mongoose response odd format - mongodb

What I'm trying to do is let the user get a list of posts that they have added to their favorites which is done by simply putting their _id into the post's favorites array.
when running that particular query, it comes back as an array with unnamed entries along with _locals in the array.
I need something more like Posts: [ {}, {} ], _locals.
How do I get it into that format?
var UserSchema = new Schema({
username : String,
firstName : String,
lastName : String,
email : String,
password : String
var PostSchema = new Schema({
author : { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
date : Date,
body : String,
username : String,
sid : String,
views : Number,
likes : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }],
favorites : [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' }]
and the get
app.get('/favorites', function(req, res) {
.find({ 'favorites': '58f4f9e5650785228016287f'})
.exec(function(err, favorites) {
res.render('favorites', favorites)
I get a response of
[ { _id: 58f4f9e96507852280162880,
author: 58f4f9e5650785228016287f,
body: 'test',
date: 2017-04-17T17:22:49.059Z,
username: 'test',
sid: 'BJ-xquGRl',
__v: 2,
favorites: [ 58f4f9e5650785228016287f ],
likes: [] },
{ _id: 58f500edd8abc7242c90d61c,
author: 58f4f9e5650785228016287f,
body: 'w00p w00p',
date: 2017-04-17T17:52:45.612Z,
username: 'test',
sid: 'BJ8g-tG0e',
__v: 1,
favorites: [ 58f4f9e5650785228016287f ],
likes: [] },
_locals: { user:
{ id: 58f4f9e5650785228016287f,
username: 'test',
firstName: 'test',
lastName: 'test',
email: '' } } ]

That _locals is something that Express adds to the object that you pass to res.render(). If you would reverse the function calls you made, it wouldn't be there anymore:
res.render('favorites', favorites);
However, the main issue is that you're passing an array (favorites) as argument to res.render(), which expects an object instead. The correct way of calling it would be by passing favorites as an object value:
res.render('favorites', { favorites : favorites });
// Or in recent Node versions:
// res.render('favorites', { favorites });


trying to populate a single field in each object inside an array of objects by dynamically picking the model to use with mongoose

I'm trying to use refPath to reference which collection to pull the population data from inside my schema, and even though it looks identical to the examples I've seen, its just not working.
Here is my schema for statesPersons, not super important, but it contains the activeWork array of objects.
import mongoose, {model, Schema} from "mongoose";
const statesPersonsSchema = new Schema(
profileId: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
department: {
type: String,
required: true,
index: true,
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
location: String,
org: String,
title: String,
jobDescription: String,
email: {
type: String,
lowercase: true,
phoneNumber: String,
activeWork: ["activeWork"],
emailList: [String],
jobAssignments: [String],
affiantInfo: {
affiantInfoTitle: String,
affiantInfoExperience: String,
assessments: [
assessdBy: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "statesPerson",
dueDate: Date,
questions: {},
{ strictPopulate: false }
export default mongoose.model("statesPersons", statesPersonsSchema);
Here is my schema for activeWork, the array of objects. This has the referenceId that I need to populate as well as the collectionType which I pull what collection it is from.
import mongoose, {model, Schema} from "mongoose";
const activeWorkSchema = new Schema(
active: Boolean,
collectionType: {
type: String,
enum: ["messages", "cases"],
referenceId: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
refPath: "collectionType",
sentBy: {
type: Schema.Types.String,
ref: "statesPersons",
sentTo: {
type: Schema.Types.String,
ref: "statesPersons",
timeRecived: Date,
dueDate: Date,
subject: String,
viewed: Boolean,
content: {},
{ strictPopulate: false }
export default mongoose.model("activeWork", activeWorkSchema);
And here is my query.
export async function getStatesPersonsActiveWorkByProfileId(req, res){
mongoose.set('debug', true);
const { profileId } = req.params
const data = await statesPersons
.find({ profileId })
return res.send({
message: "success",
data: data,
status: 200 })
}catch(e) {
return res.send({
message: "couldn't fetch active work",
data: null,
status: 500 })
its returning with the statesPersons object and the activeWork contains the objectId I need to populate, but its not populating. it looks like this.
"activeWork": [
"active": true,
"collectionType": "messages",
"referenceId": "63a49e3052658ce60c1dafcb",
"sentBy": "108416469928574003772",
"dueDate": "2018-02-21T11:16:50.362Z",
"subject": "testing",
"viewed": false,
"_id": "63a49e3052658ce60c1dafce"
I can force it to work by changing the query to be explicit.
const data = await statesPersons
.find({ profileId })
.populate({path: 'activeWork.referenceId', model: 'messages'})
which looks like this.
activeWork": [
"active": true,
"collectionType": "messages",
"referenceId": {
"_id": "63a49e3052658ce60c1dafcb",
"involvedParties": [
"comments": [
"sender": [
"dateSent": "2022-12-22T18:13:04.604Z",
"content": "There is no way this is going to work.",
"_id": "63a49e3052658ce60c1dafcc"
But this wont work because I need it to be able to pull what model to use from the collectionType field
sorry for the late response , it seems like you are trying to populate the multilevel documents multilevel population.
here is an example.
db.statesPersonsSchema.find({ profileId }). populate({
path: 'activeWorkSchema',
populate: { path: 'referenceId' }

