Not able to retrieve RedShift cluster Capacity details like Storage, Memory using Python script - amazon-redshift

I have tried to fetch my RedShift cluster details. I'm able to see many details about the cluster but few details got missed.
For Ex:- Details like Storageand Memory
The below is the code:-
redshiftClient = boto3.client('redshift', aws_access_key_id = role.credentials.access_key,
aws_secret_access_key = role.credentials.secret_key, aws_session_token = role.credentials.session_token, region_name='us-west-2')
#Getting all the clusters
clusters = redshiftClient.describe_clusters()
can you please check provide the way to get it.

The describe-clusters command does not return that type of information. The output of that command is:
"Clusters": [
"NodeType": "dw.hs1.xlarge",
"Endpoint": {
"Port": 5439,
"Address": ""
"ClusterVersion": "1.0",
"PubliclyAccessible": "true",
"MasterUsername": "adminuser",
"ClusterParameterGroups": [
"ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync",
"ParameterGroupName": "default.redshift-1.0"
} ],
"ClusterSecurityGroups": [
"Status": "active",
"ClusterSecurityGroupName": "default"
} ],
"AllowVersionUpgrade": true,
"VpcSecurityGroups": \[],
"AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a",
"ClusterCreateTime": "2013-01-22T21:59:29.559Z",
"PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:03:30-sat:04:00",
"AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod": 1,
"ClusterStatus": "available",
"ClusterIdentifier": "mycluster",
"DBName": "dev",
"NumberOfNodes": 2,
"PendingModifiedValues": {}
} ],
"ResponseMetadata": {
"RequestId": "65b71cac-64df-11e2-8f5b-e90bd6c77476"
You will need to retrieve Memory and Storage statistics from Amazon CloudWatch.
See your other question: Amazon CloudWatch is not returning Redshift metrics
If you actually want to retrieve information about a standard cluster (that is, the amount of storage and memory assigned to each node, rather than current memory and storage usage), that is not available from an API call. Instead see: Amazon Redshift Clusters


Opensearch Failed to set number of replicas due no permissions

I have the problem with running index managment policy for new indices. I get following error on "set number_of_replicas" step:
"cause": "no permissions for [indices:admin/settings/update] and associated roles [index_management_full_access, own_index, security_rest_api_access]",
"message": "Failed to set number_of_replicas to 2 []"
The indices are created by logstash with "" name template, so in the index policy I have "*" index pattern.
My policy:
"policy_id": "*",
"description": "* policy ",
"schema_version": 16,
"error_notification": null,
"default_state": "set replicas",
"states": [
"name": "set replicas",
"actions": [
"replica_count": {
"number_of_replicas": 2
"ism_template": [
"index_patterns": [
"priority": 1
I don't understand the reason of this error.
Am I doing something wrong?
Retry of the policy doesn't work.
The policy works only if I manually reassign it to index by Dashboards or API.
Opensearch version: 2.3.0
First time I created the policy using API under custom internal user with mapped “security_rest_api_access” security role only.
So I added all_access rights to my internal user and re-created policy and it works!
Seems that the policy runs under my internal user, which created it

pod identity on aks cluster crreation

Right now, it's impossible to have assigned user assigned identities on arm templates (and terraform) on cluster creation. I already tried a lot of things, and updates works great, after inserting manually with:
az aks pod-identity add --cluster-name my-aks-cn --resource-group myrg --namespace myns --name example-pod-identity --identity-resource-id /subscriptions/......
But, I want to have this done at once, with the deployment, so I need to insert the pod user identities to the cluster automatically. I also tried to run the command using the DeploymentScripts but the deployment scripts are not ready to use preview aks extersion.
My config looks like this:
"type": "Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters",
"apiVersion": "2021-02-01",
"name": "[variables('cluster_name')]",
"location": "[variables('location')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', variables('vnet_name'))]"
"properties": {
"podIdentityProfile": {
"allowNetworkPluginKubenet": null,
"enabled": true,
"userAssignedIdentities": [
"identity": {
"clientId": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities', 'managed-indentity'), '2018-11-30').clientId]",
"objectId": "[reference(resourceId('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities', 'managed-indentity'), '2018-11-30').principalId]",
"resourceId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities', 'managed-indentity')]"
"name": "managed-indentity",
"namespace": "myns"
"userAssignedIdentityExceptions": null
"identity": {
"type": "SystemAssigned"
I'm always getting the same issue:
"statusMessage": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"InvalidTemplateDeployment\",\"message\":\"The template deployment 'deployment_test' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '.....'. See inner errors for details.\",\"details\":[{\"code\":\"PodIdentityAddonUserAssignedIdentitiesNotAllowedInCreation\",\"message\":\"Provisioning of resource(s) for container service cluster-12344 in resource group myrc failed. Message: {\\n \\\"code\\\": \\\"PodIdentityAddonUserAssignedIdentitiesNotAllowedInCreation\\\",\\n \\\"message\\\": \\\"PodIdentity addon does not support assigning pod identities on creation.\\\"\\n }. Details: \"}]}}",
The Product team has shared the answer here:
which says:
This is a known limitation in the existing configuration. We will fix
this in the V2 implementation.
For others who are facing the same issue, please refer to the GitHub issue above.

Grafana 7.4.3 /var/lib/grafana not writeable in AWS ECS - EFS

I'm trying to host a Grafana 7.4 image in ECS Fargate using an EFS volume for persistent storage.
Using Terraform I have created the required resource and given the task access to the EFS volume via an "access point"
resource "aws_efs_access_point" "default" {
file_system_id =
posix_user {
gid = 0
uid = 472
root_directory {
path = "/opt/data"
creation_info {
owner_gid = 0
owner_uid = 472
permissions = "600"
Note that I have set owner permissions as per the guides in (I've tried both group id 0 and 1 as the documentation seems to be inconsistent on the gid).
Using a base alpine image in place of the grafana image I've confirmed the directory /var/lib/grafana exists within container with the correct uid and gids set. However on attempting to run the grafana image I get the error message
GF_PATHS_DATA='/var/lib/grafana' is not writable.
I am launching the task with a terraformed task definition.
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "default" {
family = "${}"
container_definitions = "${data.template_file.container_definition.rendered}"
memory = "${var.memory}"
cpu = "${var.cpu}"
requires_compatibilities = [
network_mode = "awsvpc"
execution_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::REDACTED_ID:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole"
volume {
name = "${}-volume"
efs_volume_configuration {
file_system_id =
transit_encryption = "ENABLED"
root_directory = "/opt/data"
authorization_config {
access_point_id =
tags = {
Product = "${}"
With the container definition
"portMappings": [
"hostPort": 80,
"protocol": "tcp",
"containerPort": 80
"mountPoints": [
"sourceVolume": "${volume_name}",
"containerPath": "/var/lib/grafana",
"readOnly": false
"cpu": 0,
"secrets": [
"environment": [],
"image": "grafana/grafana:7.4.3",
"name": "${name}",
"user": "472:0"
For "user" I have tried "grafana", "742:0", "742" and "742:1" when trying gid 1.
I believe the terraform, security groups, mount_targets, etc... are all correct as I can get an alpine image to:
ls -lash /var/lib
> drw------- 2 472 root 6.0K Mar 12 11:22 grafana
I believe you have a problem, because AWS ECS
Anyway, file system approach doesn't seems to be very cloud friendly (especially if you want to scale horizontally: problems with concurrent writes from multiple tasks, IOPs limitations, ...). Just provision proper DB (e.g. Aurora RDS Mysql, multi A-Z cluster if you need HA) and you will have nice opsless AWS deployment.

A quiestion about mcrouter, WarmUpRoute handle can not set multiple cold servers

I wanna use WarmUpRoute to prepare two cold memcached data node, I use this config:
"pools": {
"cold": {
"servers": ["xxxxx:11212", "xxxx:11213"]
"warm": {
"servers": ["xxxxx:11211"]
"route": {
"type": "WarmUpRoute",
"cold": "PoolRoute|cold",
"warm": "PoolRoute|warm"
But when I do some test, I connet mcrouter and set some data, found that only 1 cold server and warm server are success to save data, another cold node cannot set data successfuly. I am confuse, my config has some problem or is this a bug?

How to add a ETW provider to an existing service fabric cluster using powershell?

I have already created a service fabric cluster with azure diagnostics and it is functional currently with my services deployed into that cluster. I have an ETW EventSource in my service that I would like to start collecting events from because my service code already uses this event source to write my service related events. Since the cluster is already enabled for azure diagnostics and my services are already deployed into that cluster, I think it is a simple matter of updating the ETW provider with my event source in this service fabric cluster. Here is the exported template (only a partial is shown that is relevant for azure diagnostics):
"properties": {
"publisher": "Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics",
"type": "IaaSDiagnostics",
"typeHandlerVersion": "1.5",
"autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true,
"settings": {
"WadCfg": {
"DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration": {
"overallQuotaInMB": "50000",
"EtwProviders": {
"EtwEventSourceProviderConfiguration": [
"provider": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Actors",
"scheduledTransferKeywordFilter": "1",
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M",
"DefaultEvents": {
"eventDestination": "ServiceFabricReliableActorEventTable"
"provider": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Services",
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M",
"DefaultEvents": {
"eventDestination": "ServiceFabricReliableServiceEventTable"
"provider": "Bb.ServiceFabric.Infrastructure.Container",
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT1M",
"DefaultEvents": {
"eventDestination": "ServiceFabricReliableServiceEventTable"
"EtwManifestProviderConfiguration": [
"provider": "cbd93bc2-71e5-4566-b3a7-595d8eeca6e8",
"scheduledTransferLogLevelFilter": "Information",
"scheduledTransferKeywordFilter": "4611686018427387904",
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M",
"DefaultEvents": {
"eventDestination": "ServiceFabricSystemEventTable"
"StorageAccount": "sfdgsmsraghuplaygrou6827"
"name": "VMDiagnosticsVmExt_vmNodeType0Name"
I would like to update following EtwProviders/EtwEventSourceProviderConfiguration to contain following section (as MyCompany.MyServices.MyStatelessService is the name of my service's EventSource):
"provider": "MyCompany.MyServices.MyStatelessService",
"scheduledTransferPeriod": "PT5M",
"DefaultEvents": {
"eventDestination": "ServiceFabricReliableServiceEventTable"
Here are my questions:
Is this the correct way of inserting an ETW provider/EventSource (from my service) into an existing cluster (that is already enabled with azure diagnostics)?
Can I add this event source (as a ETW event source provider) using a powershell command(s)?
If so, what is the exact powershell command (using all the information from the above code fragment)?
Note: I am using .net framework 4.5.2.
All seems good with the added configuration above. Just be aware that for ETWProviders the EventDestination cannot contain hyphens (-), yours don't so you are ok.
To update the Windows Azure Diagnostics (WAD) agent configuration, you can use either PowerShell or Cloud Explorer in Visual Studio.
For the former, simply update the ARM template and use the New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment cmdlet. See here for further information:
For using Cloud Explorer in Visual Studio. Browse to your Virtual Machine Scale Set (as this is the Azure resource that holds the WAD configuration). Right-click and choose Update Diagnostics. In the dialog shown, you have the option to upload a private and public configuration file. Simple take a .json document containing the {"WadCfg": {}} element, and upload that as a public configuration.
If you need to update the private configuration specifies the storage account name and AccessKey:
"storageAccountName": "",
"storageAccountKey": "",
"storageAccountEndPoint": "",
Hope this helps.