Capistrano: Deploy Laravel app on ubuntu server - deployment

I have an ubuntu staging server where I have installed apache, php, mysql, git, composer installed. I have a private git repository setup on the bitbucket, the project is already cloned to the staging server and to my local development machine. The Laravel setup is working perfectly fine on both machine.
What I am currently doing is whenever there is an update to the git repository, I do login to the staging server, pull the latest code from the git repository and do composer install, npm install, bower install.
I want to automate this process via capistrano tool. I checked the tutorials online, but all of them do the clone of repository whenever, I issue a deploy command and creates a fresh installation every time. Can't capistrano helps me to work on the existing folder that is already setup?

The basic premise of Capistrano is the idea that a new installation is created each time, such that there is not much to be done initially in terms of setup. If you'd rather use a different mechanism, a different tool would work better for you! For such cases, you could try to write a script using SSHKit directly (fairly advanced), or write a makefile or some other tool to automate your process.
If you do want to try to make Capistrano work on its terms, look into how linked_dirs and linked_files work in it. They allow you to have some files (e.g. config files, log dirs, etc) which are outside of the deployment directory and as such are shared between deploys.


Is it possible to have ansible use a "remote" playbook for git-based continuous deployment?

I need to manage a few servers that run code that is currently being deployed there as a couple of git repositories. I would like to be able to store in the project's repository the parts (if not all) of the playbook that is relevant for the repository. For example, the list of package dependencies, virtualenv requirements, configuration templates. This will also allow those to change in a per branch/commit way. Meaning I can make sure that if I need to deploy a specific branch/commit, playbook that is correct for that commit is being used, if, say, the configuration template being used changed.
It seems like the only solution is to checkout the git repository locally. Is it possible in ansible to tell it to run a remote play book (from the git repository that is being checked out on the server)? I was thinking of having ansible run a ansible using a local connection on the remote host, I haven't tried it to see if this will actually work out.
How do people manage to use ansible for continuous deployment based on git without some mechanisms for running a remote playbook?
Take a look at ansible-pull.
It pulls the repo and executes playbook.

How do you trigger a gulp/grunt task on a remote server after deploy?

I've just switched to Roots Sage starter theme for Wordpress:
and I'm currently reading up on deployment processes.
My processes is usually:
- make changes
- build with grunt/gulp
- commit (including compiled scripts)
- deploy
Sage's .gitignore file removes the dist folder (compiled files) from the repo ie. no css/js in repo. Are you supposed to install node/npm and build the assets on staging/production environment after deploy? If so, how do you trigger a gulp/grunt task on a remote server after deploy?
I'm using for managing git and deploy.
Are you supposed to install node/npm and build the assets on staging/production environment after deploy?
You should avoid doing this. There is mixed opinion about committing compiled assets to a VCS as you stated you were doing previously, too.
Let's look at an example.
You finished all your testing locally. You haven't run an npm update in a few days and one of your dependencies has a loose version constraint specified; something like "~1.0.0".
You deploy. On the server, npm install is run before gulp or grunt. gulp runs, the build of your assets completes successfully, and the new version of your app is now live.
Unknown to you, version 1.0.1 of that dependency was released yesterday. For whatever reason, 1.0.1 introduced a change that breaks functionality within your app. That breaking change is now live on your site in production.
Even if you could guarantee all dependencies pulled from npm install on the server will mirror what you had locally/in staging, the headache of maintaining yet another set of software on the server (node.js, ruby, etc...) just for compiling assets should be enough to keep you from doing compilation on in production.
IMO, you should keep compiled assets out of your VCS, and rsync them to your server(s) as part of your deployment.

Building and deploying from a remote server with Capistrano

I'm new to Capistrano and struggling a little to get started. A brief description of what I need to do:
git pull the latest code from our git repo, on a central build server. This build server's environment matches the deployment environment exactly. I need the code to be built here. I don't want to deploy a binary that was built on a Mac laptop, for example.
compile the binary on this machine.
deploy it from this machine to all the target machines.
There is a shared user we can all SSH into on the build machine to do the builds.
The build machine is behind a gateway machine, not directly accessible.
All of the deployment target machines also have this shared user and are also behind the gateway.
The deployed binary is a single executable, and there is an init script on the target machines. After deploying the binary and changing the symlink to it, restart the service via the init script.
Everyone has appropriate SSH keys and agent forwarding for all necessary tasks.
So in principle it seems rather simple, but Capistrano seems opinionated and a bit magical. As a result I'm not sure how to accomplish all of this. It seems like it wants to check out my code and copy it to the remote machines, for example without building it first.
I think I need to ignore all of Capistrano's default smarts and just make it run some shell commands on the appropriate servers. In pseudo-code:
ssh buildmachine via gateway "cd repo && git pull && make"
ssh targetmachine(s) via gateway "scp buildmachine:repo/binary .; <mv && symlink>; service foo restart"
Am I even using the right tool for the job? It seems a lot like a round peg in a square hole.
Can someone explain to me what the contents of the Capistrano configuration files should be, and what cap commands I'd run to accomplish this?
BTW, I've searched around and looked at questions like deploying with capistrano with remote git repo but without git running on production server and From manual pull on server to Capistrano
The question is rather old, but you never know when someone steps onto it in need of information...
First and formost, consider that Capistrano might just not be the right tool for the job you want to do.
That said, it is not impossible to accomplish what you expect. While in projects that deploy large amount of files and modify them (like css/js minify, js builds etc.) I would avoid it, in your case, you can consider runing a "deployment repository" and configure it in capistrano as the source. Your process would look like this :
run the local build with whatever tools you need
upload resulting binary to a deployment repository
run capistrano that will connect to application servers, fetch fresh binary from repository, perform any server side tasks required and symlink to "current"
As a side effect you end up with full history of deployed binaries

