Matlab Horzcat - Out of memory - matlab

Any trick to avoid an out of memory error in matlab?
I am assuming that the reason it shows up is because matlab is very inefficient in using horzcat and actually needs to temporarily duplicate matrices.
I have a matrix A with size 108977555 x 25. I want to merge this with three vectors d, m and y with size 108977555 x 1 each.
My machine has 32GB ram, and the above matrice + vectors occupy 18GB.
Now I want to run the following command:
A = [A(:,1:3), d, m, y, A(:,5:end)];
But that yields the error:
Error using horzcat
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Any trick to do this merge?

Working with Large Data Sets. If you are working with large data sets, you need to be careful when increasing the size of an array to avoid getting errors caused by insufficient memory. If you expand the array beyond the available contiguous memory of its original location, MATLAB must make a copy of the array and set this copy to the new value. During this operation, there are two copies of the original array in memory.
Restart matlab, I often find it doesn't fully clean up its memory or it get's fragmented, leading to lower maximal array sizes.
Change your datatype (if you can). E.g. if you're only dealing with numbers 0 - 255, use uint8, the memory size will reduce by a factor 8 compared to an array of doubles
Start of with A already large enough (i.e. 108977555x27 instead of 108977555x25 and insert in place:
A(:, 4) = d;
clear d
A(:, 5) = m;
clear m
A(:, 6) = y;
Merge the data in one datatype to reduce total memory requirement, eg a date easily fits into one uint32.
Leave the data separated, think about why you want the data in one matrix in the first place and if that is really necessary.
Use C-code to do the data allocation yourself (only if you're really desperate)
Further reading:

Even if you could make it using Gunther's suggestions, it will just occupy memory. Right now it takes more than half of available memory. So, what are you planning to do then? Even simple B = A+1 doesn't fit. The only thing you can do is stuff like sum, or operations on part of array.
So, you should consider going to tall arrays and other related big data concepts, which are exactly meant to work with such large datasets.

You can first try the efficient memory management strategies as mentioned on the official mathworks site :
Use Single (4 bytes) or some other smaller data type instead of Double (8 bytes) if your code can work with that.
If possible use block processing (like rows or columns) i.e. store blocks as separate mat files and load and access only those parts of the matrix which are required.
Use matfile command for loading large variables in parts. Perhaps something like this :
oldMat = matfile('A.mat');
clear A
newMat = matfile('Anew.mat','Writeable',true) %Empty matfile
for i=1:27
if (i<4), newMat.A(:,i) = oldMat.A(:,i); end
if (i==4), newMat.A(:,i) = d; end
if (i==5), newMat.A(:,i) = m; end
if (i==6), newMat.A(:,i) = y; end
if (i>6), newMat.A(:,i) = oldMat.A(:,i-2); end


Read large number of .h5 datasets

I'm working with these h5 files that have tens of thousands of datasets that contains vectors of numerical values and all of the same size. My goal is to read the datasets and create one large matrix from these vectors. The datasets are named from "0" to "xxxxx" (some large number) I was able to read them and get the matrix but it takes forever to do so. I was wondering if you can take a look at my code and suggest a way to make it run faster
here is how I do it right now
t =[];
for i = 0:40400 % there are 40401 datasets in this particular file
j = int2str(i);
p = '/mesh/'; % The parent group
s = strcat(p,j); % to create the full path of a dataset e.g. '/mesh/0'
r = h5read('temp.h5',s); % the file name is temp and s has the dataset path
t = [t;r];
in this particular case, there are 40401 datasets, each has 80802x1 vector of numerical values. Therefore eventually I want to create 80802x40401 matrix. This code takes over a day to finish. I think one of the reason it is slow because in every iteration, matlab access the h5 file. I would appreciate it if some of you have some tips in speeding up the code
When I copied you code in an editor, I get the red tilde under the t with the warning:
The variable t appears to change size on every loop iteration. Consider preallocating for speed.
You should allocate the final memory of t before starting the loop, with the function zeros:
t = zeros(80804,40401);
You should also read this: Programming Patterns: Maximizing Code Performance by Optimizing Memory Access:
Preallocate arrays before accessing them within loops
Store and access data in columns
Avoid creating unnecessary variables
Maybe p = '/mesh/'; is useless inside the loop and can be done outside the loop, since it doesn't change. It could be even better to not have p and directly do s = strcat('/mesh/',j);

Matlab preallocating arrays when final array-size is unknown [duplicate]

I am trying to speed up a script that I have written in Matlab that dynamically allocates memory to a matrix (basicallly reads a line of data from a file and writes it into a matrix, then reads another line and allocates more memory for a larger matrix to store the next line). The reason I did this instead of preallocating memory using zeroes() or something was that I don't know the exact size the matrix needs to be to hold all of the data. I also don't know the maximum size of the matrix, so I can't just preallocate a max size and then get rid of memory that I didn't use. This was fine for small amounts of data, but now I need to scale my script up to read many millions of data points and this implementation of dynamic allocation is just much too slow.
So here is my attempt to speed up the script: I tried to allocate memory in large blocks using the zeroes function, then once the block is filled I allocate another large block. Here is some sample code:
data = [];
count = 0;
for ii = 1:num_filelines
if mod(count, 1000) == 0
data = [data; zeroes(1000)]; %after 1000 lines are read, allocate another 1000 line
data(ii, :) = line_read(file); %line_read reads a line of data from 'file'
Unfortunately this doesn't work, when I run it I get an error saying "Error using vertcat
Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent."
So here is my question: Is this method of allocating memory in large blocks actually any faster than incremental dynamic allocation, and also why does the above code not run? Thanks for the help.
What I recommend doing, if you know the number of lines and can just guess a large enough number of acceptable columns, use a sparse matrix.
% create a sparse matrix
mat = sparse(numRows,numCols)
A sparse matrix will not store all of the zero elements, it only stores pointers to indices that are non-zero. This can help save a lot of space. They are used and accessed the same as any other matrix. That is only if you really need it in a matrix format from the beginning.
If not, you can just do everything as a cell. Preallocate a cell array with as many elements as lines in your file.
data = cell(1,numLines);
% get matrix from line
for i = 1:numLines
% get matrix from line
data{i} = lineData;
data = cell2mat(data);
This method will put everything into a cell array, which can store "dynamically" and then be converted to a regular matrix.
If you are doing the sparse matrix method, to trim up your matrix once you are done, because your matrix will likely be larger than necessary, you can trim this down easily, and then cast it to a regular matrix.
[val,~] = max(sum(mat ~= 0,2));
mat(:,val:size(mat,2)) = [];
mat = full(mat); % use this only if you really need the full matrix
This will remove any unnecessary columns and then cast it to a full matrix that includes the 0 elements. I would not recommend casting it to a full matrix, as this requires a ton more space, but if you truly need it, use it.
To get the number of lines in a file easily, use MATLAB's perl interpretter
create a file called and paste in the two lines below
while (<>) {};
print $.,"\n";
Then you can run this script on your file as follows
numLines = str2double(perl('','data.csv'));
Problem solved.
From MATLAB forum thread here
remember it is always best to preallocate everything before hand, because technically when doing shai's method you are reallocating large amounts a lot, especially if it is a large file.
To solve your error, simply use this syntax when allocating
data = [data; zeroes(1000, size(data,2))];
You might want to read the first line outside the loop so you'll know the number of columns and make the first allocation for data.
If you want to stick to your code as written I would substitute your initialization of data, data = [] to
data = zeros(1,1000);
Keep in mind though the warning from #MZimmerman6: zeros(1000) generates a 1000 x 1000 array. You may want to change all of your zeros statements to zeros( ... ,Nc), where Nc = length of line in characters.

