and populate the documents.
You can find more (albeit somewhat out-dated) information on this topic at

Filemaker Value List Troubles - Missing Items

I am relatively new to Filemaker programming, but I have come across what I thought was a bug, which I have been tearing my hair out trying to squash, only to find it is more a "feature" than a bug. I have a field set as the key for lookups in a ms sql database which I have created a relationship with. I have it set as a drop down, and it is showing 2 fields (last name and first name). Unfortunately, it only shows 1 person per last name in the sorted list (example, there are 5 people with the last name "Bennett" but only 1 shows). After driving myself nuts trying to find the error, I found the following in the filemaker troubleshooting section:
If the value list is defined to display information from two fields, items will not be duplicated for the field on which the value list is sorted. For example, if the value list displays information from the Company field and the Name field, and if the values are sorted by the Company field, only one person from each company will appear in the value list."
As I read it, I can't do what I need to do with a value list (display EVERY last name from the sql file) so what other options do I have? I have experimented with creating a portal which DOES show a list of ALL the last names and first names, but I don't know/understand enough to know what logic/functionality I need so if I click one of the people in the portal list it will do the same thing as if I clicked it in a dropdown value list, which is to then do the lookups and populate the rest of the fields in this database from the information in the record in the sql database. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, and I appreciate any help any of you can offer. Thank you!
There might be some things that cause this;
You cannot create a link based on a calculation that needs to be calculated each time (Filemaker does not know what to do with this, logical in a way)
Based on what you do I would personally link the two tables based on an lets say company ID instead of a name, as a one to many join. This will definitely eliminate the 'feature' filemaker has of showing unique names only in the joined table. On database level I would join on ID, on Value list I would select the ID as first field and the (calculated) name as second field, than showing only the second field (option in the value list definition popup) for your selection list.
Hope this helps.

How to make a field "autocomplete"?

I can't figure out how to make a field autocomplete in ATK.
I guess it has something to do with the type "reference" but still not sure.
Suppose I'm looking for a client name in a "line" type field, then the autocomplete should list me all/topXX matching names.
Scenario 1:
Once I hit [Enter] I'd need all that row from DB loaded in a form fields so I can edit the record.
I guess this requires getting the client ID first then posting to an "edit" page then calling "loadData()" method for that ID and populate fields.
Scenario 2:
I'm assignig a job request to a client. First I find the client then I could store its ID in a hidden field to be posted then.
Any advice?
I would suggest you to go with 2 forms. First form with a single field, and when field is changed it automatically reloads second form including the parameter.
You will also need an autocomplete field. Autocomplete is somewhat buggy in 4.0, but it have been polished up in 4.1 by using a technique in
For use with models and controllers and also dropdown, example is here:
Alternative example:
Since 4.1, you can also use autocomplete fields instead of reference: