About save string inside an array - matlab

I have question about how can I get from a user multiple inputs(once per line) as a string and save it inside an array ?
I tried something like this :
function[str] = get_data()
st = '';
st{1} = input{'enter the first name','s'};
st{2} = input{'enter the first name','s'};
str = strings(st)

Declare your cell beforehand as a cell. Not as a string. Then you can fill it with the inputs.
function[str] = get_data()
st = cell(1,2);
st{1} = input('enter the first name','s');
st{2} = input('enter the last name','s');
str=[st{:}] %if you want to convert it back to a string
%str = strcat(st{1},'_',st{2}) %if you want a _ between the inputs

Try the following code:
st = [];
st{1} = input('enter the first name: ','s');
st{2} = input('enter the last name: ','s');
str = strcat(st{1},'_',st{2})


How to generalize Matlab function?

I have a Matlab function. I need to generalize this function. This code’s aim is to check this IndicMPs are in the TableTemp, if it is there, then we extract relevant age limits, such as: Age_Limite_DC, Age_Limite_IT, Age_Limite_Ch and Transfert_Prime_IT_DC. My idea is to generalize, passing parameters to find out the "Type_pret" is.(May be I'm wrong) Since I'm beginner to Matlab can someone help me to encode a more generic function that can be used in a more general context?
function Structure = optimisation_function()
Data = load('Data.mat');
Structure = Data.Structure;
TableTemp = Data.TableTemp;
Age_Limite_DC = zeros(size(Structure,1),1);
Age_Limite_IT = zeros(size(Structure,1),1);
Age_Limite_CH = zeros(size(Structure,1),1);
Transfert_Prime_IT_DC = zeros(size(Structure,1),1);
for IndexMPAL = 1 : length(Structure.AnneeSouscription)
% Determine Type_Pret (Loan Type)
if ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'A'))
Type_Pret = 'A';
elseif ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'B'))
Type_Pret = 'B';
elseif ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'C'))
Type_Pret = 'C';
elseif ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'D'))
Type_Pret = 'D';
elseif ~isempty(strfind(Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL},'E'))
Type_Pret = 'E';
MP_CP = Structure.NomCodeProduit(IndexMPAL);
MP_AnSous = Structure.AnneeSouscription(IndexMPAL);
MP_TypePret = Type_Pret;
IndicCP = strcmp(MP_CP, TableTemp.CodeProduit);
IndicAS = MP_AnSous== TableTemp.AnneeSouscription;
IndicTP = strcmp(MP_TypePret, TableTemp.TypePret);
IndicMP = IndicCP & IndicAS & IndicTP;
if ~any(IndicMP)
Msg = strcat('CodeProduct:',MP_CP{1}, ', Année Souscription:', num2str(MP_AnSous), ', Type Prêt:', MP_TypePret);
error('Error', Msg)
Age_Limite_DC(IndexMPAL,1) = TableTemp.Age_Limite_DC(IndicMP,1);
Age_Limite_IT(IndexMPAL,1) = TableTemp.Age_Limite_IT(IndicMP,1);
Age_Limite_CH(IndexMPAL,1) = TableTemp.Age_Limite_CH(IndicMP,1);
Structure.Age_Limite_DC = Age_Limite_DC;
Structure.Age_Limite_IT = Age_Limite_IT;
Structure.Age_Limite_CH = Age_Limite_CH;
Structure.Transfert_Prime_IT_DC = Transfert_Prime_IT_DC;
The if/elseif can be simplified with a cell array:
liststr = {'A','BB','C','D','E'}; % builds a cell array, each cell contains a string
Positive_matches = strfind(liststr,Structure.Type_Pret{IndexMPAL}) % returns a list for each cell of the indices where the element was found (empty if none)
Index = find(~cellfun('isempty', Positive_matches )) % converts the previous list into a logical 0/1 array indicating whether an item was found (1) or not (0)
% if isempty(Index); continue; end % If no index is found, to avoid an error in the next instruction, skips the rest of the code.
Type_Pret = liststr(Index(1));
If the Type_Pret are the same in your list and in Structure? , you can usestrcmp`:
liststr = {'A','B','C','D','E'};
if any(strcmp(Structure.Type_Pret,liststr))
Type_Pret = Structure.Type_Pret
% handle error
You can also work directly on Structure.Age_Limite_DC without using Age_Limite_DC.

MATLAB - replace the string in a text file with index and delete those line without indexed

I have a text file with data structure like this
I want to index those file with a label file.and the result will be something like this.
However there might be some class that is not in label class and I need to filter those line out so I can use load() to load in.(you can't have char inside that text file and execute load().
here is my implement:
function test(vName,meta)
f_dt = fopen([vName '.txt'],'r');
f_indexed = fopen([vName '_indexed.txt'], 'w');
lbls = loadlbl()
count = 1;
if(f_dt == -1),
dt = fgets(f_dt);
if(dt == -1),
dt_cls = strsplit(dt,','){7};
dt_cls = regexprep(dt_cls, '\s+', '');
cls_idx = find(strcmp(lbls,dt_cls));
dt = strrep(dt,dt_cls,int2str(cls_idx));
if(f_dt ~= -1),
However it work very very slow because the text file contains 100 thousand of lines. Is it anyway that I could do this task smarter and faster?
You may use textscan, and get the indices/ line numbers of the labels you want. After knowing the line numbers, you can extract what you want.
fid = fopen('data.txt') ;
S = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n') ;
S = S{1} ;
fclose(fid) ;
%% get bicycle lines
idx = strfind(S, 'bicycle');
idx = find(not(cellfun('isempty', idx)));
S_bicycle = S(idx)
%% write this to text file
fid2 = fopen('text.txt','wt') ;
fclose(fid2) ;
From S_bicycle, you can extract your numbers.

Dynamic Output Arguments in for-loop

I am fairly new to Matlab and I created this script to help me gather 4 numbers out of an excel file. This one works so far:
clear all
cd('F:/Wortpaare Analyse/Excel')
VPNumber = input('Which Participant Number?', 's');
filename = (['PAL_',VPNumber,'_Gain_Loss.xlsx']);
sheet = 1;
x1Range = 'N324';
GainBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'O324';
LossBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AD324';
GainBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AE324';
LossBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
AnalyseProband = [GainBlock1, LossBlock1, GainBlock2, GainBlock2]
Now I would like to make a script that will analyze the first 20 excel files and tried this:
clear all
cd('F:/Wortpaare Analyse/Excel')
for VPNumber = 1:20 %for the 20 files
a = (['PAL_%d_Gain_Loss.xlsx']);
filename = sprintf(a, VPNumber) % specifies the name of the file
sheet = 1;
x1Range = 'N324';
(['GainBlock1_',VPNummer]) = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
The problem seems to be that I can only have one output argument. I would like to change the output argument in each loop, so it doesn't overwrite "GainBlock1" in every cycle.
In the end I would like to have these variables:
GainBlock1_1 (for the first excel sheet)
GainBlock1_2 (for the second excel sheet)
GainBlock1_20 (for the 20th excel sheet)
Is there a clever way to do that? I was able to write the first script fairly easily, but was unable to produce any significant progress in the second script. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This can be accomplished by either storing the data in an array or a cell. I believe an array will be sufficient for what you're trying to do. I've included a re-organized code sample below, broken out into functions to help make it easier to read and understand.
Basically, the first function handles the loop and controls where the data gets placed in the array, and the second function is your original script which accepts the VPNumber as an input.
What this should return is a 20x4 array, where the first index controls the sheet the data was pulled from and the second index controls whether it's [GainBlock1, LossBlock1, GainBlock2, LossBlock2]. i.e.- GainBlock 1 for sheet 5 would be AnalseProband(5,1), LossBlock2 for sheet 11 would be AnalyseProband(11,4).
function AnalyseProband = getAllProbands()
currentDir = pwd;
returnToOriginalDir = onCleanup(#()cd(currentDir));
cd('F:/Wortpaare Analyse/Excel')
numProbands = 20;
AnalyseProband = zeros(numProbands,4);
for n = 1:numProbands
AnalyseProband(n,:) = getBlockInfoFromXLS(n);
function AnalyseProband = getBlockInfoFromXLS(VPNumber)
a = 'PAL_%d_Gain_Loss.xlsx';
filename = sprintf(a, VPNumber); % specifies the name of the file
sheet = 1;
x1Range = 'N324';
GainBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'O324';
LossBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AD324';
GainBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AE324';
LossBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
AnalyseProband = [GainBlock1, LossBlock1, GainBlock2, LossBlock2];

Excel Range object throws error 0x800A03EC because of a string longer than 255 characters

Using an ActiveX server from MATLAB, I am trying to highlight many cells in an Excel sheet at once. These are not in specific columns or rows so I use Range('A1,B2,...') to access them. However the string accepted by the Range object has to be less than 255 characters or an error:
Error: Object returned error code: 0x800A03EC
is thrown. The following code reproduces this error with an empty Excel file.
hActX = actxserver('Excel.Application');
hWB = hActX.Workbooks.Open('C:\Book1.xlsx');
hSheet = hWB.Worksheets.Item('Sheet1');
col = repmat('A', 100, 1);
row = num2str((1:100)'); %'
cellInd = strcat(col, strtrim(cellstr(row)));
str1 = strjoin(cellInd(1:66), ','); %// 254 characters
str2 = strjoin(cellInd(1:67), ','); %// 258 characters
hSheet.Range(str1).Interior.Color = 255; %// Works
hSheet.Range(str2).Interior.Color = 255; %// Error 0x800A03EC
How can I get around this? I found no other relevant method of calling Range, or of otherwise getting the cells I want to modify.
If you start with a String, you can test its length to determine if Range() can handle it. Here is an example of building a diagonal range:
Sub DiagonalRange()
Dim BigString As String, BigRange As Range
Dim i As Long, HowMany As Long, Ln As String
HowMany = 100
For i = 1 To HowMany
BigString = BigString & "," & Cells(i, i).Address(0, 0)
Next i
BigString = Mid(BigString, 2)
Ln = Len(BigString)
MsgBox Ln
If Ln < 250 Then
Set BigRange = Range(BigString)
Set BigRange = Nothing
arr = Split(BigString, ",")
For Each a In arr
If BigRange Is Nothing Then
Set BigRange = Range(a)
Set BigRange = Union(BigRange, Range(a))
End If
Next a
End If
End Sub
For i = 10, the code will the the direct method, but if the code were i=100, the array method would be used.
The solution, as Rory pointed out, is to use the Union method. To minimize the number of calls from MATLAB to the ActiveX server, this is what I did:
str = strjoin(cellInd, ',');
isep = find(str == ',');
isplit = diff(mod(isep, 250)) < 0;
isplit = [isep(isplit) (length(str) + 1)];
hRange = hSheet.Range(str(1:(isplit(1) - 1)));
for ii = 2:numel(isplit)
hRange = hActX.Union(hRange, ...
hSheet.Range(str((isplit(ii-1) + 1):(isplit(ii) - 1))));
I used 250 in the mod to account for the cell names being up to 6 characters long, which is sufficient for me.

how to vectorize this string split function in Matlab

How can I vectorize this strsplit function in Matlab so that it runs faster? Thank you
function parts = strsplit(splitstr, str)
splitlen = length(splitstr);
k = strfind(str, splitstr);
parts = cell(length(k)+1, 1);
s = 1;
if isempty(k)
parts{1} = str;
for i=1:length(k)
parts{i} = str(s : k(i)-1);
s = k(i) + splitlen ;
parts{end} = str((k(end) + splitlen) : end);
You can replace your function by a call to TEXTSCAN.
str = 'testxyztest2xyztest3';
splitStr = 'xyz';
out = textscan(str,'%s','delimiter',splitStr,'multipleDelimsAsOne',1)
ans =
You can use regexp (note also the example on string splitting on that page):
out = regexp(str, regexptranslate('escape', splitStr), 'split');
The regexptranslate function escapes the split string so that it gets treated as a literal string and not a regular expression.