How to do a median projection of a large image stack in Matlab

I have a large stack of 800 16bit gray scale images with 2048x2048px. They are read from a single BigTIFF file and the whole stack barely fits into my RAM (8GB).
Now I need do a median projection. That means I want to compute the median of each pixel across all 800 frames. The Matlab median function fails because there is not enough memory left make a copy of the whole array for the function call. What would be an efficient way to compute the median?
I have tried using a for loop to compute the median one pixel at a time, but this is still terribly slow.
Iterating over blocks, as #Shai suggests, may be the most straightforward solution. If you do have this problem frequently, you may want to consider converting the image to a mat-file, so that you can access the pixels as n-d array directly from disk.
%# convert to mat file
matObj = matfile('dest.mat','w');,2048,numSlices) = 0;
for t = 1:numSlices,:,t) = imread(tiffFile,'index',t);
%# load a block of the matfile to take median (run as part of a loop)
medianOfBlock = median(,1:128,:),3);
I bet that the distributions of the individual pixel values over the stack (i.e. the histograms of the pixel jets) are sparse.
If that's the case, the amount of memory needed to keep all the pixel histograms is much less than 2K x 2K x 64k: you can use a compact hash map to represent each histogram, and update them loading the images one at a time. When all updates are done, you go through your histograms and compute the median of each.
If you have access to the Image Processing Toolbox, Matlab has a set of tool to handle large images called Blockproc
From the docs :
To avoid these problems, you can process large images incrementally: reading, processing, and finally writing the results back to disk, one region at a time. The blockproc function helps you with this process.
I will try my best to provide help (if any), because I don't have an 800-stack TIFF image, nor an 8GB computer, but I want to see if my thinkings can form a solution.
First, 800*2048*2048*8bit = 3.2GB, not including the headers. With your 8GB RAM it should not be too difficult to store it at once; there might be too many programs running and chopping up the contiguous memories. Anyway, let's treat the problem as Matlab can't load it as a whole into the memory.
As Jonas suggests, imread supports loading a TIFF image by index. It also supports a PixelRegion parameter, so you can also consider accessing parts of the image by this parameter if you want to utilize Shai's idea.
I came up with a median algo that doesn't use all the data at the same time; it barely scans through a sequence of un-ordered data, one at each time; but it does keep a memory of 256 counters.
data = randi([0,255], 1, 800);
bins = num2cell(zeros(256,1,'uint16'));
for ii = 1:800
bins{data(ii)+1} = bins{data(ii)+1} + 1;
% clearvars data
s = cumsum(cell2mat(bins));
if find(s==400)
med = ( find(s==400, 1, 'first') + ...
find(s>400, 1, 'first') ) /2 - 1;
med = find(s>400, 1, 'first') - 1;
It's not very efficient, at least because it uses a for loop. But the benefit is instead of keeping 800 raw data in memory, only 256 counters are kept; but the counters need uint16, so actually they are roughly equivalent to 512 raw data. But if you are confident that for any pixel the same grayscale level won't count for more than 255 times among the 800 samples, you can choose uint8, and hence reduce the memory by half.
The above code is for one pixel. I'm still thinking how to expand it to a 2048x2048 version, such as
for ii = 1:800
img_data = randi([0,255], 2048, 2048);
(do stats stuff)
By doing so, for each iteration, you only need these kept in memory:
One frame of image;
A set of counters;
A few supplemental variables, with size comparable to one frame of image.
I use a cell array to store the counters. According to this post, a cell array can be pre-allocated while its elements can still be stored in memory non-contigously. That means the 256 counters (512*2048*2048 bytes) can be stored separately, which is quite reasonable for your 8GB RAM. But obviously my sample code does not make use of it since bins = num2cell(zeros(....