Azure website GIT deployment: server compiled .DLL different from local built .DLL

I have an MVC4 + EF4.0 .NET 4.5 project (say, MyProject) I'm able to run the project locally just fine. When I FTP deploy it to Azure Websites (not cloud service) it runs fine too. However, if I do a GIT deploy, the site 'runs' for the most part until it does some EF5.0 database operations. I get an exception Unable to load the specified metadata resource.
Upon debugging I noticed that if I:
GIT deploy the entire MVC4 project (as before)
FTP in and then replace bin\MyProject.dll with the bin\MyProject.dll file that I just built locally (Windows 8 x64, VS2012, Oct'12 Azure tools) after the GIT push (i.e. same source)
then the Azure hosted website runs just fine (even the EF5.0 database functionality portion).
The locally built .dll is about 5KB larger than the Azure GIT publish built one and both are 'Release' mode. It's obvious that the project as built after the GIT push (inside Azure) is being built differently than as on my own PC. I checked the portal and it's set to .NET 4.5. I'm also GIT pushing the entire solution folder (with just one project) and not just small bits and pieces.
When I load the locally built as well as the remotely built MyProject.dll files, I noticed the following difference(FrameworkDisplayName)
local: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETFramework,Version=v4.5", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.5"),
remote: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETFramework,Version=v4.5", FrameworkDisplayName = ""),
Anyone knows why this is happening and what the fix might be?
Yes, this is a bug that will be fixed in the next release. The good news is that it's possible to work around it today:
First, you need to use a custom deployment script, per this post.
Then you need to change the MSBuild command line in the custom script per this issue.
Credit goes to David above for the pointers and hints. I voted him up but I'll also post the exact solution to the issue here. I've edited my original post because I found there was a major bug that I didn't notice until I started from scratch (moved GIT servers). So here is the entire process, worked for me.
Download Node.JS (it's needed even for .NET projects because the GIT deploy tools use it)
Install the azure-cli tool (open regular command prompt => npm install azure-cli -g)
In the command prompt, cd to the root of your repository (cd \projects\MyRepoRoot)
In there, type azure site deploymentscript --aspWAP PathToMyProject\MyProject.csproj -s PathToMySolution.sln (obviously adjust the paths as needed)
This will create the .deployment and deploy.cmd files
Now edit the deploy.cmd file, find the line starting with %MSBUILD_PATH% (will be just one)
Insert the /t:Build parameter. For example:
[Before] %MSBUILD_PATH% <blah blah> /verbosity:m /t:pipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder
[After] %MSBUILD_PATH% <blah blah> /verbosity:m /t:Build /t:pipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolder)
Push to GIT (check the GIT output if everything went ok)
Browse to your website and confirm it works!
I'll be glad when it's fixed in the next revision so we won't maintain the build script

Track Config Files in Source Control and Deploy from CI

As many apps do, we have a number of config and properties files for our Java applications. We have gone with the approach of keeping these files separate from our codebase (i.e. they are not included in the war files for deployment) but in a separate directory. However, I would still like to track changes to these files in a source control and deploy them using our CI.
I'm looking for strategies on how others have done this. Did you write a script to push the files to the app server(s). Does the script live on the CI server?
Our SCM is Mercurial which we have set up on its own server to use as a central repo. Our CI is Hudson (not Jenkins) set up on its own server and of course our app servers are separate from these as well. All servers are *nix OS.
Consider using configuration management tools like puppet or chef for managing all your application configuration files. Both tools use "manifests" or "receipes" which can placed under revision control and matched to each server deploying the application.
Another option is to consider is to develop an install package for your OS, see the following articles for more details:
The advantage of doing it this way is that the install can be configured to generate the correct configuration tailored for the environment it is deployed onto. A more important benefit is that it's simpler to manage and install.