mongoose: getting unknown objectId when stored string instead of objectId

According to me when i pushed 'ABC' instead of objectId, It should show some error like
Cast to ObjectId failed for value "ABC" at path "likes".
but when i print that updated data i saw some unknown objectId in likes array
My question is, what is that unknown objectId(6a61736f6e20626f75726e65) and why it is generated
User Model
new Schema({
name: { type: String,required:true},
}, { usePushEach: true ,timestamp:true});
Feed Model
new Schema({
user: { type: Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user', required: true },
name: { type: String,default:null, trim: true },
likes: [{ type : Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user',}],
}, { usePushEach: true ,timestamp:true});
In Feed Schema likes have reference to User Schema
var data = await feed.findByIdAndUpdate(
$push: { likes: 'ABC' }
var data = await feed.findById(postId);
Since you are pushing a String in likes which is not an ObjectId, you are getting this error.
Your schema clearly states that likes is an array of ObjectId:
likes: [{ type : Types.ObjectId, ref: 'user'}],
so you have to pass an ObjectId instead of user's name.
You have to do this:
// Whenever you are pushing value in `likes` `array`,
// you need to get the `ObjectId` of the user who liked the feed.
let userId = <userId_of_Ishwar>;
var data = await feed.findByIdAndUpdate(
$push: { likes: userId }

Ensure a unique index on nested reference on a mongoose schema

What I want is that a user can like a post only once, hence I uniquely indexed the user in the likes array to ensure the same, but it isn't working and I can't find out what is wrong here .
The schema looks like this :
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const postSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
author: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User' // User model
text: {
type: String,
required: [true, 'Post must have some text']
likes: [
user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
comments: [
author: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
text: {
type: String,
required: [true, 'Comment must have some text']
addedAt: {
type: Date,
createdAt: {
type: Date,
postSchema.pre(/^find/, function(next) {
path: 'author',
select: 'name avatar'
path: '',
select: 'name avatar'
// Ensure a user can like a post only once
postSchema.index({ 'likes.user': 1 }, { unique: true })
const Post = mongoose.model('Post', postSchema)
module.exports = Post
However when I send a post request to like a post twice via the same user it
shows no error.
Here is the postman output
I have tried both the ways listed in this, but none of them worked in this case.
Mongoose Index on a field in nested document
How do I ensure a user can like a post only once from the schema itself ?
Try saving likes in this format in the database
likes:[{type:mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,ref: 'User'}]
making it
and when the post like API is hit do
{$addToSet: {likedBy: userId}}
in update query,addToSet ensures no duplicate ids are maintained in the array.

Push ObjectId to nested array in Mongoose

(Basic library CRUD application)
I am trying to create a document containing some global data about a given book, and then within a User document, add the ObjectId of the newly-created book to an array containing all books belonging to that user.
I have three data models in my application:
var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
password: String,
email: String,
books: [BookInstanceSchema],
shelves: [String]
var bookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: {
type: String,
required: true
author: {
type: String,
required: true
description: String,
pageCount: Number,
ISBN: String,
googleID: String,
thumbnail: String,
publisher: String,
published: String,
var BookInstanceSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
bookId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Book'
userReview: String,
userRating: {
type: Number,
get: v => Math.round(v),
set: v => Math.round(v),
min: 0,
max: 4,
default: 0
shelf: String
The User model contains a nested array of BookInstances, which contain user-specific data such as ratings or reviews for a given book. A bookInstance in turn contains a reference to the global data for a book, to avoid duplicating data that isn't specific to any user.
What I'm trying to do is first save the global data for a book (thus generating an _id), and when done, save a bookInstance containing that _id in a given user's array of books:'/save/:id', function(req, res) {
var url = encodeurl('' +;
request(url, function(err, response, data) {
parsedData = JSON.parse(data);
var newBook = {
title: parsedData.volumeInfo.title,
author: parsedData.volumeInfo.authors[0],
description: parsedData.volumeInfo.description,
pageCount: parsedData.volumeInfo.pageCount,
ISBN: parsedData.volumeInfo.description,
publisher: parsedData.volumeInfo.publisher,
published: parsedData.volumeInfo.publishedDate,
thumbnail: parsedData.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail
Book.create(newBook, function(err, newBook) {
if (err) {
else {
User.findByIdAndUpdate(, {
$push: {
"books": {
bookId: newBook._id,
userRating: 0,
userReview: ''
upsert: true
function(err, data){
if(err) {
else {
I'm getting the error:
message: 'Cast to ObjectId failed for value "hjhHy8TcIQ6lOjHRJZ12LPU1B0AySrS0" at path "_id" for model "User"',
name: 'CastError',
stringValue: '"hjhHy8TcIQ6lOjHRJZ12LPU1B0AySrS0"',
kind: 'ObjectId',
value: 'hjhHy8TcIQ6lOjHRJZ12LPU1B0AySrS0',
path: '_id',
reason: undefined,
Every time, the value in the error (in this case, jhHy8T...) is different than the newBook._id I'm attempting to push into the array:
console.log(newBook._id); // 5a120272d4201d4399e465f5
console.log(mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(newBook._id)); // true
It seems to me something is wrong with my User update statement:
User.findByIdAndUpdate(, {
$push: {
"books": {
bookId: newBook._id,
userRating: 0,
userReview: ''
Any help or suggestions on how to better organize my data are appreciated. Thanks!

deep populating in mongoose

I've got two schemas,
one for user and another one for post
in the user schema, I've got a property for latestPost which would be an ObjectId of an entry in the post schema
when I load up the user object,
I want to get the lastestPost as an object that includes the author's username from the user schema where the author is an ObjectId that'd match an _id field in the user schema.
the mongoose tutorials seem to use the syntax of
User.findOne({ _id:})
.populate({ path: 'latestPost', populate: 'author'})
but it doesn't work
it's showing
{ _id: 58f54fa51febfa307d02d356,
username: 'test',
email: 'test#test',
firstName: 'test',
lastName: 'test',
__v: 0,
{ _id: 58f54fa51febfa307d02d357,
user: 58f54fa51febfa307d02d356,
author: 58f54fa51febfa307d02d356,
date: 2017-04-17T23:28:37.960Z,
post: 'Test',
__v: 0 } }
but I want it to show
author: {
username : something
how does one do something like this? is there something wrong with the design of the schema or the query?
var UserSchema = new Schema({
username : String,
firstName : String,
lastName : String,
email : String,
password : String,
views : Number,
latestPost : { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Post' }
var PostSchema = new Schema({
user : { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
author : { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
date : Date,
body : String
var User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
var Post = mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema);
User.findOne({ _id:})
.populate({ path: 'latestPost', populate: 'author'})
.exec(function(err, user) {
if (err) res.json(err)
Maybe just this.
I don't think you need .populate('latestPost') as your next .populate() should take care of populating the latestPost. Maybe that is interfering with the next one.
User.findOne({ _id: }).populate({
path: 'latestPost',
model: 'Post',
populate: {
path: 'author',
model: 'User'
}).exec(function (err, user) {
You need to provide the model name also in populate function:
var UserSchema = new Schema({
username : String,
firstName : String,
lastName : String,
email : String,
password : String,
views : Number,
latestPost : { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Post' }
var PostSchema = new Schema({
user : { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
author : { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
date : Date,
body : String
var User = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
var Post = mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema);
User.findOne({ _id:})
model: 'Post',
path: 'latestPost',
select: 'author -_id'
.exec(function(err, user) {
if (err) res.json(err)