RxSwift state changes trigger "Warning: Recursive call or synchronization error!" - swift

I've inherited some Swift 3 code which uses RxSwift to manage a store. The basic layout of the class is:
class UserActivityStore {
fileprivate lazy var internalDataCache: Variable<Set<NSUserActivity>?> = Variable(nil)
func addAction(_ actionToAdd: NSUserActivity) {
var content = internalDataCache.value ?? Set<NSUserActivity>()
internalDataCache.value = content
func resolveAction(_ action: NSUserActivity) {
var content = internalDataCache.value
_ = content?.remove(action)
internalDataCache.value = content
func expectActions(_ filter: #escaping ((NSUserActivity) -> Bool)) -> Observable<NSUserActivity> {
let observable = Observable<NSUserActivity>.create { (observer) -> Disposable in
return self.internalDataCache.asObservable().subscribeNext { (newActions) in
guard let newActions = newActions else { return }
for eachAction in newActions where filter(eachAction) {
return observable
When an action is added to this, it adds the item to the set correctly. However, the observer (in expectActions) catches that change and resolves it. Since this is all in a single thread, the error "Warning: Recursive call or synchronization error!" is triggered.
I think this is a perfectly legitimate error and that RxSwift is probably correct in its handling. However, I can't help thinking that this is a bad model. The code is essentially handling a queue of NSUserActivity objects itself.
Is this genuinely a modelling error / abuse of RxSwift or is my limited understanding of RxSwift misunderstanding this? As a hacky solution, I've tried replacing the resolveAction function with a single line internalDataCache.value?.remove(action) but that still triggers the observable and hence the bug.
Changing the observable to use a different queue (Serial or Concurrent dispatch) fixes the problem but I'm not convinced its the correct fix.


How to cancel an `async` function with cancellable type returned from `async` operation initiation

I need to support cancellation of a function that returns an object that can be cancelled after initiation. In my case, the requester class is in a 3rd party library that I can't modify.
actor MyActor {
func doSomething() async throws -> ResultData {
var requestHandle: Handle?
return try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
requestHandle?.cancel() // COMPILE ERROR: "Reference to captured var 'requestHandle' in concurrently-executing code"
} operation: {
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation{ continuation in
requestHandle = requester.start() { result, error in
if let error = error
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
} else {
let myResultData = ResultData(result)
continuation.resume(returning: myResultData)
I have reviewed other SO questions and this thread: https://forums.swift.org/t/how-to-use-withtaskcancellationhandler-properly/54341/4
There are cases that are very similar, but not quite the same. This code won't compile because of this error:
"Reference to captured var 'requestHandle' in concurrently-executing code"
I assume the compiler is trying to protect me from using the requestHandle before it's initialized. But I'm not sure how else to work around this problem. The other examples shown in the Swift Forum discussion thread all seem to have a pattern where the requester object can be initialized before calling its start function.
I also tried to save the requestHandle as a class variable, but I got a different compile error at the same location:
Actor-isolated property 'profileHandle' can not be referenced from a
Sendable closure
You said:
I assume the compiler is trying to protect me from using the requestHandle before it’s initialized.
Or, more accurately, it is simply protecting you against a race. You need to synchronize your interaction with your “requester” and that Handle.
But I’m not sure how else to work around this problem. The other examples shown in the Swift Forum discussion thread all seem to have a pattern where the requester object can be initialized before calling its start function.
Yes, that is precisely what you should do. Unfortunately, you haven’t shared where your requester is being initialized or how it was implemented, so it is hard for us to comment on your particular situation.
But the fundamental issue is that you need to synchronize your start and cancel. So if your requester doesn’t already do that, you should wrap it in an object that provides that thread-safe interaction. The standard way to do that in Swift concurrency is with an actor.
For example, let us imagine that you are wrapping a network request. To synchronize your access with this, you can create an actor:
actor ResponseDataRequest {
private var handle: Handle?
func start(completion: #Sendable #escaping (Data?, Error?) -> Void) {
// start it and save handle for cancelation, e.g.,
handle = requestor.start(...)
func cancel() {
That wraps the starting and canceling of a network request in an actor. Then you can do things like:
func doSomething() async throws -> ResultData {
let responseDataRequest = ResponseDataRequest()
return try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
Task { await responseDataRequest.cancel() }
} operation: {
return try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
Task {
await responseDataRequest.start { result, error in
if let error = error {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
} else {
let resultData = ResultData(result)
continuation.resume(returning: resultData)
You obviously can shift to unsafe continuations when you have verified that everything is working with your checked continuations.
After reviewing the Swift discussion thread again, I see you can do this:
var requestHandle: Handle?
let onCancel = { profileHandle?.cancel() }
return try await withTaskCancellationHandler {

How to make a proper reactive extension on Eureka SelectableSection

This is my first question to the StackOverflow community so excuse me if I'm doing something wrong.
1. What I'm trying to achieve
Basically, I want to make a custom reactive wrapper around Eureka's SelectableSection class in order to observe the value of the selected row when it is changed. I'm thinking to get this data from the onSelectSelectableRow closure which is called every time a row is selected.
2. What I've tried to do for that
Actually, I've got this working but it's not a generic use of the custom wrapper, here is the example that works but only when I specify the row and its value type, for example ListCheckRow<Int>.
extension SelectableSection: ReactiveCompatible {}
extension Reactive where Base : SelectableSection<ListCheckRow<Int>> {
var selectedValue: Observable<Base.SelectableRow.Cell.Value?> {
return Observable.create { observer in
self.base.onSelectSelectableRow = {cell, row in
return Disposables.create {
This works fine and as I expected but when it comes to something more generic like the next code example, I get an error saying that: "Cannot assign to property: 'base' is a 'let' constant"
extension SelectableSection: ReactiveCompatible {}
extension Reactive where Base : SelectableSectionType {
var selectedValue: Observable<Base.SelectableRow.Cell.Value?> {
return Observable.create { observer in
self.base.onSelectSelectableRow = {cell, row in // Error: Cannot assign to property: 'base' is a 'let' constant
return Disposables.create {
Any help will be much appreciated, thanks. 🙏
The fundamental problem here is that SelectableSectionType is a protocol that isn't restricted to class types and Reactive assumes that Base is a class (or otherwise is not going to be modified by the observable creation.)
I think the most generic you can make this is something like:
extension Reactive {
func selectedValue<Row, T>() -> Observable<T?> where Base: SelectableSection<Row>, Row: SelectableRowType, T == Row.Cell.Value {
Observable.create { [base] observer in
base.onSelectSelectableRow = { cell, row in
observer.onNext(row.value) // this is problematic. See below.
return Disposables.create {
observer.onCompleted() // this is wrong. See below.
The biggest problem with the above though is that if you subscribe to the resulting Observable more than once or create more than one Observable using this computed property, all but the last subscription will silently fail. The simple way to fix this is to always remember to share any result but that's rather error prone.
The way to fix this would be to associate a Subject with each SelectableSection, but you can't modify the class, so what are we to do?
Here's a solution:
extension Reactive {
func selectedValue<Row, T>() -> Observable<T?> where Base: SelectableSection<Row>, Row: SelectableRowType, T == Row.Cell.Value {
Observable.create { [base] observer in
if let block = selectableSections.first(where: { $0.section === base }) {
let subject = block.subject as! PublishSubject<T?>
return Disposables.create(
else {
let subject = PublishSubject<T?>()
let block = SelectableSectionBlock(
section: base,
subject: subject,
disposable: RefCountDisposable(disposable: Disposables.create {
selectableSections.removeAll(where: { $0.section === base })
base.onSelectSelectableRow = { cell, row in
return Disposables.create(
private struct SelectableSectionBlock {
let section: Section
let subject: Any
let disposable: RefCountDisposable
private var selectableSections = [SelectableSectionBlock]()
The selectableSections array stores a Subject and RefCountDisposable for each SelectableSection.
Whenever an Observable is created, or subscribed to...
if it's the first time working with this section, it will create a Subject and RefCountDisposable assign the onSelectSelectableRow to send a next event to the subject and store the subject in the array.
otherwise it will find the subject and disposable associated with this Section and retain the disposable.
Once it has the subject and disposable from above, it will subscribe the new observer to the subject and return a new Disposable that will remove that subscription and decrement the ref-count when the time comes.
Yes this is quite a bit more complex than the simple assignment case, but it's the right thing to do.
As for calling onCompleted() inside the disposable closure. By the time the closure is called, the observer has already emitted an onCompleted/onError event, or the observer has stopped listening to the observable. So this event will never be seen.

RxSwift - How to call method which returns Driver at regular intervals?

I am a RxSwift beginner and making a app with RxSwift + MVVM.
I have a method which calls API and converts to RxCocoa.Driver in ViewModel class like below.
func fetch() -> Driver<HomeViewEntity> {
apiUseCase.fetch(query: HomeViewQuery())
.map { data in
HomeViewEntity(userName: data.name,
emailAddress: data.email
.asDriver(onErrorRecover: { [weak self] error in
if let printableError = error as? PrintableError {
self?.errorMessageRelay.accept(AlertPayload(title: printableError.title, message: printableError.message))
return Driver.never()
Now, I'd like to call this fetchListPlace() method at regular intervals a.k.a polling (e.g. each 5 minutes) at ViewController.
How to do that????
I think interval is suit in this case, but I can't get an implementation image....
Here you go:
func example(_ fetcher: Fetcher) -> Driver<HomeViewEntity> {
Driver<Int>.interval(.seconds(5 * 60))
.flatMap { _ in fetcher.fetch() }
Also note,
Returning a Driver.never() from your recovery closure is probably a bad idea. Prefer Driver.empty() instead.
I'm not a fan of putting a side effect in the recovery closure in the first place. I think it would be better to have the fetch() return a Driver<Result<HomeViewEntity, Error>> instead and move the side effect to the end of the chain (in a subscribe or a flatMap.)

Realm Transaction without notifying tokens

I have Realm notifications on a background thread created with the following code (taken from Realm's website)
class BackgroundWorker: NSObject {
private let name: String
private var thread: Thread!
private var block: (()->Void)!
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
#objc internal func runBlock() {
internal func start(_ block: #escaping () -> Void) {
self.block = block
if thread == nil {
on: thread,
with: nil,
waitUntilDone: false,
modes: [RunLoop.Mode.default.rawValue]
private func createThread() {
thread = Thread { [weak self] in
while (self != nil && !self!.thread.isCancelled) {
mode: RunLoop.Mode.default,
before: Date.distantFuture)
thread.name = name
func stop() {
And using the background worker like this
struct RealmBackGroundWorker {
static var tokens: [NotificationToken] = []
static let backgroundWorker = BackGroundWorker(name: "RealmWorker")
static func start() {
backgroundWorker.start {
self.tokens = ...
The background notifications work great. But I often need to save data to realm without notifying these transactions. From what I have found, it does not look like there is a way write data without notifying all tokens. You always have to specify the tokens you want to ignore.
How can I write data to the Realm without notifying these background tokens?
Let me preface this answer with a couple of things. The Realm website the OP got their code from was here Realm Notifications on Background Threads with Swift and part of the point of that code was to not only spin up a runloop on a background thread to handle Realm functions but to also handle notifications on that same thread.
That code is pretty old - 4+ years and is somewhat outdated. In essence, there are possibly better options. From Apple:
... newer technologies such as Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) provide a
more modern and efficient infrastructure for implementing concurrency
But to address the question, if an observer is added to a Realm results on thread A, then all of the notifications will also occur on thread A. e.g. the token returned from the observe function is tied to that thread.
It appears the OP wants to write data without receiving notifications
I do not want to sync local changes to the server, so I would like to
call .write(withouNotifying: RealmWorkBlock.tokens)
I want a way to write data to the realm database without notifying
these notifications.
Noting that those notifications will occur on the same thread as the runloop. Here's the code that we need to look at
static func start() {
backgroundWorker.start {
self.tokens = ...
and in particular this line
self.tokens = ...
because the ... is the important part. That ... leads to this line (from the docs)
self?.token = files.observe { changes in
which is where the observer is added that generates the notifications. If no notifications are needed then that code, starting with self?.token can be completely removed as that's is sole purpose - to generate notifications.
One thought is to add a different init to the background worker class to have a background worker with no notifications:
static func start() {
Another thought is to take a more modern approach and leverage DispatchQueue with an autorelease pool which eliminates the need for these classes completely, will run in the background freeing up the UI ad does not involve tokens or notifications.
DispatchQueue(label: "background").async {
autoreleasepool {
let realm = try! Realm()
let files = realm.objects(File.self).filter("localUrl = ''")

Can Swift return value from an async Void-returning block?

I want to create a function to check if user_id is already in my database.
class func checkIfUserExsits(uid:String) -> Bool {
userRef.childByAppendingPath(uid).observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapShot: FDataSnapshot!) -> Void in
if snapShot.value is NSNull {
return false
} else {
return true
However, observeSingleEventOfType is a API provided by 3rd party Firebase. It is defined to return Void.
(void)observeSingleEventOfType:(FEventType)eventType withBlock:(void ( ^ ) ( FDataSnapshot *snapshot ))block
Error: Type 'Void' does not conform to protocol 'BooleanLiteralConvertible'
Appreciate any kind of helps.
I am trying a different way:
class func checkIfExist(uid: String) -> Bool {
var answer:Bool = false
var text:String = "not yet completed"
let queue = dispatch_group_create()
userRef.childByAppendingPath(uid).observeSingleEventOfType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapShot: FDataSnapshot!) -> Void in
if snapShot.value is NSNull {
text = "This is a new user"
answer = false
} else {
text = "Found the user in Firebase"
answer = true
dispatch_group_wait(queue, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER)
return answer
Somehow it just freeze there. I know this approach could be off-topic now. But please help.
You should employ asynchronous (ie, escaping) completion handler yourself:
class func checkIfUserExists(uid: String, completion: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
userRef.childByAppendingPath(uid).observeSingleEventOfType(.Value) { snapShot in
if snapShot.value is NSNull {
} else {
You can then call this like so:
MyClass.checkIfUserExists(uid) { success in
// use success here
// but not here
In your revised question, you demonstrate the use of dispatch groups to make this asynchronous method behave synchronously. (Semaphores are also often used to the same ends.)
Two issues:
This will deadlock if they dispatch their completion handler back to the main queue (and in many cases, libraries will do this to simplify life for us), because you're coincidentally blocking the very same thread they're trying to use. I don't know if that's what they've done here, but is likely.
If you want to confirm this, temporarily remove dispatch group and then examine NSThread.isMainThread and see if it's running in main thread or not.
You never should block the main thread, anyway. They provided an asynchronous interface for good reason, so you should use asynchronous patterns when calling it. Don't fight the asynchronous patterns, but rather embrace them.