PhpStorm jump to remote file - deployment

I know there is a function to jump in the "remote tab" from the current local file I am editing. Does anybody know the name, so I can find it in the Keymap options.
Sometimes it is useful to just edit it on the server and test it, instead of uploaded all the changes.

Use the menu Navigate > Select in... or press Alt + Shift + 1 or on MacOs ⌥F1
When you choose this, a popup will appear where you can choose Remote Host or hit 3


vscode `ctrl + tab` needs confirmation first

when I press ctrl + tab it doesn't move the file right away but rather shows a list of all open files
I need the default behavior where it takes me right away to the last opened file without having to press enter
PS: if this helps in any way I'm using Linux Mint (LMDE 4 (debbie) x86_64)
You don't have to press Enter, just release the Ctrl key. That will take you to the last file you were in.
For instance, if you're in FileA and you have FileB and FileC open and you were last in FileC, Ctrl+Tab shows the list, and when you release Ctrl, you're taken to FileC. Do it again (releasing Ctrl) and you'll be back in FileA.
Check your keyboard shortcuts. Find the command:
By default it is set to Ctrl-Tab, if yours is not, set it that keybinding by clicking on the pencil icon to the left of the command on hover and enter Ctrl-Tab into the dialog box.
That command should also be using the when clauses: inEditorsPicker && inQuickOpen

How can I navigate the VS Code Explorer & open a file via keyboard only?

I'm doing a code review of a project, which means cycling through all the files in it. I want to keep my hands on the keyboard but neither do I want to have to CMD+P and type in the name of each file.
I've bound CMD+K,CMD+E to workbench.files.action.focusFilesExplorer which enables me to easily get to the Explorer, but then I can only explorer.openToSide, which isn't exactly what I want. I want to be able to open them directly, full-screen even if I have other windows open.
Are there commands for this that I can bind to? I suspect this isn't a feature yet.
By default on a mac you can use cmd+down to open the file.
Pressing Enter will edit the filename.
To open a file, just press Enter once you've selected it. It's bound to the command by default. This also works for expanding / collapsing folders.
After workbench.files.action.focusFilesExplorer you can press Up or Down to navigate through file list while File explorer is fosuced. Then hit Enter to open the selected file.
Also I set Ctrl + E for workbench.files.action.focusFilesExplorer.
In my case, sequential navigating through list of files is a repeating sequence of these shortcuts:
Ctrl + E
Ctrl + E

How to clear console history

It's possible to browse the commands previously run in the console by pressing the up and down arrow keys. I want to clear this history. How can I do this?
You can now just right click on the console area and select "Clear console history".
If you want to clear the list of last typed commands, follow these steps:
(Step 1 and 2 are important, don't skip them!)
Undock the console (click on the icon in the bottom-left corner, ).
(if you don't see , but , then hold the mouse pressed for a few seconds to get the desired icon)
Press Ctrl + Shift + J to open the console for this console. (On OSX use Cmd + Option + i)
Go to the Resources tab, "Local Storage", chrome-devtools://devtools.
Right-click on the item with key "consoleHistory", and choose "Delete".
Done! You may close the new console, and then dock the previous one if wanted. The console history will be gone when you reload the console.
If you just want to clear the console log (not the commands), just press Ctrl + L.
You could also use Incognito mode if you don't want to keep the list of commands you're going to type.
I found a quick way to do this with cool keyboard shortcut:
Inside chrome console
Press Ctrl + Shift + P
You will see this awesome command palette opened:
type clear and you will find it :)
That's it!
If you don't want to have this console history (like myself), simply disable it from the devtool's configuration options (see on the image) below ...
This is very simple, just right click the console window and select Clear console history, then refresh the page.
Please note, refreshing/reloading that tab is required.
Simply enter clear() in the chrome console to remove all previous text there.
I ended up here looking for how to do the same thing in Firefox.
In case anyone else does the same, there is a clearHistory command in the Firefox console which will do just that.
You can do that now easily with
cmd + shift + p
Type "clear"
Choose Clear console history
It can also be fixed by going to the developer tool settings and resetting to defaults.. (this will not reset 'Chrome', only developer tools options)
Open Chrome devtools
Go to settings (or press Windows ->F1 / OS X -> FN + F1)
Reset to the defaults
This way you will lose your developer settings, but for me the only thing that mattered was turning cache off again..
These shortcuts Clear Console.
⌘ K or
Ctrl L

Assign "Ctrl+S" to Subversion commit

In NetBeans, how can I make it so that every time I save a file it gets committed to Subversion?
This sounds like a recipe for disaster!
That being said . . .
Go to Tools : Options in the menu.
Go to the Keymap tab.
Type commit in the Search box.
Locate the row for "Commit..." / "Subversion".
Double-click in its Shortcut cell.
Press the desired shortcut (e.g. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S).
Click the OK button.
As committing a file automatically saves it first, you could use Ctrl + S as the shortcut if you wish.
Note that this also works when you select one or more files in the Projects pane. Thanks for asking the question as I get really sick of navigating through the popup menus all the time. :)

Change or switch to different editor quickly in eclipse ? ( not tabs)

Hi i many html editors in eclipse. each one provides different features.
Is there a way i can quickly switch the editor of current opened tab, ( other than open with option in the project explorer).
Lets say abc.html is currently open. but i want to open it in different editor. Now i have to search that file in the project explorer and then right click > open with. option.
I use ctrl+shift+r to open any resource , it always opens in default editor. But i want to choose there which editor to open with" option there. :(. is there any shortcut for that?
I can well understand wanting to open stuff just using the keyboard.
I can think of 2 solutions:
1: CTRL + SHIFT + R (select file as normal) then (still in the Open Resource dialog) TAB, TAB, ENTER and then press the down arrow key until you get the right editor
2: Keep the Project Explorer 'Link with Editor' toggle on (a button on the top right of the Project Explorer View)
Now you can easily get from the file open in the editor to the correct place in the Project Explorer view (so you can right click on it).
Hope this helps!
(I also find CTRL + F7 a useful way of switching to the Project Explorer view from an editor)