Recursive loop optimization

Is there a way to rewrite my code to make it faster?
for i = 2:length(ECG)
u(i) = max([a*abs(ECG(i)) b*u(i-1)]);
My problem is the length of ECG.
You should pre-allocate u like this
>> u = zeros(size(ECG));
or possibly like this
>> u = NaN(size(ECG));
or maybe even like this
>> u = -Inf(size(ECG));
depending on what behaviour you want.
When you pre-allocate a vector, MATLAB knows how big the vector is going to be and reserves an appropriately sized block of memory.
If you don't pre-allocate, then MATLAB has no way of knowing how large the final vector is going to be. Initially it will allocate a short block of memory. If you run out of space in that block, then it has to find a bigger block of memory somewhere, and copy all the old values into the new memory block. This happens every time you run out of space in the allocated block (which may not be every time you grow the array, because the MATLAB runtime is probably smart enough to ask for a bit more memory than it needs, but it is still more than necessary). All this unnecessary reallocating and copying is what takes a long time.
There are several several ways to optimize this for loop, but, surprisingly memory pre-allocation is not the part that saves the most time. By far. You're using max to find the largest element of a 1-by-2 vector. On each iteration you build this vector. However, all you're doing is comparing two scalars. Using the two argument form of max and passing it two scalar is MUCH faster: 75+ times faster on my machine for large ECG vectors!
% Set the parameters and create a vector with million elements
a = 2;
b = 3;
n = 1e6;
ECG = randn(1,n);
ECG2 = a*abs(ECG); % This can be done outside the loop if you have the memory
u(1,n) = 0; % Fast zero allocation
for i = 2:length(ECG)
u(i) = max(ECG2(i),b*u(i-1)); % Compare two scalars
For the single input form of max (not including creation of random ECG data):
Elapsed time is 1.314308 seconds.
For my code above:
Elapsed time is 0.017174 seconds.
FYI, the code above assumes u(1) = 0. If that's not true, then u(1) should be set to it's value after preallocation.

4 dimensional matrix

I need to use 4 dimensional matrix as an accumulator for voting 4 parameters. every parameters vary in the range of 1~300. for that, I define Acc = zeros(300,300,300,300) in MATLAB. and somewhere for example, I used:
however, MATLAB says some error happened because of memory limitation.
??? Error using ==> zeros
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
in the below, you can see a part of my code:
I = imread('image.bmp'); %I is logical 300x300 image.
Acc = zeros(100,100,100,100);
for i = 1:300
for j = 1:300
if I(i,j)==1
for x0 = 3:3:300
for y0 = 3:3:300
for a = 3:3:300
b = abs(j-y0)/sqrt(1-((i-x0)^2) / (a^2));
if b1==0
Acc(x0/3,y0/3,a1,b1) = Acc(x0/3,y0/3,a1,b1)+1;
As #Rasman mentioned, you probably want to use a sparse representation of the matrix Acc.
Unfortunately, the sparse function is geared toward 2D matrices, not arbitrary n-D.
But that's ok, because we can take advantage of sub2ind and linear indexing to go back and forth to 4D.
Dims = [300, 300, 300, 300]; % it will be a 300 by 300 by 300 by 300 matrix
Acc = sparse([], [], [], prod(Dims), 1, ExpectedNumElts);
Here ExpectedNumElts should be some number like 30 or 9000 or however many non-zero elements you expect for the matrix Acc to have. We notionally think of Acc as a matrix, but actually it will be a vector. But that's okay, we can use sub2ind to convert 4D coordinates into linear indices into the vector:
ind = sub2ind(Dims, 4, 10, 120, 78);
Acc(ind) = Acc(ind) + 1;
You may also find the functions find, nnz, spy, and spfun helpful.
edit: see lambdageek for the exact same answer with a bit more elegance.
The other answers are helping to guide you to use a sparse mat instead of your current dense solution. This is made a little more difficult since current matlab doesn't support N-dimensional sparse arrays. One implementation to do this is
this will store all your counts in a sparse array, as long as most remain zero, you will be ok for memory.
then to access this data, instead of:
index = h+100*i+100*100*j+100*100*100*k
See Avoiding 'Out of Memory' Errors
Your statement would require more than 4 GB of RAM (Around 16 Gigs, to be specific).
Solutions to 'Out of Memory' problems
fall into two main categories:
Maximizing the memory available to
MATLAB (i.e., removing or increasing
limits) on your system via operating
system selection and system
configuration. These usually have the
greatest overall applicability but are
potentially the most disruptive (e.g.
using a different operating system).
These techniques are covered in the
first two sections of this document.
Minimizing the memory used by MATLAB
by making your code more memory
efficient. These are all algorithm
and application specific and therefore
are less broadly applicable. These
techniques are covered in later
sections of this document.
In your case later seems to be the solution - try reducing the amount of memory used / required.