I have a file with the name “functions.rkt”, where I have some functions.
And I am working in another file, let’s name it “working.rkt”
I have tried the following (one by one) at “working.rkt” to use the function defined at “functions.rkt”:
(require “functions.rkt”)
(include “functions.rkt”)
(provide “functions.rkt”)
And anyone of them hasn’t worked, any help?
They are in the same path.
In the file "functions.rkt:
#lang racket
(provide my-function)
(define (my-function x) (* 2 x))
In the file "working.rkt":
#lang racket
(require "functions.rkt")
(my-function 21)
As just one of many possible examples, break-example.rkt would be a perfectly valid Java program, except for the #lang mini-java header that Racket requires.
So e.g. if I've written a Java interpreter/compiler in Racket as a Racket module language, how can I say, "require this file Main.java which is written in module language mini-java but doesn't have any Racket-specific header"?
(Note that I have almost non-zero practical experience with Racket. I'm evaluating this for a specific use case I have for Racket + DrRacket, which has nothing to do with Java by the way. I searched the documentation but couldn't find any way to achieve this.)
I can’t run or test this right now, but maybe you can start from here and experiment with it. The main thing it uses is include/reader:
#lang racket
(require racket/include
(for-syntax racket/syntax
(define-simple-macro (require/mini-java path)
#:with modname (generate-temporary #'path)
(include/reader path (mini-java-reader 'modname))
(require 'modname)))
;; Symbol -> [Any InputPort -> Syntax]
(define ((mini-java-reader modname) src input)
[(port-closed? input) eof]
(define stx
(lambda ()
(read-syntax src
(input-port-append #t
(open-input-string "#lang mini-java\n")
(close-input-port input)
(syntax-parse stx
[(module _ l . b)
#`(module #,modname l . b)])])))
Working through Little Schemer,
We're required to define a few of our own functions.
I've defined them, only add1 and sub1 appear in the repl after it loads. I'm using Racket v7.0.
#lang racket
(provide atom? add1 sub1)
(define atom?
(lambda (x)
(and (not (pair? x)) (not (null? x)))))
(define add1
(lambda (x)
(+ x 1)))
(define sub1
(lambda (x)
(- x 1)))
I cannot figure out why (atom?) does not load. When I copy paste the s-expression into repl it works. Any ideas?
Since you are unsing #lang racket and provide the correct way to use the file is with require.
$ ls
$ racket
Welcome to Racket v6.8.
> (require "toys.rkt")
> (atom? '())
So imagine you make a program like this:
#lang racket
(require "toys.rkt")
(if (atom? 'test)
You save it and run it:
$ racket program.rkt
Also note that you can use R6RS and make toys a library. You then need to use plt-r6rs --install toys.rkt and then use (import (rnrs base) (toys)).
I'm trying to learn Racket by using DrRacket and when run this code:
(define f2!
(let ([n 0])
(set! n (add1 n))
I get an exception: let: this function is not defined.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
I've found a solution, I had to pick racket as the main language and also add:
#lang racket
at the top of the file.
Just so you know, the #lang at the top of your file determines what set of actions you are permitted to and also the computation algorithm (Applicative/normal evaluator).
I basically add #lang racket as a basic to all files.
I need to read a Racket source file and run it through macro expansion. I have a simple test file that Racket itself happily accepts:
C:\ayane>type factorial.rkt
#lang racket
(provide factorial)
(define (factorial n)
(if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial (sub1 n)))))
Now I try from the REPL:
Welcome to Racket v6.5.
> (read-accept-reader #t)
> (expand (with-input-from-file "factorial.rkt" (lambda () (read-syntax "factorial.rkt"))))
#<syntax::1 (module factorial racket (#%m...>
So far so good. Now the same thing from a test program:
C:\ayane>type test.rkt
#lang racket
(read-accept-reader #t)
(expand (with-input-from-file "factorial.rkt"
(lambda ()
(read-syntax "factorial.rkt"))))
C:\ayane>racket test.rkt
factorial.rkt::1: module: unbound identifier;
also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound
at: module
in: (module factorial racket (#%module-begin (provide factorial) (define (factorial n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (sub1 n)))))))
C:\ayane\test.rkt: [running body]
So it looks like the same code works interactively but not in a program. What am I missing?
You need to specify which namespace expand should use to lookup top-level variables (i.e. variables not bound in the program).
For example:
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(expand ...))
For more information see the comments in the file below in which I attempt to explain the relationship between namespaces and expand:
The answer from #soegaard addresses the immediate issue, but if you want a comprehensive program that reimplements expansion from primitives, you can look at
I have a file, configuration.rkt:
(define file-path "path/to/file.rkt")
Then I have the 'main' file program.rkt, in which I would like to include the file specified by file-path. I tried this way, but it does not work:
(include "configuration.rkt")
(include file-path)
What can I do?
Use require instead of include.
As #soegaard said, you want to use Racket's module system via require, instead of textually including source files. It will save you a ton of grief.
I noticed that you seem to want the choice of source file to be determined at runtime?
If so, two options:
You could use units and signatures.
You could use dynamic-require. For example:
#lang racket
(provide to-be-required)
(define to-be-required "foo.rkt")
#lang racket
(provide foo-value
(define foo-value "I am from foo.rkt and I was dynamic-required!")
(define (foo-proc)
"I am foo-proc.")
#lang racket
(require "config.rkt")
(printf "Let's dynamic-require ~a, as config.rkt said.\n" to-be-required)
(define foo-value (dynamic-require to-be-required 'foo-value))
(define foo-proc (dynamic-require to-be-required 'foo-proc))
Let's dynamic-require foo.rkt, as config.rkt said.
"I am from foo.rkt and I was dynamic-required!"
"I am foo-proc."